Which Types Have a Growth Mindset? (It’s Not Why You Think!) | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph answers the Acolyte member question which types have a growth mindset.


Can you? Log on and see us just a podcast. I’m your host, CS Joseph. Today’s question, which of the 16 types has more of a growth mindset? Which types are affected to have the growth mindset versus those that do not? And this is a great question, as I find it fascinating. The sources question.

Thank you, Nicholas for asking this question. It was a really good, very happy to have the opportunity to answer this. And my answer is definitely not going to be anyone as they expected. So most people think that, you know, thinkers or feelers you know, and it’s so interesting, like when you look at things from a Myers Briggs Type Indicator perspective, like from an MBTI point of view, you know, everyone has these different opinions about what constitutes a thinker or a feeler and some people assume feelers are more gauge to growth mindset.

Others might say that is thinkers that have the growth mindset. But the thing is, though, is there’s a lot of confusion, how are you defining thinker versus feeler, that’s something that there really isn’t actually often discussed, much less understood, you know, and that’s, that’s really frustrating. Because one of the things that really inhibits people when it comes to the MBTI is that the MBTI lettering system is extremely it’s, it’s limited, as, for example, INFJs are thinkers. ESFJs are thinkers or at least in general, FJ’s, FJ types are actually thinkers, they are not feelers, they are not feelers, they are thinkers, they are ti users, which means they have Introverted Thinking and their top four functions, so their function stack.

So from an MBTI point of view, they are thinkers, okay. So this whole idea that thinkers have a growth mindset or feelers have a growth mindset, which one has more of a growth mindset? I mean, if you look at it from just the MBTI lettering system alone, you’re never going to get your answer so I would avoid actually staying away from from that point of view entirely so grow walk walking by she’s like, Oh my god, are you filming me right now? So instead of walking in front of like, behind the camera, she’s walking even further because she’s frayed, obvious, extroverted, sensing inferior, any nemesis. So funny. So funny how people just think it’s all about them.

So, anyway, the point is, is that you can’t rely on the MBTI literary system. But even then, like, if you’re going to look at, you know, four sides dynamics, Jung and analytical psychology, and you’re going to compare thinkers by themselves, FJ is versus TPS, the reality of the situation is, is that f J’s, you know, see it differently compared to TPS. But why is it necessarily say, because when when we’re actually going to be discussing growth mindset, I mean, obviously, extroverted thinkers are very achievement oriented, they’re very achievement oriented, you know, X ray thinking parent and extra thinking hero, they start out their life, extremely achievement oriented. And usually, when it comes to achievement, there can be growth, right? The problem is, is that when you achieve something, you can have the tendency to rest on your laurels, and you’re not actually potentially going to achieve more because it’s like, Hey, I got to level that I got to I don’t think I could stop growing right now.

We see this all the time, people go get their bachelor’s degree, and they stop growing, they get their master’s degree, they stop growing, they think they’ve made it but the reality is situation is they haven’t made it, they haven’t made shit ever made shit at all. So like, that’s a lie. They’re basically like, lying to themselves. You know, this is one of the traps that extroverted thinkers get into, you know, and the higher te they are earlier in life, they’re gonna be really focused on achievements.

The lower te they are meaning their te child or te inferior. At the beginning of their life, they’re not going to care about achievements as much but at the end of their life, they are going to care about achievements much. So through thinking about growth mindset from an extroverted thinker perspective. That’s what it looks like.

The thing is, is that it’s the growth is entirely limited by the achievements themselves. There is no growing for the sake of growing right. However, the thinkers of the types, which the 16 types have the highest capacity or potential for the growth mindset, and that are TPS and F J’s. However, however the problem is is that there’s a huge difference between TPS and F J’s.

So TPS have this perspective. They’re the TI parents and the TI heroes. TPS have this thing like, Hey, I just know the truth. I know the facts and social norms should bend around the facts that I know.

Basically, this means that TPS are the creators of social norms. And truth is separate from social norms. And from the TP perspective tip types in TPS is TPS. INTP ENTP ESTP ISTP these four types.

Like, they believe that they determine social norms, what the truth that they know, and the facts that they know should determine social norms and which has actually ended up being true because in the long run, it’s a teepee types that actually end up creating social norms that everyone else adopts, that all of humanity adopts. And ultimately F J’s really adopt F. J’s, however, have this perspective where they don’t really consider whether or not something is true or false, unless it’s already socially accepted, which is a huge problem. So primarily, primarily, they’re not going to think something is true, unless it’s already socially acceptable, or if it is socially acceptable.

And then they’ll consider if it’s true or false, which is really lame, and actually can end up creating an echo chamber not to say that the TPS can have an echo chamber, and they can, but FPGAs are extremely high risk of it, because they just don’t really know how to handle input, or they’ll listen to anyone’s input, or they’ll listen to no input entirely, that just creates an echo chamber. So while FDA is think that they’re creating social norms, they’re not they’re actually facilitating social norms that have been created by the TPS the TPS created the social norms. And then it’s the F J’s who are actually just adopting those social norms, and then enforcing those social norms based on facts derived from pre existing social norms, right? Whereas TPS are creating those social norms. So based on this logic, we can actually determine a few things, right? TPS being very deterministic in terms of their ability to determine what social norms should be, and all TPS are pragmatic.

But all FJ is are affiliative. Okay, so who has the greater growth mindset? How could an FJ have a greater growth mindset? If they’re the ones who are adopting the social norms? Like how does that even work? Know what I mean? Like what does that actually say about them? How could they have a growth mindset? Well, they don’t, they really don’t. They’re adopting other growth mindsets, they are adopting other social norms. So their growth mindset is based on their ability to adopt and adapt other social norms and then enforce them upon themselves and other people, basically.

And that is essentially their growth mindset. But it is not a true growth mindset. The true growth mindset is actually with TP types, those types of the ones who have the truest growth mindset, because they are constantly aware of the true and false on a regular basis as ti heroes and ti parents. And they’re the ones who are creating a growth mindset that is adopted by others, they are discovering a growth mindset for themselves, and then actually living that growth mindset.

Therefore, everyone else is basically, you know, their growth mindsets, their social norms are entirely determined based on teepee types, living by example, right? That’s why, like, you know, usually prefer to not tell people how to live their life. Instead, what I like to do is just live my life the way I think I should live my life. And then, as a result of that, I am basically a living example. I am a living example of what you know of how to others in terms of how I live my life.

People understand my lifestyle, people understand what I do. And then in terms of, you know, how I conduct business, how I conduct family, how I conduct my sexual relationships, basically. And they see, that’s how I live my life. So I’m an example to those people.

I don’t have to tell them, you know, if they see that there’s someone like me, living my life, living my lifestyle, the way that I do. And they see me being successful with it. Naturally, they’re going to want to live by that example, or not live by that example. But regardless, My example is going to impact their nurture.

My example, is already creating a social norm. You know, like And that’s it, you know, like, because it’s normal for me, that means it could be normal for other people, even though it’s not normal for other people. And teepee types are typically seen as types who are abnormal by the rest of the 16 types just by default, you know, like the intp is, you know, those are the mother’s basement type, or the en teepees who are super edgy, creepy roguish people, or the ISTPs, who are like this adrenaline rush, you know, moving from one rush to the next, or the ESTPs, who are seen as extremely harsh and potentially abusive, and no one wants to be around them anyway, you know, but we all live our life the way we want to, or how we should, and eventually, people out there adopt our way of living based on our example. You know, it’s just, it’s just natural, even even intp is intp is, you know, collectively, especially intp men, you know, they’re like, a pretty beta, you know, all of a sudden, it’s okay for everyone to play video games in their basement, it’s okay for everyone to get black pill, that’s okay, you know, that kind of a thing, you know, like, or do MIG tau men going their own way? You know, that’s the intp way, right? Or the, the red pill way, which is kind of closer to the E and TP side, you know, but regardless, I mean, you could look at the TP types is like, you know, kind of like the sigma males, you know, from like a male perspective, they just live we just live our lives do our own thing.

In general, I’m talking in general for teepees, obviously, you know, not, you know, as life changes, you know, the first week last last week first, you know, ESTPs they start out mega mega Alpha early in the life they end up being super, super beta by the end of their life, you know, okay, that’s very subjective and debatable here, I know, I’m no one being subjective with this, but but the point is, it ends up becoming this thing where like, people just aren’t, people just aren’t aware. People are just not like aware of these dynamics. So here’s the thing, like tepees have this perspective, like, I’m gonna live my life the way I want to, so they have no choice but to grow. They have no choice but to do it alone anyway.

And then a byproduct of them growing and having their own internal TP growth mindset. They live by it. And then they create an example basically, that FDA is looking at, and F j’s are like, okay, no, we’re not going to adopt that lifestyle, or sometimes I’ve changed or like, yeah, I will adopt that lifestyle, and then they will enforce it upon other people. So what I’m saying is ISFJ types are actually dependent upon TPS leading the creation of social norms so that they can facilitate those social norms.

That’s the point. That’s entirely the point. So So based on that, like, it’s, you know, it’s so funny, you know, because like, you know, FJ is, you know, sometimes they like to pump themselves up and whatnot, but they’re really just adopting social norms. They’re just enforcing, they’re just facilitating.

They’re not the source. They’re not the source of the growth mindset. teepee types are the source of the growth mindset for the rest of humanity, basically. So anyway, folks, I hammered that one pretty good.

So thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys on the next episode.


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