Season 22, Episode 6 Transcript



00:01 Hey guys, it’s CS Joseph with CS Joseph dot life doing another episode for season 22. I believe this is episode six, one of the cognitive transitions of an ESFP. And we’ve been going into cognitive transitions and how they impact the four sides of the mind. And each of the 16 types.

The reason why I’m doing this is trying to get people to be more familiar with the four sides of the mind, for each of the individuals 16 types, and about their various transitions. The way transitions work mechanically, just a little bit of review here, guys I’m gonna get to the lecture is that you can transition in a chaotic manner or orderly manner. So like, imagine, take a huge bottle of water and then you’re entering into another bottle of water, and it just comes out very chaotically, there’s not enough air inside the bigger bottle. And then once air gets in and just comes out, like nice and smooth after time is going on.

And that’s basically how cognitive transitions work. If your brain is for fields in a, you know, with irrigation, you know, on a form, basically, and then each of the four sides represents one of the four fields, the irrigation network for water that you have, that water is basically separated amongst all four fields, basically, when you’re watering your fields, and you can choose which side of the mind, potentially all of them are some of them, which ones are irrigated, which ones are not. And if there’s a lot of pressure of that, you know, behind that water to get that water into the new fields, it can go away and pretty chaotically it’s like it’s forest, right. So it’s like a forest cognitive transition.

And that’s usually as a result of irresponsibility or fear or worry, etcetera, or dread or hatred, etcetera. And, you know, that’s basically how that works. And you know, when it comes to irresponsibility that’s attached to the first gateway, fear is attached to second gateway worries attached to the third gateway. And the hatred is attached to the final gateway, which are the gateways of the giving access to each the four sides of the mind.

And those are the chaotic gateways, the chaotic ways and the four sides of mind. But if you can, over time, use them learn how to use them in a, you know, responsible, orderly manner, because order determines outcome, you end up turning that into responsibility, you turn into sort of fear, you know, you have faith or you’re not afraid it’s courage, like it’s courageous. Instead of worry, you know, you have certainty instead of worry, which is, which is also really, really powerful to have. And then also, instead of hatred, you have love.

And that’s ultimately what the cognitive transitions are four within each person’s cognitive development. More on that and season 19. If you haven’t watched season 19 yet, and learn about how to become the best you for your time, wow. Excuse me, kind of lose my voice right now.

If you haven’t seen season 18 yet or interact with that content, I highly recommend it. And it’s available to you at CS Forward slash Patreon, we have like a huge menu of what all of our private content is, and just subscribe to whatever level seems to benefit you the most. And you’ll have access to that pretty easily.

I mean, you can treat like HBO, if you want to subscribe for one month binge watch everything. And then, you know, unsubscribe, if you so desire, you know, so or, I mean, I think Netflix could do something similar, but you know, it is what it is. But the bottom line is, with all that being said, you know, Cago transitions, you know, that’s generally how they mechanically work. And it’s just trying to, you know, mature with yourself because remember, everyone’s on the path to cognitive integration, which is another form of enlightenment, but we’re not going to talk about that.

That’s for season 19. And how to become the best you were just going to talk about what happens with the cognitive transitions themselves. So it’s a little bit of review and ESFP is also known as the duelist. And we’re gonna actually talk a little bit about why they’re called the duals here in a second, and it’s really fogging up in here.

Holy smokes, it’s getting some defrost going on the wines all foggy in here, all of a sudden, maybe it’s because I’m talking so much and it’s keep things up in here. But when it comes to ESF peas, their communication style aka interaction style, they are informative which is employee sent language with everything they say is usually applied. It’s not so direct, it’s very indirect, very beating around the bush. They are initiating so they like going to other people to interact.

They don’t necessarily need people to come to them or prefer people to come to them. They like going to other people to get things started. Very movement oriented, which they’re focused on progression, they’re not focused on the outcome and movement person values the journey over the goal. Excuse me, gosh.

Wow. Seems my affliction is a little a little bit out today. It’s mostly because I didn’t get much sleep because I’m driving to pick up my children this morning. And 05:45 I’ve been like, pretty ill when I don’t get sleep, but I didn’t get much sleep.

05:51 So getting getting better, though, I’m definitely going to be treated for that. So it’s not a problem. So anyway, that being said, so cotton transition, so yeah, therefore initiating movement, also, you know, or implicit, you know, versus progression as well. And then their temperament.

They’re known as the artisans. They’re SPS SP types of freedom based creators, all about living in the moment, not really aware of the consequences of their actions at all. So ESFPs interact with life is like this journey to figure out causality cause and effect. And because they’re on this journey of cause and effect, they ended up stumbling upon the truth, they end up stumbling on the facts, even though they don’t know what the truth is.

They don’t know what the facts are, because they have ti trickster. It’s more of they’re just stumbling upon it. And then as a result at the very pragmatic, and that’s what helps assist them in stumbling upon that truth because they’re willing to do what works, not necessarily what people consider is the right thing to do. It’s all about doing what works.

07:01 And then based on that they also, you know, I might need to get some water. Man, there’s my straw. He gets some water here in a second. So you can shoot right through this nice thing of water that I got myself.

07:25 You ever go and focus on driving lol So yeah, they’re they’re very pragmatic. They’re also concrete, they focus on the what is they focus on the real, they focus on the term, the tangible. 07:44 And then they’re also very interest based, they’re always aware of what they get out of a situation, not necessarily what somebody else gets out of a situation. And that’s kind of their primary focus in life as well.

So yeah, that’s it ESFP that’s how you find them on the Type grid. And then there, Quadra is known as the Wayfarers. Way, fairies are all about people who need to have the freedom to perform and pursue performing for the sake of treasure or pursue treasure throw like treasure hunters. And then adults have the freedom to decide who they get to share it with, etc.

Their treasure. Treasure is very important to them. But you know, immature or depraved, or, you know, a Wayfarer who’s more focused on the expedience and the meaningful, they’re kind of more willing to steal treasure instead of burned for themselves. And that’s how you know the difference between a good Wayfarer or reporting back Wayfair Wayfair, who’s willing to burn it and not steal it, etc.

So just keep an eye on that. In terms of wafers, and, and I say that, because like a lot of people got really, really mad over my wafer lecture with the Cuadras. But I mean, let’s be honest, like, treasures, great, but what I’m not gonna like go on and on for like 20 minutes explaining how great treasure is, I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Most people don’t realize that wayfarers have a tendency to steal things that they haven’t exactly earned.

And I’ve seen it multiple times. I used to work for an E and TJ, and I’ve watched him steal from people steal their ideas, steal everything from them. I’d see that happen all the time, all the time, you’d even try to put me up to it as well. And then my own inner wayfare, my INTJ shadow would be complicit with that, as well.

And ultimately, I just decided that that was not a way I wanted to go. So I’m glad that I’ve kind of moved on from that behavior when I was more manchild in those days, but anyway, so back to ESFPs, also known as the duelists. Now, dualism, why are they duelists? Well, okay, so the ESTP they’re known as the gladiator Es FPS they gladiate kind of like is TPS do except it’s more of, it’s not really about, you know, strength and finding strength of character and building character up, and that’s why they got it. That’s why they create conflict.

Conflict with an ESF P is they create chaos, they create conflict specifically to test out ideas. You know, whereas, whereas the ESTP is challenging social rules and social norms, and figuring out structural integrity, etc. I guess you could say like the ESF P is testing the integrity of ideas. Because it’s like they’re constantly with their te child in this area where they’re like, Okay, hey, how do you know that? So how do you know that? And because they’re constantly questioning how do you know that? How do you know that? They’re, they’re like this duelists they’re like a swashbuckler with this sword, trying to figure out with themselves is okay, is this is this actually factual right now? Is this the truth because they know and they tried to make sure other people don’t know this about them for some reason.

ESFPs know that they don’t know. And they’re trying to hide it from other people. So they put up the smokescreen, they put up this perception that they want to look smart. So people will be willing to engage with them.

People would actually want to have shared experiences with the ISFP. And the ESF P, for some reason believes it’s all about, you know, them being smart. You know, and it’s also interesting, too, because since they’re extroverted sensing heroes, they lack the patience to sit down oftentimes and actually read, which makes them even more makes them feel or believe even more that they’re stupid or lacking in intelligence when compared to other people. The problem is, is that that’s absolutely false.

It is 100% False. I’m sorry, ESF peas. But guess what you guys actually can be really brilliant. As long as you apply yourself, the thing is, is that ESF peas don’t really know where to apply themselves, because of their ni inferior, and they’re always afraid of making the wrong choice, they end up having to try everything, and they don’t know the consequences of their actions.

So not only do they not know the truth, but they also don’t know the consequences of their actions, they just end up becoming in this endless loop of starting and restarting and starting and restarting over and over and over much to their own chagrin and the chagrin of people around them. And that can cause a huge problem. It’s one of the biggest struggles in our life. However, if for some reason, through learning those lessons through learning those negative reactions, those negative consequences, the of the causes that they do the negative effects of the causes that their se hero puts forward.

Eventually, their Introverted Sensing, Nemesis or failing basically, will come into play. And that Nemesis will eventually turn into an ally where they will be self disciplined enough to actually spend time reading. If an ESFP reads books, they become brilliant, bro enough to join Mensa, for example, they are getting their te child can see all the connections and especially when it comes to numbers, and mathematics. I know a lot of really good physics professors, scientists, etc.

Brilliant follows, and they’re INTJ, subconscious focused ESFPs because they develop the self discipline necessary to actually read. And they haven’t really often considered, you know, that that standpoint, you know, and, and whatnot, because it’s like, well, sitting down and reading is boring. i Okay, yeah, it may be boring, but then you’re gonna be smart, and everyone else and then you don’t have to be like pretending that you’re smart, and everyone else, everyone can easily tell when you’re pretending and knowing that you’re insecure about it. And then no one wants to have shared experiences with you.

And then you’re like, the most forgetful person ever. Is that what you want? ESFPs you want to be the most forgetful person ever? Do you want anyone to like, you know, do you want to be abandoned consistently? Well, then didn’t have the patience to start reading. Right? So anyway, that’s why they’re known as duelists. Because they’re trying to, you know, figure out the why and not necessarily the how, because they usually know the how, but they need to know the why they need to know the truth behind things, and some of the struggles that they have.

And these struggles are actually displayed throughout the four sides of the mind for the duelist which ESFP ego their shadow is the Ranger or excuse me, their subconscious as the Ranger, aka the INTJ. And then they have their ISFJ or the night as an unconscious and then their super ego is yours truly is the rohc and their roguish behavior can be like a very serious chaotic control. Hey, you know, I’m going to save your life today. But I’m going to steal your car tomorrow 14:51 kind of, you know, issue when it comes to ESF peas, and ESF peas can often get to that point because you know, their F fi parent will get in there and then They just start believing all of a sudden that they deserve things they don’t actually deserve.

This is one of the reasons why they end up stealing from other people that NTP shadow like can be a serious klepto. Let’s be honest, and not only they stealing physical items, but they can also end up stealing ideas and passing them off as their own because they have that need that need to have that perception that they’re smart. This is why oftentimes ESF peas struggle with plagiarism, it’s actually very, very common with ESFPs. Especially in schooling, I’ve watched so many ESFPs be cheaters in in academics, because they’re just using their awareness of putting up that perception of looking smart.

And then they ended up passing off other people’s work as their own, so that they can take credit for other people’s work. This happens all the time. It’s because they want to have the reputation of being smart and intelligent, even though they know deep down, they’re really not. And they’re just trying to make it look like they are.

But this is kind of often you know what most fit users actually do. But ESFP can avoid this, as long as they actually invest time and have the self discipline to read or at least do audiobooks and whatnot. It’s absolutely important. Because honestly, if they’re doing their research and they could fit, and then they compare research to one another than they realize, okay, well, the research is not lying.

To me, this is more accurate. Or if they are, if there’s numbers attached to it, then okay, I’ll hold on. Numbers don’t lie. I mean, even ESFPs, and probably ESFPs, out of all the 16 types, recognize that the ultimate language of the universe is numbers.

And we know the universe is infinite, because we can count to infinity. I mean, we can’t count to infinity, we know that numbers could go on forever. And that’s how we know that the universe can go on forever, is based off of that logic alone, right. And we are potentially unlimited, you know, we have the choice to make ourselves unlimited if we want to, because we are the only ones putting limits on ourselves.

It’s gonna get to the point where death won’t limit us anymore, you know, especially if you consider Genesis chapter 11 verse, verse six, which is like this one, people come together and speak the same language that they can accomplish this, this being the Tower of Babel, then they can accomplish anything, nothing that their hearts set out to do will be impossible for them. Right. And which means humanity is unlimited. And, you know, ESFP is, you know, naturally understand that there is an unlimited capability, they just don’t know how they just don’t know why well, they kind of discover how pretty quickly, they’re se hero, but they don’t have the why.

And the y comes from expert intuition, which is their super ego demon function. And that’s not, you know, very helpful for them. So based on that, like, well, they need to kind of, you know, define it a little bit more, but they’re not going to know, unless they’re in this like, invisible plane, where they that goes on forever, and they have all these giant balls that they get to bounce play and just see what happens. They have to kind of end up treating life like this playground of cause and effect to be able to figure out, Okay, what’s going to happen, if I do this, I’m going to make this decision just to see what happens, right? Because they don’t actually truly know the consequences of their own actions.

And only through gaining life experience and through reading, will they be able to start to understand those consequences. And then as a result, they’ll be able to experiment their way into discovering truth. That’s the whole point. That’s basically the ESFPs purpose other than obviously, you know, performing for everybody.

Because they do it through performance. That’s why they perform because they’re trying new things, just to see what their audience how their audience will change, or what will the effect be, will be the consequence, on people’s reactions outside of their behavior. And they’re very concrete about this. And they interact with the physical environment as a result.

So anyway, let’s talk about the first gateway. And it was with cognitive transitions. And the first gateway is their hero function. It’s where they learn about responsibility.

And but the first gateway, you know, it’s been given to them it’s basically a freebie and whatnot. And they can be chaotic or orderly with it in a chaotic transition into into the ego. With the with the hero function. Being first gateway is really all about your responsibility.

And I guess that makes sense, because children, aren’t you responsible. And then as they get older, they’re able to develop their sense of responsibility. And as a result, their hero is able to be a lot more successful. And they’re able to actually, you know, make things happen with their expert sensing hero, they’re able to basically bend reality to their will.

They’re like a giant whirlwind or a hurricane if a person and they need someone with high Introverted Sensing to be able to weather their storm basically. Because oftentimes, you know, Oh ESFPs has to deal with the fact that push other people away. And that’s not necessarily the most appropriate thing for them or the best thing for them, et cetera. Gosh, I’m really liking this app, I hope.

I hope the sound is good on this app, I got a new filming app for my phone. And I just been playing with it recently. It’s called Filmic Pro. And honestly, I’m glad I dropped the 15 $20 on this application.

Because it’s, it’s amazing. I’m, I’m super happy about this. And, and tell me tell me guys how like, the actual video comes out, because I’m filming this at 720 p, at 60 frames a second. And I want to know if this, if the sound is coming through, I’m not doing any, any microphone or anything.

I’m just trying to do just my phone and see how it works out. So make sure you guys let me know in the comments below. But anyway, so yeah, you can. So the the ego itself, when it comes to the first gateway, you know, you’re given it by default, obviously, you know, when you when you’re when you’re born and you start developing your persona.

The thing is, though, is that it starts off irresponsible, they need to figure out how to, you know, become more responsible. But the ESFP ego, like I said, it’s just trying to find out causality. But So beyond that, though, then we have the second gateway. And the second gateway is also it’s about, it’s about fear, you know, it starts out, it’s really afraid, that’s where a person’s insecurity is.

And this is why ESF peas have such a hard time having their freedom of choice taken away, you take away and ESFPs freedom of choice, they’re gonna become very violent, and eventually they will actually develop hatred towards you, because you’re taking away their choice. And that’s not really appropriate, they have a really, really hard time in that situation, you know, 21:46 especially like, like, if you can imagine, you know, and ESFP, because they’re so aware of the perception, they give off other people, they’ve said things that to the people closest to them to maintain that perception of like, you know, I’m an intelligent person, or you need to think certain things about me. And it’s all part of that perception that they give, often they’re managing the expectations and the perceptions of people around them around them. But when a third party comes along and starts exposing those things, then they start demanding loyalty from those people around them, because their perception is not exactly matching the reality of who they are.

And because of that, they realize their freedom of choice is being threatened because those perceptions that the ESFP has put up the duelist has put up around other people, is what actually gives them their freedom of choice. So they ended up controlling and being the gatekeeper over what other people around them know. And, you know, holding on to certain pieces of knowledge, because if everybody had the entire picture, then people would naturally start taking away the ESFPs freedom of choice, because they’ll realize the ESFP doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about. Therefore, the ESFP is not as trusted.

Therefore, the ESFP is not able to actually, you know, have freedom of choice, because that lack of trust, removes choices, or authority, from a takes the authority away from the ESFP. And then as a result, without that authority, they no longer have freedom of choice, and it scares them. Right. So ESFP is one of avoid that.

Maybe you should like actually choose, you know, make the right choice to read. Because by choosing to read, you are choosing to guarantee that you will always have free will choice, stop doing the expedient thing, how about you do the meaningful thing and actually read, because the more you read, the more valuable Your opinion is, the more people think you’re actually intelligent, the more choices you have, because they’re trusting you. And then they can be loyal to you, and then they care for you. And then they’re giving you additional information and things to think about you maybe providing them input, but they realize your input is actually valuable.

Therefore, they’ll want to actually be loyal to you and tell you what they think. And this is what ISFJs do for you. So like Why won’t you do this? Oh, but you want to take the the expedient route, and just be lazy? And then not actually, you know, read, but then you’re like, Well, what if I read the wrong thing, there’s no such thing as reading the wrong thing, read everything. And then decide with your f5 parent, whether or not what you’re reading is good or bad, and then throw out the bad and keep the good.

It’s not that important. But what if I forget, you don’t have to worry about that because the book itself becomes a totem. And then you’ll start to see with your extroverted sensing hero based on other people’s behaviors, that the words that you read from the book are actually attached to their behaviors. And then you’ll remember through other people’s behaviors around you.

You have to read, this is how it works. You have to study how also you can unlock your INTJ subconscious. It’s literally a scientist. Why don’t you do this as a strategist, you want to have the best strategies.

You know, you want to unlock really capable systems that help give you the best way to do something. Maybe you should be reading. Well, what’s in it for me, well, what’s in it for you? was freedom of choice reading equals freedom of choice you need to figure this out, then as a result of that, you’re able to develop courage, and then you’re able to transition into your INTJ subconscious, which allows you to develop systems to even, you know, further serve your own interest, right? To give you more freedom of choice, why would you not want that? How are you going to be able to create the ultimate strategy, the ultimate, you know, way of doing things, the ultimate method to solving problems that you have in your life? Or to be able to guarantee that you always have freedom of choice? How are you gonna do that if you don’t actually spend time researching, if you don’t spend time reading, like, Guys, this is very basic, okay, the INTJ, subconscious, it needs this otherwise, otherwise, the INTJ subconscious is just going to be selfish, and constantly wanting to make really bad decisions, like, you know, instead of like being responsible, you’re just gonna sit around all day long and getting high, you know, that’s effective. Or you’re going to just become a burden on other people, which is very common with FYI, parents becoming a burden on others, which is really, really frustrating when you shouldn’t be taking responsibility.

And actually, you know, reading and developing yourself and bettering yourself. But apparently, we can’t even do that. Apparently, you just rather sit at home because society is enabling you because your family is enabling you. And you’re okay, they’re gonna enabling you when they’re secretly behind your back being super bitter about you.

And you’re not even aware of it. Because no one’s complaining to you about your behavior, because no one wants to make you feel that. Wow, wow, thank you. ESFPs, thank you for remaining so ignorant about the consequences of your actions, when you should actually be doing everyone else a favor, and making the choice to actually read and better yourself.

So that, you know, as a result of that, you no longer a burden on us, and then went on to be talking mad mess about you behind your back. Because we do it all the time. And the little perception that you believe that you set up with everybody, no one actually believes that. And then we’re just, you know, entertaining you when you think you’re actually entertaining us.

And you’re not actually we’re just aware of your like, you know, Bs perceptions that are not actually accurate. So, anyway, you might want to watch out for that ESFPs because people are away more on to you than you realize, you think you get you think you’re really as good as an ENFP at doing that. No, because ENFP can remember every lie they’ve ever told, they can remember, remember, every little perception they put up, they can remember every value that they’ve ever put forward. And they can keep them going for the rest of their life.

You think you can No, you can’t. And as a result of that ESFPs out of all of the types, you look the most contradictory to yourself, and you’re constantly divided against yourself, constantly contradicting yourself. And for some reason you believe no one knows it, but the reality is everyone actually does know it. And that’s why you are having your freedom of choice taken away from you.

Because you’re too afraid to want to do the best thing for yourself. You’re too afraid to follow a system that you haven’t made for yourself, but I’m telling you the right system right now. You want success in your life, you need to be reading use your te child, if you’re not going to use your te child. Well, then you’re irresponsible.

Okay, like it’s not about your mood. It’s not about like, I mean, if you want to be in a better mood one day you want to be you want to better choices, you want to have freedom you need to read and make your opinion valuable and help people so your INTJ subconscious isn’t worthless. And if you don’t do this, you will have midlife crisis, I promise you ESFPs you will have midlife crisis, okay. Like seriously, you have to develop the INTJ shadow or subconscious.

You will have midlife crisis you know there’s there’s it’s funny, there’s actually a midlife crisis for each of the four sides of the mind. quarter life crisis. It’s about you know, the first gateway becoming responsible. Midlife crisis is about the subconscious, the second gateway getting over its fear, and leading on to aspiration.

The three quarter life crisis is a demand of for wisdom, etc. And then the final life crisis is whether or not you’re going to let go of all of your hatred and get into love. That’s literally the entire path each human being has to take, you know, and cognitive transitions are basically the first steps in the process. But hey, you know, if you’re gonna be insecure, and be afraid, your INTJ is just gonna be there to like, you know, steal other people’s ideas instead of like developing your own and so, you’re gonna be stealing other people’s systems.

You’re gonna be stealing other people’s methodologies and passing it on as your own and taking credit for other people’s work. Instead of actually learning and doing it yourself because I’m sorry, he is a beast. The truth is, is that if your INTJ subconscious is actually developed, you will become ingenious. The ingenuity that you will have, will be, you know, second to none, you’ll even be better at it than regular INTJ is, but then again INTJ is actually teaches will be able to perform better than you.

Because that’s what happens when people develop their subconscious, the subconscious, a developed subconscious, a subconscious, who has the ability, a subconscious that has developed ends up becoming the absolute best of what the 16 types can offer. And it’s pretty obvious and all you have to do is just get over your fear. You know, who cares? If you’re afraid of making the wrong choice, 30:31 make the wrong choice, then, you know, and then all sudden, you realize, Oh, that wasn’t the wrong choice was actually the right choice. And, gee, wonder how that works on? How many times in your life has that actually happened? ESFPs, like, explain that.

The third gateway, this is where ESFPs gets super nostalgic, they’re very worried about their past, they worry that they don’t have a light enough life experience. And that’s why you have to read because you don’t have life experience. And your your life experience is not exactly, you know, something that’s, you know, entirely valuable, or, you know, something that works as a result, you know, you might want to fix that, right? So, how do you do that you’re so worried about your life experience ended up overcompensating with performance, because like, I don’t have enough experience, so I have to look like I’ve experienced, I gotta fake it until I make it, I gotta make sure that I’m constantly performing for others. So that you know, at least I’m performing because I don’t have as much experience, but then again, because of that worry of lacking life experience, you don’t ever actually apply yourself because like, well, I don’t consider myself an expert, or I’m not good enough.

In this particular situation. People won’t value what I’m doing. And I know people won’t value it, because I don’t have enough experience. And it’s like, okay, well hold on, that’s not actually true.

As long as you’re reading and developing your super valuable opinion, you shouldn’t have this problem. And then eventually, you know, as you’ve suffered in life, and you start understanding a little bit more about causality, and you start actually keeping track, forcing yourself against your will, against your mood, to keep track of your failures, and keep track of the consequences of your actions and actually start learning your lessons for once, instead of repeating the same BS behavior over and over and over, maybe just maybe you might have enough self discipline to actually you know, read or be more responsible, because that’s what you need to develop. You’re so worried about having life experience, but you’re not willing to put forward the self discipline to gain that life experience that you’re worried about not having, it’s a catch 22 That you are putting that your mind your own mind is putting you into, okay, like, how are you going to get anywhere in life, if that’s the case, this is also in the reasons why ESFPs really like reliving, you know, the good moments their past, and they can get pretty nostalgic, often, like ESTPs, because it’s like, if I’m not having new experiences, right now, I’m worried that I’m going to lose, I’m never gonna want to experience those good times that I’ve had in the past again. No, I Okay, I understand that.

But remember, ESFPs it’s your responsibility to keep bringing up new shared experiences, throw become the spice of life, the more shared experiences you have, the more life experience you have. So do it with the people that are loyal to you. Or do it for the people that are not loyal to you, because at least you’re having shared experiences with other people. And as a result, you’re gaining that and you don’t have to be so worried about lacking in life experience anymore.

It’s like, just be like, Hey, what are we doing right now? And that’s all you need to focus on? What are you doing, and then by being focused on what you yourself are doing, you will be that much more successful, right? After you’ve done everything with other people, you know, I get that you can like Delve into like everyone else’s mind. And like we’re everyone else’s. You know, everyone else’s experience and listen to their stories and whatnot, which are pretty awesome to you. But at the same time, it’s like, you have to be willing to create stories with them great, shared, shared experiences.

So you can stop being so worried about it about not having enough experience to be able to get any tasks done, and then you sell yourself short. When the reality situation is, is that you’ll figure it out or at a minimum, guess what, you can read the manual, okay? If you lack life experience, find the manual and read it. I’m sorry guys, but ESFPs are the best at reading manuals. Like manuals were created for ease because ESFP types needed it.

That’s why manuals exist. Read the manual. It’s not that hard. If you read if you read the manual, you will have success because no one could read a manual like an ESFP.

They lack experience if you lack experience if you’re so worried. If you’re so worried about lack of experiences, then find the manual, find the instructions and actually have the patient Try to read the instructions. It’s not that hard. Okay? I get life doesn’t exactly have a playbook.

Oh, wait, it does. It’s called books, read books, instructions that you need for life, right? There’s a reason for that read books. So many people taken all that knowledge from other sources, and then you become your own source, right? Because then you’re able to have a super valuable opinion and share the input with other people, then you’re able to get over your own worry, right? Because then your ISFJ your ISFJ shadow becomes loyal to the wrong things. It becomes loyal to debauchery, it becomes loyal to self aggrandizement, it becomes loyal to making yourself look good instead of actually being good, right? Make yourself look smart, instead of actually being smart.

And your ISFJ ends up becoming loyal to the wrong things also becomes loyal to the wrong people, the wrong crew, the wrong crowd, where you start taking on the bad habits of other people who are potentially drug addicts, who are all about, you know, their own personal interests and not actually your interest. They don’t care about your future, they don’t care about your choice. They’re just rebelling, and it’s like, well, I’m going to rebel to so that I get my choice. But the reality situation is they’re actually taking your choices away, by exposing you to higher levels of risk.

And you end up with your ISFJ shadow beings, because you’re so worried about having the life experience necessary to become responsible yourself, that you’re gonna become loyal to those people and take on their bad habits. Really? How about you stop being worried about, like, the bad things in your life? How about you stop being worried about that, and then, you know, you’d be orderly, and then realize that self discipline can actually be a very valuable friend, because here’s the thing, if you lack self discipline, ESFPs, what’s gonna happen is that you’re gonna keep touching a hot stove, over and over and over and keep burning your hand and trying to figure out what’s going on here, maybe you should allow yourself to realize that, hey, there’s gonna be consequences to my actions, maybe I should find out what other people have done first, before I do it to make sure I’m not going to get a bad consequence to my action. But no, you know, I just don’t always want to be impulsive and, and make whatever choice I want and see what happens. No, maybe before you make a choice, go to others find out if they’ve made the choice and figure out what happened to them before you make that decision.

That way, you don’t have to be so worried. And then all of a sudden, you’re benefiting from other people’s experience, you’re able to learn from other people’s mistakes, that is what you’re supposed to do. And then you just have to have the self discipline to ask other people. First, you have to have the self discipline to learn from other people’s mistakes.

This is how it works. ESFPs This is how it works. Otherwise, you’re just gonna keep being in the same pattern behavior over and over. And then you’re going to stay loyal to the wrong things, you’re going to get your self discipline, it’s going to be all about what your mood is all about your freedom of choice.

And then as a result of that, you’re never going to learn from other people’s mistakes. And you’re going to have to learn the hard way, every single time. And it’s as if you’re trial and error thing in your life instead of asking other people first what they think about things. And if they’ve ever made this decision before, find out what other people have done, and learn it from learn from their mistakes, then eventually, as a result, you’ll be able to create the ultimate system, the ultimate methodology for you to follow yourself, to protect yourself and make sure that you have a really good outcome, instead of just being on this journey of constant failure over and over and over again, because you lack the self discipline to find out if anyone else has done what you are already doing.

Wow. That’s the lesson of the third gateway, get over your worry, make it an ally and force yourself to go to others before you make a decision. It’s not that hard. Really not that hard.

You know, you’re not stupid, you’re actually more intelligent, by asking others what they think and if they’ve done it first. So you can learn from their mistakes, you learn better from other people’s mistakes, not your own. Because you keep making your own mistakes over and over and over again. They keep following you following the same pattern behavior over and over again.

And it’s because you lack the self discipline to ask first. See, I get that you’re all about you know, making decisions and being pragmatic and doing what works and just being like, okay, hey, I’m, I’m just gonna make this decision. And I’m going to ask for forgiveness. You know what, ESFPs you benefit more than anyone else or I’m asking permission first, and in a form of asking permission is asking other people if they’ve ever already done what you’re considering to due for a choice that you’ve done, and then getting the benefit of the consequences of their actions in their life, and you can compare that to your own and see whether or not you’re going to have a bad effect or a bad consequence of the choice or the cause that you start.

40:16 Maybe you should remember that, that’s, that’s probably the biggest lesson I could ever give to ESFPs with their own personal development, you want to have a good ISFJ be loyal to that, be loyal, be have that be loyal to self discipline, be loyal to asking, be loyal to other people, and finding out and learning from their mistakes, being loyal to the concept of learning from others mistakes, for you make one, you want to remove the failure in your life, you want to stop worrying about your own experience, find out what other people are doing. It’s not that hard. Okay. So then, let’s, let’s move, let’s move forward.

So then, you know, we go to the final gateway, the fourth gateway, which is the demon function, and the demon function is all about taking away other people’s choices take away other people’s futures. And this happens usually usually comes out when the ESFP has lost their freedom of choice, their choice is being taken away from them. Usually an ESFPs freedom of choice is taken away from them, because they were irresponsible with their choice, because they lack self discipline and learning from other people’s mistakes, because they’re not aware of their consequences of their the consequences or actions. But then their demon comes out when the reality situation is, and they get raging about it when the reality situation is it’s actually ESFPs own damn fault.

But they’re unwilling to take responsibility for that, because they don’t want to look stupid in front of other people. Wow. And then they start losing reputation. And no one actually wants to have a relationship with them, or even be loyal to the green and be around them anymore.

Because they know that and the ESSB continues to be this endless cycle of ignorance. Yippee Skippy. Well, who? So but expert intuition demon, it’s like, okay, well, what do I do at this point? You know, it’s like, it’s all about removing other people’s choices. This is what causes the hero function as the hero and then forcing other people.

That’s why it needs attention all the time. Because it maintains, hey, the more attention I get more freedom of choice I have. That’s not necessarily true. Sometimes too much attention can actually take away your choice.

And it’s interesting how ESTPs can figure this out. But ESFPs can’t because he is he has empezar like mo reputation bus status. I think status gives them more choices. If I have all the status, I have the reputation, I have more freedom.

And yeah, that could go for a little while. But then all of a sudden, he’s there. You start finding yourself making yourself making promises to people with status to keep your status, you can deliver on those promises, then all of a sudden you find yourself being shaken down. Do you know where’s the money that you owe? Right? Because remember, ESOPs a promises of President voting Star Trek Picard episode four, by the way, I wouldn’t say that.

Anyway, accurate question, you know, you will end up becoming a very hateful person. And sometimes it’s your own fault. But sometimes people are really are actually taking away your freedom and that your hatred will come out towards those people, of course, but then sometimes you have to ask yourself, ESFPs did I actually cause this? Did I cause them to take away my choice? Do I deserve my choice being taken away? I wonder, you need to ponder that ESFPs really think about the experiences that other people have received from you. And was it a negative experience.

And because those negative experiences as a result of your impulsiveness as a result of your irresponsible behavior, that they actually decide to take away your freedom of choice, because they didn’t want to be forced or enslave, or given that negative experience or be made uncomfortable around you. Because they are seeing you for how selfless you really are with your own love freedom of choice. Or you’re actually sacrificing other people for your status and sacrificing other people for your freedom. sacrificing other people for your pursuit of treasure or potentially stealing other people’s treasure.

And that’s why they take all your freedom. What happens to thieves guys, these are thrown into jail and in some countries, their hands are cut off. Yeah, kind of hard to have freedom when your hand is cut off, right? You see what I’m saying? You can’t do that guys. You really really can’t do that.

So you know the demon. Yeah, it’s there to ultimately like be that, you know, place the vent for your Inferior function where you’re free of a choice to be taken away, and they can come out with hate But sometimes you have to recognize Well, was it SFP? The cost of that to begin with? Ask yourself that question. So yeah, otherwise, you know, the dealer function, you know, exists to reduce other people’s choices, it’s always aware of what other people’s choices are. Because you’re aware, so much about hypersensitive to your own freedom of choice.

And you’re just so aware of what you know, other people’s interests, you know, really like, what you are getting out of it, what they’re getting out of it. And it’s up to you and function that just demands that you always get a win out of the situation. But you’re at five parents, okay with them taking a lose from time to time. And honestly, that’s not good.

You need to be focused on air from getting a win win. See, there’s always a positive effect, regardless of any interaction that what your freedom of choice has ever taken. Because if you allow win losers where you’re the winner, and they’re the loser, they will take your freedom away. And then you’ll have hatred count, when it was actually your fault.

Don’t do that. Well, anyway, recognize the importance because, you know, your Rakesh behavior with your NTP and superego is not actually ideal, in orderly, orderly way about it is that just understand, you know, eventually, you end up providing choices to other people, you end up giving freedom to others. And that’s really the lesson about it, you actually serve hating people, you start to love people, because you start to realize that you are the one that put them in that situation where they had to take away your freedom of choice. And instead of hating them, you actually start to love them and appreciate them for taking your choices away because it taught you valuable life lessons that made you a better person, right.

So anyway, those are the four sides of the mind and how they interact with each other according to cognitive transitions, chaotic and orderly transitions. If you found this lecture useful, helpful, educational, enlightening, please subscribe to our channel here on YouTube. And also listen to us on the podcast. And I wonder if this might be an email lecture? I’m not sure yet.

We’ll find out what that little bit shorter than usual, we’ll try to keep it short and straightened to the points and hopefully you guys enjoyed this. Otherwise. So with that being said, I have a coaching session right now I could get off this thing and get on off on a coaching session. And coaching is available at CS

Forward slash coaching if you guys want to get tired, or when I have intimacy or personal coaching, career coaching whenever I do all that. I coach like last year, probably well over 300 people. So it’s been pretty interesting. Did a lot of pro bono work with some paperwork.

So it’s been it’s been fun. So anyway, I would like to have you guys as my clients. So check that out if you guys are interested. Otherwise, we’ll see you guys next time.

So that being said, I’ll see you guys tonight.

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