Season 22, Episode 3 Transcript



What’s up ego hackers? This is Chase with CS Joseph dot life do another episode for season 22. This is episode three, what are the cognitive transitions? For ENTJ’s, the ENTJ is known as the Marshall type or the chief by some circles, their structure type, you know, looking at them from a Type grid, direct initiating control, control being the very outcome focused, initiated me and they go to other people direct is that they give commands to others. They just state what they mean mean what they say, they’re not being indirect, which has additional subtext or additional explanation behind what they’re saying. They choose their role in the conversation, etc.

And then there, and that’s our communication style direct initiating control, which makes them a structure oriented type of the 16 archetypes. And then their disposition, aka temperament is they are very pragmatic. So they’re very independent, they do what they want, basically, to the point where people can actually accuse them of being impulsive. They are also abstract, open to the what F open to the possibilities.

And they’re also systematic, which means they are devoted to finding the best way of doing something the most efficient way, the most cost effective way. I mean, they they literally live in the world of, you know, cheap, fast or right, only pick two, right? So they want things to be done, right. So if it’s going to be done cheaply, then that means it’s gonna take a long time. Or if it’s gonna be done quickly and right, then it’s going to cost a lot, etc.

And the INTJ just basically bounces back and forth between both of these realms, or all three of these realms, I guess. So that being said, they are so that, that that’s their disposition. So they are an intellectual disposition, and Ti as a result, and their virtue advice is basically, generosity versus charity. Which is really, really important generosity versus charity.

But then, furthermore, what is the purpose of the Marshall type, what’s the purpose of the INTJ, the purpose is to basically be the number one executor of all the types, they just get it done, they get shit done, and they get it done well, so well, that. And TJ is at least from a career standpoint, entreprenuer shirt entrepreneurship standpoint, they can literally join a company, take over that company, from the inside out and lead that company indefinitely. And we actually saw this very recently with the CEO, John Ferner, who became CEO of Walmart recently. And he started out as just a part time associate at Walmart, and he was able to play the game of power and the game of influence, such that he took over as CEO for Walmart and Walmart couldn’t be happier, especially as all the announcements that they’ve been making in recent days.

Another example of the martial but this time from history, would be Napoleon. And Napoleon was an EN TJ. And he always led from the front. And that’s another example of en TJ execution, no one can execute better than en ti J’s.

But that’s why en TJ is you know, they always have to be in a program or they always have to go get, you know, get some motivation from a motivational speaker, because they’re the chief of the village, right? They’re the marshal, who leads their village leads, their platoon leads, their clan leads their company, et cetera, and then need to go to the shaman for that spiritual or that vision, that they need to make sure that their vision is righteous, so that they can continue to be the chief of their village basically. This is why, you know, like, you know, an NTP like myself or an intp or an NP in general would be like the shaman of the village whereas an EN TJ would be like the chief of the village, the weakness, while this village have the strength, you know, and the strength is the pack, etc, from that point of view, and yes, I’m quoting Cal Chris Falconer. Even the shaman would, would agree with me on that standpoint. The point is, is that for for EMT J’s is that like you, they’re married to their village, their marriage, their work, they’re married to their company, you know, and they can’t leave basically, they really can’t leave.

And due to their ability to execute the shaman can always leave and still have just as much influence, if not more influence than the INTJ. And as much as the INTJ could have as much power, if not even more power than the shaman, you know, or, you know, first, you know, as a martial, you know, versus the shaman or the chief for the shaman, et cetera. But yeah, that’s basically in a nutshell, you know, foundationally what an ENT TJ is, that’s our purpose in life to be like the master executor, right? Which it’s funny, because if you compare the INTJ is to INTJ. That’s not exactly how INTJ is work.

INTJ is can execute, but they really just can execute one thing at a time. It’s not many things at once, per se, although they can do it and just kind of stresses them out, leads them down the road to procrastination, et cetera. And that’s more because they have that performance anxiety that’s holding them back. Whereas an ENT TJ does not they have se child, they just want to childishly show everything or show off literally everything that they’ve done, and show it to people to get that really positive si related feedback that they’re looking for, to get the attention of others because that’s what experts sensors do, they want attention.

But you know, an SE child wants as much attention as they can possibly get from all sources, whereas se inferior wants all the attention it can get from one source, right. And this is why you know, you have INTJ is being finishers, you know, versus you know, the ENT TJ being that incharge executor, who are executor who is just amazing at getting the work done. And, you know, and then they’re rewarded for it, and that’s why you know, they are the most successful chief executive officers out there. And I honestly, it’s kind of interesting because if you look at Steve Jobs working with Steve Wozniak, you have an ESTP intp relationship, but then they hired John Sculley and he and TJ who was running Pepsi at the time to run apple, and then John Sculley took over although eventually John Sculley betrayed Steve Jobs at the board meeting that infamous board meeting.

Because John Sculley was very concerned about his reputation and his ability to execute. And John Sculley made the same mistake every NTJ makes, including the Polian because that’s why he was defeated at Waterloo is because he started treating people like numbers, like cattle, people are like cattle, and he took the people around him for granted. And because of that, you know, John Sculley made decisions rationally with numbers, but he didn’t consider the value of Steve Jobs and the vision. And that’s a perfect example the vision leaving the village when the shaman leaves the village, and then the village is basically effectively cursed until the shaman returns to remove the curse.

Why is that? Think about it this way, a blessing is when you get some you get more in return than what you put into something a curse is when you get less out of it than what you put in. And that’s ultimately the state that Apple was in. When Apple went down in flames. John Sculley fired jobs.

He was so concerned about his reputation, he was making decisions based on the numbers and not the people, not the vision. You know, and this is why ENT Jays are amazing executors, but they’re terrible at vision and quite frankly, not that they’d like to admit it, but they are terrible at delegation. They’re very terrible at delegation. NTPs are far better at delegation to the point where they can actually over delegate, which can be a problem.

Whereas an E or an E and TJ, no, that’s not necessarily the case. They don’t have that issue. You know, and as Steve Jobs found out, when he became CEO of Apple again, for the second time, he figured out proper delegation instead of over delegating. And then he was able to basically change the world, which is a lot allowed me to actually record this video for you right now on my iPhone.

Thank you, Mr. Steve Jobs, you’ve done humanity, an amazing service. 09:07 But John Sculley went down in history as being the man who fired Steve Jobs. So understand that, you know, sometimes, and TJs need to be willing to count the cost, and they don’t understand the opportunity cost also includes people.

And we see this all the time when it comes to like their their cognitive transitions, you know, so let’s actually talk about cognitive transitions. So four sides of the mind, for for en ti js. So the ego is there and TJ and remember folks, like your type is literally whatever is your ego because that’s your primary there. You’re always in your ego all the time.

And then there’s a higher level above that, which is the subconscious. I kind of like, you can even say it’s like a post conscious thing, but it’s still technically subconscious. It’s like, but it’s still required. Here’s a step up to really gain mastery of the subconscious.

And the subconscious of the INTJ is the ISFP, the artist, and also known as the druid, and it’s so interesting to watch that that Marshal that huge general, a vast armies literally become the Druid of the forest. And, you know, realizing that, you know, maybe I need to have that spiritual experience and gain back the vision of what it was I was trying to do, by going off into the forest and meditating and taking some time alone, and really understanding the value of reality and the value of of the environment, and recognizing that the war that the INTJ martial ego is waging, has collateral damage, additional consequences to their actions, right. It’s those consequences, that can be very, very problematic. And, you know, people, people just need to be aware of these risks, you know, consistently, right? So yeah, it’s, it’s stuff like that, you know, people aren’t aware of when it comes to, you know, like the ISFP, subconscious, but then let’s, let’s look at the look at the intp, unconscious or shadow side of the mind.

And that’s known as the M, the intp, or the engineer, and it’s always really interesting to watch, you know, Shadow focused and TJs, like engineer amazing solutions and create frameworks and models. And they package them up and sell them to others and coach others do the more successful business where they create those frameworks and models and engineer those solutions, and execute them, you know, at whatever company company they’re at, and get things done. You know, this is really, really important. Why is that? Because Auntie j’s are triple pragmatic, and the trouble of pragmatic not with their super ego, but truly pragmatic with their ego and their subconscious and their shadow.

This is super important. Because if an INTJ is in a company, even if they’re like, very low, low level, but they take the initiative, and they only ask forgiveness, and they never ask permission, but then they let their results speak for themselves, because they’re amazing execution. And, and TJ can easily rise to the ranks of any company to literally become that, you know, that low level associate to become the CEO. And, you know, this is exactly what happens is Napoleon, they kind of forced him, you know, the consulship, basically, they forced him to come into power against as well, because he was very good at execution.

And he became a dictator. But he wasn’t he didn’t want that position. But they told him to be in that position, because they saw the value of what he was done doing. And, you know, special exceptions were made.

This is funny, because then I look at es TJ is out there. Also our te hero structure types, like en ti J’s. And for some reason, es TJ is out there think that, you know, if I just play it safe and and follow the rules, you know, then I’ll have that coffee job, I’ll have that job security. I’ll become vice president one day or CEO one day, etc.

And it’s like, no, sorry, ESD J’s, you’re only at middle management. And I would only recommend you be placed at middle management. Like what I say what I want es TJ and C suite, maybe what I want them as like a Chief of Operations, nope. At best, I’d put them as a chief of finance, or some other random thing when I put them in charge of it as a CIO or CTO? No, no way.

Would I ever do operations? Nope. Would I ever do the CEO? Nope. Because at best, they’re middle management. So finance, and that’s basically about it.

That’s the only C suite position I’ve ever put any is TJ. Otherwise, they could be lazy at the VP level or at the director level, for example, because they’re just not going to go anywhere. Why is that necessary? Well, I mean, if you think about it, like they’re really good at being middle management, because they get comfortable. That’s the problem, like the ISTJ is naturally create oligarchy that’s like, what they produce is oligarchy.

And you look at the United States of America, it’s an oligarchy. And, you know, it’s run by es TJ is I mean, Obama’s an ES TJ, for example, you know, it’s really just run by ESP J’s, and it that’s, that’s a severe, that’s a severe issue. Because es TJ is gotta be loyal to something. And, but you know what they are, they haven’t loyalty they lack an execution because ultimately es TJ is like every si user is at risk of being stuck in their comfort zone.

Well, that’s the thing about E and TJ is they do Don’t care about their comfort zone, they really don’t give a damn, which is pretty fantastic. Because that’s what allows them they sacrifice their own comfort because comfort doesn’t mean anything for the sake of the best way of doing something without the need to follow the rules. So en TJs if you’re watching this out there, if you want to be successful in business are successful, we’re working on a rise to the ranks. Never ask permission to do anything.

Only ask forgiveness. And if a company fires you for taking risks, make sure you shake the dust off their feet on the door and recognize that they too are cursed in the same way John Sculley fired Steve Jobs from Apple. So also is a company who decides to fire you because you are doing the right thing. What was the right thing you did? What works? What was the thing that works? You know, that huge risk, that huge initiative that you took, because you took the initiative? And because you took the initiative, you became that much more successful and you made the company better, you made it more profitable.

Think about it this way, venture capitalism I hate venture capitalism. I would like to say that state that again, I hate venture capitalism, because literally, you have all of these, you know, sCJ NFP Quadra Delta Quadra people, you know, who are pretty decent at sales especially NFPs to convince other people to give them money and then for from a sales standpoint, hey, give me all this money you know all this money all this money, they’re literally nothing more than Tony the Tiger. That’s all they have no execution. It’s just a paper tiger.

Their company’s a paper tiger. It’s just a house of cards. They don’t actually have execution what at all? And because they’re this paper tiger, they think they have this like traditional plant safe way. You know, I need I need money, you know, from from other people, I gotta borrow money and go into debt.

And I that’s just, that’s just like, even this company. This company, like, I started this company, I don’t, I didn’t go into debt for that. That’s a lie. If anyone tells you, you have to like, go into debt to get loans to start a company, you’re out of your mind.

Like seriously, you out of your mind. Also, if you’re hiring people based off of resumes only, you’re out of your mind. Like what are you even doing? Okay? Well, Auntie J’s, they don’t care about that, that much. NT J’s run the risk of treating people like numbers and hiring people with the flashy resumes that aren’t actually useful because the people that the flashiest resumes are the lazy SDJ NFP, quadra, they look good on paper.

But when it comes down to actual execution, they don’t do anything. Like operationally speaking. They’re really only good in middle management and finance and maybe sales. And that’s it outside of that there’s really not much I’d put as TJ NFPs in for I really wouldn’t.

I mean, unless they’re athletes, that’s like a completely different approach. Or if they’re academics, professors, that’s a different thing entirely. Because they’re masters of the affiliative. You know, legal finance, HR, that’s, that’s where you put delta kwatra people.

Well, when it comes to E, and TJ is no, that’s not the case. You know, they they take over and they they move forward, you know, from from a business standpoint, and they don’t, you know, they don’t subject themselves to the crap that’s relating to. They don’t they don’t subject themselves to any of that. So, you know, and venture capitalism.

It’s kind of like, oh, we went into debt, we have all of these investors that we are, you know, adhere to, and, of course, as TJ and if P Quadra es TJ is okay with that, because it’s like, oh, you know, I’m loyal to someone, oh, I’m loyal to shareholders. That’s how I can be a CEO. No, that’s not how it works, folks. That is not how it works.

18:53 You know, it’s funny, it’s funny, I actually have people that hire me sometimes to psychoanalyze people who are higher up in companies, so that I can tell them if their C suite and if their board of directors are actually, you know, mentally capable of creating an amazing company, instead of finding themselves in that stupid crap of venture capitalism, you know, because you know, how much waste is created when someone has all of that like those cash injections into a company and they go into debt, because they have these investors who are also controlling them from a distance as well. Like they could be on the board of directors, as investors, or maybe they have, you know, shareholders whatever. It’s all just Ctrl A eliminates pragmatism then it becomes an affiliate of fight where it’s like, oh, we have to do the right thing by the by the investors do the right thing by the shareholders. So that’s the best part about en TJs.

They don’t give a shit about that. They care about execution, and they are willing, always willing to sacrifice the shareholders for the sake of productivity and profitability. Love it. That’s That’s true.

That’s true objectivist approach instead of venture capitalism, venture capitalism leads to waste. I’m telling you right now, the number one result of venture capitalism is waste. It is absolute waste. Because when you give Tony the Tiger the money, he’s just a paper tiger, you know, give money to an INTJ away, but the N TJ is probably going to refuse that money because they’re not going to allow you to have any say, any intellectual property or any control over their company, because they could get in the way of their freedom of choice.

Oh, yeah. Or their ability to execute. Oh, yeah. See, I’d rather be with an E and TJ running a company than es TJ any day of the week.

Sorry, is TJ so you’re just gonna have to get used to the fact that you’re nothing more than middle management. Sorry. Like, it’s just and you know what? You get to be real comfy. You can rest on your laurels while the ENT TJ is rest on their merits.

Preach it. Sorry, is TJ so just got to be frank, you guys for some reason, you know, you think he can play it safe and follow the rules. And then you and then you like judge all those little hotshot upstarts that come into your company. And it’s like, and you haven’t been here as long as I have, because that’s how ESP J’s reward people, they reward people and expect to be rewarded, based on time served, not actually skills and capability.

It’s so frustrating. And it’s almost to the point where E is TJs oftentimes are willing to sell their souls for the sake of titles and laurels instead of actually putting in the work and going all out on merit. Okay, because that’s, that’s the difference. And I in no offense to ES TJ is I have not met an ES TJ, entrepreneur or CEO, who is not resting on their laurels.

Who is not trying to do the right thing by the shareholders, right? No, shareholders need to have a relationship with a company where they’re putting everything they have into, they’re trusting of the CEO with their money without having strings attached. Because the thing is, if you give something if you give an E and TJ with strings attached, oh, that’s the worst thing you can ever do to them, because their super ego will come out. And it’ll give to you and it will have strings attached, and they will Marionette you and they will control you for the rest of your life. It’s absolute, like, Would you like to be a slave of the INTJ? Would you like to actually create greed in them? Well, then this is what you do.

Right? Don’t do that. It’s really annoying. So while that sunshine is crazy, I make an adjustment here into the camera, as we think we’re probably just gonna have to bear with it for a little bit here. Or maybe I could do this, actually.

Yeah. Nice. Cool. So So yeah, so their cognitive transitions.

We have the, you know, the intp, they’re able to be super pragmatic, they’re able to engineer a solution to a complex problem on the fly. Now, thing is though, if Auntie J’s gets stuck in their intp shadow, well, that can be a problem because then like a good examples and ENT TJ computer programmer who’s stuck at you know, coding and trying to be like, you know, be an employee instead of an entrepreneur, you know, or the boss basically, which is really frustrating. And TJs if you’re watching this, go out there and read everything Robert Kiyosaki ever said, he’s an INTJ, fantastic fellow. And, you know, he’s constant trying to educate people about money.

And Robert Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad, like get yourself and rich dad right quick and fix that. Because let me tell you something. And TJ is, if you’re just going to, like, let the affiliate people you know, control your life, you’re out of your mind, like remember, you know, as soon as as soon as you take a paycheck, you’re an employee, okay? You are an employee, you know, whereas entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, we work for free. Don’t ever think otherwise, entrepreneurs work for free.

And the sooner you get to understand how that works, the better and don’t ever think of your house as an assets and liability if, if cash is leaving your hand for upkeep your house, like even even taxes. That is a liability and asset is when you have cash flow. when cash is flowing into your pocket, not out of your pocket that is an asset. So you have to really abstract yourself outside of that.

That’s why there’s no financial education and I’m just parroting Robert Kiyosaki when I say this thing so Auntie J’s get educated now. Okay. Don’t let yourself become slaves, you know, to the system. Don’t let yourself get stuck in computer science degrees and think that if you follow the bouncing ball of getting credentials that you’re going to get anywhere in life because you will not I guarantee it about steady, read the book, crush it by Gary Vaynerchuk and get started on your journey and do it now.

Don’t forget folks, you know, biblically speaking, it was written in the last days I will pour my spirit out upon all men, your daughters will prophesy, your young men will have visions and your old men will dream dreams. So my question to you is, what’s your excuse? Huh? What’s your excuse? So and then their final side of their mind is their super ego, which is the ESFJ super ego and that’s like, again that caretaking caregiving virtue Vyas if guys don’t know it, virtue and vices, go to season seven, like watch everything. Season Seven, episode three is the virtue advice for en ti J’s, we also want to look at episode five, which is ESF J’s, because I’m sorry. The INTJ can definitely give with strings attached.

Because, you know, I mean, so I’ve also been ENFPs like NFP is like they’re very charitable. What’s the difference between charity and generosity? I get asked this question all the time. But charity is high frequency of giving, but you’re giving little tiny amounts, whereas generosity is giving once in a while, but it’s huge amounts. That’s basically the difference.

But for some reason, people have this problem where they give with strings attached, don’t do that be virtuous, and TJs, give and give cheerfully, but without strings attached, then you probably wouldn’t be so afraid that you’re a bad person. Because I guarantee if you give with strings attached have that fake generosity, you are a bad person wake up. So anyway. So those are the four sides of mice, let’s talk about cognitive transitions.

So like you have chaotic transitions and orderly transitions. So and those come from, you know, the four gateways. Now, to go deeper with chaotic versus orderly transitions, you’d kind of have to look at, you know, season 19 For that, which is, forward slash CS Joseph, go to the gold tier, and whatnot, sign up for gold tier, you can watch these 19 I believe ENFJ is the next episode that’s about to come out. But specifically speaking for en ti J’s, you know, you have to you cognitive transition through your four gateway functions, and that’s your hero, your inferior, your, your villain, and your, your demon function.

And your hero, you know, you’re just kind of given it right away, but your hero like it, your heroes, like your number one tool that you use to like, you know, get through anything in life. And it’s pretty powerful. But sometimes it gets to a point where you’re like, putting a hammering a nail into a square hole, it can be a problem, right? It’s not always going to fit, you can make it fit. But again, there’s a lot of limitations and risk there.

That are probably not ideal. So is the air quality in the central valley here of California is absolutely terrible. Sometimes, like, it’d be nice to get some wind, I wish we had Wayne Dyer, I look forward to getting back on the coast in the very near future. 28:15 So So you know, cognitive transition wise, you know, like you already are in your ego and developing your ego with your hero, but your ego, your ego is not completely developed until you have your parent function developed, obviously.

But you know, but how do you transition? How do you transition into your ISFP artists? Now remember, if you go into your subconscious, you’re actually gaining yourself more happiness. Whereas when you go into your shadow, you’re gaining yourself more maturity, right? It’s different, right? And as you master your ego, you’re getting more responsibility, personal responsibility, etc. But at the end of the day, you know, he’s still you know, everyone wants to be happy, everyone has to get their subconscious. And that’s why, you know, midlife crisis happens specifically, because a person has not gotten over their Inferior function.

I can even feel mine coming on pretty soon, actually. And I need to give myself more time specifically to be able to fight my midlife crisis. And it’s coming. I already know, I already know exactly what it’s about.

And I already know exactly what I have to do, I just need the time to do it. And this is what this is, what your brain forces you to do when you hit midlife crisis is that it forces you to take time, it’ll destroy your entire life, because you’re the cognitive orbit set up between your Inferior function, your demon function, if your Inferior function is unhappy, your demon will come out and your demon will light a nuclear bomb and reset your life for you just to guarantee that your Inferior function has the ability to come out. You know, as an EN TJ that I knew you know, after they were like rising up really high in the corporate world and doing such a really good A job, she ended up having back surgery, which is really bad. And then she ended up having suicide attempts.

But then she went full artists mode, she went full ISFP mode and started developing her ISFP side of her mind, because that’s the only way that she could cope with the problems that she was facing. She became a tattoo artist, and she became a really good one at that. And so yeah, but, you know, again, transitions are absolutely important. If you don’t master your gateway functions, you won’t be able to transition in a healthy way.

And you can you can transition in an unhealthy way, which, you know, for the for the second gateway function, transitioning into your second gateway. Well, that’s kind of more like, well, transitioning in your second gateway, it’s, it’s all about fear, right? Are you? Are you living in fearlessness? Or are you not living in or are you afraid, and you know, sometimes people can hit like, you know, an INTJ is they’re afraid of being a good person or not, you know, afraid of whether or not they’re a good person. And if they get pretty hit pretty hard, maybe they get criticized by someone else, telling them that they’re a bad person, like I just did five minutes ago, they get really insecure, and then they go into their eyes, artists side, and they could react very negatively get very Rayji living in the moment, like, you know, screw you, I’m just going to do what I want. And they can get into like some real central behavior, this could even lead to drug use, in some cases, you know, or even overt sexual behavior.

I knew one e and TJ at one point in time, he was in a relationship with a woman for like, seven plus years, but then just decided that he wanted to, like, you know, hang around with an 18 year old, even though the 18 year old was with another woman at the time, and then that just completely blew up in his face. And he almost lost his entire reputation for it. You know, and that’s because of that, you know, FYI, inferior insecurity. And, you know, being told that he’s not good enough, he’s not good enough.

He’s not good enough, even though he had all the concrete evidence in the world to prove that yes, he does have something to show for it, he is absolutely worth it. By his ti hero, it just refuses to believe it. Because the insecurity within his FYI, inferior. So the Introverted feeling inferior his sense of morals, he didn’t feel like a moral enough person.

And because he didn’t feel like a moral enough person, well, then that caused, you know, a lot of a lot of issues, right? So which led to these really poor sexual behaviors on his part? And ultimately leads to cheating and like, so, you know, that that can be a problem, right? So, anyway, how do you? I mean, how do you, how do you get out of that? Well, you obviously just start not being afraid, you know, and start, you know, having physical proof and keep tracking of your proof that you are a good person keep track of every single way that you’re generous as an INTJ. So that’s the thing about E and TJ is it gets so forgetful with their si trickster, that if an ENT TJ has not developed the skill to write things down, like with Evernote, or with mind notes, or Notepad Plus pause, or a tablet computer, or their phone or notepad or whatever, if they are not doing these things. 33:29 Like if they’re straight up not doing these things, well. That could be a serious issue, you know, like, because they need 33:37 many to have them like, well, and like brain fart, it’s probably because like, I’m exhausted, and I’ve only had a few hours of sleep again.

I haven’t been sleeping much recently. not sleeping well. Think I’ll take melatonin when I get home or something. But yeah.

You know, they have to have concrete proof to show for it at the end of the day. So Auntie J’s, they have these memory tools and they start keeping track of all the good things they’ve done and having creating totems from memory, totems, you know, because x rayed sensing child is all about psychometry. And psychometry is when you take pick up a physical object or a picture and all of the memories attached to that object or that picture just flood back in your mind that’s called psychometry. And which is fundamentally how extroverted sensing works Mechanically speaking, and then they’re reminded of all the good things that they have done.

And then at that point, they feel good about themselves and they’re not as afraid of being a bad person because they have the physical proof of them doing at good X and good deeds in the past, which is what they need. So the more often it needed to TJ does that and they do that. But also, it’s cool when other people around them actually remember and reward them for all of the good things that they’ve done. And they reward the INTJ with loyalty, swiping and TJs are so afraid of being abandoned, because they think that the sign of anyone abandoning them is proof physical proof that they are a bad person, and they just can’t handle it.

That’s why they have to be really careful with people that they let you know, that they have sexual relationships with, specifically because of that. And it’s even harder on women because they’re so that the TJ is such a masculine type. It’s really hard on e and TJ women. So, so based on that, you know, it goes even further.

So by by by taking the time to actually record, you know, all the good things I’ve done, they can go into their artists side. And when they in a healthy way, and they’ve gotten over their fear, and when they’re when they’re in their artists side, then they become this amazing artist. And like I knew I needed TJ who was a fantastic Hollywood film producer. Then he started producing film for alias recording artists, absolutely fantastic fellow obsessed with RED camera in that entire company.

And like he had he had a bunch of equipment started off as a round company. And he started actually producing his own films and absolutely fantastic and Auntie j’s are wonderful filmmaking. Even Rian Johnson, who directed Star Wars The Last Jedi, and the film Looper with Bruce Willis, that guy, he’s an E and TJ. And I like Ryan Johnson.

I like his style. But I guess it would make sense because I’m an NTP and the content he creates his very NTP, like NTPs are his ideal audience, basically. Now granted, I realized that stars last Jedi is not everyone’s favorite movie, and it definitely has some severe weaknesses to it. But at the same time, I think it was a very artistic Star Wars, and I think he did a great job.

Because as my INFJ mentor, it pointed out, to me, it was the most visually appealing Star Wars anyone has ever seen. And he’s absolutely right. But even then you can make the same argument because George Lucas, who I maintain is also an EN TJ, when he created Star Wars, the first three films, all of them were visually ahead, you know, of their time as well completely visually ahead. At least, you know, from an EN TJ, he had an NP, you know, Lawrence Kasdan assisting him with a vision of the writing of the film, while George Lucas worked on these medics.

And that’s why they were the dynamic duo in the first three films were so successful. And then the next three films, which was episodes one through three, were not so successful, because George Lucas didn’t have all of the writing capability behind him. And that’s why, from a writing standpoint, those films seem to have suffered. You know, it just it just good just goes to show that like, one man can’t do it all, they really can’t.

And honestly, guys, everyone has to humble themselves and realize that I mean, Napoleon needed to, but he didn’t know himself. And because of that, he thought he was all that in a bag of chips. And he lost, he lost out Waterloo. And that’s a severe issue.

And TJC developed that humility. And they do that by keeping track of their good deeds, and maybe even creating a standard or principle or a system around them, proving that they are a good person through generosity, and then keeping track of that, so that they never have to worry about whether or not they’re a bad person, specifically, because they have that system created. It just takes all the insecurity and all the fear away. It’s also really nice when someone that they’re in a relationship with comes up to them and says, you know, hey, I think really highly of you.

You’re such a good person, you’ve always done this for me, you’ve always done this for me, and then they are rewarded with that loyalty to that person. So that’s the cognitive transition for ISFP. condiment transition for intp. Well, that’s more of a worry.

That’s worry. And that’s when the villain function comes out. And that’s Introverted Thinking, NT j’s are worried worried that what they think is not actually true, that their thinking is incorrect with them thinking about things incorrectly. And this is why they always have to go to other ti users or anyone for that matter, but mostly ti users, and listen to multiple sources of thinking, to be able to tell them whether or not their ideas are actually correct.

You know, George Lucas had this figured out pretty well with Lawrence Kasdan, you know, when it comes to the writers for the original Star Wars films, because then he didn’t have to worry about that, because he was able to outsource a lot of that thinking, you know, to a writing visionary, you know, I think Lawrence Kasdan might actually be an INFP. In the process, actually, and if that’s the case, that’s pretty cool. You know, kind of like how George RR Martin is, you know, but But anyway, like, just, you know, understand that, you know, there’s, there’s a lot of people have a lot of creative genius out there. But again, not everyone can do it all at once.

But, you know, and George Lucas, you know, he engineered a lot of solutions for Star Wars, special effects, and the visuals and the aesthetics. And a lot of you know, those things that he did, were absolutely, they were visionary, they’re cutting, you know, cutting edge completely cutting edge to the point that those films like even today, by 2019 2020 standards, in terms of visual effects by movies, while those films are still dated, those films are watched all the time, because they’re so far ahead of their time. And that’s because the intp shadow of George Lucas, you know, engineering, all the awesome, cool special effects and aesthetics necessary, you know, coming up with a vision and behind that, basically. And that’s what he did.

It was all about the systems and the effect and the aesthetics, just like Rian Johnson. But Rian Johnson made the same mistake, George loose Lucas made with the three with Star Wars episodes one through three with Star Wars episode eight, he was not relying on other people to do the writing. This is why ENT TJ is when they do writing for films and whatnot. That’s why I can come off really campy, instead of like something that’s really really deep, because they’re trying for depth, but they’re being so shallow with it because of se child, they don’t have that expert intuition depth that they just absolutely need that really makes the characters come out and come to life like George RR Martin does with his books.

And don’t tell me about don’t blame George George RR Martin, please for the ending of Game of Thrones that he had nothing to do with those final seasons, just so you guys know, they didn’t even bring him on to fix the problem. While at least Disney figured out with Star Wars that they should probably bring on George Lucas and bring them on as a consultant to help them fix their problems after episode eight. It’s funny, they’re solving the problem caused by an ENT TJ with yet another ENT, TJ, I wonder how that’s gonna work. No offense to Disney.

But really, it just comes around, it just comes down to writing. But having George Lucas there and he’s much older and wiser. I’m sure he’d absolutely be very good contributor to make sure Star Wars Episode Nine is pretty cool. Because I’ll be straight.

You know, if the rumors about episode nine are true, I’ll be absolutely triggered. You know, when it comes out, I don’t want to ever hear Emperor Palpatine literally tell ray or Kylo Ren that he wants them to rule together. I never ever want to hear that. That would be horrible.

And I hope that’s not in the film. So anyway, but you know, they get so worried about what they think. And so instead like to get rid of that worry, all they have to do is make sure that they have a lot of research and a lot of references and they actually take the time and have the self discipline to take the time to do the research, get into a program, get trained, get information, get knowledge get systems, 43:19 I had an EN TJ coaching client right recently tell me quote, I am always in a program and quote, so she’ll go through a program, she’ll finish the program and she’ll get into another one. It’s always consistent.

So like I’m saying in TJ is always keep track of the good things that you do. You always need to be in a program. Always, always continuous improvement Kaizen, you know, you need to like, seriously, wear Kaizen constantly, constantly. Wear it, own it, because it’s who you are.

If you’re not in a program as an INTJ, a training program of some kind at all times, at least reading books all times, what are you doing, so do it and then you will be able to transition healthfully into your intp if you’re not transitioning healthfully, and just relying on the affiliative school education system, you’re gonna end up as an extremely unhappy full stack web developer or full stack developer and stuck an intp shadow super mature but super unhappy. And you’re probably not even getting laid either. Because, like, let’s be straight, you know. You know, chances are, you know, any INTJ and their ego or their ISFP is more likely to get laid than when they are in their intp shadow.

Let’s be straight, you know. So keep that in mind. Seriously, keep that in mind. It’s always been a program and then as a result, you’ll be able to transition and use your Shadow and gain higher amounts of wisdom and maturity as a result, because you’re always making sure that you’re being educated and you’re writing everything down.

Again, memory tools are the key to success for Ian TJ, and you can have that and have healthy cognitive transitions. Now let’s talk about the super ego. What is the super ego transition look like? Well, the super ego, it gets a little complicated. But basically, when an ENT, TJ knows for a fact that they’re being a good person, that and that FIA inferior gets crushed by an external source, like they get unjustly criticized, then they go ESFJ super ego, and it comes out like this person who’s, you know, like, really, really caring, like, Yeah, I’ll take care of you, I’ll take care of you here, you know, eat this.

And it’s like a last meal because the meal kills them because it’s infested with parasites, and they die slowly. And the INTJ just gets to take the sadistic joy and watching their prey die slowly over time and absolute pure torture. Right? And that’s, you know, or the ESF J. Es FJ super ego also does, like, it will literally sleep with the wives of men that have screwed them over just to be like, See, I got them to want me, not you.

Right, which is really, really screwed up. But they do that too. Also, another way, ESF J, super ego comes out, women underneath them in companies, they will create a culture where they allow women to sleep to the top basically, in that, you know, super ego standpoint. And this, this can actually happen when you have an ENT TJ CEO, who has a board of directors that is not loyal to them whatsoever, or even shareholders that are not loyal to the leadership of the INTJ.

And it’s like, Well, why do I even bother trying to good do the good thing around here, and then they just give themselves over to this debaucherous, you know, point of view with this ESFJ super ego, and then they binge on all of the sex of all of the female workers underneath them at their company. Because it’s like, well, why bother doing the good thing? Why bother being a good person, there’s no point, you know, you know, I go out of my way to be good, so why bother being good anymore? Because you obviously don’t think that I’m doing a good job here, even though I know I am. It’s not fair. So to avoid that, the INTJ needs to not only, like we said before, keep track of all the good things that they’ve done, but they also need to actually show it to other people, not in a way that comes off like their show offs, but show it to others in such a way where those people have come to understand.

You know, that, you know, they have to, like the NTJ has to learn how to prove, you know, that, hey, I’ve been loyal to being a good person, right? And you really need to appreciate me for being a good person and making sure that I have that super high moral standard instead of you just judging me all the time. You know, and I guarantee you that’s probably how Graham Stephen feels right now, you know, with his thing at least, you know, he’s free, you know, from his, you know, and hasn’t had to deal with, you know, the corporate backlash of a board of directors or, you know, shareholders and all that crap and he’s absolutely free, you know, what I’m saying? And then he just has to keep track of him being a good person and then always be in a program and stay educated at all times. You know, I’m not an affiliate of programs something that you find it like college but like something that you’d find from like Joe Soto or you know, all these we’re talking more or you’re you’re talking more et cetera, like these, these types of people, right not or the Russell Brunson so the world not something that you find in a college affiliative institution, it would be from pragmatics, fellow pragmatics, etc. So just talking about strategies, although they can, you know, get good strategies from affiliated teachers as well provided this affiliating teachers aren’t part of the collegiate system, or the standard narrative education system, etc.

So yeah. So that will keep the demon at bay. And because then, you know, the demons like okay, hey, you know, you’re being a good person and the demons like, okay, you know, you have humility, you’re being personally responsible, and you have wisdom. So okay, I respect you now then that I’d be willing to go become an angelic and then at that point in time, the path to enlightenment begins for the INTJ and that’s basically where the content for season 19 Episode Three starts picks up, which you can find on Patreon gold tier if you’re a gold Tier member.

So but yeah, folks, that’s that’s it for the E and TJ, cognitive transitions if you liked this video, hopefully you’re guys are already subscribed the channel. This is an email only lecture. Thank you for letting us send you emails. We definitely try to go out of our way to create content for the emails.

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Such that, you know, as a result of that, we can finally get ourselves in a situation where I could like start handing out alpha keys and beta keys. Maybe we’ll do that over email. I’m not sure. So, yeah, folks, we might if you guys want to keep getting these lectures, stay subscribed to our email and also tell your friends because the only way to get access to these lectures are through emails, so But anywho thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys tonight.


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