The 4th Cognitive Orbit Fi & Fe | Season 18 Cognitive Mechanics | CS Joseph


Please enjoy the public release of this Episode from Season 18 Cognitive Mechanics.


What’s up ego hackers? This is CS Joseph and we are on season 18, episode 12. A season 18 for cognitive mechanics. And this is the fourth cognitive orbit. Specifically, we’re going to be talking about the cognitive orbit relationship between spear and mace essentially.

And I don’t know, I don’t know how this particular episode is gonna go, I might just decide to randomly lose my shit as usual, but we’ll kind of see how that goes. It’s going to be a little bit difficult for me, because I’m gonna be talking heavily about my trickster function, and what that looks like. But I also want to make sure that we look at the direction of you. Okay, do you know the primary and secondary roles? Is FIA going to be primary? Or is it going to be primary with the orbit, etc, how that works, and whatnot.

So we’ll just kind of have fun with this one and see where this lecture takes us. And we’ll we’ll go from there. But looks like we got a bunch of people tuning in this evening. How is everyone? Looks like we got Elliot and Janet.

And that’s probably my wife calling me during a show. It’s good times. So yeah, she wants to FaceTime me. Let’s see La is a I am live streaming right now.

Like, say hi. Okay. You said hi. I have to go.

By My goodness. Anyway. So your ESTP daughter thinks you’re allowed Tanya. I cannot imagine that.

Yeah, I’m sure she’s probably louder. Like every way, gotta love that. Templar hypocrisy, you know what I’m saying? Anyway, it honestly guys, it’s fantastic. You know, it’s taken us a while to get here to Episode 12 and season 18.

And there’s a lot more to go. There’s going to be a how to type episode coming up next month, where we’re going to be basically bringing everything that we’ve learned together in one place talking about that, please make sure you guys are subscribed to our email for that. If you’re not subscribed to our email, go to discover.cs Joseph dot life or CS forward slash discover to take the Discover personality test, you enter in your emails, like, I’d actually subscribe to you. Or go to CS forward slash type grid.

And make sure you subscribe there. So you can make sure you get next month’s lecture because I think it’s going to be insanely valuable for most people because like, okay, yeah, hey, I got to learn how to type people via you know, cognitive orbit and, and whatnot. So, we’re gonna be doing just some basic typing examples. You know, we’re just gonna go trouncing around on social media.

And then we’re just gonna go practice typing people, et cetera. So that, that’ll be fun. I think we’ll do that. My shoulder is doing better.

It’s a lot stronger. So yeah. I always have my birthday on the Super Bowl. It’s kind of like my thing.

Yeah, like my wife’s birthday is always on Black Friday. And mine’s always on the Super Bowl, in some capacity. So yeah. Or at least around the Super Bowl.

So which is cool. And my team won, even though I maintain that my team didn’t deserve to win. Because I think the officials decided to win the game for them. And that’s not to my preference.

I wanted them to earn their keep earn their way to winning, you know, that would be that would have been my preference personally. So yeah. Yeah, so I guess me and Mr. Kenobi have the same birthday.

Great. Anyway, that being said, let’s just get on down to business here. As we begin this lecture, let’s do that. Awesome.

Cool. And then we’ll do that right there. And do I even have sustained even on 04:58 low Even on Stephen plugged in bank apparently some trouble here. Let’s see.

All right, double check my connectors, because I don’t even know if this thing. No, it’s not even plugged in. Okay, well, we said that and not something worse. That would have sucked.

Like, oh dang. Why is this not working? 05:43 All right. And turn all those off those on. Turn that off.

Turn that on. All right. Nice. Okay.

All right, cool. So let’s just get down to business showing. Alright, okay, so we’re gonna do some black ink. Okay, season 18 Episode 12 cognitive mechanics and then we’re going to be doing the fourth probably out on the board the fourth orbit last week, I was actually doing the third.

So sometimes I get lost in my own stuff. It’s just season 18 As the season is insanely content rich, and it’s just like wow, like how do I? How do I even keep it all together? So it’s, it’s, it’s pretty ridiculous. So awesome. Yeah.

Okay, so forth orbit. And let’s here we go. So this is FY two, Fe. Okay.

And let’s, let’s do a couple of examples. Actually, we’re going to do, we’re going to look at some parent functions. So let’s look at a golden pair together. So we’re going to do, we’re going to do an ESFP set up right here.

And I will ESFP with Mo rainbow. We’re going to do se, F fi, te ni, si fe, T I N E. This is just a standard ESF P. And then on the other side, we’re going to be doing standard iossef J, we’re going to use this golden pair as an example.

Si fe, T I N E, S e, f i, t e, n i, and then we have i Es, F, J. Alright, cool. So, once again, as per every episode that we do, what exactly is cognitive orbit, and what cognitive orbit is is that like cognitive axis, where we have functions directly pertaining to each individual side of the mind, we have cognitive functions that are attached to each of the individuals. So for this like so, for example, is the ego.

This is the shadow, also known as the unconscious, then we have the sub, and then the super ego. 08:50 Its shadow. But the point is, is that cognitive axis and we’re just going to use red ink to show axis right here axis is basically the hero function is always attached to the Inferior function. And the parent function is also always attached to the parent in the child, they’re always attached, prefer going to look at orbit.

So the completely different. In this case, since we’re looking at F five versus fe, the Introverted Feeling is actually attached to the Extraverted Feeling. And this is important to know because there’s certain energy being exchanged, you know, between the cognitive functions, you know, as a result of this happening, and it’s, it’s happening very consistently. So, I don’t know why I just just has a little weird.

Apparently my regular mouse pointer is what it wants to use. Fair enough. Okay. So another example, we’ll just do it other blue ink over here.

So, Fe two, FYI, these two are in orbit of one another, basically. So why, why is it? Why is it really necessary to know cognitive orbit, it’s necessary to know because you could use it for typing other people, you also can influence people through social engineering in as much as you could for using cognitive access, but you can also use it in cognitive orbit, because cognitive orbit effectively provides the back door effectively to any of the cognitive functions within the ego. And the reason why is is because the ego has this horrible problem. Because as soon as the Logies grinning, so as soon as like the, you know, so we had the parent function right here.

Soon as the parent function gets developed, all of a sudden, it’s like, it’s got this bulletproof shield around the ego. And this is where someone starts making their ego investments, basically. And when they’re making ego investments, the ego starts to protect itself. And the only way to get past this huge, you know, this barrier that’s been created by the parent function, either starting to form or being available for forming, etc, which usually happens around adolescence, which is what we’ve been talking about in, I spelled out the lessons wrong, I know.

But the egos constant protect now. So we have the size of j here, its parent function sites and adolescent at this point. And being able to get into this. Well, they’ve already made their ego investments.

And obviously, you know, if you’re a parent, you’re going to want to make sure that their parent function is developing properly. But you can’t do that. So the only opportunity you have is that you have to get past this barrier. Well, how are you going to do that, how to get past the barrier? Well, so you can’t, you can’t, you can’t get in this way.

You know, if you trying to get into the ego, you want to develop the parent function you can’t get in, right. So the only way that you can do then is then go in this way. And then you’re going through the Introverted Feeling within the shadow, they’re hitting the critic. And then what this does is this allows you to actually influence the parent function directly.

And as more because you’re attacking the critic, or you’re messing with the critic, and then because you’re just touching the critic, automatically, you’re causing their parent function to be influenced from behind the scenes. And this person doesn’t even know this is a special kind of ego hacking or social engineering that you could utilize on a regular basis. Oftentimes, when people start manipulating the shadows of anyone, they’re not even really so much aware of the fact that they’re being manipulated whatsoever. Because you know, it’s so funny, like when you say like an ISTP, an ISTP, like always automatically assumes that they just automatically are impervious to manipulation, it’s the most frustrating thing to see in the world.

And then all of a sudden, ENFP is getting their life and then just completely dominate their life and take them for all they’ve got. And they have have no clue, basically. And one of the reasons why is that, you know, that ti hero arrogance that any trickster assuming were there any tricks or assumes that they know what people are up to, because they’re also interest based, but the reality situation is they’re not. And this ISTP, for example, would have no idea that they’re potentially being manipulated through their critic.

And it’s like, we’re the ENFPs, like telling them, hey, you know, trying to make trying to get the ISTP, to do something for them, trying to get the ISTP to give them a better experience and make them more comfortable. And all the ENFP has to do is go the ISTP and basically make it seem like to the ISTP, that it’s their duty, and that they should be doing these things, because it’s the, it’s the right thing to do, et cetera. And then their si critic is like, oh, yeah, I should do this. And then all of a sudden, their se parent activates on the back end, or on the front end, technically, with with their ego.

And all of a sudden, they’re making the ENFP way more comfortable, because their si critic all of a sudden believes that it’s their duty to do that for the ENFP. And then the ENFP is definitely getting what they want out of it because they’re way more comfortable with their si inferior. And the ISTP is completely unaware that they were just manipulated, yet. They’re the ones who can who claim to be the most unmanipulated of all the types.

I mean, INTJ is also had that claim but the INTJ is out of all the 16 types are mostly you know, they’re mostly right. It’s really hard to manipulate INTJ it’s extremely difficult to do. But the the one that’s the most boastful about it is the ISTP and the ISTP is the one who was easily, easily convinced you easily manipulated as a result, you know, from a social engineering standpoint, and people can use cognitive orbit to social engineer, this is one of the ways that they actually do that. Because, you know, like I said, if you try to go for the ego, the parent will come out and just slap it down.

That parent is like, Okay, I have an ego to protect right now. They the hero functions just like man, I don’t really care and the parents like, oh, you coming after me? Well, I don’t have to listen to you. So I’m not going to Oh, you’re coming after my child or my infant, I’m going to, I’m going to smash you to bits, because the parent will become very violent. So because of that, you know, the ego, you can’t really get in that way.

So you have to go into the backdoor. And that’s by going through the shadow. And you can go through the shadow and then start influencing any of the functions within the ego. The problem is, is that when you’re doing that kind of functional influence, it’s really difficult to do, you know, for like that for the demon.

And you can actually do it with a trickster. But it’s really hard to do with the demon to get to the inferior, it’s really hard, it’s extremely difficult to do. And usually, that’s because the demon is just just doesn’t flat out care, it’s like you’re trying to get a TI inferior person to verify more, and going up to the demon, and sharing opinions and research, the demon is not really going to work. So when it comes to people’s Inferior functions within their own personal cognitive development, if you’re going to try to help develop those people, you just can’t.

I mean, unless you already their parent, and you’re raising the child and the time that they’re born to the time they become an adolescent, then you can influence the Inferior function, then you can build the Inferior function. But as soon as the parent function comes around and starts to develop, within adolescence, there’s this barrier, and you can’t break through that and it’s just not going to happen, it’s just absolutely not going to happen. So the point is, is that as soon as adolescence happens, a human being it’s on their on their own, they have to develop their own Inferior function for the rest of their life. You can’t, you can’t really use cognitive orbit to influence the demon to inflate or go after the demon to influence the Inferior function, you just can’t because the demon just doesn’t care.

It’s just why why bother? You know, so keep that in mind. You know, when doing social engineering with cognitive orbit, it works via the Nemesis and the critic and sometimes the trickster, but it’s a complete waste of time. With the demon, it’s not going to do anything as much as it’s not really to do much to do to go to their hero for something either for their ego because the hero function is often met like a TI hero. I’m right, you’re wrong.

I don’t have to listen to you just automatically it has that heroic arrogance about it, right. I mean, if than any hero, it’s like any heroes like, well, I could see further than you can. And I’m like, no, no, you can’t No, you can’t you don’t actually have as your prescients can see more, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. You know, so that can be another issue.

So yeah, so I just wanted to like make this distinction, you know, to remind yourselves like, hey, cognitive axis versus cognitive orbit, this is literally how orbit actually works. So introverted so Introverted Feeling to extroverted feeling. So let’s, let’s remind ourselves like where these actually exist, you know, on the input output process feedback spectrum. So, I’m actually going to move this around a little bit.

We’re going to kind of go over here. Give some more space here on the whiteboard. So 18:37 we have input, process, output. And then feedback.

Awesome. And then here, we have te t if E. 19:03 Okay, I don’t know why it’s doing that. That’s so annoying.

Okay, let’s get rid of that. Alright, cool. Alright, te ti Fe FYI. So this is obviously we’re doing so we had the mace right here.

And then we have the sphere right here. So Mason sphere for this particular episode. So for the extroverted feeling for the mace that is actually kind of the output. It’s like all of a sudden they feel they feel justified to take action.

Justified, justified take action, because, you know, I know the truth. You know, I know the truth, right? I know the truth. Because I know the truth. I am justified I’m just about to take action, I’m justified to take this mace and slam it near face, basically.

Whereas feedback is more like, Oh, I see your face there. So I’m just going to stab you from a distance with my spear. So that’s kind of the other approach. It’s more of a, it’s more of a response.

It’s more of it is feedback itself, basically. And it’s like you have been weighed, you have been measured, you may feel justified in there, but like, are you really justified? Let’s test your justification. Okay, so this, this ends up becoming like a test of justification. You know? Because it’s like, right, you think you know the truth, okay.

But let’s see if that like actually applies to everybody and to everything, essentially, within within this basic model, and this is like, the relationship that output has with feedback, is that because a TI Fe user, you know, if they have ti Fe within their ego, they think they know the truth, and then as a result, they’re justified to get into other people’s face and enforce ethics, etc. But the spear people are like, Okay, well, let’s test your ethic to see if it is actually good. Let’s actually test the ethic. Let’s wait, let’s weigh out your ethic here, let’s weigh it out.

And if it’s good, I’m gonna throw my spear, and it’s not going to hit you, if it’s bad, my spear is going to hit you, and you’re probably going to die, basically. So it’s a test of the justification. It’s a, it’s a creation of a principle. It’s like, oh, nice ethics there, Fe, I’m going to see if it’s actually valuable.

You know, that’s, that’s, that’s a nice little social standard you created, but is that social standard apply to me, let’s see if I can have a personal experience with your social standard. And that’s something to keep in mind, you know, the output. Let’s create it as a social standard based on truth. But the thing is, is that this is actually subjective.

And FYI, is a little bit more objective. And the objectivity there is that it’s trying to figure out, okay, well, this subjective social standard. Does this does does can it be objective enough for me? You know, should I make it a principle? Should I make it a law of my life a lot of my life, which, honestly, would translate it all the way back to the input, which is Te, which is where we have law. Right? Is this social standard? The question that the the question that the the EFI user in this particular case is like, does this social standard have enough weights does it have enough value to it to literally become law, right.

And this is literally how legislation works. This is how lawmakers do their thing, etc. That’s, that’s literally what it means. So it’s, it’s just literally kind of how it’s, you know, how it works.

So, in any case, these are the feedback and the output. And this is just kind of how Fe and FYI interact with one another, and interact with other people based on the common functions with when it comes to decision making. However, decision making can be a lot different. And the thing is, is that like, when it comes to Fe users, you could find yourself in like a lot of social situations, especially among F J’s, and I’m probably going to be making fun of F J’s here pretty hard.

Let’s see where let’s see where I go. But, you know, moving back to our ESF p iossef. J here. F J’s have this problem, like, as I’ve always consistently said, Is that the way they are willing to adopt a social norm or a social standard without actually verifying it, and the reason why this happens is actually due to a cognitive orbit from their te trickster into their T i child, an ISFJ, for example.

They have this problem where they can listen to anyone and anything without filter. So listen to anyone without filtering, without filtering without qualifying, qualifying as well, which really actually pisses off the TE childs of the world. I tell us ESFP is going to get really upset right now, because this is an issue and then because they’ve listened to somebody because they’ve listened to somebody what this ends up doing via cognitive axis is this creates a social standard because they just listened to some random person on the street. And now they have this Fe social standard.

And this Fe social standard the social norm, basically as we’re going to call it a social norm here, they’re going to use their Fe to force the ESFP over here with this FYI parent to follow this social norm. And ESFPs like, well hold the phone, hold the phone, I need to weigh this out. Let’s, let’s weigh out. Let’s wait out let’s try out the social norm.

Okay, does it actually have value? Is there value here? The FYI is like, Is this actually a thing. And then it’s like, I’m going to do my cognitive orbit and go all the way down to my Fe all of a sudden, where it’s an FE critic as a lot wiser. And after weighing it out, it’s like, no, that’s social norm is crap. And then it’s going to send it all the way back and then provide that feedback from the FBI.

And then it’s going to be sent boom, you know, all the way back to the FE parent, or it’s going to be rejected, rejected. This is a nice whiteboard interaction of what’s happening between two different people here, when it comes to cognitive orbit. Just because the INFJ listen to some random person, they create a social standard and social norm that they adopted without verifying, and then they are throwing it and enforcing the ESF P. And making the ESF P against their will, which is already pissing off their ni inferior.

And the ESF P is being forced, like they’re probably being forced to go to like some family thing that they don’t want to go to. And it’s like, I don’t even like these people. These people have never stuck around for me before. Why am I having to go through this? Why I don’t even like this.

I don’t like this because this shouldn’t even be a principle, this is not okay. And then the SFP is providing feedback, right? So that’s, that’s a problem. That’s a problem. So the Extraverted Feeling, you know, you can just kind of see how you know, cognitive orbit works when it comes to checking in with the other functions, you know, because the first thing is going to happen as soon as it hits the f5.

The ESFP axis will happen because the axis is within the ego. And the ESFP is gonna be like, Okay, do other people think that this is okay, let me do a survey here. Let me go find out what other people think about the social norm. So I’m gonna go to other family members be like, Okay, what do you think about going to this family event of some kind? And they’re like, yeah, no, we’re not doing that.

Because and they list all the reasons for it. And then the ESF peas like, okay, yeah, no, I don’t want to do that anymore. But then the ISFJ is still shoving it down the ESFPs throat, which is then basically, you know, the ESFP gets the point where it’s like, Okay, should I feel guilty with this? The question comes is like, okay, am I being a bad person might not go into this family outing? Is this something I should feel guilty for? So then they go to their fe, Fe critic within the shadow via cognitive orbit? And it’s like, Hey, should I feel guilty about this? And the ESFP is like, no, because I’ve, I’ve done way more for these people than they’ve ever done for me that I don’t, I don’t deserve to have to go, they deserve me not being there if I don’t want to be there. So I’m not going to do that basically.

Right. And that is, you know, effectively how it goes. I don’t care if it sounds like that. Tanya, all iossef J’s do this doesn’t matter.

Like all F J’s, and especially iossef. JS, they do that. 28:58 They, if they don’t spend time, verifying that’s what they get. And it doesn’t matter if they’re developed or mature, immature, they’re all capable of that.

So like, seriously, Tanya, you need to get to a point where you need to stop categorizing people as underdeveloped or immature, and just recognize that everybody is immature, and everybody is underdeveloped. And everybody has developed and everybody’s mature based on the nurture in their life and stop categorizing people like that, because that’s not actually how real life works. I mean, this whole idea that like, Hey, I’m just gonna categorize people, you know, so that I can make myself and my own ego investments feel better. Okay.

Yeah, it really is that really how you live your life, Tanya, don’t do that. Like no, it’s wrong. It’s disrespectful and your FY child should feel bad because it is technically an immoral point of view. How dare you categorize people without actually knowing them ahead of time.

And even if you do get to know them, your TI critic is so far down there. What business do you have judging other people based on those categories, your te parent, where you have not spent potentially a good amount of your life on those people to be able to verify with your critic, okay? It’s extremely rude. Stop doing it. Like, it’s just all the more reason why label Wayfarer is shallow from that point of view, because it is like, Oh, I’m just gonna categorize people instead of actually getting to know them.

And then I’m just gonna judge them from a distance. And it’s like, wow, thanks. That’s really appropriate. So yeah, well, just because someone can make excuses.

I mean, that doesn’t mean that the FE critic is going to do it. And do you really not have that much faith in FYI parent to be very precise with how good of a person that they’re trying to be? If I parent is really surprising, because, for example, I got into an altercation with an ESFP recently, and he thought that I or he felt that I thought that he was a bad father, basically. And I was like, No, do your son’s behavior is not a reflection on you. Just because you hear that from your ISFJ wife all the time, doesn’t actually mean it has anything to do with you specifically.

It’s, it’s not going it’s not it’s not going to work. It’s not really like how it is, you know, the reality of the situation is, is that FYI, parent is super responsible with the good, they’re super responsible with going out of their way to be a good person. So all I had to do be like, Hey, bro, I don’t want to have anything to do with your son, I don’t want him in your in my life. I think he’s a thief, and he is corrupt.

And I don’t want to be around him. And he’s extremely depraved as far as ENFPs go, because he literally steals other people’s property and sells it for drugs. And I will not have anything to deal with that whatsoever. But that doesn’t mean that as as as no reflection on you.

That doesn’t mean that I think you’re a bad father, because your son is doing that he’s a career site as a grown ass man. And he can take care of himself, and he’s responsible for his own actions. That has nothing to do with you. It is like oh, okay, yeah.

Alright, we’re cool, then, if you don’t have it, because the thing is, is that, you know, ego investments, right? The FBI parent was assuming, assuming that I was attacking his value as a random category, random label, aka the parent label, basically, I was he felt like I was attacking his te child for being a bad father, when the reality situation is I was just telling him, No, dude, I’m not going to be around your son, you’re going to have to respect that. And because he lives in your home, I’m never going to be in your home again. That’s just reality, I will have nothing to do with your son. But that has nothing to do with how with you and I, your son is your son, bro.

Who cares? That’s up to him that’s on him. That ain’t on you? And ain’t your your responsibility either. And he’s like, oh, okay, cool. No problem.

See, if my parent can rise to the occasion, as long as you make it very clear to the FYI parent, that you’re not attacking the child and you’re not attacking the infant, if you’re not doing those things, and you make sure it’s very clear to the parent function that you’re not doing. You’re not attacking its children, basically. Oh, it’s totally cool with you. And it will definitely make sure that is holding that social standard, no problem.

It’s all good. You know, and you just do that, and then you keep them in their responsible parenting mode, and then it’s not going to come off as an excuse. It’s just not. So anyway, that’s just that, that’s just one example there.

You know, and because the other thing is to like cognitive orbit wise, this ESFP like, he’s like, okay, he’s trying to ask himself the question, okay, is Chase attacking my te child or my ni infant right now? Is that what’s happening? And then wait a minute, am I a bad father? Do I need to feel guilty about this right now? And the FY parent is like, trying to figure that out? And then the the Nemesis is worrying, okay, did I do my duty by my son? And like, Is he really a thief? He’s labeling him a thief. What does that have a reflection on me? Like his whole mind is just getting attacked from all areas. And this is why the ESFP would take it so personally. Then it’s like, well, hold on.

My Ti is going to provide you additional information here with an FE output so that you understand that I’m not saying this is your fault. Because remember fault or desert vacation people who deserve things fault is determined by the FE mais so then orbit wise, I’m like, Hey, Fe critic. I’m not saying it’s your fault. Oh, okay, Mr.

Chase. Oh, okay. Yeah, well, if you say it’s not my fault, we don’t have a problem then. Damn straight.

Because even if I parent under the FYI parent is not responsible for his thieving ENFP depraved son’s behavior. You know, it understands that. But the FE critic was like, well, maybe I should be guilty about this, maybe I should feel guilty about this. But I gotta tell the FE critic, bro, you don’t have to feel guilty about this, it ain’t your fault.

It’s not your problem. If my parents like, Yep, I knew it. I knew it. It wasn’t my fault.

It is not my problem, I am off scot free. We’re good. And I’m like, exactly, you know, it’s, it’s an exam. It’s, it’s a huge, huge example.

So a, an example of FTAs, that have forced me to do things while inviting people to my wedding that I didn’t want to invite, that’s a good example. They will explain, they will invite other people to my own home without permission, because they want to show off their happy family. Gosh, it’s so interesting how FJ is especially iossef J’s, of all the types gotta, you know, their family is their idol, they commit idolatry with the idea of having the ideal family, etc. And it’s just like, let go of your ideal family, it doesn’t matter, stop trying to show off your family, the fact that you’re trying to show off your family should prove to you that your family is actually probably a bad family, and then probably not doing well, because you have to use your ESFP shadow to in an attempt to make them look good.

Okay, thank you ISFJ, when the reality situation is, you should actually just be open and honest about what you think about your own family. Because for example, within the same anecdote of this person, his ISFJ wife completely swept it under the rug, she would not even talk to him about it, because she knew her and II inferior knew that he would take it personally, that Chase, as he has just said, If and saying your sign is, is a thief. 37:05 Yeah, and then selling what he’s sold for drug money, because he’s a drug addict. So we say your son is a thief and a drug addict.

And I don’t, I don’t want you to know that. Because if you know that, that is just going to create unnecessary conflict because my any inferior is very afraid of you having a really bad reaction and causing a lot of trouble for me, and then i Si hero is going to feel stressed out because I’m going to be the one that has to clean up the mess, because I’m always having to clean up every social mess within this family. And I just don’t want to be able to do that. And I just don’t need that responsibility on me right now.

So I’m gonna do my best to protect you from the words of Chase. So that doesn’t create conflict, lol. And then all of a sudden, like a month goes by. And then the ESFP finds out because he’s reading texts on her phone randomly by happenstance.

And then he starts to reach out and get upset, because he’s been completely kept out of the loop and not told the entire time. And then again, is up being on the ISFJ, who has this cognitive orbit of, Oh, I’m just trying to do the right thing and protect my ESFP from the words of CSF. And, you know, my foi critic has this insanely high standard of moral superiority. And because of my moral superiority, I need to make sure that I am enforcing this ethical standard of safety.

You know, for my ESFPs the words this ESL staff don’t actually hurt him at all. lol and I’m just like, Wow, thank you for creating ignorance. Wow. So she had it, she hid it, she hid the entire situation, from him, completely hid it.

And I And and, and then she starts blaming, blaming me about the fact that I didn’t actually go to the ESFP and tell the ESFP these things directly, even though I was never going to tell him because it wasn’t necessary, because him knowing my judgments about his son doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to be near his son. His son is not a good person. I don’t want to be an out around his son.

That’s it. That’s as simple. Who cares? I don’t care. It’s just, it’s ridiculous.

It’s absolutely ridiculous. So, so do you know what I did? I went and I went to the ESFP directly, like, Hey, I can’t prove that your son stole from me, although I suspect he did. And he’s the only one who was present to be able to do it. And I think he made himself a nice little bit of money because it was probably about $700 of stuff.

And I’m sure you enjoyed those shrooms that he got, among other things, you know, afterwards and he felt justified like This little FYI, parents ENFP felt completely justified in doing that. Because, think about it. I’m Si inferior. I know how it is the ENFP it’s like, wow, so you come into my house, even though it’s not his house.

So you come into my room, you know, because he still lives with his parents this ENFP and you and then all of a sudden, my parents are kicking me out of my room to make room for Chase to sleep in my room. Wow, I really hate Chase right now. I’m gonna get back at him. You know, I deserve to steal from Chase because Chase has taken away my, my comfy.

Most sanctuary, my si inferiors hurt. So I’m going to cognitive orbit right into my se demon. I’m gonna make Chase make sure that to never forget. And then you know, and now he’s basically getting what he wants, because I’m not going to be around him anymore.

And he never has to deal with me invading his space anymore. So his FY parent feels absolutely justified and stealing from me to begin with, because what he gets out of it is chases never coming into his room and taking it again. And he gets his drug money at the same time. So he really benefited that ENFP really, really benefited.

Oh, he may think that folks, but let me tell you something. As soon as I have the opportunity to exact vengeance, I will or justice. I absolutely will. To the point now, actually, because of this entire situation.

His entire family knows that he’s a drug addict thief at this point, and his reputation has been completely destroyed. Even to the point where you know, I’ve explained to the ESFP Oh, he’s a grown ass man. He could take care of himself, right? Which is basically me planting seeds to the NI inferior than the ESF peas is a piece like well wait a minute, I’m going to be taking a reputation hit while being out with for my te child by being associated with my thieving son. Maybe I should kick him out.

Oh yeah. That’ll be good. Oh, that’d make me very happy. You know? So the fights not over.

And like I said first opportunity I get he’s going down. He’s going down so depraved so, anyway, it’s so interesting because you know, the iossef Jays like, oh, you know, my FYI critic. I feel, you know, it’s really important for me to to protect my ESF P, you know from the situation because I know that ESF p will be hurt. But then at the same time, I’m going to be a hypocrite and accuse chase for not talking it to the ESFP even though I didn’t have the guts to do it myself.

And then all of a sudden, I talked to the ESF P, and we’re completely bros about it. It’s in male space, there’s no issue. And then this female ISFJ is like Oh, well. I’m still gonna hold you accountable for not saying anything to begin with.

You kept it away from him for over a month. That’s on you. That’s not on me. And I told the ESFP bro, we don’t have to care about this man.

We don’t care. This doesn’t affect us. You know? This is this is just up to your ISFJ it’s on her. It’s not on you and me.

I mean, like she’s the one who didn’t tell you. And this causes the ESFP to get into the face of the iossef J and the I said until the eyes of Jay Why don’t you tell me? Why are you always trying to hide everything from me? Why you’re always trying to like sweep everything under the rug? Oh, because you’re so sensitive. Oh, I’m sensitive. Hmm, what about you? Who’s too scared to actually tell me the truth for once? They gotta constant keep guessing around you.

Why do I want to even be around you anymore? Why do I even feel good around you anymore? Like I you know, like, I gotta find a way to make you comfortable I will go out of my way to do the good thing I go with you to things etc. You know? And then you just want to like destroy my reputation and make me look like an idiot because you won’t communicate with me the things that I need to know especially when my son is being accused of being a thief and a drug addict at the same time what the hell are you thinking and what area or God’s green earth do you believe it’s justified ISFJ for you to not tell me these things because apparently just blew up because you scared with MK my fear vice great. So the ESFP ends up tearing into the eyes of Jay at this point. So interesting.

44:37 So that can be an issue so so the FYI user, you know as a result, the Introverted feeling in this particular case, it just needs to come to a better understanding because It’s the objective function. Now with the parents a lot more responsible for credit care, it could be senile, instead of actually being a true grandparent. And, in this example, this anecdote, the credit was not really where it should be with the ISFJ, because it would have understand there’s a higher principal. And that higher principal was telling the truth.

That was the higher principal. But instead because its principal was not higher, because it had a corrupt principal, then it created a corrupt social norm of, I’m not going to tell my ESFP what his son did. I’m not going to do that. So it creates this fake faux corrupt social norm within their own family.

So that they so that this ISF J, all of a sudden won’t tell this to the ESF P. And the ESF peas, critic function feels guilty, not about the fact that his son is a total thief drug addict, not about that feels guilty for allowing the ISFJ to behave this way. And then the ESFP goes and exposes the ISFJ. It gets raging mad at the ISFJ.

So the one thing that the ISFJ was trying to prevent from the beginning by sweeping it under the rug, that act of prevention ended up creating the very thing the ISFJ was trying to avoid and the ESFP explodes on the ISFJ. Even to the point of threatening the ISFJ of not wanting the ISFJ anymore, I’m sure that’s really great for the NE inferior. 46:46 Sure, that’s really great. And then the ISFJ shadow of the ESFPs, looking at the ISFJ saying like Oh, so you just feel that I’m weak that I can’t take the hits.

Great. So you feel that I’m weak, you feel that I’m weak? Well, I’m going to show you how strong I am. I’m going to show you with my se hero, that I can take it that I’m not as sensitive as you think I am with my FYI parent by not wanting you anymore, by labeling you over and over and over. Because you didn’t have the guts or the strength or the fortitude to tell the truth.

You didn’t trust me. And you should have trusted me. You should have thought better of me. But instead, you took away my choice.

Because this situation should have been my choice to handle because it’s my son but you took that away from me and said You kept me in the dark for over a month. Wow. 47:57 Cynthia Payne is correct. She says quote, is FJ cared more about the image of the family as a whole more than the individual that is their son? Yes, that is correct.

The social ideal of the F II parents, she effectively committed idolatry with the ideal image of their happy family when they’re happy family was not a happy family. Because the FBI critic corruption was in there. And that in that disabled the ISFJ from taking responsible action and it caused via cognitive orbit their Fe parent to be irresponsible. Because the FE parent was responsible.

The Fe parent would have gone to the ESF P and told the truth right off the bat. And this ended up blowing us up this ended up blowing up a huge on multiple occasions, various altercations within my own family. Okay. So just this is stuff I’ve been dealing with for like the last five, six weeks, constantly.

It got to the point where I have to tell the ESFP like, bro, I don’t care about what was stolen, man. I don’t care about that. What I care about is people not talking about it. What I care about is people lying about it.

That’s all I care about. I could I could deal with the stolen property. No problem. You know, it is what it is.

But I’m not going to be around your son anymore. And I’m not. But you don’t have to worry about I’m not holding you responsible. It’s not your problem.

You’ve done more for me than most people ever have in my whole life, Mr. ESFP. And a lot of ways I look up to so don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.

I tell us Fe critic, and then he feels good because I’m telling this Fe critic that it’s not his fault that he doesn’t deserve to take the flack He doesn’t deserve to have his reputation hit. His Fe critic doesn’t have deserve that, because it doesn’t deserve that, you know, I’m telling Fe critic you don’t deserve. I’m also telling it because deserve is really important. I’m also saying not your fault.

Okay? And then it charges up that Fe critic, it sends it up to the FBI. And then the FBI feels good. Oh, that’s how you can make it feel good through cognitive orbit. You don’t deserve this situation you don’t deserve your reputation gets hand on.

And it’s not your fault. Do anything see iossef J’s fault. It’s our fault for enabling, because her Fe parent was irresponsible and irresponsible Fe parent creates enabling, and she’s enabling because mother fi critic is trying to uphold, you know, this enabling ends up happening this irresponsibility, because FYI, critic is trying to uphold the ideal, the ideal image of family. Oh, 51:11 wow.

Wow. It’s kind of lame. Possibly, Tanya, the thing is, though, is that there’s another fact about the story that I will not reveal publicly. 51:32 And if you understood that fact, you wouldn’t have asked that question.

51:43 Because the theft occurred now, eight months ago, literally eight months ago. And I didn’t know about the theft until six weeks ago or five weeks ago. Actually, no, I I found out about the theft personally. Yeah, five weeks ago, exactly.

So five weeks ago is when I found out about the theft, even though over seven months at that point, time had already gone by. And when I tried to explain it, and I went to both the ESFP and the ISFJ about the situation, it kind of escalated at that point in time. But I again, told the ESFP is not your fault. You don’t deserve that.

I’m not holding you responsible. I’m just telling you what happened. And he’s like, Okay, I won’t take it personally anymore. You’re right.

It’s all good. We’re good. Cool. But the ISFJ was lying, and hiding and sweeping it under the rug consistently.

And this is not ideal. It’s kind of it’s really lame. And it sucks that this happened and inhibited a lot of my trust with this particular iossef J. So now, we’re, you know, we’re in this holding pattern of like, okay, who’s gonna be honest, et cetera? 53:19 i Okay, are you are you saying Tanya, are you saying that if you really need someone’s stuff that you’re entitled to take it? Nice FYI child there? Are you trying to like look? Are you trying to look the brave? Are you trying to look like a pirate right now, Tanya? Come on.

Don’t don’t enable the FY users who are watching the show to think that it’s okay to take other people’s stuff because they believe or feel that they need something. That’s bullshit. How about they just go out and earn it. This ENFP is a complete total lazy ass.

He’s insanely entitled, and he expects everybody else to serve Him. This is an ENFP, who will literally start crying because you didn’t get him fries with his burger, because it’s not a quote, complete meal. That’s the kind of person we’re talking about right now. So maybe, like, understand that.

You’re not on the right side here. So please don’t come off like a pirate. Okay. My Way fair, right.

If I entitlement is not cool. It’s really, really not cool at all. And that’s not to say that this ESFP can’t be entitled, he can be entitled, because all i fi users can be entitled, you know, in the in that particular approach for things that because then he’ll be like with my Fe critic. Oh, I do deserve this.

I do deserve fit, and then fit parent will take it to that’s wrong. Right? You can’t do that. So anyway, this just is an example of a real life example of how cognitive orbit works with the F fi Fe orbit using a real life example from the life of CS Joseph. So, this has been season 18, Episode 12, cargo mechanics, the fourth orbit, and I have no idea for some reason I didn’t put the number 12 Right there.

And now begins the q&a for this particular episode. Anyone have any questions regarding the fourth orbit? FY two, Fe and Fe to FY, 55:51 specifically? So oh, you’ve ever taught me talking about that, Lorenzo? Awesome. Questions. plox.

Nice. Two questions. No one else questions. All right.

So then we are going to go here, go here. Go here. Nice. Oh, you’re not saying it was right for him to steal.

What I am saying is that sometimes people are so corrupt, and it’s hard to force someone to change bad habits. Okay, well, that. Since you’re very direct, that is completely not what you were saying. earlier.

You literally said I’m just playing devil’s advocate. So it looks like to me, Tanya, you’re just trying to save face in front of everybody and changing your story. That’s what it looks like, to me. Not saying is true.

But that’s what it looks like to me. So like, don’t do that. If you’d be better off using, you know, humility to say, oh, yeah, Chase, you’re right. You got me.

I shouldn’t have said that. You’re right. That would have been better. That would be way better.

Instead of that, give I really glide. Alright, um, use question marks people. Like, seriously, if you’re not gonna use question marks, I’m just gonna gloss over what you’re saying. Come on.

How does an FE parent decide what social norms are good or bad? Well go to other FYI users and ask them if they feel good about that social norm before you enforce that social norm and other people. That’s what you do. So all right. Okay, that’s fine.

Candace. Don’t worry about it. It’s all good. Yeah, it does seem really arbitrary.

Just like expert feeling is extremely in any social norm is extremely arbitrary. So yeah, like that’s the thing. Watch out for the arbitrary. Arbitrary.

Okay. And, okay, well, looks like we didn’t have very much questions. And apparently I hit it out of the park tonight. So that’s, that’s pretty cool.

Anyway, folks, thank you for watching for this month’s episode of season 18. And if you want to keep the if you want to keep these episodes coming to your email each month, make sure you sign up for our, our email list. Oh, how do Effie heroes enable F fi users since they would know how everyone feels? How? Well they do that? Because they’re worried about not being caring enough. So they’d be over caring towards other F fi users basically, through cognitive orbit.

Okay, with the key mechanics of a similar situation like this one still work with an ESF j instead of an is FJ Yes, it technically would Cynthia. Yes. So, all right, cool. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the lecture folks.

And I will see you guys next month. I think we’re gonna be doing like a how to type episode using cognitive orbit. And then after that, we’re gonna be moving into mirror functions. And we’re gonna have four episodes of mirror functions.

And let’s see, let’s actually double check the, the episode schedule for season 18. This has been a really long season. Holy smokes. We’ve been doing this season for like, literally a year now.

Did you guys know that we’ve been doing season 18 for a year? That’s pretty awesome. Yeah, so how to type of axis in orbit looks like it’s next. And then after that, we’re gonna be doing the mirror functions. And then we have a bunch of Oh, and then we have some cognitive focus episodes, and some cognitive projection, cognitive rarity, downshifts theory, which is a very interesting theory that my INFJ mentor came up with, and I’m gonna be sharing it with you folks.

And I don’t even know if it’s real, but let’s see what you guys think it’d be great. And then now we’re going to be further explaining cognitive teaming, and Kung and combos, and how that works. Cognitive teaming and combos, which is also important. that’ll probably be one episode.

So lots of content left to season 18. And I think we’ll be doing some two public seasons we’re gonna be doing soon we’re doing cognitive asynchronicity and camaraderie, as well as another series, and so 13 episodes for those when we’re talking about duality, and when we do bunking duality, it’s gonna be great. And awesome. I think that will be that’d be great content and we’re gonna be seeing other content creators joining the channel and producing content as well for the channel.

So anyway, folks, you all have a good night’s out apparent INFJs might be released this Friday. So I’ll see you all later. And have fun


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