What Is the Ego? | CS Joseph Responds


Season 1, Episode 1 Transcript


CS Joseph Responds to the Acolyte question what is the ego? Presented by Samuel Nicodemus, aka Iamanintellectual.


Are you? Welcome to CS Joseph the podcast, I’m your host fan life. And today that question is, which side of the mind is my ego? And if your default side of the mind, Okay, gotcha guesses the next episode and see it? Nope, not our app, okay? You have to go a bit deeper into it. So every personality has four sides of mind. And I’m going to be using the intp example, throughout this entire video, but I will go into other types because while intp is are easier for me to explain, because I am one, but the four side of the mind for an intp, the default the ego is the intp side of the mind, then you get into the sub conscience, which I know last time I did this, it’s backwards.

So the sub conscience is, like the side that you aspire into, is generally where happiness is stored, like, like more of a Glee type of happiness of over being content, and this would be my ESFJ sides of the mind, the opposite of the intp, just switch around the letters, then you have the unconscious side of the mind, which is generally where a person’s maturity is as well as happiness in a content manner. Generally, people that are a little more focused on their own conscience are balanced out, because there’s like a new set of functions in here. The subconscious has like the same functions as the ego, but they’re just flipped around. For the unconscious.

It’s your it’s your ego functions, but the extraversion is swapped out for intp as they lead by Ti hero, their unconscious the INTJ side of mind leads by expert thinking te and for that you just flip flop out the the last two letters, so I becomes E, P becomes J, there we go. And then there is a super ego, which would be the ISSP side of the mind. This is generally where a lot of destruction happens. But the advantage of it is new growth.

Generally, if you need a reset button, you go straight to your ISP side of the mind. And those functions just kind of bring everything back to a default. And for that you just flip, flop out the middle two letters. And there you go.

That is four sides dynamic of a personality type. So we’ll dive deeper into each of the sides of the mind will first begin with the ego, as I mentioned, your default side of the mind, where you have your four primary functions that are conscience all the time, where you’re aware of like, let’s say, if you’re an foi user, that’s because you have FYI, and your ego. So you’re aware of how you feel like labeling things as good and bad, essentially, at all times. And something has to go horribly wrong for you to not be aware of that in the same way that I have thinking in my ego.

As my hero slot, I’m always deciding for myself, what is true and what is false, you know, so we’ll get into each of the four slots, because that TI or FYI, can be anywhere amongst four slots. So for me as a TI hero, I have my hero function, which is involved with being my go to it. The thing that I lead by it is the thing that I will try before I do anything else. It is essentially my super weapon, preferred arsenal.

So I tend to solve all my problems, or at least start off with my hero where you know, I’m like, Okay, I’ll use my logic to build a system for this and that and that. Then we have the parent function, which is the second slot. For me, that’d be extroverted intuition. And if I hadn’t mentioned this already, I’m using myself as an example because that is far easier for me to do than other types.

But for me, I have expert intuition parent, which is about responsibility. If it’s irresponsible, it’s called a teenager. But you know, for responsibility, it’s you’re considering potential patterns in the future. And you’re trying to use that to avoid or put yourself in positions of different scenarios.

And then we have the child’s function with about purity and everyone kind of need that to have a sense of of happiness, generally people that are like, you know, introverted intuition child that aren’t taking risks and doing what they want, they’re generally a lot sadder. Because while their child function is not being used, and it’s super easy to abuse, which is part of why we get the parent function is to help us step out of that abuse. Part of that I learned from see the 19 personal growth for the 16 types, mind being intp, you know, I learned that me being very hedonistic, with my si child, you know, being like, oh, my gosh, good experience, good experience, actually makes me very easy to exploit. And looking back, I can see that were, you know, I would, I would do a favor that I wouldn’t want to do just because there’s like candy at the end.

And it was just like, wow, that’s unfortunate. And, I mean, the candy was good. But, you know, it’s stuff that I didn’t want to do. But, you know, now that I’m working on my temper, it’s a bit more, I should be a lot less easy to exploit.

But if you guys want to look at some examples for your types, go to CS Joseph dot life slash portal. And you guys can get started on your journey. But yeah, the child’s function. Very pure, precious, I like it.

And then we have the Inferior function, which is a sense of anxiety, and being afraid. So on my end, I have extroverted feeling inferior, I guess it’s technically infant, but I’m going to keep calling an inferior, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. So I have extroverted feeling inferior, where accurate feelings about the social norms and other people’s emotions and a sense of guilt. And I am very nervous at all times to you know, like how other people are feeling and making sure that I’m not like breaking social rules and all that other stuff.

And it could be quite a problem. And luckily, that can inspire a bit more and actually do really well with being liked. And that sort of thing. Like, you know, I, most places I go to, people are generally like, wow, Sam is such a nice and friendly and sweet person, and stuff like that.

And I’m just like, thanks. But you know, that’s part of subconscious work. So your Inferior function aspires. And then towards the subconscious, the inferior is the gateway into that.

So on my end, that’s the ESFJ side of the mind where the inferior kind of becomes like a new hero, the child also becomes like a new parent, and so on, so forth. Now that dragon after a while, because you can only take so much energy, and the more versatile you become with your sides of the mind, the longer you can last in them. But, you know, I can be pretty friendly and sociable for a certain length of time before I’m just like, I’m tired, I want to go to bed. It can be rough, it can be rough.

But you know, it’s worth it to develop yourself further and be able to spend more time in our other sides of the mind, the other side of the mind that you could go into the unconscious, which I mentioned is the functions of the ego. But you know, the extraversion is different. So you have a whole new set of functions with different roles. It’s almost like a dark mirror of it almost like law rule from Zelda Link to the Past.

Or like how their venom and spider man and stuff like that, but we have the Nemesis function, which is the gateway into your own conscience. And for me, that’s extroverted thinking, you know about status and reputation, credentials, that type of stuff. And it is a sense of worried Enos, where anxiety and being afraid are a lot more painful per se. Word is a little bit more of the back of your mind.

And like just kind of dwelling sense. I am worried about you know, the credentials and my reputation, and that kind of stuff. And the goal of the Nemesis function is to train your hero function to get it into action because the heroes just like, oh, yeah, I’m ti hero. I’m super logical and smart.

And then the extroverted thinking nemesis, like wow, prove it, and I’m like, Okay, I guess I’ll do stuff. Because the Nemesis is a lot closer to your demon function, which is like the ultimate enemy. So it’s trying to like train for that ultimate battle. And, you know, once the Nemesis gets a little more strained out, it becomes like An ally, sort of like, you know, Superman and Lex Luthor.

When you know, they’re that alien invasion, they both team up and start fighting the bad guy, or spider man. And then you have the critic function, which is everyone’s favorite. This is a function but is a lot more harsh than the Nemesis Where is kind of like, very critical of other people and themselves and it’s very difficult to please. But developing the critic function also as a way to develop your parents function because let’s say in my case, introverted intuition what I want, you know, if I started thinking of what I want, then I’m like, Okay, how do I get what I want, then I have to consider possibilities per se.

And, you know, that’s part of how that develops. But by default, and a critic doesn’t really want a lot of things, and general just kind of refuses to want. And then we’ve got the Trickster function, which is essentially a avoid in yourself, where it’s like, you think you can do this this one thing? And you’re very adamant about that, but yeah, no, you can’t, at least very well. And, you know, I still struggle with this.

But on my end, I have extroverted sensing trickster, which is kind of about what’s normal, as well as physical execution of things. Yeah, I have a hard time not being like, wow, I can execute on this. I can, you know, do well, with my appearances and trying things for the first time and I can’t out logic it, I can’t do it. Well, I have to do things right.

Actually prepare, and that kind of stuff. But yeah, it’s, it’s hard to let go, man, it’s hard to let go. If I play with machines a lot. It’s hard for me to convince myself I’m not good with extroverted sensing.

And then we got the demon function, which is very dismissive, and very hostile, per se. Generally, people don’t want to use their demon functions, even though it is an insanely powerful tool. It’s just playing with fire, where it’s like, yeah, you’re gonna burn yourself, you’ll burn everyone else, you’ll burn the house. There’s a lot of complications with that.

And usually, it’s only used in scenarios where there’s like trauma, you want a life reset, you’re done. And this is your entrance into the super ego. You know, on my end, I really don’t address my FIDM and my emotions. Unless I am just done, I am completely apathetic, I’m okay with walking away.

You know, introverted intuition. Usually doesn’t want what it wants. And it really only goes after what it wants, and a sense of like, vengeance and conviction, you know, or, you know, or extroverted sensing demon where it’s like, you know, it’s not getting a good experience. So it’s gonna give everyone else a bad experience, usually, you know, Joker laugh, you know, some people want to see the world burn, that type of stuff.

So, yeah, that’s super ego. When you enter that, you know, your function swap again. So you know, your demon becomes your leading function. And then, you know, so on trickster, this parent, the critic becomes like the child’s function like a demon child, and then, you know, the Nemesis is like an inferior per se.

But yeah, there’s a lot of things to keep track of, especially as different sides of minds playing different roles. You know, how do you like, keep track of that? How do you type other people and can mistake for different sides of the mind being a play? Well, I recommend ego hacking by text, we have an upcoming course. It’ll be available on Black Friday, we’ll have a huge one time discount on it, but it is about going through other people’s texts, and analyzing piece by piece, what functions are a play, what affinities and what interaction styles are coming into play, and you’ll be able to type other people through any written thing. And it’ll be great because you have your words adjusted so that people can understand and resonated with more, so keep an eye out for it.

It’ll be starting this week. And that’s all I have for this episode. Stay tuned for the next acolyte podcast, and I’ll be sure to answer your question. Take care guys later.



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