Season 1, Episode 7 Transcript


Chase: Hey guys. This is CS Joseph. Today we’re going to be talking about another of the eight cognitive functions. Today is extraverted sensing, which is living in the moment or mechanical awareness, short term memory access, just along those lines. It’s one of the four perceiving cognitive functions. We’ve been talking about the four decision making or judging cognitive functions and today’s is extraverted sensing for that purpose.

Chase: So, people who have extraverted sensing, there’s eight of the 16 types that have them. They’re these types. So, these eight types are what I call extraverted sensing users. It’s because extraverted sensing, the function is in the top four of the cognitive functions in their head. So, that means in their ego, extraverted sensing is one of the four. It’s basically these people are the ones that constantly live in the moment, focus on the now. Live in the now, bro. That whole thing. That’s extraverted sensing.

Chase: It also gives them the ability to manipulate the physical realm or physics as we know it, which gives them mechanical aptitude. For example, people who have extraverted sensing hero or parent, they’re extremely good at mechanics. That can be using tools or fixing cars or motorcycles. Anything to that way of doing. Even a network in an IT data center that could be all done all using extraverted sensing.

Chase: So, someone who has extraverted sensing, it’s like they’re just always aware of what other people are doing and in that vein, they are able to see into what other people are doing so that they know what they want to do. Why is that? It’s because introverted intuition, which is another of the perceiving cognitive functions is connected to extraverted sensing in an axis. So, people see with extraverted sensing what other people are doing right now so that they know what they want to do later or they know what they want and they want to give other people an experience. That’s what extraverted sensing users do. They give other people an experience.

Chase: It even translates to sexually in the bedroom. extraverted sensors are usually people on the top and introverted sensors are people on the bottom because extraverted sensing wants to give sensation while introverted sensing wants to receive sensation. So, extraverted sensing is all about giving sensation.

Chase: Also it’s like short term memory. A computer has random access memory or a hard drive. Right? Introverted sensors are like a hard drive whereas extraverted sensors are the RAM in a computer. So, how does that look? You have memory, right? And they’re very good at keeping that memory in their head, but new information comes in and pushes the old information out. It’s not written to hard disk. The reason is because wherever your extraverted sensing slot is in your top four functions that means you have an introverted sensing slot in the lower functions. Introverted sensing is long term memory. extraverted sensing is short term memory. So, that means if you have lower long term memory that means you’re forgetful basically.

Chase: So, if you have extraverted sensing user, one of these types … Figure out how to not bump the camera one day. Not today though. If you’re one of these types, you’re and extraverted sensing user which means you’re likely forgetful. Especially the ENTJ, the ENFJ, the INTJ and the INFJ. Those are in my opinion, the most forgetful of all the types because they have lower extraverted sensing capability in their head because it’s in their third or fourth slot in their ego, which basically means their introverted sensing is in the second to last slot or the last slot making them forgetful basically.

Chase: Which is funny as well because those within the third to last slot also known as the critics slot is if there is introverted sensing there like with the ISTP or the ISFP, they swear so much that they have a memory of an elephant, but consistently they don’t. They actually don’t. They can’t remember anything and it’s really frustrating. Even though they claim they can remember everything, they really can’t. So, you’re forced to keep track of what they say and what they do so that you can show them a log later of what they’re actually forgetting and prove it to them to their face. Then they get really angry at you that you did that. But, well. That’s what they get for being prideful about it, I guess.

Chase: So, extraverted sensing is all about getting sensation. It’s about manipulating the physical environment. It’s about being aware of what’s happening right now and it’s also mechanical awareness, being able to utilize tools. So, that kind of just sums up how extraverted sensing works and if someone’s high extraverted sensing, they’re always just … They’re there that guy when you’re at the office. He’s always like in your cube trying to see what you’re doing the whole time.

Chase: It’s especially frustrating if you have an ISTP or and ESTP boss for example or even ESFP or ISFP boss and they’re always going to ask you what you’re doing. They’re always going to look at what you’re doing no matter even if you look productive or not because they always have to be aware of what you’re doing, otherwise, they feel like they don’t know what they’re doing or they don’t know what they want to do. So, they’re always constantly trying to figure out what they want. The only way they can do that is if they know what you are doing. It’s like the most annoying thing in the world, but that’s how the mind works for those people so we just have to get used to it and kind of live with them on it.

Chase: That’s one of the disadvantages of it, but there are some other advantages. Extraverted sensing basically makes these people really realist focused. They think themselves, especially ESTP, which people would claim is the ultimate realist. SE types they’re so focused on the moment and living in the moment and not really planning anything out. They kind of take the day as it comes to them. They are not happening to their day. Their day happens to them and they kind of just behave like these tacticians that as an obstacle comes their way, they react to it. That’s what extraverted sensing does. It gives you a high reaction time. It’s all about reaction time. And they can … Or a low reaction time, I guess. They can react quickly to any situation.

Chase: So, for example. If there’s an explosion in a house and there’s a bunch of fire everywhere. Oh gosh. Well, the SI users will take a little bit to realize there’s a fire happening because SI, introverted sensing has this normalcy bias attached to it, but the SE users would instantly react. They would instantly take charge and they would instantly move on the fact that there’s a fire in the house. There would be no time. They would instantly handle it. But an introverted sensing user wouldn’t and the SE user would basically be the one that would save the introverted sensors life in that moment because they’re still dealing with that slow reaction time as a result of that introverted sensing normalcy bias.

Chase: So, yeah. There’s a lot of advantages and disadvantages. The main problem with extraverted sensing is usually SE users can’t even comprehend the concept of what if. The reason is because extraverted sensing is about what is. It has nothing to do with what if. The only semblance they get is what if this happens to me. They have no concept of what if something happens to something else or someone else. It’s all about what is. What is now? What has someone else done? What is someone doing? When they think about the past, they’re looking at other people’s past. They’re not really concerned about their past. It’s all about the pats of someone else basically.

Chase: That can get really frustrating especially when you’re trying to talk theory with an extraverted sensing especially if they’re an SP type, which is the worst. They don’t even think theory exists. Theory isn’t even real to them and because it’s not real to them, it’s not real. Then they’re going to accuse you of being unreal or accuse you of wasting their time because it’s not real. Oh, it’s this floaty thing elsewhere that doesn’t … It’s not even real. Even though their behavior is insanely predictable. You can predict their behavior very easily because they’re just trying to go through life doing what they want, trying to find out what other people are doing instead of actually being original with what they’re doing themselves, which a few of them can do.

Chase: But quite frankly the only ones that can really be original in my opinion are the ISPs, that’s the ISTP and the ISFP. The craftsman and the artist respectively because they’re able to take a minute and take a step back. Every now and then I see some originality with the entertainer which is ESFP and their jokes and sometimes maybe an ESTP in the new structure they’re trying to build, but for the most part, it’s more of, “Okay, I got all the information I need, but then I’m gonna get stuck in this web or this repeating cycle of doubt and decision making and not make a decision.”

Chase: That’s the problem with SE hero. SE hero gets this person stuck in a situation where they’re just constantly gathering information about what everyone else is doing, but because their introverted intuition is in the fourth slot, they’re insecure with what they want and because of that, they don’t make decisions. They just get stuck in an information gathering look with their extraverted sensing. They end up not making decisions. They end up not growing. They end up being too insecure. They’re like, “What if I want the wrong thing?”

Chase: That’s really frustrating. You try to motivate them to do something and you can’t because they’re too afraid to be motivated to do anything because they don’t know what they want and they’re afraid they’re gonna want the wrong thing. It’s like, “Come on guys. Wake up.” Luckily you don’t have that problem with the ISTP or the ISFP. They always know what they want and there’s no guessing. The problem is though, they can be really, really controlling with their extroverted sensing and give people experiences they don’t want to receive and they can really make other people uncomfortable because of that.

Chase: So, it’s a give and take. It’s a balance. Not one extraverted sensor is better than others because each type is more compatible or less compatible with other types. So it doesn’t really matter. It’s just about what the relationships are at that point in time. If you’re a type that’s incompatible with certain SE users and more compatible with other SE users, you gotta be willing to basically pretend and try to become or look like, at least, a type that would be more compatible with this extraverted sensor.

Chase: I do that all the time. To be honest, I’ve had some really interesting relationships especially with sensing perceiver types when I have done that. When I more became like an ISFJ, try to present myself as an ISFJ or an ISTJ to SE types and they’re able to integrate with me a lot more than if I was to actually bring out my ego, my ENTP, which they can’t stand because from their point of view, the ENTP shouldn’t even be allowed to exist because it’s not real. It’s not based on physics at all. It’s not based on what is, it’s based on what if also known as metaphysics. So.

Chase: Anyway, extraverted sensing. The summary, it’s about people who live in the moment. They’re forgetful. They’re always trying to give someone an experience. They’re always trying to show something or have something to show for what they’ve done. It drives them insane if they don’t have anything to show for, anything physical or tangible with which they have to show for their work. If they don’t have anything that’s tangible, it’s just not real to them and then they feel really bad about it. Tangibility is everything to these people. It’s all about what is happening or what isn’t happening or what that person’s doing or what that person has done so that they can figure out what they want.

Chase: It also gives them really good mechanical awareness. We already talked about that. They can fix cars and they really have the ability to manipulate the physical environment in ways that most people are not able to. That’s why most extraverted sensors are artisans, which is one of the temperaments. They are the freedom based creators. Extraverted sensing requires freedom. If you take away freedom from an extraverted sensor, then they’re just going to rage. That’s another component of extraverted sensing and introverted sensor, they can take the hits and they’ll wait till later to strike at an opportune moment, but an extraverted sensor has to react immediately to a negative situation. The reason is … And they have to do it with a full force. That’s why you have extraverted sensing rage.

Chase: Why do they do this? Well, because an extraverted sensor has this problem where they think that if they don’t react to it now, they’ll forget about it later. Then they won’t have the full energy to react to it and it’s basically them thinking like they’re being treated like a little bitch basically, which … Or someone that won’t be respected because they didn’t react like a man would in that time. You know? There’s a lot of gender bias towards extraverted sensing. A lot of women out there, I would say actually most women because most women out there, the majority of them are sensing judgers and sensing judger women prefer sensing perceiving men and they believe that the ideal man is someone who has that mechanical awareness, that extraverted sensing capability just by default.

Chase: So, there’s always this judgment or stigma about extraverted sensing being a more manly function, whereas women ISTP or women SPs, for example end up being treated like they’re emasculating because they don’t … Because they’re extraverted sensors and not SJ traditional women, basically. It’s just stupid. People have a lot of gender bias with types and it’s not really worth it. It’s just a waste of time. In reality, people need to stop being ignorant and realize that everyone is different and realize that just because they’re not like you or just because they’re not like the person who’s most compatible with you does not make them invalid. It’s stupid and it’s ignorant. Stop doing it. If you’re doing that, stop doing it please. The world would be a better place if you stop doing that and instead encourage other people to understand each other. Quit the gender bias bullshit. No one has time for that. Seriously.

Chase: So, yeah. That’s everything really for extraverted sensing. Just watch out for that SE rage. Let them react to something in the moment because they’ll feel lose energy. It’s kind of like that guy that sends you a text message and if you don’t respond immediately, he’s not even gonna tell you what he wants to say because he wants to have your full attention right there. Like extraverted sensing is all about getting other people’s attention and showing them something or giving them an experience. So, in that text message conversation, if you’re not gonna respond, they’re not gonna say anything, but if you do respond, it’s only at that point where they know you’re right there looking at the screen as they’re actually going to write something out. It’s really frustrating.

Chase: Especially if you’re an introverted sensor like me and I write out a whole bunch of text messages in a row and send it to them and then they don’t even read those texts because it’s like the energy is lost. There’s no more energy in those texts because they’re old texts. Something could have changed and it may not be relevant anymore. So, it’s better for me to start over this conversation. No. Actually, from an introverted sensor’s point of view, the texts that have been sent are valid regardless of whether or not you’ve read them or not.

Chase: Remember that SE users. Seriously, don’t be that guy that is annoying when you’re sending text to people because there’s like half the populace out there really want you to read old text messages and if you’re too lazy to do that, well that makes you disrespectful and a bad friend, so don’t do it.

Chase: Anyway. Thank you all for watching. If you found this video helpful or informational whatnot, go ahead and leave a like and subscribe. If you have any questions about extraverted sensing go ahead and leave it in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get back to you with them. Anyway, have a good night. Later.

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