
00:00 Hey, guys, it’s CS Joseph with CS Joseph dot life doing another episode for season 17 since episode 10, which is the virtue and vice of the quadros. So this is a Patreon live lecture and where we have patrons from gold tier and above, join us directly as a live studio audience within this particular lecture, and I do apologize for the visuals, because apparently, my camera decided to update itself. And while that, that just basically, absolutely sucks, because I’ve lost all of my settings, and I’m gonna have to get that fixed. Luckily, the chalkboard is almost done, it just needs at least maybe one or two more coats of paint on it, and then I could get it hung.

And then we will have a more traditional setup for lectures moving forward to try to maybe use the green screen for more live stream approach, and then use use my iPhone and the chalkboard for just the more lecture approach. And that’s just kind of the direction we’re going. A couple of updates real quick, shouldn’t be too long. But the team and I have finalized our written portion of the test, I’ll be sharing pieces of it with you folks tonight as part of this lecture for the written test.

And we finally have all of the video content completely outlined. And I may have all of that video content filmed before the end of this weekend, for which we will be providing to the audience to patrons, at least to start to test it out, see how they like it, and then we’ll be launching it to the world after the fact. For our personality test. I am very confident in its ability, I maintain it as a 100% accurate test, or assessment, I guess, as it should be called.

And the problem is, is that when human error is you know involving with these involve the assessment, it can give inaccurate results because of human error because of improper human inputs. But what we’ve done is we’ve designed the test so that it actually teaches you how to take it accurately to ensure an accurate answer. And the best part is, you don’t actually have to start with the first question, you could actually answer any question in any order, it doesn’t matter. And you don’t even have to answer all the questions.

It doesn’t it doesn’t matter. There’s there’s questions available to you can answer them, whichever ones you’re comfortable with answering and you can still get an accurate results based on that. And it’s taken an insane amount of effort to put this together for everybody. But I think once everyone understands how it works intrinsically, they’ll start to see the value.

And we really went out of our way to make sure that it is very well written. I think we’ve probably had three iterations now going through the writing and rewriting it to like, very gigantic paragraphs to just a couple of sentences in certain areas, just to make it as accessible as possible. And that’s kind of the goal that we’re doing with that. So trying to do the meaningful thing and not the expedient thing is the direction that we’ve been taking the assessment.

So, but anyway, no need to talk about that further. Let’s get right on into season 17, episode 10. So let me bring up my, my, my outline and no love, I’m not going to start, I’m not going to stop wearing black because I’m not an SE user. And I’m not here to you know, give you a visually stimulating experience.

That’s I mean, that’s your job. I mean, your USC credit, right. So the responsible responsibility of being you know, giving a visual experience is technically more on you than it is me. So, what you already have at one point in time.

But that’s another another point for later. Thank you joining us. Thanks for joining us this evening, Mr. Love and the rest of you as well.

So as you’re all aware, the quadrille lectures were the most controversial lectures I have released to date. And let’s actually do kind of this this lecture is kind of a little bit of a post mortem of those lectures because I remember a lot of drama being created from it, but obvious straight, you know, in terms of how dramatic the season seven season 17 and season 17. If you look at it as a whole, it literally is the most controversial piece of work that I’ve done so far. The first lecture literally explains how God works essentially and then all of a sudden, where all cognition comes from And then we dive into each of the individual four sides of the mind.

And then from there, we look at, we look at the four quadrants, and we’ve been spending our times and forest land, like humanity is literally divided in groups of four constantly. We have four communication styles, like a interaction styles, we have the four dispositions, aka the four temperaments. Same thing, we have the four sides of the mind, we have, we now have the four quadrants, there’s so many different ways to interpret the psyche of humanity as we know it, that because of how different mankind is, and how different these you know, but, like, we know how different is but we also know the similarities. And it’s nice to have a map to be able to figure out okay, where is everyone, you know, at that point, and, and going further, I mean, within season 19, we’ve been able to dive in deeper, figure out just how far mankind can go with integrating all these different things and communications.

Now, the disposition there Quadra cognitive axis, cognitive transition, and become the best possible self for yourself, as a human being to be able to go even further, right. So we have, we have that opportunity. And that’s just something that’s been, you know, quite frankly, really fantastic for us to be able to be able to accomplish. And I’m, I’m very proud, you know, to be a part of this, and to be able to, you know, come up with the necessary frameworks to be able to, you know, guide humanity in that direction.

And, you know, because I’m in this position, I have to take responsibility for my own actions, and my own my own faults, because I can’t just identify strengths of people’s psyches. You know, this is why you have people out there where INFJs are INFP are INFP is one of the to start complaining about being treated like these, you know, flighty super mega unicorns on the internet, without any actual substance. This is where we have people who criticize Frank James, because he’s actually an INFP, when he claims to be an INFJ, which is creating a ton of confusion. Speaking of that confusion, I was actually contacted by someone who’s a moderator or an administrator of the official INFJ group on Facebook recently.

And he informed me that he basically cut out that that part where I’m psychoanalyzing Frank James, in, in one of our how to type live streams, he created his own video space, he was cut out and posted on his YouTube channel. And then he posted it to every INFJ group on on Facebook and this that he had access to. And this created a huge uproar, it created a lot of drama. And because of that drama, people started to realize, oh, maybe I am actually an INFP, or oh, maybe I actually am an INFJ.

And a lot of people’s eyes were opened as a result of this, you know, it’s important for us to become divisive, actually, not necessarily just constantly uniting all the time. Because if we focus on uniting we’re may we’re at risk of never actually get anything done. And it can actually create an echo chamber. Or it can create a culture of, you know, mass cultural hypnosis, or a culture of ignorance, because we’re not actually challenging anything.

And we’re not actually changing anything, because we don’t have anything to challenge with everyone has the same thinking. And because of the lack of original thinking, it can cause a problem. So when it comes, when it comes to these things, it’s necessary for me to be like, Hey, here’s all your weaknesses, here is all of your flaws exposed, you know, at least at least from the point of view of quadra, because it’s one thing for me to release a lecture about an individual type, we all have seen, we’ve all seen season three, for example, where in season three, I list the positives and negatives of each type. And so many people have so many emotional reactions, especially INTJ is an INFP is an INFJ is or at least people who think they’re INFJs when they’re not INFJs, or ENFPs, etc, even ENFJ is 09:29 a ton of people constantly complain about, you know, mud delivery, when and your delivery sucks when it comes to season three.

And for me to expose everyone’s flaws necessarily within the context of one lecture involving one type and people just automatically assume my delivery sexually automatically assume that I’m being biased or whatever, but they only take the time to watch the one lecture that pertains to them, and then they make all these assumptions and draw these wrong conclusions. The thing is though is that a lot of those strengths are a lot of those flaws that I put forth within season threes content itself actually applies to more than just one person. And that’s one of the reasons why season seven exists which is the virtue and vice series because you can start to tell that while people have primary virtues and vices, they also have secondary ones and shared virtues and vices with the other types, right? But the quadrate lectures of according to season 17, goes even deeper and that’s where we have the last four episodes which would be you know, 678 and nine those those episodes talking about the the individual Patras, you are actually put in a place for you to identify or at least experience or see or perceive or judge, you know, the strengths and weaknesses of each of the individual of the quadrants. But then there is four as types within those quadrants that basically share your pain, or share your experience.

And it was really important to me at that point in time to go out of my way to actually really show people how you come off to other people, basically. And this is a really important, a lot of people they say that oh, you know, you know, all you’re really hard on Wayfarer is for one thing like yeah, I was pretty hard on my fares do I admit that it’s harder on Wayfarer and the other types, not really, I could actually argue is probably hardest on philosophers, or I was hardest on Templars. I mean, it just really depends a person’s perspective. But you know, if you look at it previously, it’s kind of imbalanced.

Given that I was giving a lot of praise to wayfarers, but never really spent as much time you know, you know, looking at their negatives, so it was important to really, really hammer that point home. Granted, you know, I everyone’s like, Oh, you’re so biased. And I’m like, No, I like all of the individual 16 types. It’s not it’s not a it’s not a big deal.

You know, it is what it is like, I have to be, you know, neutral in some capacity here. You know, so I move forward. And I provide those criticisms. And I provide those, you know, some strengths and weaknesses that are, but it was primarily to focus on weaknesses primarily to show flaws, to show people how they come off to other people in a negative way.

Because it’s so much easier to hear when you are in a group of four types instead of just your own individual type. Because that’s like, Okay, I’m not actually alone here. I’m not the only person with these flaws. I’m not the only person with these problems, I don’t the only person that, you know, causes me to, you know, come off in this certain way, right.

And this is fundamentally necessary. This is absolutely necessary for people to have that experience because humanity, while we have independent pragmatic types, it’s still largely is an interdependent race, no one person can make it on their own, positively or negatively. Because when it comes to good and evil, we have to understand both sides fundamentally as a group, as well as externally and internally. You know, a lot of people can’t see past their own nose, a lot of people do not really understand they how they come off to other people.

And that’s, that’s a big problem. So here, I come with the four Quadra lectures to go and expose all of that. And then all of a sudden, everyone’s whining and screaming and complaining about that. Let me tell you something, folks, if there really is an end of days, and there is an actual judgment, and all of humanity is standing before the seat of judgment, and all the books are opened up, and literally everything anyone has ever done wrong ever is exposed to all of humanity, don’t you think it would feel a little bit similar to what happened with the last four quadrate lectures? Think about that for a second.

Think about that. I venture to guess that humanity needs to get to a point where it’s better that they should be honest with themselves and honest with each other and understand how they come off to other people and not necessarily how they come off to their own selves. Because at that point, it reaches a higher level understanding within themselves because you can’t love your fellow human beings unless you love yourself first. Well, you can’t love yourself first.

Until you understand. self understanding is a requirement for self love. How are you going to love yourself? How are you going to take care of yourself? How are you going to forgive yourself? Right? Think about it. You know, someone, you know, an intp or an INFP, who has been treated for so long for being like super mega weird, you know, comes to realize no, they’re actually not weird.

This is how you know, God intended them to behave etc. And the rest of society is actually wrong. And then they could stop being depressed and then they finally give themselves permission to be their own person. Okay.

Oh wait. I would imagine that will be a similar experience that any one of the 16 types would have, regardless of your rarity, regardless if you’re a psychological minority, because everybody has those struggles take an ISTP. They’re the most stubborn of all the types, right? They’re insanely stubborn, but then they understand why they’re sovereign. And then as a result of that, they can actually understand themselves and love themselves and forgive themselves, and then maybe they could stop being so depressed all the time.

So melancholy all the time with their vice, do you guys see what I’m saying here. So in order for humanity, to actually embrace virtue, you have to literally understand at a deep fundamental, the specific vices that we all have, and the Cuadras are no exception. This is why this episode is called virtue advice of the Cuadras. Because people need to understand that they have shared virtues and shared vices with at least four other types.

And these types have the same struggles and benefits and successes and failures that the other ones do within their Quadra. So this is how we’re tying all this together. It really it really comes down to this guys, it really comes down to this, it comes down to what is meaningful, versus what is expedient. What is a blessing, or what is a curse? What’s the difference between a curse and a blessing.

Now, for all you interest based people out there, I mean, this kind of would be like directly, you know, it directly speaks to you. Because if you are, you know, if you’re a curse, that means like, like, let’s say, let’s say your relationship is curse, you know, you have relationship with your boyfriend, and your relationship with your boyfriend is cursed, because he is getting way more out of it than you are. A curse is when you put a lot of effort into something and you get less in return than you put into it. That’s a curse.

A blessing is when you put effort into something and you get more return on investment than what you put in. That’s a blessing. That’s the difference. And that’s literally how the Cuadras work.

I spend so much time in the last four lectures talking about the curses, and not as much talking about the blessing. So the reason why is because in order for one person to you know, really reach their highest self, they have to fundamentally know how far the human condition can go. They have to know how far they’re willing to be expedient about things. They know after that to know how far they can make that Faustian deal or get into the meaninglessness of life basically, or how they can screw over their fellow human beings.

And each and each of the four quadrants are definitely there. So 17:49 So based on that, it’s, it’s, it’s really nice, it’s really important to do this, so I’m doing my duty. So because my duty was the negativity, the last four lectures, were used to shed light on the darkness that we hold in as human beings, and few are willing to accept. And that’s really cuts the men from the boys, it’s just like what Jesus said, I haven’t come to unite, I’ve come to bring a sword I’ve come to divide father from son and mother from daughter, because through division brings understanding through division brings wisdom.

This is why, you know, I’m fundamentally against cultures being a, you know, disrespected or being removed from this world. This is why I don’t subscribe to the Martin Luther King doctrine. But I do subscribe to the Malcolm X doctrine because of the NES the how necessary it is to preserve culture. Here’s an example.

And here’s examples of why this is important. And let’s be fair, I’ve been pretty, you know, typically anti SJ as an n type would be, or an NTP would be against like an SF Jey. Let’s be honest, let’s assume that you know, I’ve been very anti SJ, SJ temperament, SJ disposition this entire time. And I’ve been very anti tradition, especially with how pragmatic I am.

And, you know, not so not so affiliative. And because of that, you know, that mindset, let’s just assume that I’m super mega anti astray, super mega anti tradition. Let me tell you something. There are some traditions that are absolutely necessary, not all tradition should be removed.

For example, what about food tradition, because if you look at the United States of America, the fattest, the most inflamed, the most cancerous, the most sugared up of all of the rest of the world in terms of their diet, and how unhealthy they are, as a as a nation. They have less food tradition is because all the food traditions have been combined and then sacrificed on an altar to, you know, to basically I guess you could say, capitalism in some capacity. But that’s not necessarily true. Because you could argue communism did a lot of the same issues as well.

But the but the bottom line is, is that because, you know, the economic system, because the melting pot of culture, all those cultures are being melted, it’s creating a culture of sameness. Ultimately, over time, where everyone is eating the same thing, all the natural food traditions of the past are being lost, you know, what Mother would be cooking in the kitchen is a longer matters anymore, because because it was go to McDonald’s and said, and, you know, what if what if you’re from the south? What if you’re from the north, what if you’re eating foods that are incompatible with your DNA, and all of a sudden you start to have DNA degradation. And then as a result, your genetic expression in your health is is way worse off than it could be potentially all as a result of the loss of tradition? So you guys, tradition is absolutely necessary. But at the same time, like some, you know, some traditions obviously, should be rejected.

I mean, this was why SPS exists, because SPS test tradition to make sure that they have integrity as to whether or not they should be allowed to exist, right? When it comes to the Cuadras, the Cuadras have their own way of doing things, the Cuadras has their own, you could say traditions of behavior, you know, it’s not necessarily, you know, Sj is that temperament from the Cuadras themselves, they have their own their own approach to life, they understand what is meaningful, they understand what is expedient, but what Congress don’t necessarily understand, they may understand how they come off to each other, but then they don’t understand how they come off to others. You see what I’m saying? Like, if you really want to grow and be like a better person, ask someone who’s very similar to you for criticism, and you’d be like, Oh, wow, I didn’t realize I came off that way. It’s kind of like an intp going up to an ISFJ. asking for advice.

Like, that’s a very painful thing. Or imagine, you know, having an ENFJ parent, when you yourself are is an STP, and then asking them for advice. That’s pretty rough, or asking them for help. That’s pretty rough.

It gives you a nice window into your own soul, right? And then maybe those personal behavior patterns, those personal traditions don’t necessarily matter anymore. Because it’s like, wait a minute, I’m actually confronted with the enemy, and the enemy is me. Right? This is why it’s so important to talk about the pain, negativity, and all the flaws that people add, it’s so important to talk about the vices of the four quadrants, because then we get to have a fundamental understanding of the human condition, aka sin nature for our race, how can our race actually change and reach higher heights of cognition of social behavior of what the NF called, they’re a little ideal utopian world, how is that even possible if we can’t even get past our own noses? If we can’t see past our noses, if we can’t be the art like these people and understand exactly where our flaws are coming from? How many of you were humbled, when you found out that you have sacrificed your fellow human beings for your personal game? How many of you were humbled when you found out that you had a tendency to steal things instead of earned them? Or what about? What about those of you who thought that you were fighting in the name of justice when you actually became the avatar of injustice itself? Or what about when you realize that you are hypocrites criticizing other people for being unrighteous? When realizing that you yourself weren’t at the same time? How many? How many times have we been confronted with these issues? So that’s where the duty, that’s where the virtues and the vices, you know, for the Cuadras stem from, and it’s because this is our latent, natural behavior. This is natural to us as human beings.

But again, you know, oftentimes we’re going in our life and looking at other people, and we’re completely ignorant of the fact of how we come off to others, and how these vices of ours are just literally hanging out there. And we don’t even know, you know, don’t you think it’s more useful to criticize someone and tell them the truth about how they’re behaving and who they really are, so that they can maybe, you know, check themselves and then give themselves an opportunity to identify areas of personal growth so they can be a better person. You know, I imagine that that would be like, important, I’d really imagine that. So anyway, let’s, let’s share the Let’s share the whiteboard here just for a little bit.

So here’s the whiteboard. So let’s go through it, the virtue advice of the quadrants and also the quadrant meaningful and the expedient according to the quadrant, remember where we get meaningful versus is expedient, meaningful versus expedient comes from Chapter Seven of 12 rules for life of Jordan Peterson, a book that I share with people and I’m often criticized by my own friends for supporting, even though I’m not a fan of Jordan Peterson at all, but at least his book 12 rules for life is a fantastic book and of its own right. Apparently, I can’t recommend a book written by a person that I don’t like. Apparently I can’t do that.

But whatever it is what it is. That being said, here are the four quadrants crusaders Templars, philosophers wayfarers, and they’re associated types crusaders ESF J iossef J NTP. intp sampler has ESTP ISTP ENFJ INFJ philosopher as es TJ is TJ ENFP, INFP and Wayfair has ESF P ISFP E and TJ INTJ. Now, if you’ll notice this kind of a little out of order as because this is going clockwise, starting at Crusader, this is a clockwise great here.

And I’m audibly saying these things. For those listening on the podcast, I realized that it’s really redundant. I apologize in advance, but it is for their benefit, not just those of us are officially watching if you want to learn more about the podcast, go to CS forward slash podcast to get on the podcast. The here are the virtue and vices.

So for the Crusader, we have the virtue of justice and the vise of injustice. And then for the Templar we have the virtue of righteousness versus unrighteousness, or or hypocrisy. And then the, for the Wayfair we have the virtue of earning one’s own way, versus the vices stealing one’s own way. And then the philosopher virtue of self sacrifice versus sacrificing other human beings for your own personal gain, aka human sacrifice.

These are the virtues and vices of the Cuadras. 26:55 Now 26:59 before we get into talking about specific examples of those, this is now the point in time with a lecture where I’m going to be talking about and discussing, you know, some of the definitions. So I’m gonna before I go into a little bit more of the virtual advice, talking about the definition one more time as a, as a, you know, as a refresher for the specific quadra, so for Crusader. I have written here the way of the Crusader.

So let’s begin. And this comes directly from our personality assessment. Crusaders are dutiful champions of fairness and protecting the innocent, they place their faith in truth and seek to bring about adjust worlds. Crusaders seek to make happy, make others happy, yet have difficulty accepting happiness for themselves.

through adversity, they obtain happiness. Crusaders see hardship as something to persevere through and wield high endurance, but are at risk of bitterness, or being too cold when dealing out justice. Crusaders are at risk of hypocrisy by finding the innocent, guilty and can become a source of injustice. So that’s an interesting definition.

So what does that mean? That means, you know, while because Crusaders are so focused on fairness, they have the riff, they everything is all about justice, everything has to be fair. And just and actually, just recently, I had a family member who, who was giving was giving money to their children, basically. And then her husband got all upset. He’s like, why are you giving so much money to your children, etc? And then his wife was like, Well, I mean, you gave money to your children, you give money, your children all the time.

Why can’t I give money to my children because they’re like a mixed family. You know, she had children before being married to him. He had children before being married to her and they have two different sets of children. Right.

And he’s complaining about her giving money to her children when the reality situation is, is that he’s already been giving money consistently their money consistently to his children. And she’s like, Hello, have you forgotten? It’s, you know, it’s pretty fair. Funnily enough, she’s an ISFJ. He’s an ESFP.

Funny, funny how that works that ESFPs forgetting how many times he’s already given money to his children, and she with her si has to remind the ESF Bay you give children you give money to your children all the time. Why can’t I give children to my money? See, that’s fair, that’s just etcetera. And this is why Crusaders are so focused. It’s just an example.

They’re so focused on justice on fairness, because without fairness, you know, they don’t really want to live in a world that’s not fair. That or at least they want to bring fairness to the world I guess is a better way of saying let me let me tell you Crusaders, something the only fair thing about life is Is that life is not fair and life being unfair is actually a huge gift. It is a huge gift. Because it is written an eye for an eye, right? Well guess what? The old adage goes An eye for an eye turns the whole world blind, right? So if life really was fair, if it really, really was fair, Justice would be so blind that everybody would be lacking in AI.

If you don’t, I’m saying the whole world would be blind at that point. So justice is not always the end all be all. And this is why we call it you know, the cold, the cold source, the cold sort of truth, the icy Sword of Truth, because justice ultimately is heartless, there is no heart behind the justice that a crusader would mete out upon another person, it just, you know, that’s it, whack final judgment done moved on, you’re guilty, and I am punishing you. Moving on to the next thing.

And this is why I’ve criticized Crusader types in the past, especially iossef, J’s, for being willing to sell out their own children for the sake of what they perceive or what they believe, is 31:08 fair, or just right, 31:12 especially, you know, when they when they mix that in with their religion, and it’s like, well, I’m affiliative, and my religion gives me the authority to treat my children that way. Right. Okay, that’s, that’s, that’s not appropriate. But this is just one example of the many examples that fairness can be there.

Here’s another example of fairness. Why do I have to work harder than that person? Right? Or, or? Or how is it that person’s getting a promotion? I’ve been here for 15 years, right? There’s, fairness is such a big deal to to, to Crusader types and justice, and they are loyal to people that allow justice to exist. And without justice, well, then they’re not loyal to that person anymore. The problem is, is that crusaders because of the potential ignorance of TI, and remember what the ignorance of TI is, because Crusaders, they’re all about, they’re all about truth right there their ti fe, right? And because they’re so focused on logic, right? You know, this is where truth and faith makes us together.

That’s where how we get a crusader logic and faith. Because the faith of Si, the truth of the logic of TI comes together to create a crusader. 32:27 When this happens, 32:31 you know, they end up in this, they if their Ti is ignorant of their situation, if they’re ignorant in the circumstances involving a particular situation, they will pass judgment on somebody based on their own ignorant thinking. And while they believe they’re on the side of justice, they’re actually on the side of injustice.

And then as a result of that they are passing judgment on the innocent, assuming that the innocent are guilty. When they’re not, they’re actually innocent. 33:06 Imagine the amount of guilt that 33:07 would come upon a crusader who does that, but crusaders Believe it or not do this all the time. This is the Crusader vise, this happens 33:15 all the time.

Right? Why? 33:19 Why does that happen? It happens because the ignorance of TI itself remember the ignorance of TI is and that is making decisions based on last known input or making decisions based on a preferred input, aka personal bias is when they’re being biased. And because they’re making decisions, you know, it’s like, okay, well, I prefer the to hear what the pulpit says at church. I prefer to adhere to church doctrine or church discipline. I remember going to Marsel church in Seattle, Washington, and I remember people being put on church discipline, and I remember how stupid that was.

And it’s funny because Pastor Mark Driscoll was an ESF J. Okay, I guess that makes sense. Because there’s no such thing as church discipline. Thank you Mark Driscoll.

I mean, it’s because of BS systems like that, that he had within his church. No wonder they turned upon him and expose them for being a plagiarist and then throwing him out. Such that now he has a new church called Trinity and another state while his mega church Maurice Hill went down in flames specifically because of that unfair injustice behavior that injustice vice right church discipline. Are you kidding me? Wow.

As if the church can actually put any authority over man. I last I thought God has the authority not man. Oh, but then let’s just you know, listen to the you know, Bs verses of Paul that you know, what authorities exist, God put them in their power. Okay.

Yeah. Well, that’s a direct contradiction to what Jesus said upon Pontius Pilate, where he’s like what power has been given to you comes from above, but the person who delivered Me into your hands is guilty of greater sin. Wow, okay, direct contradiction. Thank you, Apostle Paul for yet another contradiction.

I really appreciate that. This is why I completely reject your teaching just guidelines, just words of wisdom at that point. I’m very critical of the Bible, folks, there’s a reason for that, probably because it’s unjust. And I’m a crusader.

Think about that for a second, you see what I’m saying? Like? And of course, you know, but guess what every single belief system on the planet, when it gets to this authoritarian, affiliative point of view, when it reaches critical mass, such as Christianity or Islam, or whatever belief system there is, they all have a tendency to have that cultish behavior where they have to enforce their own rules upon other people against their will. Which is not, which is actually undermines their fundamental foundations belief system to begin with, that’s illogical. Think about that for a second. Anyway.

So that’s what happens, crusaders, and because they because they become ignorant in their ignorance, they create injustice. If a Crusader is being wise, and not foolish, and not ignorant, and actually verifying all their beliefs and verifying the circumstances, then they will take up the side of justice, how many crusaders around the world would not suffer the existence of society in its current form, if they actually spent the time to verify their actual beliefs about their own culture, community, politics, their governments, their church, their family, how many of them would actually be willing to rise up and take arms if they actually spent the time to verify their own beliefs, and they did it collectively together and created a new affiliative a new authoritative, a new authority, I wonder what would happen? Mm hmm. Maybe it’s starting to make sense as to why Philip Pullman actually wrote the books that he did the books about the Golden Compass and the subtle knife and the amber Spyglass very interesting, very, very interesting story, especially spoiler alert, Lord Azrael, at the very end, sacrificing a child to create a gateway into a new ground that was crazy. But more on that minute 37:10 Templars.

37:13 Moving on to Templar so let’s give a skeleton look of the of the whiteboard here. So the Templars on righteousness versus righteousness or hypocrisy versus righteousness? Templars. Templars are kind of interesting because in terms of awareness of consequences of actions, you know, SPS out of all the types, they’re just unaware of the consequences or actions because awareness of consequences comes from expert intuition. Right.

And while NF J’s have a higher awareness of consequences, their actions, the STPs definitely do not. And this is, but then at the same time, it’s like, well, when you have when you have an eye, your top four functions then Fe it’s like, okay, I have a choice between being, you know, very people pleasing, but at least I can use that as a way to get what I want, you know, and then is that does that really tends to lend someone to be responsible because they don’t care so much about their personal reputation or their status in the eyes of other human beings? Not so much as a result of this you have Templar types who end up having that Peter Pan syndrome that extend out they fully on extend out there their boyhood or their their immaturity, and, and they do not reach manhood or womanhood until much, much later. This is why you know, like, hey, let’s just meaningless sex guys. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard of Templars having constant news sets, the ESTP being the worst one for nympho mania, because they’re just trying to mirror the tragedy of the world.

And it’s like, well, everyone’s doing it. So I’m going to do it too, right. But it’s no different than the other Templars because guess what all the Templars are Amir’s. And it’s so funny because they can be actually become corrupt over time, where their mirrors actually end up cracking the same way that you have, as I tell INFJs get the losers out of life, because INFJs are the most sensitive nears, which is why their virtue advice is what it is in terms of integrity versus corruption, because they are the ultimate mirror.

But the other three Templars share in that mirroring behavior and they can use that mirror even maliciously. Or it’s like, oh, well, you did this. You did this thing. So that justifies me to do this bad thing over here.

And it’s like, okay, wow, that’s really appropriate. Ultimately, this lends them down the road to hypocrisy because Templars can’t help themselves. They cannot help themselves and criticizing other people because their extroverted sensing can detect what other people are doing. And their Introverted Thinking ti starts to criticize those other people on their lack of strength, their poor character or their poor performance.

Yet at the same time, the Templar themselves are lacking in character and are performing poorly themselves. You see what I’m saying? So as a result of that they are hypocrite If they’re expecting other people to have high character, but they themselves lack that character entirely, and they even start making excuses in their heads, and it making excuses. And those excuses basically become, you know, oh, well, I don’t have to grow up right now, I don’t have to, you know, become more responsible right now, as long as I’m not calling out anyone, I’m not calling out anyone else. This is why it’s like, hey, you know, I can I could start some coke or I could shoot up anytime I want because it don’t affect anybody else.

It don’t hurt anybody else was the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. Yes, actually does. Because guess what? templiers It makes you a bigger burden 40:41 on other people. Oh, 40:44 wait a minute.

That’s like the ignorance of TI coming out for you. You being ignorant? Because it’s like, oh, I have my preferred input, or my personal bias where I’m only going to surround myself with people who think and do like I do. And then I could keep having the excuse of Well, everyone else is doing it. 41:05 Wow, that’s, 41:07 that’s, that’s really nice Templars that’s really great.

You know, I mean, at least at least you’re not finding the innocent guilty, at least you’re not doing that. But then hey, you know, you could use that excuse of, well, everyone else was doing it, or I’m not hurting anybody else. You can use that excuse, and then all sudden you find yourself? No, I wasn’t aware that I become a burden and other people. Yeah.

Just like, you know, the INFJ making the excuse of not failing to launch in our lives, you know, because it’s like, well, if I take risks, I’m gonna be doing the wrong thing. Or, you know, or I could be performing badly, I could potentially be creating harm when everyone else is, is not doing it. Why do I have to, you know, people are allowed to stay at their parents house, you know, but why do I have to, you know, things like that, guys. It’s just, it’s just, it’s just ridiculous to me.

You know, the, the INFJ needs to come to realize that just because other families allow it, that doesn’t need to be the standard for their own life, they need to be who they are for their own selves, right. So same thing with the other four Templars, Templars need to get to a point that they need to be taking responsibility for their actions, not because they’re caught they not because they allow themselves to take responsibility because other people will take your responsibility. If you notice that. So it’s an excuse that they have Templars, it’s your job to lead other people.

It’s your job to be an example to other people. Other people’s bad behavior is not an excuse for you to behave badly. You have to rise up and rise above yourself and be your own person. Okay.

Otherwise, this vise of unrighteousness this hypocrisy that you have will literally consume you and you will be a burden on other people. Nobody will be loyal to you. Nobody will listen to you, nobody will value you because to you or to them, you are worthless to them. So don’t allow this to happen.

Templars because can sweat, You’re the strongest of us all. Your job is to create character and strength of being and other human beings have the ability to teach them have the ability to build them up, have the ability to heal them. This is what you’re supposed to do all the time Templars, that means by default, you’re strong, and you’re stronger than the rest of us. 43:36 Why else do 43:37 you have the fiery sword of truth compared to anybody else? 43:41 Why else? 43:44 The fiery sword of truth, it cuts you as it cuts them better you to be cut, though, than necessarily them because your fiery sword cauterizes their wounds and at least brings healing because when you tell the truth to others, it brings healing you can’t heal anybody and your healing is ineffective if you’re just going on your life not willing to read or listen to other people because you Templars are super stubborn.

I can’t believe how stubborn you people are. You are so stubborn. It’s ridiculous how stubborn Templar types are. And because of that stubbornness you guys aren’t on willing to listen.

And when you are unwilling to listen, you start to mirror other people’s bad behavior and you do not allow yourself to improve, okay? And because you’re not improving, then you are not allowing yourself to, you’re not able to build up other people. Because here’s another example. Templars always have this thing that when they have their circle of friends, they generally especially ESTPs and INFJs. They gotta be the top dog.

They gotta be the top dog especially especially ESTP and INFJ. Because a you know, at least everyone else is weaker than them and they’re really comfortable in that environment because they can help those people. The problem is they start mirroring weaker people, then they become weak themselves, which leads to get accuracy. Templars, you have to have two groups of people, the weak people that you help, and the strong people that are just better and more capable than you to learn from what business you have teaching others in developing others, if you cannot develop and teach yourself, What business do you have.

So as a result of that isn’t the righteous thing to do to actually understand that, hey, regardless of what anyone else is doing, I need to take responsibility for myself in my own actions, and focus on my own personal continuous improvement, regardless of what other people are doing forever. Never use other people’s behavior as an excuse for your poor behavior ever again, you are still responsible for you, it doesn’t matter what other people are doing. I’m tired of you using the stupid excuse, I’m tired of it, let go. Just because other people are doing it doesn’t mean you get to know you’re supposed to be an example so that other people can actually be common good people.

What happens when you see a philosopher who sacrifice their fellow human beings? Why are they going to listen to you, when you have the reputation of only caring about yourself, when you only have a reputation of well, I’m only going to help you if I if I see you help others, or if you’ve helped me in the past, because it’s all about what Wow, it’s all about me and what I can get. It’s all about as long as I get mine, right, the tempo our way, right. But the righteousness guys that comes as a result of letting go of your ignorance, the ignorance of TI that preferred input, your personal bias versus last known input, if you’re not relying on those things, and focusing on verifying your behavior every single day, and reading things, talking to other people, finding out what other people’s value systems are finding the good ones, which ones are based on truth, and not bullshit tradition. And then as a result of that, you take on those value systems, and then you’re actually able to build up your character faster than everyone else, then as a result of that, you’re then able to confer that knowledge and wisdom upon others that truth upon others, and criticize others in such a way where you’re able to provide them healing, and build up character strength of character within themselves.

Folks, this is what happened to me, I was mentored by two Templars, an ESTP, and an INFJ, especially in terms of psychology, but ESTP also mentored me and manhood, he also mentored me and women, he also mentored me, and like botany, he also mentored me in sword fighting, and various other areas, driving even, wow, he was very critical of my driving, and I became a better driver and discovered the use of an e brake in a situation. So based on that, like, recognize that there is some huge benefits to begin, I would not be here, if an ESTP at least went out of their way to be, you know, to be righteous, right? recognize the importance of that version bias. So let’s move forward. So for the philosopher type, the philosopher type is human sacrifice versus self sacrifice.

Actually, no, we’re gonna be away for an X actually stealing versus earning. So wayfarers. Fairies are fantastic. They’re actually pretty brilliant, especially like I getting to know ESFPs.

Getting no ESFPs recently, it’s been it’s been great because I like how concrete they are. I like how they don’t. They’re not usually aware of the consequences of their actions. And, you know, and season it needs to learn more about like their struggle with causality, and how they just stumbled their way upon the truth, etc.

which I find is a fascinating, a fascinating thing. But watching an ESFP with ti trickster, like become one of the world’s greatest physicists is just absolutely amazing. And they earned their way. They didn’t cheat, right? And especially in an academic situation, how many times do wayfarers cheat at school? Let’s be honest, everybody cheats.

I mean, I’ll admit, even I cheated in school. I mean, I let’s be honest, I never actually read a book in school, after my sophomore year in high school, throughout my entire education. I never read a book after that. Not once.

I didn’t need to, but everyone is taking the quick expedient way, especially when it comes to academics and cheating is a big thing. But how many times you know but wayfarers all the types they seem to like do it a lot more, right? Because they’re taking other people’s work and then using it for their own. Yeah, plagiarism comes into play or various other forms of cutting corners, etc. This is a thing, but then there are those that actually earn it and are able to create something absolutely astonishing.

Like this. A ESFP, a physicist that I know it’s unbelievable is a fantastic scientist, or, or the or the INTJ chemist who is able to develop new new forms of chemicals and processes, such that mankind is able to reach a high level of health because of a particular pill that they invented, that solves a specific problem, or at least provides a lot of relief for specific problems so that other problems could be solved. It just ends up having this endless wheel of causality constantly going, where they end up having, where they ended up, generating a lot of positive consequences for them taking unknown actions, right. And this happens all the time.

This is how ultimately wayfarers end up creating or discovering treasure, right? And treasure is absolutely important. Treasure, treasure is everything. But the problem is, is that Wayfarer is seeking treasure, they got to understand how treasure intrinsically works. Say, let me tell you something, you can’t take your money with you, when you die, there’s only one thing, one thing that you can take with you when you die one.

And that is folks, the relationships you have with other human beings. That’s the only thing you can take with you when you die. And if that’s the case, maybe wayfarers should be investing, you know, investing their treasure into other human beings? Hmm, maybe that would be important. I think through investing treasure, they would find themselves in a situation where, you know, people are like, Oh, wow, you’re sharing with me? Right? How many times do we have people like wayfarers not sharing with other people.

So that’s, I think that’s very important. The lesson ultimately is, is that when you’re earning your own way, you begin to share sharing is a huge, important aspect of the virtue of the Wayfair is sharing, you know, instead of taking right, or stealing, versus earning, because if you’re just stealing from people, that turns into negative relationships, and you don’t want to be taking those negative relationships, because they’ll remember they’ll never forget what you stole from them, they will never forget, you don’t want that to translate into the afterlife. Let me tell you think about that for a second. And I’m just using the afterlife as an example here.

But looking and just regular life as we know it life as we know it. That’s still a problem. And you know, because I get that you’re very ni focused. But let me tell you something, wayfarers about your future.

If you steal from somebody, it will come back to haunt you. I guarantee it ever watched The Count of Monte Cristo. Like there’s some people out there, especially Crusaders, who are very vengeful, and they will be willing to wait decades before they have their opportunity to take a shot at you and land that killing blow they’ve been planning for such a very long time. Don’t believe me, it happens all the time.

53:05 You have to understand is that you can do the quick way and take what other people have earned from them for yourself, or, or not share what you have earned. And keep it all for yourself, you can take the quick way or you can take the meaningful way. And then be like, hey, you know, help other people earn their treasure, share your treasure with other people earn it for yourself and for your own performance. But then stop expecting other people to praise you.

When you perform well, every single time you need to stop trading your performance for loyalty. Giving somebody treasure does not necessarily mean they’re going to be loyal to you. Because here’s the thing, you can buy loyalty, you can have an agreement saying if I give you this treasure, you have to give me this in return. That’s fine.

53:53 But is that true loyalty? 53:55 Is that really true loyalty? Because I would imagine that wayfarers would want true loyalty. 54:00 See, that requires trust. Think about it this way. What’s the best example 54:08 that you could utilize to determine somebody’s loyalty or trustworthiness for us a wafer? Well, that’s obvious.

That’s the parable of the talents you ever hear in the parable of the talents. Basically, Landover, takes all of his wealth separates his wealth between three servants, he gives one servant a huge amount of money 10 and 10 parts, he gets 10 parts of it to his one servant, he gets three parts to another servant, and he gets one part to the third servant. And the one of the 10, the 10 parts, he goes off and he invests it and he makes it generates a huge amount of wealth, wealth, and then and then is able to show the master Hey, this is what I produced with what you’ve given me. And then the second guy who had three parts, he did the same.

I was able to make a major profit years on this but the third guy, third guy didn’t do anything with it. He just did. I dug a hole and put it in the ground. And then, you know, that was it.

And like the master got so upset. It’s like what did you do with all this thing that I just all these things that I just gave you, you could have really taken to the bank and gotten some interest on it. You are so slothful, You’re so lazy, you know, very selfish. How could you do this way Ferris.

That’s kind of the the relationship that you need to have with people, when you’re sharing your treasure with people see what they do with it, right. That’s how you can test their character. So test their character, test their loyalty based on how what treasures you share with them, and see if you can trust them, if you can trust them with it if they demonstrate trustworthy behavior with your treasure, fantastic, continue to have that relationship and invest and invest in that relationship, wayfarers. But if you’re not there, if they’re squandering what you give them, do not give them anything else, and move on.

Let them be in the ditch, stop feeling bad for people that don’t deserve the treasure that you actually earned. Unless, of course, you stole that treasure, then I guess it doesn’t matter, then because it’s nothing. It’s like literally the same as venture capitalism. Because at that point in time, it’s like, we’re just going to borrow money.

And then because we borrowed money, and it’s someone else’s money, we’re going to be irresponsible, more irresponsible, that money instead of money that I earned myself. Isn’t it kind of interesting wayfarers how you’re more likely to take the meaningful route instead of the expedient route. Because when you go out of your way to perform and earn things on your own, it means that much more to you. So you are not so willing to just trust that with just anybody.

56:40 If you ever figured that out, kind of makes sense, does it? Don’t steal, 56:50 earn it yourself. But then because you’ve earned it, you will care so much more about what treasure you do have, and you give it to others, because you know, share it with others, because you know, you earned it. Stop stealing from other people. I’ve had people try to steal intellectual property for me all the time.

I’ve I’ve watched, I’ve watched wayfarers steal each other’s email lists from each other. I’ve I’ve seen them. Very Frank abic. Now he’s a Wayfair.

He used the ChexSystems you fraudulent checks to give himself a fortune, basically. And he was on the run for most of his life until he was caught at the end of his young adulthood, basically, where he served time in prison. And now he helps catch other people who are check fraudsters etc. You know, and he’s a Wayfair.

Right? So Oh, yeah, I did forget, I was just reminded, I did forget to make a certain point. So I’m actually going to fix that in a second here. Since we’re talking about wafers, I would like to talk about the definition of wafers, because I forgot the definitions, guys. So I apologize.

Thank you for the reminder. So wayfarers are independent, realistic, and matter of fact, they challenge the status quo in favor of finding a better way. This is why they’re so good at performing guys. Because any performance that that form of originality is absolutely is fundamentally creative, right? They’re very artistic whilst the ISFP the artist, as someone called aka the druid, is part of the Wayfarers.

There’s a reason for that. So they challenge the status quo in favor of finding a better way, wayfarers require freedom to pursue their own interests and way of life. Way fairs are all about being free wayfarers are the people that design their own way of life and that way of life needs to be respected by other people. I don’t think a society that a theocracy, or at least has heavily heavy religious influence, like especially societies that bind to Catholicism or societies that bind into Islam, etc.

Consistently as their main mode of thinking as their main mode of moral thinking and ethical thinking, etc. I imagine that those societies will be very anti Wayfarer, because it threatens the Wayfarers freedom or their capability to to create their own way of life. I think I think that’d be a problem. wayfarers are self assured and express them to express themselves to personal performance, often competitively.

Not not not a bad thing. Competition sharpens their their edge, it sharpens their ability to to perform not a bad thing. They seek admiration and loyalty, but doubt others ability to provide it. I mean, they should because not everybody is going to appreciate the treasure that the wayfarer shares with them.

That makes a lot of sense. Their purpose is to pursue treasure and status it brings choosing with whom they share it. You know, that’s another freedom point. Like wayfarers need to be able to choose who they share and that’s why I’m telling you guys you have to use your treasure to really measure the character of other people use the parable of the talents, find a way to give treasure the people and see what they do with it.

How many times wayfarers Have you been like, for example, in sexual relationships with other people, but they were just loyal to you, because you gave those people your greatest treasure, you know, your body, for example. And then your mind for example, everything about you, for example, and you get this treasure and it has been squandered, stomped upon, trampled upon. Isn’t it also written do not throw pearls before swine. Think about that for a little bit wayfarers think about that.

Their purpose is to preserve, trip pursue treasure in the status at brains choosing with whom they share it, wayfarers are at risk of stealing treasure rather than earning it for themselves. I think that very well defines the virtue and vice of the wafer, Quadra just fine. Going back. Going back to template real quick, I’m gonna read their definition for moving on philosopher because we kind of lost out on that.

So the way of the Templar Templars seek people of character or build character and those who lack it, they’re interested in strengthening the well being and character of others. Templars require freedom to make their own choices and find their own way in life. They teach mentor and counsel they forgive and help people heal ghosting traders or people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves. Templars are at risk of hypocrisy and criticizing others for being irresponsible, while being irresponsible themselves.

I think that pretty much defines the virtue and vice pretty well of temporal arts. And then finally, we have the philosopher so and the philosopher as we found out in the last lecture of season 17, and this is the final section of this lecture right now. We have for ourselves, I think we’re probably in about. So I think so I think we’ve been in this for about an hour now.

But the final section is this. So the way of the philosopher the definition of the philosopher, is as follows. philosophers are academically inclined to discover secrets to success you’ve ever been to a ever heard of Tony Robbins, I mean, that guy’s a philosopher, let’s be honest, they craft a worldview to share belief, ideology, and reputation. philosophers are drawn to civic duty volunteering, and politics, to strengthen their voice through enduring hardships are to strengthen their voice.

That’s why they do that. It’s so funny, when you’re talking to a philosopher, everything is about their opinion, everything is about their voice. And they want to they really have that need to have their voice and their opinion desired, because they don’t feel important themselves of other people do not desire their voice or desire their opinion. That’s why whenever I’m around a philosopher, whether or not I want to hear it or not, I asked them automatically, hey, what’s your opinion, then all of a sudden, I’m like, wow, that’s super valuable, because it’s like, Hmm, maybe I should just get over myself and actually spend time to listen to them.

So that way, my TI parent isn’t within its own little echo chamber causing me to be ignorant, I need to hear other inputs 1:03:25 or other opinions, right, to be 1:03:29 able to make sure that my TI is sharp enough to not be in some echo chamber, or I’m relying upon last note input, right? Same thing goes with wayfarers. I go to wayfarers and treat them the same way I ask them their opinion, but the value of one’s opinion is so much more to a philosopher. It’s absolutely more. So that gentleman, Mr.

Kelsey, when you are the one who met me at a Panera Bread in Fremont, California, on on Maori in Fremont, California. This part of the lecture goes to you sir, because without you expressing your concerns about my description of inf peas, I would not have been able to come to the correct conclusions. Thank you very much for your input. 1:04:14 So, 1:04:16 philosophers, through enduring hardships, philosophers establish rules and guidelines they believe are righteous.

Yeah. And sometimes they’re like arbitrary, that’s like a thing where they create random arbitrary rules and expect other people to follow them which can be an issue. But sometimes it can also be very healthy and necessary. They attend to their own happiness and comfort yet can be inattentive to that of others.

And that’s oftentimes why philosophers end up having the reputation and status of being selfish and self absorbed and all about their personal gains such that they’re being willing to sacrifice their fellow human beings for the sake of their own self aggrandizement. And that’s why I also like grandstanding because it’s all about their voice and no one else’s voice. philosophers are at risk of sacrificing fellow human beings for the sake of their own success, instead of success gained through self sacrifice and hard work. So this defines the virtue and vice of the philosopher type.

And and that’s really human sacrifice or self sacrifice. This is why I utilize the the example of the philosopher’s stone or the model of the Philosopher’s Stone. For you know from, from Full Metal Alchemist, as well as the legend of alchemy involving the philosopher’s stone. And again, real quick the Philosopher’s Stone, basically, is this thing that you utilize that you can create.

It gives you it gives you the ability to reach eternal life and elixir for eternal life and allows you to change any substance. And so gold basically is you have unlimited wealth, it’s literally life’s I win button, and every philosopher is on a quest to create their own philosopher’s stone so that they can have the success that they always desire within their own life. That is the way of the philosopher creation of their Philosopher’s Stone. And they could do this as according to Full Metal Alchemist sacrifice fellow human beings and creating that philosopher’s stone or they could do it through self sacrifice, which is what the hero of the story Edward Elric did sacrifice his own ability to perform alchemy or transmutations, which is like this magical abilities sacrifice the ability itself for the sake of his brother, which is what they were trying to achieve and get his brother’s body back because of how taboo or or horrifying human transmutation is.

Because what can you give up in exchange for human life? They are invaluable, they have unlimited value, it’s not the same. There’s nothing you could sacrifice that would be worth that. Except unless like it was his like ability to perform the magical ability to begin with, okay, sure, fair enough. But the bottom line is, it’s funny.

It’s so funny, like, the letters that I received from people after putting up the philosopher lecture, and I even had a few inf peas messaged me at an ES TJ messaged me. But in general, it was like, I know so many philosophers in my family who have sacrificed me for their own personal game. And I also have sacrificed them for their own personal game. I’ve even seen my own daughter do that to her brother.

She’s an ENFP. But she’s not since done that. Now I see her being much more charitable and realizing that, you know, through her own efforts through her own, yeah, through her own effort, she can earn her own way she could she she sacrifices herself, sacrifices her time. For example, for the first time ever instance, my five year old, she read, she read a book by herself to me, she read her book to her daddy, and this was a fantastic experience.

Why is this necessary because I, she pulled out the first that we have like this little box of like 12 books, and they go up in difficulty. And they’re like, they’re training books for children for reading. And she pulls out the first three books, and she could read them just fine. And she was she was reading them to me.

And that was great. I not knowing how that box works, because I have like se demon. And I had no si data for it at all. I pulled out the one on the end, which is book 12, which is the most difficult book to read.

And I gave it to her. And she read that book to me all the way through and I was I when I found out it was what it really the nature of that book, I was really astonished, she really has gone out of her way to earn. Why? Well, very easily, because she come to realize that she didn’t have to sacrifice other people and get other people to do her homework for her. She could do it herself.

Okay. Because previously, she was trying to get other people, other classmates, her mother or teacher to help her with her homework instead of realizing that she could do it herself. And then as soon as she did, her grades went up, I actually we got like, probably the most perfect report card I’ve ever seen, you know, from her teacher for my little girl. And I went up to my ENFP daughter, and I told her, you know, I am so proud of you.

I’ve never seen a report card this good before. You are very, very good at academics and at school. This is excellent. You do such a great job you so much further ahead, I’m sure other students that even said in her report card that she should be moved up to other grades that her teacher was recommending moving her up into more advanced grades in the grade that she’s currently in.

That was pretty surprising. And I told her, you know how proud of her I was. And I told her that that’s excellent. That you know, you have this academic capability.

And you know, and it’s nice to see that you are putting in the time and effort on your own to earn your own way. And then she’s not sacrifice your brother or mother, her teacher or any of her classmates and that kind of encouragement that I offered to my philosopher daughter. As a result of having that encouragement. She’s gone out of her way to even further Are there more Excel and that than the final, most recent fruit of that, that came as a result of that situation, she read that advanced book to me on our last visit a few days ago.

And that was amazing. It’s nice to see how far that goes. Now, you know, my son, he’s, he’s awesome. He’s not the best at academics.

But he’s great at other things. Right now he’s studying music. And I believe that because he loves music, and he’s always telling me about how he wants to become a pianist or, or wants to become a musician, he will do that we’ve made arrangements for for him to get in front of a teacher and to get additional schooling for it. We got him a ukulele, a train ukulele to start on that.

And I remember the first day we gave him got a harmonica and wow, he knew how to play it just just right out the box. And he was only he’s only like four or five years old. He just ran with it. He already like intuitively knew how it worked.

I’m like, Wow, you got some skills there. You know, that’s the thing, folks, when you’re when you’re in your life, find that one thing that you’re good at and just hammer it. I don’t care about school, I don’t care about college, I don’t care about your job. I don’t care about any of that.

Find the one thing you’re good at and hammer it and devote yourself to that. It’s not about how good you do in school is or it could be about how good you are in school. If school is where you excel in fine being academic. That’s great.

Kudos to you. If you’re great at music, great kudos to you. It doesn’t matter. Find the one thing that you’re good at and hammering.

And I’m quoting like literally, Owen Cook, aka RST Tyler from RSC motivation when I say that, right, look up his is a video on YouTube called truth about life. RST Tyler, it a really kick in the pants, if you know what I mean. But the bottom line is, folks, philosophers need to get to a point that you know, like it’s, you know, you can’t sacrifice your fellow human beings for your own success, you guys have to realize that you have the capacity to be absolutely fundamentally selfish when you’re looking at your own comfort and your own feelings and your own values without any consideration of other people’s comfort or their values and then creating arbitrary rules that actually can end up destroying culture and destroying other people’s well being and under and destroying their lives when you’re doing it in the name of creating a utopia. That’s literally no different than Joseph Stalin murdering people for 1:12:27 stealing apples, or food.

You know, 1:12:32 in communist Russia, that’s no different when you’re allowing the rules, right? The rules to dictate human behavior. That’s where you get people who are like who I was just following orders, right? And that is the kind of culture that philosophers can end up creating. That’s a problem. Okay? And it’s all about human sacrifice versus self sacrifice.

philosophers are you going to stop being lazy, take responsibility for your own actions, and focus on sacrificing yourself, your time, your effort and putting in the effort to earn your own way. If you just spend time reading, which will make you brilliant. I don’t know how many times I even hear ti tricksters like ENFPs, making it into Mensa. But apparently Mensa is giving out membership to just anyone these days that can pass their test.

Oh, wait, that’s right, te child or wait te users in general can pass any test. Because assessments is where t is able to just handle it. It’s pretty simple. Right? That’s just how it works.

Because guess what tests or assessments are te systems themselves. Right? You already have an advantage. So why do you worry so much about your perception that you give off to other people? Oh, I want people to believe I’m smart. You can actually be smart.

If you spend the time reading and get off your lazy ass and actually do it. Then you wouldn’t have to sacrifice your fellow human beings for your own success and actually build your own success because you have a high level of understanding to do it. And then because you have crafted your own Philosopher’s Stone to gain your own success, right. This is the virtue and vice of the philosopher.

Self sacrifice versus human sacrifice. Do not do the expedient thing. Do the meaningful thing. Work hard.

Stop trying to be the rabbit and stop feeling bad that you’re not the rabbit and instead be the tortoise work hard to say the same thing to Crusaders, Crusaders and philosophers be the tortoise. You will learn everything you need to do you will be successful as long as you don’t give up. Be the tortoise in the race. Just keep going and don’t give up faith you will make it through Templars and wayfarers.

Do what you want. Use your freedom but don’t use your freedom and a way to destroy the freedoms of others. 1:14:55 Be careful. Be careful 1:15:01 So anyway, folks, just to kind of finish up here, the virtue and vice Crusader once again, is injustice versus justice.

And then for Templars, it’s unrighteousness versus righteousness or hypocrisy versus righteousness. wayfare it says dealing versus earning. And for the philosopher, it’s human sacrifice versus self sacrifice. And hopefully, this nice little wrap up episode gives you everything that you need to like, come to a full understanding of all of the strengths and the weaknesses of the of the four quadrants.

So you can utilize that to identify yourself, you know, which was really important. I mean, think about it, like how could you identify yourself? The Type grid, so when you’re using the Type grid, you know, what types like, especially when you’re looking at when you’re looking at this whiteboard, you know, what types are the individual quadrants right here, so circle them out on a Type grid, which Quadra is which. And if you know you are one of these quadrants, based on these definitions shared in this lecture, you’ve already just eliminated 12 of the types according to the type grid, you’ve already eliminated it. So this, the quadrants themselves are a definitely another way that you could utilize the Type grid to figure out what type you are.

That way. Now you can utilize communication styles or interaction styles as well as disposition or temperaments and Cuadras combined to figure out what type you are specifically, it’s not that hard, right? That’s how it works. It’s another way that you can interface with the type grade. That is the number one reason other than exposing the human condition and exposing all of our flaws to each other and showing how we come off to each other strengths and weaknesses wise, it’s the other main reason why I’m even doing this, you can actually come to a fundamental understanding of yourself and others by applying what you’ve learned here about the Cuadras directly to 1:17:00 the Type grid.

That’s how it works, folks. 1:17:04 So I might do like a small 10 minute episode explaining that in the near future for season 17, probably. But yeah, I just want you folks to know that. So anyway, if you found this lecture useful, helpful, educational, stay tuned, because we’re doing a q&a.

And also, please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. And then leave a like below and comment. If you have any questions about Cuadras. Any remaining questions, etc, then we’ll definitely do that.

Okay, so we have a q&a time. So I’m going to give everybody the ability to talk so they can ask their questions. 1:17:45 So let’s be gentle in there. So this is John Bodeen.

So John Bodeen asks, every type has to has have a quadra. Can you talk about how they interact with each other the same person, ie? How having half where Wayfarer interacts with half Crusader? And does this mean on a larger level in regards to interactions with others and personal responsibility? Ie having the weight of both Patras Westing on your shoulders? Absolutely. This is why like when you’re taking this is why when you’re taking our personality assessment, because it’s about to release what we’re releasing it to patrons first. But when it releases, you’ll kind of realize is that we’re trying to get you to focus on traits that you are primarily.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to succumb to the strengths and weaknesses of all the quadrants represented within the on four sides of the mind. You have to recognize that you bear all of the responsibilities based on doing the meaningful versus the expedient for each of the quadrants. For each, you know, within within the four sides, your mind, you absolutely have to how else are you going to reach cognitive integration? How’s he going to reach enlightenment as a human being if you do not do that? So you absolutely do bear the responsibility, you have to bear that responsibility. So where did I get my shirts? I got it at the mall.

And my wife, Rogen got it for me. Thank you, she’s decided that I need to have a better wardrobe recently, and has purchased some shirts. I had another shirt in season 22 Episode Seven that I just filmed. Sorry about the sound being a little weak on that one, by the way, but it’s a white shirt with black sharks.

And and we came up with my rapper name as a result of mine, which I shared in that lecture. CT CT Stuart one. John Modine, did I answer your question? 1:19:40 I hope I didn’t. 1:19:42 What does this mean at large level interaction with others and personal responsibility? Ultimately, you may not be aware of how you’re coming off to others John, and then as a result of that, you could find yourself in that you know, in that situation where it’s like, oh crap, that’s Part of my self that I need to work on a little bit more.

I actually talk a little bit about this in a recent Ruby Conference, as well as the season 22 episode. So it was just coming to transitions of DNTPs that talk about how sometimes you have to pipe certain functions or at least certain size of the mind through other functions through which is basically developing neural pathways in your brain. Like, for example, if a super ego is interest based, but the rest of the mind or is all systematic, you can actually pipe the interest based through that particular types Inferior function through Introverted Sensing is self discipline, to develop a habit of doing an interest check, even though you’re not just default interest aware, and as a result, that’s also very necessary, etc. So hopefully that answers your question.

Go ahead and ask it again, if needed, if necessary. CT Stuart one asks, When David dead when David data says give your deepest gift, is that basically mean, live in your virtue? Is it more than that? It is, it is more than that. It’s not just your virtue, because every human being is responsible for all of the virtues and all the vices be it Quadra are individual types, or even temperament or interaction style. Cognitive axes, it doesn’t matter.

Every aspect of a person’s persona, each human being or available persona, each human being is ultimately responsible for that. Because at any moment, you could take on that role. Just like Dr. John Beebe says, you know, when a person takes on a title, or a role, like the role of Father, even though they are not a father, that they can assume the role of father, it comes with all the benefits and the responsibilities of that role.

And as soon as you stop behaving like that role, you lose all those benefits and those responsibilities for that role. And he cited this one movie of a lesbian couple, where one of the women in the couple had to become the father to protect their children against a man and she called this man, the interloper, etc. In fact, the name of the scene is called interloper I forgot the name of the movie was, but that was in his recent presentation that I watched in Northern California, which was, it was great to be a part of that. So your deepest gift is something far more than just your virtue or your bias, and even then your vices can actually be necessary.

Your vices are not always a bad thing. Your vices can be good things because those vices can be a way for you to potentially defend yourself or protect yourself from abuse from other people. So sometimes vices can’t be good, not often, not as often as virtues can be good. But then also virtues themselves can also become an obstacle, it’s important to focus yourself towards a state of integration towards a state of balance, and not necessarily be hard focus on one thing here, one thing there, think about it this way, it’s the four sides of the mind is a form, right? You have, you have one field and your ego, another field is your subconscious.

Another field is your shadow. And another field is your super ego, and you have a preset amount of water and all of your water is on your main field because you know, it’s it’s going to yield but it yields and then you’re practicing a little bit to get, you know your subconscious field and you’re allowing some of your water to flow through the irrigation gateway of your Inferior function into your subconscious. If you’re allowing that to happen. You could potentially be in your subconscious and your ego simultaneously if the water levels are about the same, or you can be hyper focused on the subconscious, etcetera.

Or you can you know this you see what I’m saying you could potentially be in all four sides of your mind simultaneously, as people become more capable with mastering their gateways over time, but and using their gateways as a result. But that does not necessarily mean we need to always be focused on one thing sometimes we do sometimes we don’t is very circumstantial. It’s important to develop yourself at every single aspect of human existence and human growth and maintain a state of continuous improvement maintain the state of kaizen because cosine itself is the essence of enlightenment. It really actually is continuous improvement is the essence of integration and enlightenment, the essence of balance, the essence of the doubt, essentially, that’s where it comes from.

1:24:28 So, 1:24:30 knowledge sharing as wayfarers steal people by being wonky and needy, yes, they can, especially in cheating situations with with like relationships, and they earn people by being trusting Absolutely. Why is it do you think INTJ need to be with en TPS as a golden parents because NTP is number one need is trust. That’s their number one need is trust. And i NT j’s are hard pressed to give trust.

Think about that for a second. Think about it. John, Lando Dean asks, again, you did answer my question. Thanks to more for you.

Can se users be the tortoise or is there a path different, so users can be a tortoise. And honestly, I recommend everyone be the tourists. But oftentimes, as users are so focused on performance, that they often end up living their life based on talent. And talent is the way of the rabbit and not the way of the tortoise.

Through developing the other sides of their mind, they can start to understand the the the lessons and the secrets of the tourists and gain those benefits. And as much as an SI user needs to develop a talent over time can actually end up becoming a rabbit later in life. It’s a balance. It’s it’s a yin and yang equilibrium.

I hope that answers your question, John. Second question from Mr. John Bodeen. If a crusader type gets with the Templar or wayfare, is there’s something special about having access to all four quadrants within the relationship like you and your wife? Yes, there is it provides a completely different perspective.

And as a result, I was able to actually further develop my super ego, and reach some benefits of my Super Eagles cognition that I did not have before. Basically, as a result of her influence and tutelage, and improving me, it’s nice that Templars exist to improve fellow human beings. And then as a result of improving those fellow human beings, she based and added that capability, will she used that capability on me and I became better for it. And this is why I always and I develop the habit of always asking this question, whenever I meet somebody, what is this person getting out of the situation? And are they getting more out of it than I am, and if they are getting more out of it than I am, then they’re automatically manipulating me, and then I need to treat them as a manipulator.

That’s a habit that I developed as a result of her direct influence. And I would not have come to that conclusion because me being interest based as part of my super ego. But I hadn’t developed the SI habit and pipe, the super ego interest directly in to my Introverted Sensing, Inferior function, as part of it’s a goal or a journey to being aspirational. And develop the habit or the self discipline of doing that every time I have an interaction with a fellow human being.

And as a result, I’m more protected. It’s also why my block list it has 850 plus people in it now, whereas it did not before I blocked people all the time, constantly. It’s funny how those wayfarers and this usually happens when Wayfarer is more than anyone else. People ask me questions about stuff for paying the psychology and type.

And they’re just trying to get freebies from me instead of actually willing to pay for coaching or become a patron or whatever, because it’s all about my freebies, right? Oh, he’s trying to steal from me. And it’s really frustrating. So I just block them. Sometimes I take their copies of their chat logs, and I publicly shame them on Facebook and expose them to everybody else because of how pathetic they can be when they’re in there.

They’re as stealing wafer or vice, which is really frustrating to me. So Okay, another question. CT Stuart one asks, If Templars are attracted to the high morals of philosophers, what makes philosophers attracted to Templars? I think that is the Templars capability. They’re also the Templars ability to help them and to make them more comfortable.

philosophers like being helped. They like to have their burdens lifted off their shoulders, they don’t like to have to necessarily do everything alone. And it’s kind of interesting, because if you consider philosophers, none of them are actually pragmatic. They’re all affiliative.

And they’re all interdependent because of that. And they like to have their burdens and their load shared with others and Templars being Fe users and se users combined are all about removing burdens and other people instead of putting burdens on them. And as a result, philosophers and getting those benefits. CT Stewart says being triple interest based and having te trickster and si demon, would inf J’s do best going in a self taught route.

Absolutely. I maintain INFJ should be all about being idle, didactic, Jesus, the INFJ is an autodidact. He never had any official schooling as a rabbi, right? There’s so many INFJ computer programmers out there. And that type is probably the best computer programmer of all the types.

They just pick up books, they read it, they know it, they do it. Move on to the next thing. They don’t have to have former schooling. It’s just that affiliative interdependent thing that gets in the way of INFJs where they end up believing the wrong beliefs.

They’re te trickster. They have to go to school, get a job, go to go to go to school, go to college, get a job, have a life that way, because that’s the right thing to do. Right? Well, no, it’s not the right thing to do. INFJs need to get to a point where they are autodidact, even my INFJ mentor himself is an autodidact and a damn good one.

And it’s because he spends time reading and practicing every single day. 1:30:02 So any other questions? Any other questions? 1:30:12 Okay, got all of them? Anyone else? Now’s the chance. Put it in a Question and Answer button or you can put it in the chat. Sure, if anyone can like raise their hand that would kind of interesting.

Because then like, I probably be able to see a 1:30:31 little bit better. Anyone else? Oh, here we go. 1:30:38 It’s okay. Be long winded Mr.

Aaron. 1:30:41 That’s fine. So while 1:30:48 Aaron is putting out that one, anyone else have any other questions involving virtue advice, the quadrants, perhaps using the Type grid, to using the quadrants to get a better result to verify your type on the Type grid. It’s like, that’s just one thing like people don’t even think about doing is verifying their own their own type.

Okay, so Aaron asks, regarding your answer relating to a fair deal or an equivalent exchange and the way you handle the situation, if you get the idea that they are being manipulative, 1:31:25 okay. Sure. 1:31:29 I mean, sometimes situations are mutually beneficial, sometimes they’re not. 1:31:41 How do you handle that same 1:31:42 situation, if it’s actually you that is initiating the exchange.

The thing is, is that I recognize that my own Introverted Thinking can be ignorant because I am at risk of being in an echo chamber mentally because it’s logic logic can exist within an echo chamber. And that’s a problem. Whereas te rationale cannot really well, I can be an echo chamber, but it’s supposed to be questioning of everyone’s thinking by default. So it’s not usually in an echo chamber, and then also have run the risk of being in last known input.

And I kind of feel bad because I didn’t look into the ignorance of Te as much but basically, the ignorance of Te is just ignorance in terms of going with the crowd, and what the crowd thinks instead of verifying it’s lack of verification is the ignorance of Te. But I think it was really important to stay that release for the TI users, I kind of regret not saying that for the philosophers in the Wayfarers in this lecture. But even if I am initiating, I still have that habit anyway, because I could have been set up in such a way where I would initiate with other people. And I wouldn’t have noticed, like there could have been external stimuli or things going on behind the scenes that are in the background that I wasn’t even aware of, that could have prompted me to initiate, I would still have to exercise that habit regardless.

Because sometimes people’s manipulations can become so elaborate, that you’re not necessarily sure about whether or not you know, whether or not to your an issue. Your initiation itself was designed. And it would be arrogant to believe that never would be. And hopefully that answers your question live asks.

So to be clear, each personality type has their own primary and secondary and tertiary keys and so on and so forth. Virtue advice, like from ISTP primary virtue and vice and ESTPs or secretary. Each quadrants are in virtue advice, you have four sides of the mind, and two sides of the same Quadra. Does that mean we have 10 virtues and vices? It means you have every virtue and vice Potentially, yes, basically, yes.

It’s just I mean, it’s the same. It’s just like, where are you are in your cognitive development? How, how? How balanced Are you as an individual and refer to the content in season 19, because as long as you’re, you know, going through the path of cognitive aeration and becoming a better person, the best version of you, as it said in season 19, you, you would be able to utilize the virtues and vices as necessary or as needed throughout your life and also to other people’s benefit, not just your own. 1:34:27 So. Alright, looks like some more questions come in.

1:34:35 Is Simon Sinek subconscious or unconscious focused? I would say he’s probably unconscious focused. But I’m not entirely sure about that. And CT Stewart one asks, last question, where’s ISTPs like to learn for the sake of learning to INTJ is do INFJs learn skills to mix dreamily useful one person. Yes, that’s why they learned skills.

It’s all about being useful. Because they feel like they’re worthless. They want to be the most useful person that tool sheds. They want to compensate for that feeling of worthlessness.

So they learn skills specifically to be extremely useful. Yes, that is correct. Although I’m not sure how that question had anything to do with the Cuadras. But fair enough.

Guys, there is a q&a session, I believe it’s on Tuesday of next week. And since you guys are all patrons, bring your questions there and put it in the Patreon q&a channel. And then we’ll we’ll get that question. And so And Aaron asks, in the same respect, when you do something without expecting anything in return, although all forms of communication or manipulation as stated, if the person on the other side of the exchange viewed it in the same manner you do, couldn’t you see that as an issue? No, not at all.

Because you have to look at the text that the context of the connotation of manipulation itself. And when I say manipulation, and by meaning manipulation, in terms of all social interaction is manipulation, manipulation, in the context of neutrality, or am I say manipulation in terms of the negative connotation, obviously, I meant the negative connotation. It’s just not my fault that the term manipulation, or at least the English language is so limited with its terms. Perhaps I could admit that I need to have better precision of language.

But we’re just typically speaking in colloquialisms for the Bennis for the benefit of lay members of this audience. Hence why I’m throwing around terminology that’s very similar. But the context because I’m an informative speaker, not a direct speaker changes almost with every sentence that comes out of my mouth, potentially. So please consider it in that vein.

I hope that made sense. So, but good question, regardless. Anyone else? Anyone else? 1:37:01 Anyone else? Because 1:37:05 I need to leave. It’s about time.

Thanks. There’s more to it than that. But thanks, dude. I’m sorry, Aaron.

I’m trying I’m trying to do my best here like, because I think you’re just getting hung up on manipulation as the term because I don’t think your question could have existed without that first. And since that seems to be your route premise. I went after the real premise. And that’s why I responded the way that I did.

So I appreciate that. 1:37:31 Yeah, well, all of this. 1:37:34 All of this will be going public all the q&a component of it will anyway so anyway, folks, that’s it for tonight and thank you all for coming to the live lecture. Don’t forget we have Patreon q&a Next week.

Get your questions into the q&a channel in discord. And if you’re not on Discord, go to CS forward slash social to be able to get onto discord if you’re not there already, for those of you that are new. So with that being said, Folks, thank you all have a good night, and I’ll see you guys next time.

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