Season 5, Episode 5 Transcript


Chase: Hey guys, it’s CS Joseph again with, and today we are going to continue on with the final video of our synchronicity and compatibility series between the cognitive functions. We just finished talking about the feeling functions and today we’re going to talk about the other judgment functions, the other decision making functions other than feeling; also known as the thinking functions, which is logic and rationale. So let’s do a deep dive. Got our Target whiteboard, recently erased and recently repenned for a new presentation. So anyway, logic and rationale, a very important functions, especially since I have both; I have Ti parent and I have Te critic, so I’m actually able to utilize both. Although my Te critic, my rationale, it ends up getting burned out very easily and then all of a sudden my rationale just kind of, just like [blah] for like the whole day.

Chase: And then, uh, it requires a lot of extraverted thinking to actually do these whiteboards, um, to use these examples and be organized in this manner. So I save up all of my irrational energy for the day just to do this. And then I’m just kinda like ‘logic’ for like the rest of the day, it’s like [ugh], “Can’t extraverted think,” you know, because it’s only 15 frames a second versus the 75 frames a second for my logic. So anyway, so let’s talk about the difference between logic and rationale first. So similar as to how ethics is the external value judgment, rationale is the external true/false judgment. It is what the collective believes is true or false. Another way of putting it is like group think or form of group think or data statistics. Um, all these people believe x, or y, or z because of X, Y, Z evidence, et cetera.

Chase: That is rationale. That’s why INFPs for example, or ISTJs are always like, “Cite your sources! I’m not going to believe you unless you can prove it to me with sources and evidence,” you know, etc. Instead of trying to arrive to the logical conclusion themselves, because to them it’s not necessarily about what’s true/false. It’s about how they feel about the truth and they feel better about what someone else is positing when they provide that amount of evidence with many sources and many citations all saying the same thing; and then they can feel good about it, and then they can believe it’s true, basically. So that is rationale and that’s why rationale is attached on a cognitive axis. I have another video on that to morality because it’s not necessarily about the truth. It’s about what other people believe.

Chase: And they feel good about many people believing the same things, so they could feel good that, “Okay, yeah, I feel good about that. That’s probably true,” and then they’ll believe it’s true, right? That is how morals and rationale work, right? Ti is logic and it’s basically what the individual believes is true or false. Like me, for example, if this is truth and this has to be true, basically, if this-then this, constantly. That’s what logic is. That’s what programming languages are based on, Boolean thinking. That is logic ,and it’s attached to ethics because if I posit something and say, “This is true,” that immediately causes somebody else to have an emotional reaction like an INFP and then they feel, “Oh, I don’t know if I feel good about that. You have to cite your sources,” and then I’m like, “Fine,” and then I do cite my sources, right?

Chase: With Te parent and it’s like, “Boom! I just hit your Te with sources and then the Fi is like, “Oh man, now I have to change my opinion.” You know what I mean? That’s how thinking flows between these functions for decision making. People make decisions based on this thinking. So that is how these axes work. Now, so let’s talk about logic. Logic is the source of thinking. Rationale is seeking to consume logic. Rationale always wants to be around logical people. Take ENFPs or ESFPs, for example. They have Te child [log] rational child. Alone, by themselves, they don’t feel very smart, but when you put them around smart people they feel super intelligent and become brilliant. Kinda like how Tai Lopez has this library of books and then, because he’s read all of them, he no longer feels stupid; and then he feels like he knows everything, basically. And then he ends up going into MENSA, for example, because he took the time to read.

Chase: That’s how you empower a Te. You fill it with citations and reference points like mad, and then you have a strong… strong mastery over thinking, because of, you know, you’re, you’re filling yourself up with like nonfiction and whatnot. Like I know people make arguments about fiction all the time, but let’s be honest, you’re better spending your time with nonfiction than fiction. So, [wow] the allergIes is just insane right now. Should probably shut the door. Anyway, so, logic is the source of rationale. That’s why rationale is always trying to consume logic. So let’s say you have a room of Te users, a lot, bunch of rational people, and then one Ti user comes in and then they [use]… the Ti user starts sharing what they think with the Te users.

Chase: And eventually the Te users will come to agree and come to believe that this guy, what he’s saying is true, especially if he can provide those sources and uh, you know, and, uh, those reference points for the Te users so that they all feel good about what the Ti user is saying for example. Te users want to fill their lives with as many Ti users as possible because then they end up feeling smart. They actually become more intelligent because Te is like a thought vampire. A thought manipulator can manipulate or steal, or consume, or eat, or absorb the thoughts of other people. And the more smart people around they have, the more logic people they have around them, the Te user becomes super powerful and empowered and is able to wield thinking in a way that most people are not able to; and they’re able to wield it in such a way where, um, they can actually guide the thought processes of other people, including Ti users. They can actually guide the thought process of the logic people themselves.

Chase: It’s awesome. ENFPs and ESFPs do this all of the time with Te child. That’s what makes them amazing salespeople. I recommend it, if, by the way, if you’re like ESFP or ENFP and you’re not into sales, uh, I recommend it; because you could probably sell the gum off your shoe and people will pull out their wallets immediately, because to you guys it’s all about belief. In the absence of communication or explanation perceptions become reality. Te child is all about changing the perceptions and changing the brand, changing the beliefs of other people to cause people to believe in something new, right? Because of how you feel about those beliefs, those true/false beliefs. Doesn’t necessarily make them true, but if you have reference points and citations and it sounds true, doesn’t matter, because it’s what people believe, right? That’s what rational thinking is all about, on top of being [like] really good at financial management and understanding how numbers flow between processes and routine and having buckets of thoughts.

Chase: instead of like, [like] so like imagine a mind, right? You have 10 tables and there is 10 thoughts in line at each table and there’s a man sitting at the table, right? And that man basically says that, “Okay, you’re true, you’re false, you’re true/false.” And then the line[s] (sic) gets shorter and shorter until there’s no more thoughts. And then the decision is majority rules. Okay, 60 percent said true. So we’re going to believe it’s true. That’s rationale. Whereas logical minds is one table, 100 thoughts in one line and everyone’s just going true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false. And then it’s not majority rules, it’s just, okay, well what actually logically happened here, if this, then this, if this, then this. If, if, if, if, if, you know, and then all of a sudden they realized, “Okay, this is true,” because of the personal true/ false chosen. It is what the individual believes is true/false.

Chase: It is not about what everyone collectively believes is true or false, right? So based on that, that’s why rationale needs to consume logic. So I brought two examples similar to our last video because a lot of people struggle with thinking and feeling when it comes to the MBTI because the letters don’t do them justice. Everyone wants to use the MBTI letters all day to try to explain these things when you know, it’s like, “Oh, I’m an INFJ so I’m a feeler.” Actually, you’re more like a thinker because you have Ti child actually, because Fe is not a source of feeling. It’s consuming feelings and ethics and ethical standards. Uh, other moral standards of other people. They’re not producing their own moral standard, it’s actually about what the INFJ thinks. So you could actually argue that the INFJ is more of a thinker than they are a feeler, and yet the letters have an F for them.

Chase: Yeah, no, that’s why the MBTI is like horribly flawed. Sorry, not going to work. So INFJs have Ti child, right? So they want to be paired up with people, you know, who are rational, and usually that would be NFPs. ENFPs, INFPs, because their Te child or Te inferior can lock onto that Ti child and consume it, you know. So, but I have [a] INTP-ENTJ example here: Ti hero, Te hero. Te hero’s trying to chase the Ti hero because it’s right across. It’s right there, it’s able to eat it, “[Mmm] tasty Ti. Ooh, you’re very smart. Make me smarter.” You know, that’s how the ENTJ is the INTP. They meet the INTP and then they can, it’s like, “Wow, I could use this INTP and create amazing content and start a company over it,” for example.

Chase: That’s what ENTJs do with Ti users. Or they want to have a good relationship with them, and the Te user could always be like, “Hey, what do you think about this?” And the Ti hero can always explain and that way that ENTJ is always comfortable with that person because they never feel stupid anymore because they have the source of thinking – lightning amazing Ti hero thinking, available at their palms, you know, or, you know, at the palm of their hands. There’s no, [no] problem, you know, or ESTP-ESTJ relationships are like super high compatible as well. So you have Ti parent and Te hero’s trying to consume the Ti parent. Te hero is totally cool with Ti parent because the parent can still challenge the Te hero and the Te hero will listen to the parent, right? Well that’s because, you know, the hero’s flying around saving the world.

Chase: But then there’s collateral damage when the Te hero’s flying around saving the world and the Ti parent’s like, “Hold on, you’re hurting the children. So you need to calm down,” and then the hero knows how to calm down. And then the parent’s like, “Oh hey, you know, see, I told you so.” And then the hero’s like, “Oh yeah, sure.” So Te hero’s cool with going after Ti parent; but again, these people are able to be in a relationship, high compatibility relationship, because the ESTP is able to provide the thinking for the ESTJ. So the ESTJ ends up feeling comfortable and the ESTP was always sharing what they want with the ESTJ and uh, and the ESTP is making the ESTJ feel good, et cetera. But predominantly for the sake of this discussion, it is about logic and the ESTJ feels good about always going to the ESTP being like [being like], “Oh, what do you think about this?”

Chase: Right? And it creates a lot of synchronous compatibility. So this is [the] how the synchronicity between rationale and logic work between the types. The object of the game is [is] that if you are a Ti user or if you are a [Te]… [well] let’s say if you’re a Te user, you want to be around Ti users because those Ti users will make you more intelligent and they will cause you to feel a lot better about yourself because as you absorb their thoughts and their intelligence, you become more intelligent; which means your sense of self worth increases and you are walking around everyday feeling great about yourself because you feel so smart because of the thoughts and reference points and ideas you’re absorbing from these Ti users in your life. That’s how it works. So that’s enough on the thinking functions. If you found this video to be helpful or educational or enlightening, please leave a like or subscribe to the channel.

Chase: And support the channel, uh, if, uh, you have, uh, any questions about the thinking functions and their synchronicity to compatibility, please write them down in the comment section. I’ll do my best to answer your question. Allergies are just crazy today. Anyway, um, this ends this series on synchronicity and I’m going to be doing a few more videos on the four pillars of self-intimacy. Also going to be doing some user requested videos, type comparison requests. Uh, if you have any other video request, leave it in the comment section and I’ll get them added to the, uh, to the planner, and uh, after that we’re going to be doing a deep dive into compatibility for all of the 16 types, uh, so that there is no question which type is ideal for an intimate relationship, for example. So we’re going to be doing it from an intimate relationship standpoint. A business is different, sales is different. Like all these other types of relationships are different, but when it comes to romantic or intimate relationships we’re going to be doing a series of 16 videos of each of the types to just show, okay, which types are most compatible with who and in what order in that way so that there is no question. So anywho, got more videos to shoot. So I’ll see you guys tonight.

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