What is the ENFP Learning Style? | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph Responds to the Acolyte question what is the ENFPs learning style?


Hey what’s up ego hackers. Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. I’m your host CS Joseph, today’s acolyte question, we’re going to be discussing learning styles. And I’m actually really excited for this question.

And today’s question is, what is the learning style, the primary learning style of the ENTP archetype? Great question, I get the talk about myself. And finally, it’s been a while since we’ve had in the ENTP questions, which is cool. And I also notice that we have an ISTJ question coming up around the corner very soon getting some more of the sensors in there. Need more ESFJ questions, folks, the more ESTJ questions, this more SJ questions would be nice.

And also some more SP questions, the more sensing based questions. But yeah, like, if you guys want to get questions relating to your type become an acolyte member. And you know, combined with the journeyman membership is only 100 bucks a month. And you get one question month where you get to ask the team where myself or Chris Taylor will be answering it here on the podcast or on the YouTube channel.

Basically, any question you want, within reason, sometimes we reject questions and have you change your question, but for the most part, we try to get every one of them in that we can. So yeah, check that out CS joseph.ly forward slash members become journeyman, then upgrade to acolyte from there, or CS joseph.ly forward slash portal, if you already are a journeyman, and you can upgrade to acolyte from there as well. So anyway, yeah, it’s awesome learning styles. You know, I always I always get confused on learning styles, because there’s so many different than I will admit, just like upfront, I am not an expert at learning styles at all.

I’m really just an expert at Union analytical psychology and foresights dynamics, as well as Okta, Graham, but I really just, it’s not really my strong suits. Honestly, Chris Taylor is definitely more effective at answering learning style questions than I am, because he’s got a lot more experience with it. And he’s always told me about how ENFPs, for example, are always visual learners and they require visual aids in order for them to really take in information. And that visual aid, assists extroverted thinking child to be able to make the connections because they have Introverted Thinking trickster, which makes it very difficult for them to filter information and actually put the information in a proper order.

Whereas if you have a visual aid, for example, the ENFP is able to actually see the connections between the information very easily and it makes it a lot easier for their expert thinking child to absorb them. However, when it comes to NTP, and TPS are a little bit bit more, we’re like, the level of interesting that we have is, well, it’s very interesting because we have Introverted Thinking parent, but we also have extroverted thinking critic, so we’re able to interface with the entire spectrum of thinking, thinking judgment, basically, because it’s too pessimistic functions is our parent function and our critic. And when you have when you have introverted decision maker, and an introverted or an extroverted decision making function that basically gives you mastery over thinking versus feeling like for example, INFJs are masters over feeling in terms of morals and ethics and that perspective, because they have F functions in their parents and their critic slot right. Just like I have T functions in my parent and critic slot.

Same thing goes with the ENFP for their Introverted Feeling parent and X rated feeling critic, however, where the ENFP struggles is, you know, the fact that their te functions is child and trickster. So then it makes it very difficult, especially from a learning perspective, learning is often done well, at least the information that comes from learning basically, you know, you perceive information with your perception functions, but to actually really learn and filter or categorize information properly, you have to rely on your TI functions which is extroverted thinking and Introverted Thinking in order to actually pull that off, right. So, how does an NTP go about doing it? Well, NTP is we’re a little bit different. i There’s a certain phenomenon when it comes to learning and how we take in information because I have heard from multiple people, including my INFJ mentor, Robert boreal.

He he made it very clear to me that like one day we were ain’t wearing like a Whole Foods one day actually. And going down the aisle and I read like, everything’s super quick like I take in all of the information in front of me super quick. I read so fast that I could read every single product that’s in the aisle. And then my logic my my Introverted Thinking parent is like, okay, is this what we’re looking for? Or not? Is this or not? Is this it or not? Is this it or not? And this going through that process on every single item on the shelf? Did I do it within a few seconds? It just done? And I’m like, No, it’s not here, move on, or there it is.

And then I hand it to him. And he’s like, Wow, no one takes in information faster than you do Chase. And the thing is that no one takes an information faster than en TPS. I mean, we’re starter types, we’re all about, you know, speed and whatnot.

Plus, we have that mastery of thinking because our T functions are both in the parents and the critic sloth simultaneously, slimmer to INTJ. The thing is, is the INTJ is because they have Introverted Intuition hero, it’s like a sniper rifle. So their, their range of vision is extremely small. It’s like, looking through a periscope, or a, like a scope, like a sniper scope on a sniper rifle, looking at each individual thing, and it takes them awhile to get through it, even though they aren’t, you know, triple progression, triple movement, and they’re very quick as a result.

The thing is, though, is that it’s still difficult for them. But for me, expert intuition hero, basically, it’s like a shotgun, and you know, it’s a shotgun going out, it’s a shotgun coming in, and I could just take in all that information all at once, and then instantly filter, it was introverted, thinking parent makes it a lot easier. So NTPs, being able to take an information so quickly, is an amazing skill. But because of expert intuition hero, we’re also able to parse out our brains to multitask and taking in information while also simultaneously doing a task and some other capacity at the same time, which is also pretty amazing that we’re even able to actually do that, right.

So one of the things that were able to do, you know, because of that, and, you know, fib on the discord server. He is also living proof of this, because I told him one day is like, hey, why don’t you just get like one of your apple air pods or a wireless, you know, you know, earbud and stick in your ear while you’re doing your job, and listen to audiobooks while you’re doing the menial tasks of your job. And he did. And he read books rapidly.

This is actually how I read so many books like my record. And the amount of books that I read in like one year was 22 books in a year. I’m trying to get up to 26 books a year, which is one book every two weeks, basically. But you know, basically, when I’m working or doing menial tasks, I’m always listening to an audiobook.

And that’s, in my opinion, the main learning style of an ESTP is auditory, we just can take in information auditorily very easily, and and then we’re able to even go even further. As we’re listening to information and taking in concepts. We’re also able to like perform menial tasks at the same time, which allows us to, you know, save so much time, it means that we can have this really lousy dead end minimum wage job, for example, or any job for that matter, that could be potentially boring. But we’re still being consistently stimulated by taking in new information and learning simultaneously.

And it keeps our brain awake, because otherwise our brain would just be like, Oh, this is so boring, this is so dull, we’re able to actually able to like take care of our brains in that particular moment. Because it’s like, Hey, I’m able to distract myself with taking in all this additional information, like that shotgun approach of taking it all in. And that’s what we ended up doing. And it’s amazing.

You know, so auditory, it’s, it’s great to be able to learn it. But here’s the other thing is that sometimes though, it’s not enough for us to take in information or concepts, you know, from an auditory perspective. Sometimes when it comes to actually learning physical tasks instead of conceptual things, conceptual things, like from a book, physical tasks, it’s really just not enough for someone to show us how to do it, you know, we’re not really necessarily visual learners that way. We have to experiment and do the thing ourself.

So we have someone so we have to have someone to mimic. So we end up mimicking them. So yeah, auditory may be our primary learning style. But we also have to do the action or do the skill ourselves and then repeat it and we learned through repetition of us doing it.

So we have to experiment with it, which is also potentially, you know, we ended up failing a lot. You know, it’s kind of like, you know, Tesla’s saying, oh, yeah, I discovered a or is it Edison? No, I don’t think it’s Edison. Edison is a crook. Anyway.

It’s Tesla that said and I could be wrong someone put in the comments and correct me please. But you know, Oh, I see you failed a lot there. And it’s like, Oh no, I just discovered a 1000 different ways to, to not do it to do this task wrong, because the only way to figure out how to do it right once, basically. And that’s what en teepees are all about, we have to consistently experiment over and over and over with things until we get to a point where we’re comfortable with doing the skill, comfortable, the repetition, comfortable with doing mimicry, and mimicking what we saw someone else do, but we have to do it ourselves until it becomes second nature for ourselves, basically.

So auditory first, but then we have to learn through mimicry and reputation, we have to prove our learning, basically, through mimicry, and repetition, we have to do it ourselves. So we take in the information, you know, from an auditory perspective, and that’s our preferred learning style. It’s so funny because like, oftentimes, you know, we’ll even produce visual aids to help people understand us. But when people are presenting us visual aids, we barely pay attention to those visual aids, much to their chagrin, it really bothers them sometimes, and usually, we’re just listening and like, trying to get all the information, you know, from an auditory perspective.

But then, you know, still, we have to prove that we learned it. And we do that through mimicking someone else, or mimicking or trying it out for ourselves trying out the ideas for ourselves. Now, Robert Potts, who’s in the community, he, he’s a madman on the discord server. And if you want to get on a Discord server, that’s discord.gg, forward slash ego hackers, you might want to go check that out, please join the discord server, it’s hyper active, we have, we’re coming up on 1600 active users on the discord server, it’s very well moderated, not very much trolling or abuse that that you would typically see on a Discord server.

But the point is, is that you can talk to all these people that I’m talking about, and just message them and be like, hey, CSJ mentioned you on the podcasts, you know, who are you Where do you all about, you can you can have conversations to them. And they can also confirm the things that I’m saying about them, as well. But the point is, is that you got to get to a point where, you know, as an intp, you are you’re learning auditorily, but you have to, with your auditory learning, but you have to prove it, you have to mimic it, you have to, you know, sure you can be shown something, but if you don’t do it yourself, and prove to like, say an ISTP is showing you how to do something, if you don’t do it yourself, and then keep trying and keep repeating and keep trying to mimic them, you’re not really going to gain the skill. But as I said, Robert Potts calls it being the method actor of process.

NTPs take the specific skill or the lesson, and they wear it as a second skin and they try it out. They try good things. They try bad things, they try evil things. We try everything because we’re pragmatic like that we’re very independent, and we’re going to keep trying, and then eventually, as it becomes our second skin, and we are this thing, you know, then we’ll cut away we’ll parse the things that we don’t want anymore, or that are useless to us, basically.

And it basically becomes a part of ourselves. But we couldn’t get there without initially having that auditory learning. So and that is the answer. So anyway, folks, thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys on the next episode.



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