Season 2, Episode 3 Transcript


Chase: Hey guys, it’s Chase from I just finished a video on Introduction to the Temperaments and basically looking at the guardians, also known as the traditionalists. Today we’re going to talk about the SPs as part of their temperament which is the artisans. Artisans are basically freedom based creators. They’re very creative, they have a lot of mechanical awareness, they can manipulate the physical environment around them. This includes working on cars, running an excavator, being very good at construction, home building, drawing, designing, basically anything you can do with your hands or use hand tools with. It’s with those things that they’re able to manipulate the physical environment.

Chase: The four types that make up artisans, also the freedom based creators, are the SP types which is ESTP, ESFP, ISTP, the ISFP. They all live in the moment, they’re all about what they want, willpower is everything to them. They do have a sense of duty similar to how the SJ types have a sense of duty and a sense of discipline, basically because that integrated sensing is about duty and discipline. It’s very low, it’s in their unconscious side of their mind, it’s not in their conscious side of their mind and because of that they’re more prone to giving into their willpower, that’s what motivates them. It’s like what do I want to do instead of what should I do, that’s the difference in their motivation.

Chase: In that regard, you always have to be able to give an SP type freedom of choice, especially if you’re raising an SP child. Do you want to go to bed now or do you want to bed in five minutes? They’re still going to bed but you’ve given them the choice. They feel respected, they appreciate that, and they’re able to make that happen. That is the choice that we need to make as parents who have SP children. Or even if you have an SP spouse of some kind, your spouse, you have to be able to give them choice in everything.

Chase: Usually if you’re in a relationship with an SP type you’re likely an SJ already so you’re already based on what you should and they’ll tell you what you should do, what they want you to do. Then you’ll do that because you love them or respect them essentially. SPs make up 30% of the world’s population, they’re the other part of the sensors, they combine with the SJ types.

Chase: Typically, all of the sensors, SJs and SPs, make up 70% of the world’s population, S types, because they’re very sensing focused, focused on reality. They’re not really open to theory as much, although SJ types are a bit more open to theory, they’re more open minded in that way, but SP types are just focused on the here and now, the physical world. It’s not real to them unless it’s in front of their face. They take a lot of time to make their decisions, it could be based on logic or based on reality in terms of their introverted decision making forms.

Chase: They’re all about giving other people a good experience constantly, all about giving others a good experience, trying to show something to other people, and it all stems from their creativity. Creativity is everything to them and they know that without freedom they cannot be creative. For example, you have a room and let’s say you take any of the SP types and you lock them in a room and there’s no windows or nothing, and that they’re locked in there. One way or another they’re coming through that door and it won’t take very long. They will come through that door and that door will come down because they’ll just get super ragey, because SP types, especially SP types, SE parent, SE hero, which make up the SE types for the four types that are in the artisans temperament, they have what is known as extroverted sensing rage and they can get really ragey about anything really quick.

Chase: The whole stereotype of, “Oh, this guy drank alcohol and he’s an angry drunk.” Yeah, that’s an SP because alcohol makes them way more sensitive and how they react to things, they have to react to things in the moment instead of reacting to something later. The reason is, is because SP types believe that if something bad happens in the moment, if they don’t react to it now that thing that they’re reacting to, well it will lose energy, they’ll forget about it, it won’t be relevant to them later so if they don’t react to it right now they’re not ever going to have that opportunity to react to it.

Chase: Whereas an SI type like myself or even SJs, they’re going to wait until later and bring it up until later when it’s more equal footing on their ground. SP types, if they’re going to go into fight with someone they’re all about fighting fair. They’re all about fighting man-to-man and face-to-face in that way, whereas an SJ type or even my type, we’d be willing to wait and lie in wait over time and then nail them when they least expect it to give us the advantage.

Chase: SPs are all about, they’re really good tactitioners, they’re all about reacting to things in the moment. They’re not solely focused on planning ahead so they’re basically reacting. In a physical confrontation or any negative situation in their life they’re going to approach it with tactics, a tactic being a decision that you make to help you improvise or react to a specific situation in the moment.

Chase: Whereas a strategy is something that’s planned ahead of time before a fight or a batter or a conflict of some kind. An SP type doesn’t care about that, they’re just tacticians, they have to react to everything in the moment. They take it one step at a time. Their day happens to them whilst an SJ type, the guardians, the guardians plan out their day and they happen to their day. An SP type, that’s not how it works, the day happens to them. They wake up in the morning, the day comes at them and then they just react to that day point per point per point all the way through.

Chase: Whereas an SJ type, they’re the guardians, they wake up in the morning and they have their entire day basically planned as to how it’s going to go. Then they end up getting emotionally distraught when that plan doesn’t go according to plan. Whereas an SP type, an artisan type, well if they have too much planning they feel like there’s no freedom for improvisation, there’s no freedom to be creative basically and then they end up getting emotionally distraught because of that.

Chase: SJ types have to be in equilibrium or balance with SP types basically, and that’s why they go together. That’s why SJs should always be with SPs because there’s highest compatibility there relationship-wise. It’s different with the thinkers and idealists, it’s preferable if thinkers are with thinkers, intellectuals are with intellectuals, and idealists are with idealists, basically.

Chase: It’s a little bit different on the intuitive side but in the sensing realm SJ types definitely go with SP types. That’s because the SP types are trying to give the sensation that the SJ types are trying to receive essentially. We’ll talk more about that later when it comes to identifying specific compatibilities between the 16 types because not every type is capable of having a relationship or a friendship or even a working relationship with just any type, it doesn’t work like that.

Chase: Everyone thinks that that’s possible and it’s really not, especially if you look at things like socionics. Socionics is wrong about compatibility, let’s be honest but at least socionics is aware of the fact that not everybody is compatible with everybody. Whereas people who are very pro MBTI or on the INTJ forms, they often post about how, “Oh yeah, it’s possible that any type could technically be of any type.” That’s not actually true, not even remotely.

Chase: SP types sexually, they really like being on top and that’s primary. Secondary for them is to be on bottom basically. They’re all about giving sensation, they want to … The person that they’re with is in their canvas with which they’re going to paint upon in the bedroom basically, and they take that very seriously. The SJ type is all about being that canvas for the SP person to write upon or to etch upon or to paint upon, et cetera.

Chase: The same thing kind of works with how they are in business. SP types are usually, they do construction or they’re doing some kind of media creation. It’s all about art or crafting something or trying to tear down a structure to rebuild a new one or to create the ultimate experience. That’s everything they’re about, is creating, finding the ultimate experience, creating ultimate experience, and showing everybody because to them their art is who they are. Their art is a way to tell the truth because they can’t really share their beliefs or their truth because they’re so concerned about what other people think about them or how other people feel about them, to the point of being insecure about it or to the point of being childishly innocent about it because they really want to give that good experience to anyone they encounter, essentially.

Chase: That’s basically the artisans, freedom based creators. You always have to give them a choice, you always have to give them freedom. They’re all about giving sensation, they’re all about being showy and showing off constantly, especially ISTPs who literally believe they’re the smartest of all the types and they’ll tell you. They can come off very arrogantly that way. They’re all about living in the moment, they have very good mechanical awareness, very good mechanical aptitude.

Chase: SJ women believe that SP men are literally the standard of what men should actually be, for example, and that type of bias towards men has been present in our culture for generations. If you’re a man and you don’t know how to pick up a hammer, for example, and you can’t take a hammer to a nail then you’re less of a man basically. It’s because of that SJ bias because our society is an SJ society really goes out of its way to appease or support their SP partners essentially.

Chase: In this sensing dominated society there isn’t much room for respect in the direction of idealists or intellectuals by any means because intellectuals and idealists, because they have a lower mechanical awareness than the SPs they end up being accused of being less masculine or less mature in some cases or less capable, for example. For example, Steve Jobs, he is an intellectual and Steve Wozniak accused him of not being able to take a hammer to a nail in the most recent Steve Jobs movie, that is. He’s right, Steve Wozniak is correct about Steve Jobs but does that make Steve Jobs any less of a man? Let’s be honest.

Chase: We need to be aware of these temperament biases in society or just in our lives or even in our families because it’s really lame, and it goes even further. For example, I had an ENFJ father, he tried to live vicariously through me. His subconscious is the ISTP so he wants to be like the ISTP so he’s trying to get me to be like an ISTP even though I’m an ENTP. The ISTPs first perceiving function is actually at sensing but in my experience sensing is my lowest function and then he ends up becoming unhappy with me or not as proud of me because I’m not really that interested in working on the car with him. I just don’t have that mechanical awareness, it just doesn’t mean that much to me as an ENTP in that way.

Chase: Fathers like to, when they’re living vicariously through their children, it’s usually through their subconscious that they’re trying to do because they are trying to become their own subconscious. They’re trying to aspire to be that subconscious and grow that subconscious. If they can do that with their children then it makes them feel like, that they’ve arrived, and men do this a lot.

Chase: In particular with the SP types, their subconscious are basically … An ISTP is trying to be an idealist or same thing with an ESTP. An ENSF though is trying to be an intellectual so it’s really different. Half the artisans are trying to be more intellectual while the other half of the artisans are trying to be more people focused, more idealists. That’s how their compatibility goes when it comes to the SJ types because an ESTJ, for example, actually prefers STPs, so STJs prefer STPs whereas SFJs prefers SFPs. It’s because [inaudible 00:14:47] the focus. Are you trying to be more intellectual or are you trying to be more ideal essentially, more people focused.

Chase: In a nutshell, that is what artisans are all about; freedom based creators, mechanical learners, mechanical genius in some cases, live in the moment, they can rage at things and you need to give them the opportunity to rage out at something in the moment or completely take that away from them. In some cases it could be beneficial actually to not let them have the opportunity to rage by just completely withdrawing from them. Then that way they just fizzle out and then they’re not a problem anymore.

Chase: The thing about SPs is that they forget everything eventually. They live so much in the moment that new data is coming in their mind and pushing all the old out so after a while if there’s a conflict or a bad situation you just have to outlast them. You just have to wait it out because eventually they’ll forget and it’s no longer as relevant to them anymore, even though they’re always like, “Oh, I have the best memory in the world.” Especially ISTPs. ISTPs will tell you that the most and maybe sometimes ISFPs but ISTPs even more. They can get really prideful with their TI hero so just be aware of that. It’s one advantage that you can have over SB types is to just outlast them. If you outlast them they’ll forget about what they were doing, what they were mad about and then it just doesn’t matter anymore because they forgot.

Chase: It allows SJ types to actually just … SJ types have the same longevity, they usually are the people living in their nineties and their hundreds. They’re usually almost always SJ types so because of that they’re just outlasting everybody. They can outlast the punishment that SPs give, especially since SPs have a higher proclivity to be physically abusive in their relationships.

Chase: Whereas SJs have a high chance of being emotionally abusive, for example. It’s different. People take out their tendencies differently on each other than more people would. Anyway, that is the artisan temperament for ESTPs, ESFPs, ISTPs, ISFPs. If you found this video helpful or educational go ahead and leave a like and subscribe. Otherwise, if you have any questions leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer your questions. More on this topic later. Have a good night.

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