Nietzsche’s Insight for Ni and Si Users

Nietzsche’s Insight for Ni and Si Users

Nietzsche’s Insight for Ni and Si Users The past is a heavy thing. It is the past that imprints upon our bodies all the pain we have felt, all the memories we have gathered, and all the sufferings we have endured. Trauma too, and the inability to cope adequately...
How do I develop my Se Parent?

How do I develop my Se Parent?

How do I develop my Se Parent? | CS Joseph RespondsTranscript:00:01 Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. I’m your host CEUs Joseph and today we are answering yet more acolyte questions. If you would like to become an acolyte and have your question featured here on...

Do golden pair relationships help develop the subconscious? | CS Joseph Responds  Do golden pair relationships help develop the subconscious? | CS Joseph...

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