Season 1, Episode 8 Transcript


Chase: Hey, guys. So, yesterday we talked about extraverted sensing as one of the eight cognitive functions, and it’s the first that I’m doing as part of the perception functions, the functions in which we use to gather information. The function I’m going to talk about today, is the other side of extraverted sensing, which is know as introverted intuition.

Chase: Introverted intuition, or capital N, lowercase I, or Ni is, basically, what people utilize in conjunction with extraverted sensing, because they’re on an axis. So, you have extraverted sensing, and you have introverted intuition, and one feeds in to the other. “I want to do what you are doing.” Introverted intuition, extraverted sensing. Or, “I see what you’re doing, and I like what you’re doing, so I want to do that.” That’s, basically, how those functions work and, kind of, how it comes out in people’s speech.

Chase: So, introverted intuition is very interesting, because it is an intuitive function, just like extraverted intuition is, but it’s an introverted variant. It, basically, means an individual knows their own future, basically. They’re able to prognosticate or predict their own path forward. So, some synonym terms for introverted intuition is, what I want to do, what I intend, what I desire, what I’m going for, what’s my goal, what’s my path forward, et cetera. It’s all about those types of things. It’s like, what do I want? That’s introverted intuition.

Chase: So, that’s kind of different than introverted sensing, because although people use introverted sensing a lot, with the word “want,” it’s more like, “what I want to experience,” instead of, like introverted intuition, which is “what I want to get later.” It’s more future based, whereas, introverted sensing is more past based, or experiential. Extraverted sensing is all about giving sensation. Introverted sensing is about receiving sensation, but introverted intuition is about looking into one’s own future, knowing what they desire, knowing what one wants to do before they do it, or what path they want to walk.

Chase: Sometimes they get started on one path, and they divert on another path entirely, but, introverted intuition allows them to stay very focused, kind of, like a sniper rifle, on their goal or what they want to do. This is, typically, seen of most of the, well three of the four throughout the course, types, which we’ll talk about throughout the course, also know as the “see it through types,” when we get into interaction styles later. But, for right now, it’s all about those individuals that are trying to see things through, because they have that path, they’re moving forward, and they’re just moving forward with it. And that’s introverted intuition.

Chase: Another good way to say it, introverted intuition child, which is the inner child function of the ISFP and the ISTP, those two types, for example, how they use it, it’s like they have liquid luck. Because introverted intuition is the luck cognitive function, by far. The higher awareness you have, and if it’s in a primary versus secondary slot … So, for example, hero and child are primary slots. Parent and inferior are secondary slots. If your introverted intuition is in a primary slot, it means that they really got good luck going on for them, and they can really emphasize luck very well.

Chase: Why is that? Well, for example, if you look at introverted intuition child, and you have an ISTP child trying to run across a minefield, somehow, someway, by some miracle, he’s always able to get to the other side of the minefield without causing a landmine to explode. It’s because introverted intuition child is so innocent. It’s very divine. It can, literally, get through any obstacle. That’s how introverted intuition child works.

Chase: Introverted intuition hero, is also very similar in that manner. For example, INFJs, because they have introverted sensing demon, their bodies … same with INTJs, but mostly INFJs … their body breaks down faster. They’re more likely to catch disease than other people, especially, rare diseases. But because they have introverted intuition hero, they’re more likely to bounce back from those diseases, and because of that they can end up getting some insane … Like for example, someone has some insane meningitis and then all of a sudden they get back to it, or they have a blood clot, which is the size of your fist, and it comes out of there. They do open-heart surgery to pull them out, and somehow that INFJ patient is able to survive. I know, because that’s, like, my uncle, for example.

Chase: So, yeah, introverted intuition, very future focused. Some people use it for just, okay, you know, “I want to do what I see you doing,” or things like that. Again, it’s like a sniper rifle. It allows these people to really, really focus in and zoom in on what they want, whereas, extraverted intuition is more like a shotgun, trying to look at all paths forward, whereas, introverted intuition is about finding the best, the number one path forward in all cases. That’s what these people try to do. They try to optimize their success by finding the best path forward. It’s not about trying to go all directions at once. It’s about finding a singular path moving forward, basically. It’s, kind of, movement oriented in that way, because it’s going somewhere. The introverted intuition function is going places.

Chase: So, what types are introverted intuition users? Well, that is the ENTJ, the ENFJ, the ESTP, the ESFP, the ISTP, the INTJ, the INFJ, as well as, the ISFP. So, eight of the sixteen types are all introverted intuition users. Then they, obviously, have introverted intuition hero, which we talked about. There’s introverted intuition parent, that’s where someone’s responsible of what they want, responsible with their desires, responsible with their goals, with where they’re going. Those are, typically, mentors, also know as ENFJs, or chiefs, which are ENTJs. Those two are very responsible with their goals and what they want. They don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis, trying to look at, like, trying to spend so much time looking for the best path forward, that they end up missing the bus entirely.

Chase: There’s also introverted intuition child, which we talked about with the minefield example. There’s introverted intuition inferior, which is the fourth function. It’s where people are insecure about what they want. So, that’s ESTPs and ESFPs. Those two types are just straight up insecure and afraid of what they want. They do want things, but they’re not going to take action on those things, because they’re afraid of what they want. They spend so much time gathering information and looking at what other people are doing, that they end up deciding not to make a decision at all. That’s why ESTPs and ESFPs are notorious for failure to launch syndrome. Like, for example, that person in the mother’s basement too long, typically, actually is an ESP type, because they’re so insecure about making decisions, because they’re afraid of wanting the wrong thing, and it’s really frustrating.

Chase: So, the only way to get them comfortable with what they want, is to really pair them up with any child, which is like, ESTJ or ESFJ types, because they’re like, “Oh, hey.” They’re all about what everyone else wants, and they’re all about what their ESTP or ESFP lover wants, so they continue to show them options. Like, “Here’s all the paths forward I see for you. Go ahead and choose the best one,” or “I think this path is the best one for you, because of X, Y, and Z.” It really reinforces those ESPs to be able to make those decisions, because they’re afraid of what they want.

Chase: We’ll talk more about type compatibilities and which types are actually more compatible than others. Like, I see some crazy things. Like, ENTP and ISFJ are the most compatible, according to Socionics. That is just flat out wrong. In fact, it’s polar opposite. I wouldn’t recommend that. Same goes with like, ISFP and ENTJ relationships, or ESTJ, INFP relationships. Like, no. That’s not even going to happen, like, in no world. Like, people think their duality or dualist type pairings are great, but … Anyway, that’s not really relevant.

Chase: Anyway, back on track here. So, introverted intuition is a perception function. It’s what people use to know what they want, know their desires. The less introverted intuition you have, the more likely you’re duty based, so, like, an Si user, introverted sensing, whereas, introverted intuition is all about desire. It’s all about that want. It’s all about that fire. You know, whereas, introverted sensors are more like earth types, earthy types. But introverted intuition is definitely fire. You know, extraverted intuition is also like water, so it’s kind of interesting how that works. You have fire and water, because extraverted intuition is trying to envelop everything, whereas, introverted intuition is extremely precise. It’s trying to burn whatever’s available there, because it’s very precise and right there on the edge, whereas, water is just everywhere. Right?

Chase: So, that’s the difference between the two, in that regard. Is there anything else? Oh, with introverted intuition types, because they’re also Se users, if you have an introverted intuition user, you’re also automatically an Se user. You have to allow freedom. Freedom is important, freedom of choice. You cannot tell an introverted intuitive that they can’t have freedom. It’s just not going to work. If you lock them in a room with, like, one door and no windows, one way or another, they’re coming through the door, even if it’s locked. They’re coming through the door, because they cannot stand having their freedom taken away.

Chase: This is especially bad when their Se is super high, like in all of the SPs, where it’s hero and parent. Although, Se child and Se inferior, with NJ types, you know, it’ll take them a little bit longer to come through the door, but not too long. One way or another, all of them are coming through the door, because they do not allow their freedom to be hampered in any way, shape, or form. Always give the introverted intuitive the choice to say or explore what they want. If you don’t give them that choice, they’ll hate you.

Chase: So, it’s important to give … So, like, when you’re parenting a child, and you know that he’s an Se user, give him a choice. It’s something like this. “Do you want to go to bed now, or do you want to go to bed in five minutes?” Right? You’re giving the child the choice. Either choice lands them in bed, but you’ve given them a choice, and they appreciate that, whereas, an Si user child, you just tell, “Okay, you’re going to bed now.” Then they’ll accept it. Right?

Chase: Children are different that way, so knowing their cognitive functions and knowing which of the 16 types there are and how compatible you are with them and how compatible they are with every other member of your family, allows you to make better parenting decisions. Instead of, like, magically coming up with, “Well, I was parented this way by parents, so that means I’m going to parent all of my children this way.” Well, I’m sorry to say, that, basically, means you’re stupid. Like, you’re bad at parenting, and you should probably learn something about yourself and your children, before you go in that direction. Like, using the same parenting plan, you know, methodologies for all of your children is wrong, because one could be an Ne user, one could be an Ni user. You just don’t know. Right?

Chase: So, you could actually be causing psychological damage to your child, and you’re not even aware of it, because of your own ignorance. You don’t want to do that. You don’t want to be that person. So, try to figure out what their cognitive functions are, which we’ll talk more about that later, when we talk about interaction styles and temperament, which will allow you to, basically, instantly type your child or your lover. And you’ll know exactly how compatible you are with them and how best to have a better relationship with them. But more on that later.

Chase: Anyway, introverted intuition, desire, want, goal oriented, laser-focused, all about their own personal future, what they want, what they are going to do before they do it, the first of the intuitive functions for the cognitive functions. So, that’s what it is. So, anyway, if you found this video informational or helpful, go ahead and leave a like or subscribe. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer those questions in the comments, so just leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to get back to you. So, otherwise, the next video will be on extraverted intuition, so we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Later.

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