CS joseph responds 

Welcome to CS Joseph response. I’m your host Chase, here to answer your questions on any topic, you know, gain analytical psychology, or the four sides of the mind also has four sides dynamics. Today’s question is, excuse me, is ej r&d, an ISTP? Or ESTP? The source of today’s question is Cora. And we’re gonna take a look.

Here’s a picture of ej r&d and the Cora question details bought on August eighth. 2017 says he’s believed to be an ESTP. He though reminds me of people I consider ISTP he had a popular MBTI and Socionics YouTube channel. Yes, he did.

Actually, Mr. Ej r&d had a very popular channel. And I actually didn’t really know about him until I had some contact with an INTJ woman from Australia, who actually told me about him and told me his story, etcetera. But a little while later, I started to I got the opportunity to actually watch some of his videos, because a lot of his videos escaped into obscurity, because He basically took down his YouTube channel and all of his content with it.

Luckily, a few people made some archives about some of EJ rnds content and reposted it to YouTube. But oftentimes, he’d actually asked them to take it down. And he did. And it’s, in some cases, you know, so not all of his content is actually available, but some of his pieces are out there on the internet still, if you can actually find them.

What’s interesting about ej r&d Is that he took a similar approach that I do when combining aspects of MBTI and aspects of Socionics together to create a one grand narrative to explain union analytical psychology. He predated a lot of the MBTI YouTubers within the or the MBTI blogosphere. And there are people out there who, you know, either largely reject the teachings of ej r&d or, or vehemently support him with a hardcore cold following. I actually maintain that my mentor, my INFJ, mentor, specifically, and maybe my ESTP mentor, I’m not entirely sure, but they know each other, so it’s a good chance that they shared information.

But in terms of ej r&d, I actually think my INFJ mentor studied ej r&d extensively, and a lot of on top of Dr. Linda Behrens, Stephen Montgomery, Keirsey, Plato, et cetera, Mark Hunziker, John, Dr. John Beebe, etcetera, like all these different sources that are within my own bibliography as to where I talk about union analytical psychology from my mentor also read the same books, but I believe a lot of my mentors, approaches actually originally came from ej r&d, and which is, which is fantastic. It’s one of the reasons why I maintain that ej r&d himself is probably one of the absolute best type apologists in the history of the world.

But a lot of people disagree with me on that, but that doesn’t matter. I think he’s one of the best. And I think that my mentors had a profound respect for him, especially since it is easily you can easily tell that a lot of their work is actually based on some of EJ rnds influence. And thus, I am also influenced to ej r&d.

And this INTJ woman from Australia made that very clear to me in a discord conversation is like you everything you’re talking about is super, super similar to ej r&d. And I’m like, Really, and I watched a few of his videos, and I was like, wow, yeah, actually, it is pretty similar. And then I read, and I looked at the timeframe, I also looked at some old emails and some conversations that I had with my mentors. And I come to realize that, you know, ej r&d was talking about the same things the same exact time they were talking about things.

So I suspect that he had a profound influence on their work and thus a profound influence on my work. Now, before we actually answer the question here, because guess what I mean, he’s not an ISTP. And he’s not an ESTP. As this question is asking, EJ rd is neither of those types.

So let’s let’s let’s actually talk about why that is and talk a little bit about ej r&d Specifically it to the best of my knowledge as to what happened. He had his MBTI Socionics related YouTube channels extremely popular. He was seen as like, the de facto source material out there, you know, except for maybe like Dave superpowers, etc. which is Dave superpowers is who Frank James actually sources as you know, or sites as his main source of information, which is funny to me because Frank James is actually an INFP.

He’s not actually an INFJ, which is really frustrating. But, you know, he maintains that Dave superpowers is the de facto MBTI, you know, leader in terms of the psychology etc, in the MBTI blogosphere today. I disagree. But regardless of that, ej r&d either predated Dave superpowers, or he started out around the same time Dave superpowers did as well.

So it’s kind of interesting to see how that works. Now, someone may have to fact check me on that one, because I’m not entirely sure with the particular dates, I just look at the dates of my mentors, when it was going on many, many, many years ago, which I think was in, which I think was in about 2011. And 2012, when I started studying under, I think it was 2011, when I started studying under my ESTP mentor, basically for young analytical psychology. But anyway, so ej r&d kind of had an identity crisis during the time that he was presenting his information and his knowledge and research for union analytical psychology to YouTube, basically.

And I remember the specific video where he starts basically having a freakout during the video where he’s like, Oh, I’m an ESTP. He’s always claimed he’s an ESTP. But then he’s like, I’m turning into an INFJ. I don’t know what to do.

And he starts freaking out. And then eventually, he comes to accept that he was an INFJ all along. And he’s one of the very few people who have publicly come out to admit that they were actually wrong about their own type. And that was extremely painful experience for Mr.

r&d. When this happened, I actually tried to reach out to him recently, but he has zero desire whatsoever to speak to me, because I’ve always, always wanted to interview him. And I’ve always wanted to know if he’s ever had contact with my mentors, etc, whatsoever. But I really don’t know.

It would be nice. It would be it would be pretty cool if that was the case, but I have no idea. Now, but his little identity crisis, where he realized he was not actually an ESTP, but then realized that he was an INFJ. And by the way, I agree with this.

He’s direct, he’s responding. He’s he’s moving ashtag progression, basically, according to the type grid, so he is a finisher type. So I can see why someone might think he’s an ISTP. Because an ISTP shares the same cognitive functions as an INFJ.

Introverted intuition, extroverted sensing Extraverted Feeling is really thinking, okay, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. However, he is very abstract, always focus on the what if he’s not very concrete, and he is very affiliative, which means he’s focused on doing the right thing. Whereas an ISTP is very pragmatic. They just do what works.

He looks like he’s a pragmatic, he dresses like a pragmatic, but he’s actually affiliative. He’s very focused on doing this. And he’s affiliative because he’s all about how other people feel and the social dynamics. And he’s also he also carries a performance anxiety about him.

And he also has something called Te trickster, which is something INFJs have, which is where they can start believing just about anything, when they don’t, they can end up using the wrong input in their heads. And then thus, they’re not really verifying against very much, because they’re using the wrong input. This creates an echo chamber within their minds. This is an echo chamber within their heads, which actually leads to ignorance and ej r&d, like all INFJs are weak to this phenomenon, if they’re not careful.

And so this, this became a big issue for him. Now I have a theory. My theory is, is that he got involved with a girl who was a hardcore Bible believing Born Again Christian, whose church or family believed that his or she herself believed that his knowledge of the MBTI Socionics and Carl Jung were actually you know, hashtag of the devil. I mean, we can go like, you know, QL The Waterboy means right now, foosball is of the devil, and because of that, AJ already believed her.

And in order to be in a relationship with her an intimate relationship with his woman, he would have to adopt the belief system of this woman, which is actually very common of INFJs to adopt other lovers belief systems, it’s very common, and may not happen at first, but over time, they eventually get broken down. And they ended up taking on and mirroring the belief system of their lovers basically, and take on it. And I think that’s what happened to ej r&d. And then he had this existential crisis, he had this spiritual religious crisis.

And he basically was forced to be in a position of, I either have to make a decision between between my woman or my YouTube channel. Again, this is just a theory, guys. I don’t know the actual reason why he took down his YouTube channel. But But people have said, and I have read some of his comments where it was all about his approach to Christianity, because he maintains that Christianity and yoga and analytical psychology are mutually exclusive, which I absolutely reject.

I think that’s ridiculous. I think they’re not mutually exclusive in a lot of ways. Yes. Young wasn’t a cultist, yes.

Young was very anti Jesus, anti Christianity, and in a lot of ways, however, however, the thing is, though, is that if, if, if union analytical psychology is true, then technically that would mean God created it, right? And we’re just observing a phenomenon in that regard. And if that’s the case, then why does he say r&d have to like complain about that? Because other than take his YouTube channel down when other people around him are being ignorant? It’s not necessarily his fault, right? So, and I reached out to him, I asked him for an interview. But he told me no, I don’t often ask people to interview with me on my channel. It’s very, very rare when it happens.

I think I’ve probably maybe done it like six times ever. And I would definitely love the honor of interviewing Jay, in the in the future. But regardless, I mean, it’s it’s nice to, you know, have the opportunity to continue his work, because like I said, my theory is also that my mentors, a lot of my mentors were heavily influenced by him specifically. So.

So yeah, when I saw this question on Quora, I was like, Yeah, I have to answer that. So. So anyway, is ej r&d and ISTP? Or an ESTP? The answer is no, he is actually an INFJ. And in fact, one of his videos confirm that.

And he explained why and I agree with all of his conclusions within that video, if you can actually find it. Good luck. So anyway, if you’d like a chance at your question being answered on this channel, please post it on Quora and tag me or leave it as a comment below. If you want a guaranteed answer for your question, because I mean, I answered those questions.

Become a silver patron at CS joseph.ly. Forward slash Patreon, and post your question on our private q&a Discord channel, where I’m answering all of your questions during a private live stream each month. Please also make sure to like and subscribe support the channel, we’d really appreciate that. And with all that being said, Folks, I’ll see you guys tonight.


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