Season 1, Episode 11 Transcript


Chase: Hey, guys. So, we’ve been talking about cognitive functions a lot recently. We just finished going over all eight cognitive functions in depth, which are basically the eight spectrum with which the mind utilizes for cognition. It tunes into those eight spectrum like a radio and is able to send and receive information over each of those eight spectrum. Half of them are for perceiving, which is used for gathering information. The other half of them is used for decision-making, judgments basically. It’s where a person’s judgment is, and there’s four cognitive functions for each.

Chase: We also lightly touched on the topic of cognitive axes, which is like axis but plural. Let’s actually dive in a little bit more deeper, just to get a more general sense of what a cognitive axis actually is. So, two of the functions … So let’s say introverted sensing, it’s on a cognitive axis with extraverted intuition, or there’s also introverted intuition is on an axis with extraverted sensing, and those are the perception functions. Extraverted thinking, also known as rationale, is with morality, moral decision making, also known as FI, and they’re connected together on an axis. So, also, is introverted thinking and extraverted feeling.

Chase: So, here is a little white board example of what it is I’m talking about. I’m trying to see if I can hold this properly, yeah, there we go, a lot better. If you look here, extraverted sensing and introverted intuition, they’re together, and that’s because one feeds into the other. The introverted functions, here and here and here and here, they are source functions, whereas extraverted functions, which are here and also down here, Ne, Te, Se, Fe, those functions are utilized for consuming. If I am an Fe user I want to be around Fi user people, because I’m an ethical person, but in order for me to remain ethical I need to be around people with high moral fiber, basically, and that’s how human relationships are formed. The same thing goes with extraverted thinking, they’re always looking for Tes. They’re always looking for those Ti users to be around so they can feel smart, essentially. So, those are basically just a rough model of how they work.

Chase: Let’s actually dive in a little bit more and look at this ESTJ example. So, with ESTJs, which this is basically what ESTJ looks like on paper, as it were. You have hero, parent, child, inferior, nemesis, critic, trickster, and demon, and the top four functions makes up their ego and the bottom four functions makes up their unconscious mind, basically. What does that mean? There’s two different personalities. The ESTJ is the ego but the ISTP is the unconscious. The ISTP represents their unconscious mind.

Chase: Now, remember, when we’re referring to someone’s type, we’re really only talking about their ego, because that’s their main primary place that their brain is in most of the day, but their brain can go into the other four sides of their mind, and that’s subconscious, which I don’t have listed here, but also conscious is are these four functions flipped on top of each other, so it would be Fi, Ne, Si, Te, and that’s an INFP. Then, there’s the demon, parasite side, also known as the super-ego, and all that is are these are the unconscious mind’s functions flipped on top of each other, as well, which would be Fe, Ni, Se, Ti, which is the ENFJ, also known as the mentor.

Chase: For now let’s just use these eight functions in this order to detect what an ESTJ is. You have the hero, you have the parent, you have the child, but if you notice, using cognitive axes you have Te and Fi. You notice how they’re on an axis over here, but Te and Fi, so you have the inferior function and the hero function, they are on an axis with each other, so one feeds into the other, and the parent and the child are also always on an axis with each other.

Chase: Same thing down here, the nemesis and the demon are also in that place, and then the critic and the trickster are also the same. They’re all on an axis with each other. All you have to do, if you can identify just the hero and just the parent function of somebody you can logically come up with the rest of the functions in the correct order for their type. That’s all you need to know, because if you know their hero and it’s Te that automatically means that they’re inferior function is Fi. If you know their parent and it’s Si, that automatically means that their child is Ne, as you can see here.

Chase: For the bottom, all you do is the opposite. The nemesis is just the opposite of the hero, so if it’s Te that means it’s Ti nemesis. If it’s Si parent it’s automatically Se critic. If it’s Ne child, it’s automatically Ni trickster. If it’s Fi inferior, that’s automatically Fe demon in that order. That’s really relevant. When you look at somebody you try to figure out, “Okay, do they have high rationale? Do they have high morals and what not?” As long as you can figure out their hero and their parent function, which is what Carl Jung talked about when he started talking about cognitive senses, talking about people who are rationale, logical, et cetera. If they’re a logical person that automatically means that they’re an ethical person. If they’re a rational person that automatically means they’re a moral person, for example.

Chase: If they have metaphysical awareness they have really good long-term memory. If they have really good future memory for themselves and know what they want, and they’re very driven and very focused in that way, then they have physical awareness, as well. It all runs together, and because of these different cognitive functions and how they spin on little axes with each other, as you can see. Sorry, move it around here a little bit to get a better position.

Chase: Because they’re able to move around like this, this is how data flows. I feel, you think. It comes out in our sentences in what we talk about, or I experience this thing, you might want to do this thing that I experienced, or I want this flavor of ice cream, you should have it because it’s really good, or I see what you’re doing, that means I want to do what you’re doing, right? Well, you feel that way about what I think, wow, or I think this, and then all of a sudden the person next to you has an emotional reaction to what you think. That’s how our cognitive functions work, and they’re always in these axes, and they come out in our sentences and what we say, and it’s how we communicate and interact with other human beings. The cognitive functions, like in this example with the ESTJ, are always in this order. They never change in this order, and they’re always in balance in this way. That means no type is better than any of the others, essentially.

Chase: So, ESTJ ego, ISTP shadow. I’m gonna set this down. Knowing cognitive axes is very important because, like I said, if you can identify their hero or their parent, you automatically know the rest of their mind, on paper, and you know what they’re really good at. Like in the case of an ESTJ, they’re very good, they’re highly rational, which means they’re super organized. They make decisions based off of statistics, and they try to set an order to things. They’re very orderly, very organized in that way. If they’re Si parent, that’s high for introverted sensing, which means they’re very honorable. They have a sense of safety, a sense of justice, they’re very traditional, always got to have that Thanksgiving turkey on Thanksgiving, et cetera, most of the time, and they respect tradition, and they expect tradition.

Chase: Because I know that they have Si parent, I automatically know, because it’s on an axis with extraverted intuition, extraverted intuition is their child, right? So, if that’s their child, then I know that they’re very childly about what other people want, and they pay extra attention to what other people want, and they’re very good at predicting the behavior of other people around them. So, that’s what extraverted intuition does.

Chase: But, because I also figured out previously that they have extraverted thinking as their hero, I know that they’re insecure about their moral decision making. Morals is interesting. It means like … It’s how someone feels about something. Also, it’s about how someone feels about themselves. It’s about self-awareness about one’s self worth. So, if someone has Fi inferior, like an ESTJ does, that means the ESTJ is insecure about how they feel about themselves, so they want other people to think well of them so that they can feel good about themselves.

Chase: Remember, Fi is in axis with Te, right, Te hero and then Fi inferior, because they feed into each other. If this is the hero and the Fi is in the inferior. there’s insecurity, but if people think well of him, the ESTJ, or her, in this model with their rational thinking, because they’re always aware of what other people are thinking, That means that they think highly of me, then I feel good about myself, and that’s literally how their priorities go.

Chase: That’s why Te users really like limelight, fame, high regard, want to be respected. They got to have that status. It’s like the groupie that’s hanging out with the rock star, they just want that status. That literally is all about extraverted thinking and introverted feeling on their axis for those cognitive functions. All the other functions behave this way. You just have to know where their axis turns and where they’re located.

Chase: Yeah, also just a quick review on the eight cognitive functions that we’ve done so far. Remember, x-ray intuition is metaphysical awareness. In the case of the ESTJ, they’re aware of the metaphysical realm, all about what other people want, what might happen before it does. We talked about insured feeling just now being moral awareness, or awareness of ones self worth, basically. Extraverted thinking is all about what other people are thinking, it’s also rational thickening, statistical decision making, being orderly and organized. We talked about introverted sensing, which is all about long-term memory access. We talked about introverted sensing being long-term memory access.

Chase: Extraverted sensing is awareness of the physics, of the physical environment, and being able to manipulate the physical environment by a skill known as mechanics. That’s what extraverted sensing is for, in giving other people experiences. Introverted intuition is knowing what an individual wants, instead of like the collective with extraverted intuition. Introverted intuition is what I want, and what I am focused on, and what my goals are. and what I am going to do tomorrow. It’s all about knowing one’s future and knowing what they want and knowing what they desire. That’s what introverted intuition is.

Chase: Then, there’s also extraverted feeling, which is awareness of how everyone else feels. It’s what causes someone being very caring. If extraverted thinking is all about what other people are thinking, and their true-false judgments, then extraverted feeling is keeping tract of everyone else’s good/bad judgments and how people feel in that way. Introverted thinking is on an axis with extraverted feeling. It’s about what I believe is true or false, not what the collective believes with Te, or rational, it’s about what I believe is true/false. That’s Ti, basically, and the extraverted thinkers are trying to find the Ti user so they can feel smart, just like the Fe users are trying to find the Fi users so that they can feel good, basically, as to how the decisions roll with that.

Chase: In a nutshell, that’s all of the cognitive functions. There’s their cognitive axis. You can use the cognitive axis to identify someone’s functions once you’re able to identify their hero and their parent function, which we will talk about how to type someone in one of our future videos. I think that’s everything.

Chase: Oh yeah, also with the cognitive axis, because those functions are always attached to each other, the hero is always attached to the inferior, the parent is always attached to the child. The nemesis is always attached to the demon function. The critic is always attached to the trickster. The slots themselves in which the cognitive functions go inside also have their own axis, right? So, again, if you identify the hero, you automatically know the inferior. If you find out what the parent is, you automatically know what the child. In some cases I look at people and I find out their child and then I know their parent, so then I’ve got to figure out, “Okay, what’s their hero?”

Chase: You can work backwards, as well. You don’t have to follow the same process every time. As long as you can identify one or two functions, you can basically break it apart and logically figure out the rest of the person’s functions, and then you know what they’re really good at. You know where their insecurities are. In the case of the ESTJ we just looked at, extraverted thinking is their hero, which automatically means introverted thinking is their nemesis, which mean they worry about their own thinking. An ESTJ worries that they’re actually smart, so they’re already afraid that they might be a bad person, but they also carry their worry in the fifth function, which is introverted thinking which is what they believe is true/false, so they’re constantly worried about whether or not their thinking is correct, so they’re constantly having to go to other people and ask them what they think, basically. We’re just using the ESTJ as a model. We’re not trying to like bash ESTJs here, we’re just being honest.

Chase: Again, hero, parent, child, inferior, nemesis, critic, trickster, demon, all of those have their own axes with their appropriate functions, and just like the cognitive functions themselves, outside of which slot they’re in are also on an axes with each other, as well. You just keep track of both sets of axes, and then you can immediately, like after finding out even maybe one function, you could pick it apart and by process of elimination you figured out how to type somebody instantly, and know their cognitive functions for their type, and know how to interact with them, or change yourself, or adjust your behavior to have an optimal outcome with them, or if you’re really trying to make them have a bad day, you know all the pressure points to hit.

Chase: More about pressure points later. Hitting someone’s inferior function will cause them to hate you very much. If you’re trying to teach someone a lesson, you want to go for their critic function. Avoid the demon at all costs. The trickster, they’re just unaware of that function entirely, it’s like not even real to them. Like an INTP or an INFP, they do have Se trickster, which means the physical environment around them doesn’t even exist. That’s why they drop stuff all the time, or they don’t really have good fashion sense, as they have been accused, because they’re just not aware of the experience they’re giving others. They have no clue. It doesn’t even make sense to them. That’s why they need an Se user in their life to tell them so that they’re dressing properly, for example, so that they’re aware of the experience they’re giving others, or how they’re coming off, or how they sound.

Chase: That’s how human relationships work. It’s all about finding the proper cognitive compatibility so that all of the bases are covered, so that you can have the best relationship not just with an individual but all human beings around you, because you have another human being who has your back and is able to help you adjust your behavior to optimize you for whichever social situation it is, be it for business, pleasure, what have you, family, it can happen.

Chase: Anyways, that about wraps it up for today. If you like what you see, or this video is helpful, or informational, or educational in any way, please hit like and subscribe. If you have any questions, leave it in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer your questions, but I’m still gonna keep doing videos here on this Science of Depth psychology and also Social Engineering, so that we can continue to understand each other and, basically, have a better future for ourselves because of it. Anyway, have a good day. Later.

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