How To Be An Autodidact INFJ | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph responds to the Acolyte member question about how to be an autodidact INFJ.


Hey what’s up ego hackers. This is the CS Joseph podcast. And welcome. I just happened to be visiting Lake quarter lane right now, on the mountain enjoying the landscape and the water and sign have smoke figured, why not have the audience join me for such an auspicious occasion? It’s pretty nice that you’re very calming, very relaxing.

And I am particularly fond of this spot usually helps me think about psychology or otherwise. So today’s episode How does an INFJ become an I an autodidact? Fascinating question that was presented to me by one of our acolyte members recently. So INFJ’s, how have a particular weakness with their extroverted trickster, they have a tendency to basically just listen to just about anyone, whether or not it benefits them or not. The reason why they have this weakness is because they so desperately want to be heard.

So that they figure if they hear everyone, then that means someone would be willing to hear them. You know, and they come to this conclusion, because they’re an In fact, Templar type. It’s their Templar mirror, as it were trying to mirror people. Sometimes they try to create that mirror and other people.

Which can be pretty frustrating if you think about it. But I mean, it’s just a form of cognitive projection. When people do that, you know, when they’re trying to figure like, oh, you know, everyone else out there behaves like me, so they’re probably going to mirror things like me. But you know, extroverted thinking trickster can also become expert thinking mastery.

And, you know, from a psychological perspective, there’s a lot of advantages of that. So like, for example, they have the ability to actually learn rapidly, as long as they keep themselves in the position of listener, instead of position of teacher or master, or, you know, XYZ thing, but like, it requires absolute total submission. Thing is, is extremely difficult for ni hero to really submit, they have to actually want to submit. So like, for example, if an INFJ starts to go learn Shaolin Kung Fu as one of my former actually current INFJ friends, Chris, good man probably hates my guts.

Don’t care if he does. I still love him anyway, I think it’s because he maintains that what I teach on the internet is unethical. And I’m like, that’s fine, if you see it that way. But I reckon if he would actually give me the time of day and have a conversation about what it is I actually teach and why I reckon that he’d like actually be able to appreciate what what it is I’m doing and perhaps rescind some of his negative judgments toward me as a result.

By wealthy I mean, it is what it is lovey, anyway, Chris, but I mean, you know, sometimes people just can’t handle the subject of social engineering because they think I’m teaching evil. When the reality of the situation is I’m teaching defense. Do you tell martial arts instructors, they’re evil. Now, it’s because while they’re teaching combat training, it’s literally self defense? Well, there’s no difference in terms of what I teach.

When it comes to social engineering. There’s just, there’s just no difference to it. Anyway, be that as it may be that as it may. INFJs have this amazing ability called Te mastery, which means they are able if they force themselves and want themselves to be in a position of submission, and to actually listen, they can learn rapidly, very rapidly.

Problem is, yeah, sure. They have some attention span issues. And sometimes they need to learn in groups or group settings because of their attention span, because they have multiple sources of attention that could potentially keep them focused and on track. And that’s absolutely an important thing.

But the difference is, is that There are additional challenges that have to be overcome. And that is basically what should they actually be focusing on. And this is where having an NI hero ultimately becomes a huge burden for INFJs. Because they end up believing or at least treating themselves as if they’re an outcome focused type.

And they’re not really so willing to walk on, you know, walk a journey or go on a journey, and said, they just want the outcome. They want it now they want that and I hero certainty, and oftentimes, they’re not going to bother making decisions unless they’re guaranteed that certainty. The problem is, is that this is ultimately unwise. So in order to become an autodidact, so let’s let’s defend an autodidact is autodidact is somebody who becomes a master at a skill without any actual formal or certified educational training.

Basically, it’s somebody who is ultimately self taught. The problem is, is that most INFJs have a hard time being self taught. Because learning by themselves is extremely difficult, because their attention span issues. Their ni hero wants that certainty.

So they’re not going to bother doing something, unless they’re guaranteed certainty. But, you know, they have to be willing to walk a journey. And they usually just want it all now, you know, and I heroes, I love them shortcuts, especially INTJ is right. And that’s like, that’s really frustrating.

That’s like, not entirely the best situation for them. So they asked me willing to walk on a journey. You know, for me, it’s easy to walk that journey, because I just remember everything that I experienced from journey, the journey, the journey journey, and then I could just put it all together as my any hero, after looking at patterns. And figuring out what’s true false and, and filtering out the crap was my TI parents, now, they can still filter out the crap with their ti child, which is nice, especially since a TI child is the most innocent pure filter out there.

But getting them to actually remember anything that’s difficult. So they need to be properly armed. For being able to become someone who’s actually truly self taught and still reach mastery, they need to make sure that they themselves are not setting themselves up for failure. So first things first, they need to be able to submit as a listener, if they’re not willing to submit, like pay me to a master or some kind of situation, then it doesn’t even matter what they do.

The second thing they need to do is choose a particular niche. And it has to be a niche that interests them, not a niche that interests of other people. And that’s, that can be a problem because I have to it’s often struggle majoring in minor things. But, you know, they can usually get over that.

They can usually get over that, as long as they don’t give up. Because the thing is, is that the only reason why they’re they’re majoring in minor things is usually due to their performance anxiety, because they lack the confidence to do so. But to be truly self taught, they have to pick a niche, but it has to be a niche that’s actually interest them. And, and and, by default, like INFJs need to understand if something interests you.

That means other people, at least 25% of the population out there. Like for example, the Delta quadra, aka philosophers, philosopher types will automat and phosphor types or St. J’s and NFPs philosopher types will just automatically be interested in what you’re doing. Because they have that shared interest with you by default INFJs.

So if you’re interested in crystals, there’s philosopher types out there that are interested in crystals. If there are people interested in sewing or quilting, there’s philosopher types out there that are interested in sewing quilting, there is potential customers all around. So the problem is INFJs often get caught with their Fe parent and their own self rejection by a fi critic, that they end up giving up on what they themselves are interested in because they have no faith and what they themselves are interested in and end up chasing after what other people are interested in, which then causes them to be a little bit more shadow focused, but also is a way that they set themselves up for failure. And that’s not appropriate.

That doesn’t even help them. It’s like a complete waste. So why would anyone like want to do that? You know, why would these INFJs even want to do that? The problem is that they end up doing it anyway. And it’s just it’s ridiculous.

It’s It’s like what the hell why? Why are you wasting your time. So choose a niche. Second step is choose a niche, choose something that actually interests you as an INFJ. And it could literally be anything, anything you want.

The next thing is is that make sure you’re able to keep track of what it is you’ve learned. So how you do that Is take notes. If you don’t know how to take notes properly learn my mind mapping technology, get an application called Evernote on your computer. And device.

If you’re on a Windows machine, if you’re on a Mac, just use that Apple notes, the automatic app that comes with you know, Macs MacBooks. And iPhones use that. And actually write down everything that you learn, no matter how insignificant it is, because it may be significant later, you have to create for yourselves. You ultimately have to create for yourselves, what do you call it? You know, totems, memory totems, and use these memory tools so that you can actually remember, the fourth thing that I recommend doing.

And this is especially useful for INFJs are looking to get a date, for example, is learn with other people find people who have the same interest as you, and go learn with them. Now, this is very easy. Just go find someone, you know, maybe a teacher, maybe an expert, and go volunteer to work for the person volunteered to be their apprentice, or maybe they’ll pay you to be their apprentice, I really have no idea. But it can happen.

It’s a thing. Literally, it’s a thing. So why would you prevent yourself from having that experience? Why would you prevent yourself from, you know, learning what, because you lack confidence because you think the master is going to reject you. Don’t forget the old adage, when the pupil is ready, the master will appear.

So as long as you’re ready, and you’re ready, because you’re willing to listen, you’re ready, because you chose a niche, you’re ready because you have your memory tools ready. Introduce yourself to the master or to the group, volunteer yourself to them. And basically begin the learning process. It’s not hard.

And then because you know, you being an INFJ, if you’re a great lab assistant, if you’re a great study partner, you know, well guess what, your usefulness to the group, your usefulness to the master will increase over time. And they will confer upon you all of your knowledge, especially their specialized secret knowledge that potentially nobody else has. And then from there, do it again. And again, and again.

And again, over and over and over. Because practice, if you don’t practice what you’ve learned, you’re going to lose it. And that’s one of the issues that INFJs have the biggest problem with, they’re so afraid of failure. And they hate failure so much, they, when they practice, they fail during their practice, they lose confidence, and then they just give up.

And that is the number one hang up INFJs actually have in terms of on personal growth and development here on the earth. In order to go beyond that for themselves. They really just have to get to a point where they accept that they know they are going to fail. So that’s what they’re trying to fail, they just have to accept that it’s going to happen.

And that they allow failure to run its course. So they go out there and practice knowing full well that they’re going to fail and they keep going and they keep going and they keep going and keep going until they have mastery. You know it takes what 10,000 hours to get to journeyman. It takes 20,000 hours to get to mastery.

That’s a lot of practice. So keep practicing. Practice your craft, practice what you’ve learned, and you too will become an expert. So, in review, basically, first step is prepare yourself for listening.

Second step is choose a niche. Third step is record might have the tools to record everything that you’ve learned. Fourth step is present yourself to a group or master to learn from etc. This could also include books, etc.

Learn with people, don’t try to learn by yourself. If you learn by yourself, you’re gonna set up for failure. And the fifth thing is practice, practice, practice. Even if you fail, know that you’re going to fail and know that because of practice, eventually you’re going to stop failing.

You got to fail 1000 times before you succeed once, never forget that. Put those five steps together and you’re on the path to becoming an amazing capable, useful auto didactical INFJ. So, and I folks, thanks for watching, and I’ll see you guys tonight.


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