Who would win a fight, ISTP or ISFP? | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph answers the Acolyte question who would win in a fight, ISTP or ISFP?


Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. I’m your host CS Joseph, because I love being repetitive all the time. Makes it easier on me. And I hope it makes it easier on the audience to even though it’s probably likely super annoying if, but never not be repetitive, right? Anyway, today’s question for today’s episode is, could you tell me which type would win in a fight? What an odd question, is that going to be an ISFP or an ISTP? And also, if that would change, depending on who started what it was overdrinking or sober limited a fist or no or any other variables that you find interesting, what an odd yet relevant question.

So let’s get down to it. So yeah, who would actually win in a fight, I would maintain every time, it’s probably going to be the ISTP ISFP ISFPs are outcome focused, they’re kind of, they’re very static, whereas the ISTP is more dynamic. So the ISTP, just from a nature standpoint, would have the ability to be more dexterous, have a little bit more movement. Whereas an ISFP is concentrating on the outcome.

Gotta land that Haymaker blow as much as they can all about like trying to, you know, concentrate the force into one point of energy to hit it, where it counts. And I guess it would make sense, since their subconscious is literally a clone of Napoleon, and they’re all about Napoleon is all about concentrating his forces are leading from the front, etc, within his strategy. But the ISTP still has an opportunity to actually rope a dope, the ISFP and ultimately take the fight. Not only that ISTPs are almost always or at least usually accomplished martial artists, some of the best martial artists in the world.

Like, Hawaiian, I actually got a G Kuno. Yeah, so Paul, Vu knack, for example. There’s also Darren Levine. These gentlemen are ISTPs.

And I mean, even Chuck Norris denies TV. So like, it’s more likely that an ISTP would be trained and actually have some formal training whereas an ISFP not so much. I honestly don’t really know. Or have even seen an ISFP who is involved in martial arts, except for like the occasional ISFP woman sometimes like when I’m in class, I might see one or two over throughout the year in my Krav Maga class, for example, but it’s just not common, whereas ISTPs are insanely common.

In fact, one of my, one of my best instructors, his name is Steven, fantastic fellow. Definitely an ISTP. And I love training Krav Maga under him, he is absolutely fantastic. And I’m very to have hit half him also also George the ISFJ.

But Steven always because of his expert intuition trickster, he over explains why he over explains like additional options and choices and what could actually happen in a fight, which is really great. He’s not so stoic or focusing on the system entirely. He’s actually able to define it a bit more. And even even in like, for example, if the ISTP was like drinking that ESTJ would absolutely his ESTJ shadow would absolutely pummel the ESF J, Shadow of the ISFP.

The ISFP is really not going to win if it’s just like bass fest. And honestly, the ISFP would be more likely to actually have a weapon on their person be that a knife or gun or something like that, or is the ISTP due to Fe inferior is not so likely to actually have a weapon, which too can be a thing. So and it’s kind of interesting because when you’re actually assessing threats using union analytical psychology, some types are more likely to carry weapons, other types are less likely to carry weapons ISTPs carrying weapons it’s just not really it’s just not really common with them it’s actually an uncommon thing. Whereas ISFPs they it is very common for them to carry weapons very much.

Very very common. Same with INTJ is that’s that’s also very common, inf J’s not so much ISTJ is it is a bit more common for them to carry weapons on their person. ESTJ’s not so much. I think it’s the affiliative nature of the ESTJ and the affiliative nature of the INFJ subconscious versus shadow within the ISTP that does that.

But if you’re just doing like drinking or sober and just regular fists, the ISTP is usually almost all like I would say at least four out of five times going to take the ISFP down. Really Absolutely. And the ISTP would probably fight a bit honorably until the ISFP starts fighting dirty than the ISTP is going to allow themselves to be dirty as a result, with the with the pirate like, way fair approach to fighting ISFPs are likely to go to anything goes instead of actually and they’ll there’ll be anything goes probably at the start of the fight. Whereas the ISTP would be a little bit honorable about the fight the beginning, but then eventually they’ll still overcome and still finish it.

I mean, and in, in my experience and watching a bunch of fights and people fight, you know, literally, it’s I this is just my personal opinion, because this is really subjective question. But based on my life experience, and everything that I’ve observed among these two types, absolutely, the ISTP is going to win. Really, I mean, that fit demon, especially when they don’t really care about themselves as much, they’re willing to actually take a couple more hits than the ISFP would. And they’re fast enough to actually do really nice counter attacks.

Like especially there’s that one counter attack when someone throws a punch to you and problem God, you do. You know, you do 360 defense, and then you just you move their fist that way. And then you’re just palm heel striking right in their face, etc, just a nice counter attack. Counter striking basically, and ISTPs are amazing at counter striking.

And they can just do it on the fly of quick super quick reaction time. Given that the ISFP is behind the scenes of the interaction styles, just informative responding outcome, that being behind the scenes, their reaction time is technically slower than an ISTP. So the ISTP is more dexterous, more dynamic, very fluid, open up to a lot of options, that can take a little bit more hits, because they don’t have an FYI in their ego, because they don’t care about themselves as much. And definitely, you know when the ISFP sets the tempo for the fight as they usually do, because sometimes it’s like blind rage, kind of like a bowl seeing red for example, the ISTP is going to respond and be able to take them down pretty easily.

So that’s just that’s just something to like get be aware of. It’s in terms of like martial arts styles that I commonly see ISTPs getting involved in Brazilian jujitsu is number one ISTP seem to be in Brazilian jujitsu like the most and then like second most karate, and third most definitely Krav Maga for sure. But the thing is, is that ISTPs like, my chiropractor is actually a world karate champion, interestingly enough, and he’s an ISTP ISTPs and just martial arts just absolutely speaks to them. And I would also recommend ISTPs consider martial arts as a career, because they’re just that skill.

They’re just that good. And especially since their supervisor types to en teepees and en TPS also, traditionally are amazing martial artists, including, like, for example, Bruce Lee, he was a popular martial artist. But that’s not to say that other types can be amazing martial artists either the founder of karma guy, he’s an INTJ Amy LICHTENFELD. So, it just it just really really depends and a lot of the styles out there actually really reflect the founder like jeet kune do is very ESTP oriented Krav Maga is very INTJ, like me, LICHTENFELD is, etc.

Brazilian jujitsu just seems to be like the ISTP, martial arts style, etc. But yeah, and like I said, you know, in terms of variables, the ISFP is likely to have a weapon on their person, or procure a weapon on site, like a club or a chair or something to fight against the ISTP. The ISTP is not likely to have a weapon. But that doesn’t make them any less deadly.

And they can quickly react in the moment and with a faster reaction time than an ISFP to finish the fight within 30 seconds to a minute. It absolutely, basically would go down that way. And it’s kind of interesting, too, because I’ve noticed that when you’re psychoanalyze like people like getting involved in UFC fights and what type there is, you can kind of get an idea as to probably who’s likely to win. And I wonder if that’ll actually affect betting as a result, because some types just with their nature are just better at fighting than others.

And that’s always been fascinating. I think a good example of that would be like Conor McGregor being an ENFP ENFPs. While decent at fighting, they’re not the best, they’re really not the best and an ENFP would likely lose to an ISTP in the long run, for example. So there’s, there’s just there’s just so many different variables to consider and I understand that’s why you’re asking me about the variables as a result, but I Either way, who would win in a fight typically be the ISTP for the reasons that are mentioned so anyway hopefully this answered question and thanks for watching listening folks and I’ll see you guys tonight you’re stone silver so can you you building strong


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