Season 15, Episode 11 Transcript


Hey guys, it’s C.S. Joseph with doing another episode for Season 15. This is a bonus episode. Wasn’t actually planning on doing this, but Season 15 seemed to be where this episode should be fitting, and that’s why it is for Season 15 as a bonus episode. So, specifically for this bonus episode, this is a question that I get all the time, and given that we’re kind of in a transition period between Season 16 and Season 17, I just wanted to knock out some bonus episodes real quick just to kind of get some more of the content leveled off first before we hop right into the new content of Season 17. And I kind of want to get some of Season 10 done as well. And then season 18 is just gonna be absolutely super dope, but we’re gonna get to it. But until then I just decided that it would be time to actually answer this freaking question that I get all the time, and that is: what is ambiversion?

0:54 Ambiversion is, well–I’m here to tell you that–what is the point of this lecture? I’m going to be debunking ambiversion because ambiversion doesn’t actually exist. It does not actually exist in terms of like–I mean, okay, you could argue that “well, if it’s in the Webster’s dictionary, I guess that kind of means it exists because, I mean, it has technically the characteristics of both.” So, for example, said Webster’s dictionary– let us actually review said Webster’s dictionary. What is ambiversion? A person with characteristics of both extraversion and introversion. So, by that definition alone, that basically means all of mankind is technically ambiverts. But why? Why is that? Well, okay, remember: four sides of the mind, right? We have the ego, the subconscious, the unconscious, and the superego. And if you are an introverted ego, right–so for example, we have an INTJ right here–that means you have two extroverted other sides of your mind, so you have like extroverts living in you even though you’re like an introvert. Oh, what are those? Oh, we have ENTP unconscious; we also have ESFP subconscious. Okay, so yeah, fair enough. But, the point is, by that definition that would basically qualify all of mankind as ambiverts, and we’re not.

2:17 Why is that the case? Well, can actually look at it. Oh, we have my type, the ENTP. And from an ENTP’s point of view–oh okay, is an ENTP an introvert? Mmm yes, because we have two introverts inside of us. We have the ISFJ subconscious, and we have the INTJ unconscious, right, as part of the four sides of the mind, right? And the four sides of the mind–this is where we are right now with our cognition and in humanity, etc. Our soul is literally split up into four separate souls coming together creating a mega soul essentially. And that is–and then when we take our mega soul, and we unite it with another person’s mega soul into a romantic relationship, for example, we have the mega, mega, mega ultimate soul, for example. But yes, okay– and then imagine all of the ambiversion as a result of that relationship. Yeah, okay, fair enough. But, be that as it may, ambiversion is basically completely fake. Hashtag fake news, it is not real. Like, like, no; it is fake news, total fake news. So, don’t pay attention to anything ambiversion. Why, why, why? Why do we care so much? Well, because people are constantly telling me, “Oh, I’m not an extrovert.” Or “Oh, I’m not an introvert. So, I’m just an ambivert.” Like, I had this ESFP person tell me that they’re an ambivert. Or I had this ISFJ person tell me–or no, it was an ISFP person–telling me that I’m an ambivert. Of course, you know SPs, they don’t like being labeled with anything. “Oh, you know personality types, you know that’s crap. You know, that’s just pseudoscience. So, and because it’s not really tangible or something real that I can hold right now, or like– everyone just basically accepts because I like to have, you know, my head in the sand when something is not right in front of me, etc. Well, well then in that case, then I can’t consider this metaphysical concept known as ambiversion is actually–or extraversion or introversion–is actually real, so instead I’m going to raise you another metaphysical concept, right? I mean, like, I have my Jim Carrey turned on. Maybe I should just turn that off, right? Oh, no, not actually. Speaking of Jim Carrey, we actually just typed Jim Carrey in the Patreon private “How to Type” lecture, and that was pretty dope, and we found out he’s, like, an ENTP. That’s like me! Awesome. Anyway, may want to check that out. We also did Hillary Clinton and George W Bush. So, with that being said, ambiversion is fake news; it’s not true.

4:43 Why is that the case? Well, again four sides of the mind. We have–everyone basically, everyone in the world is introverted and extroverted in some cases, but the whole point we’re trying to make here is the concept of primary versus secondary, okay? Primary versus secondary. This is very important because primary–the concept of primary versus secondary is within all aspects of personality type. It’s actually in all aspects of reality, as well as the metaphysical reality. The reason is, if you look at it this way, you have here–I’m actually going to, you know, hashtag draw–draw it all out. We have an s–and no, I’m not gonna say more different s–actually, I might. “And a more different s.” (I’m channeling my Strong Bad from Homestar Runner.) And then we have this, and then we have this, you know, and somehow, you know, it works out here. Yeah. Oh, look, a yin and yang. Yes, the yin and the yang. All right, yeah, I’m bad at shading, I know, but we’ll get over it. We’ll get through this together, you know. We’ll get through this horrible, horrible shading that I probably should have done ahead of time. Shh, let’s not tell the audience about how bad at shading we are. So, shhh. All right, cool. So, we have yin and yang now. Let me explain this to you. So, we have the yang–also known as the firm, also representing the masculine–and then we have the yin. Ah, that’s me. The pliable, the bendable, the moldable, the water, right? Whereas the yang is like light. It’s like fire, right? That’s why technically, you know, direct types with their interaction style–oh yeah, that’s the structure types and the finisher types–they’re technically inherently yang or inherently masculine, right? Same thing for the informative types. The informative types are inherently yin.  Informative types like myself, aka starters, and also background types–we are yin, okay? So, kind of makes us more inherently feminine. So yes, I am a male–a member of the male gender–but technically inherently feminine as a result of being a starter type. Boy, was that hard to swallow. Yes, it was, but I had to come to that realization because that’s actually a fact. And thank God I did because of all those very masculine women out there, because I like masculine women. It’s just me. I mean obviously I like women who are feminine but also women who are somewhat masculine because they’re very direct and they know what they want, etc. Like, they have willpower, you know, as a result–hashtag NJs, you know. See, they’re very masculine. They get a lot of crap from other men about how emasculated they are, right? But I’m not going to do that because I actually like how forward they are, because who wouldn’t want to have someone forward, right? Well, at least I would because I’m an ENTP. I’m very yin, and I’m built for the yang.

7:31 What is the point I’m trying to make? Primary versus secondary, okay? Oh, wait, that’s not actually true. Primary, primary, okay? So, let’s break that down a little bit more. Red pen. All right, so right here we have the yang. This is primary. Yang. Awesome. Then we have the other primary here. This is the yin–the main yin–but you have components of the yin right here on the inside, and that would make this little dot secondary. See what I’m saying? That would make this little dot secondary. See what I’m saying? Primary and secondary. Within this yin and yang equilibrium, which basically permeates all of reality as we know it, there’s primary and secondary properties within everything–and that includes our souls. That includes our cognition. That’s literally how we’re going about this people, okay? Primary versus secondary. So how does this affect the four sides of the mind? Well, let’s take a look. So, we have the ego. The ego itself is technically primary, see? This is primary. Awesome. And then this is secondary. Primary and secondary. Now, a lot of people would argue that the unconscious is technically secondary as well, but–I mean, they’re kind of technically right, but they’re also technically wrong because actually the unconscious is also a primary side of the mind. Oh. But the superego is a secondary side of the mind. Oh yes, we’re getting somewhere, people. Wow, I really like this whole trying to behave like Jim Carrey thing after that one lecture we did. It’s really fun, and you should try it sometimes. Or maybe not because that might not be your thing. Who cares? It’s my youtube channel. I’m going to do what I want. So, then we have primary, secondary, primary, secondary. Okay. Now, when you’re primarily in your ego–and this is like double primary, so we’re just gonna put plus plus, okay? Plus plus: double primary, right? This is secondary, right, okay? And this is going to be a minus plus, okay? And then we have unconscious, which is going to be plus minus. Then we have superego, and this is going to be a minus minus. Yeah. Don’t you guys see how it would be a bad thing to jump from the ego directly to the superego and just go from a plus plus to a minus minus? Yeah, hashtag not balanced, right? Why would we want to, like, not balance our minds? That would be a problem.

10:06 So, what do you do? Obviously, you’d want to learn to integrate your secondary and your other primary. But now obviously you have the opportunity to go here, and then, you know, develop happiness because that’s what happens when you develop your subconscious: you get happy, right? And then when you develop–and it’s also the most difficult side of your mind to develop technically but because–that’s a secondary and you’re going for the minus plus instead of the plus minus because plus minus because plus is  the first thing in the row, you know? It’s, like, the first character there, you know what I’m saying? It actually makes it easier to develop the unconscious, which is why a person’s maturity is attached to the unconscious side of the mind. Yes, exactly. So, we’re gonna be talking a little bit more about this in Season 17, but I just wanted to make sure that we had this bonus episode here to get a little bit of a foundation before we actually jump into that, just so you know. So, with that being said: primary, primary, secondary, secondary. So, this is kind of how information flows within–or data or whatever interactions flow within the four sides of the mind. We do this such that we understand, okay, hey, you know, what is the priority system of the mind, okay? Well, guess what? Plus plus– because the ego is plus plus, that’s where a person is primarily at at all times. People are primarily in their ego, right? Or they are primarily in their unconscious, but they’re still more so primarily in their ego. When they go in their unconscious–even though it is a primary side, it’s still kind of technically still secondary to the primary ego, right? Think about that. Think about this like steps, okay? You have four steps, right? You have a step, and that’s your ego, and then you got one step down below it, okay? That is the unconscious, right? And then with the ego you have another step up, which would be the subconscious, and then you have the unconscious down here, and a step down, that’s the superfluous ego, right? So, the way the information goes, that step up from the subconscious takes a little bit more effort. It’s actually less effort to go to the unconscious, you see what I’m saying? Then it’s obviously super, super easy because you can just hop right down to the platform for the superego, right? You know, just hop right down, and then you’re there. Ooh, I’m in superfluous ego mode. Oh, I went here too fast. I guess that means I’m going to have to push the red button. The red button, when I press it, all of reality just completely disintegrates right before my eyes. Yes. Sorry, that’s, like, my Se demon talking.

12:43 Anyway, so from that standpoint, what do we actually know? Well, we know that because this is primary, this is where people are primarily in their mind. This is how we classify extraversion versus introversion because people are either primarily initiating or they are primarily responding, right? That’s based on whether or not they are primarily in their ego, right, and what is their ego? Is their ego–so if this ego is an INTJ, that means they’re technically responding primarily. Because their interaction style is responding, that automatically makes them an introvert, right? Right? None of this ambivert crap, right? Or, you know, the ENTP–that would make them, you know, initiating. Dope. Dope. Yes, initiating, okay? Like totally. Like totally initiating and whatnot. Okay, so from an initiating standpoint, that means they are an extrovert. Oh look, ENTP: there’s an E there for a reason. I mean, who’d a thunk, right? That’s literally how this works, people. It’s all about whether or not the ego, which is the main primary here, is responding or initiating, and that is how we decide whether or not someone is introverted or extroverted. There’s no such thing as ambiversion. There is no such thing– like, none. That wasn’t okay. No, not okay, the opposite of okay. There is none. No, no, no. Because we classify introvert versus extrovert based on what the interaction style is primarily for the ego itself because the ego is the side of the four sides of the mind that people are in most of the time. It’s also the side of their mind where people gain energy. If you’re an extrovert, guess what? You gain energy from “three’s a crowd,” right? By not being alone. And you gain energy by having someone, you know, able to do that. And guess what? Extroverts can gain energy from introverts. They just extract that energy from introverts, and then introverts have to be like, “Okay, I need to go be alone by myself right now.” Then they are able to recharge their mental energy and get it back, and then they can go back and reunite with the extrovert again. Okay, yeah, sure, fair enough. The extravert can go off into Lalaland, like to a bar, for example, and have this social gathering, which leads to them collecting more energy. But here’s the thing. Here’s the kicker, though, a lot of people don’t understand: introverts when they’re in one-on-one situations, where it’s just them and one other person, they actually still can generate energy even if that one other person is an extrovert. Extroverts as well, they’re still drawing energy from that introvert and whatnot, but they could still keep an energy-based equilibrium like this, right? Right? Now, some introverts would argue with me that that’s not the case. That’s not actually true. Wow, that person is obviously extroverted, and they’re just such a drain on me right now. Yes, I could see that, but that’s probably because of other distractions you have going on in your life. Maybe your cell phone is going off, maybe you’re answering text messages, maybe you’re trying to go through emails, maybe people are calling you, then it’s just outside you and this one other person throughout the entire day. Because if that happens, it’s technically a “three’s a crowd” situation instead of a “two to tango” one-on-one situation, which would then lead you in a situation where your brain or your mind or your soul is–its energy is being drained out of you, forcing you to go be alone for a little bit and gain more energy for yourself, right? So, that’s actually more accurate as to what’s actually happening with that energy flow, if you know what I’m saying.

16:24 So, not only that–like, extroverts can also increase the energy, the mental energy, of introverts by making sure that the introvert has everything they need when they are alone, and then guess what? When the extrovert has gained enough energy–enough mental energy–as a result of their interaction, then they get to go introvert. And then, for example, what I do is I go into my INTJ shadow, and then I basically shut everything else out for my entire life–don’t talk to me– while I focus on getting work done, which is technically what I’m doing right now, right? Because I’ve shot multiple lectures tonight, and I’m probably going to continue to do so, and I kind of have to because I have to get back on the plane and go back to Orlando again. Because that’s what I like doing these days, is just going to Orlando over and over and over and over. Yes, I don’t know why I’m just obsessed with riding in airplanes right now. Ugh, someone shoot me now. Anyway, so hopefully you guys understand. Ambiversion is just– basically, it’s fake news; it’s not real. It is a lie. It’s not even a real thing. The reason why people think that they’re ambiverts is because they are naturally, instinctually aware that, yes, if I’m an introvert, I still have extroverted sides of the mind, and then I can extrovert in those extroverted situations. But then even in those extroverted situations, when you go into your subconscious or your unconscious–because it’s not plus plus charge, you’re a plus minus or minus plus, you’re still missing something, and it’s causing an energy drain, with a double energy drain being in the superego obviously, right? It’s a double energy drain. There’s still some energy being lost, right? That’s why you get forced back into your ego again, right? Then all of a sudden, you’re gaining energy again with your ego, right? That’s literally how it works, okay? It’s not about being ambiverted. Everyone has introversion; everyone has extraversion. The real reason that we’re able to classify people as introverts versus extroverts has everything to do with primary versus secondary. If you are primarily in your ego and you are an INTJ, you’re an introvert. If you’re primarily in your ego and you’re an ESTJ, you’re an extrovert. It’s that simple. That’s how I classify it. Ambiversion is fake news. Like, it’s totally a waste of time, so, like yeah, why are you paying attention to that? So anyway, that’s it for this lecture.

18:49 If you found this lecture useful, helpful, educational, enlightening, please subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and on the podcast. That would be dope. Also, if you’d like to support us with what we’re doing here at CSJ, please become a patron on our Patreon and get access to private lectures. I just filmed another private lecture tonight, which is, like, the golden pairs. You guys like to hear about the golden pairs? Because the golden pairs really tell you about relationships and romantic compatibility. Who wouldn’t want that? I think the lecture I did tonight was ESTPs and ISTJs, and I think the next one after that is going to be ENTJs and INTPs. Dope, if you know what I’m saying. So, we’re gonna be getting those golden pairs out, and we’re getting a bunch of other premium content, you know, pushed together and pushed out so that you all can enjoy, and I hope you do so. Also, if you want to have anything added to the Patreon, like tell us and let us know. That would be awesome. Books are also on our website; just click on the books link. If you haven’t been on our Discord yet to get involved in our Q&A sessions, definitely check out our Discord link below. If you want to, like, meet me in person and do the whole meetup thing, you can click on the meetup link below in the description and come hang out with us in the Bay Area at our next meetup group. It’s literally the dopest, especially when the venue decides to not close on us and whatnot. So, anyway, that being said, I got many more of these to shoot, so see you guys tonight.

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