
Welcome to the show is the CSS podcast. I’m your host, CS Joseph. And today’s question is how can the deadly sin of greed help ENTJs and ISFPs reach the cognitive origin of purpose, right, which is their cognitive origin. Purpose is the one thing that NT j’s and ISFPs want the most out of life.

And according to their temper, well, we had the deadly sin of greed and the living virtue of generosity, for example. And that’s also alongside the shadow pole and the aspiration pole. On temple wheel. If you want to learn more about temporal wheels, I highly recommend John bodines article about the temporal wheels as presented on our blog.

The blog is found at CS Joseph dot life. Check that out. John badeen is absolutely brilliant. He’s like the PLATO of our community.

And it’s awesome that he is definitely become a pioneer in the science, a very technical pioneer, and taking everything to the next level, within the context of everything that we’re trying to accomplish for the ego hacker community. Now deadly sin of greed. Why is it important? Well, let’s, let’s first look at the cognitive origin of purpose and what the cognitive origin of purpose actually really means and why it is so important. Purpose is kind of like a legacy of achievement because the body temple which is what this temple dyad for purpose is for ENTJs and ISFPs as part of that temple diet, and the body temple is all about legacy.

It’s all about getting to a point where you are working really hard, and you have something to leave behind. Basically, you want to be memorable and remembered for something, you know, not unlike, like, for example, there is, let’s see. Like, for example, Ray Kroc, right, he’s an ENTJ, and his legacy is the Kroc Center. And he’s the guy that really helped develop McDonald’s and get McDonald’s to where it is today, right? He’s an EN TJ, or there’s John Ferner, who’s an en te che, and his legacy is becoming Walmart, basically, you know, Walmart pay, for example, Walmart plus, that came as a result of the game as a direct result of Ray Kroc and and what he did, you know, you know, for McDonald’s, or, or John Ferner, excuse me, like he did as CEO of Walmart, right? Or, but then there’s some negative legacy as well, like John Sculley, who’s an INTJ, who completely screwed over apple and fired Steve Jobs.

So you know, and now he’s remembered as the guy who screwed that up, you know, I’m sure that’s not exactly the purpose that He chose for it. But literally, purpose is a legacy of achievement. It’s all about achieving something, something memorable, something that’s going to last generation after generation, something that is so meaningful that you will be remembered for it indefinitely. Right.

Another example is Ray Dalio. He’s a very powerful ENTJ. He wrote the book principles, which I highly recommend if you are a greed type, which is Ian, TJ and ISFP. Please read principles by Ray Dalio.

I highly, highly recommend that book for you, folks. You’ll get really trained and help augment your your purpose as a result. It’s it’s, it’s absolutely. It’s absolutely incredible book.

And he talks about, you know, systems and things that he’s been able to achieve as a result of implementing systems because he has found his purpose. Hell, he even actually uses Myers Briggs Type Indicator to actually help understand members of his team. You know, one day I hope that Ray Dalio will actually become my customer. And using union analytical psychology and foresight, sinamics to further understand his team members to definitely augment and optimize all of their potential for the highest level of productivity so that he can have even a better legacy of success, a better legacy of achievement in the near future for his team, and any other ENTJ out there that does it as well.

But legacy of achievement. It’s all about achievements. And the more that Auntie j’s and ISFPs achieve in their life, the more they feel closer to their cognitive origin of purpose, because their purpose ultimately is the achievement itself. This is why the god function of extroverted thinking is attached to achievement.

It’s all about achievement, levels of achievement. That’s why members the body temple INTPs ESFJs ENTJs and ISFPs all care so much about achieving the thing is You have ESFJs and the INTP, who are going out of their way to explore and discover and their purpose, ultimately, you know, through their shadow, a temple wheel, which is, as a result of things that they discovered they are going to be remembered for those discoveries not unlike Elon Musk, who is an intp, who is hell bent on discovering Mars and what’s on Mars and being all about Mars, for example, maybe he wants to be a Martian, I don’t know. But what he’s doing with SpaceX, that’s ultimately his legacy that he’s living by. And that’s what he’s achieving, right? Because is discovery lead.

Whereas the other way around for the INTJ is in ISFPs, its purpose led, right. And their achievements ultimately, is where they draw their sense of purpose. And that’s the thing like, you know, you look at the virtue advice of ISFPs, where their vices idleness, and in their idleness comes from lacking purpose in their life, lacking the freedom to achieve ultimately, and this is what E and TJs do on a consistent basis is what ISFPs actually need. Because if these folks do not have personal freedom to keep achieving, then they’re going to feel like they have no purpose at all.

So where does the deadly sin of greed come into this? Why are ISFPs and Auntie J’s so greedy? Well, they’re greedy for opportunities. They’re greedy for resources and material. They’re even greedy for various people. I’ve had ISFPs and ENTJs, literally steal, members have my own team, members of my staff that I developed, that I trained, that I built, I like I take these people off the street, I turned them into an amazing productive, very, you know, taking their brilliance, taking their natural talent, and turning them into absolutely productive team members.

And then these end, j’s and ISFPs come into my life, and they greedily steal my staff members from me, for example, to put them into their organization so that they can achieve more. And that’s really why they use greed. Greed is to amass resources, and people human resources, money achievements, basically, because they know the more money they have, they know the more capable people they have, that means they can achieve even more, that means they can reach their purpose faster, right. And that’s why they are so greedy.

That’s why they’re willing to take from other people because and take for themselves, because they’re trying to utilize those resources to reach higher levels of achievement, higher levels of purpose, and to finally reach that purpose, so that they can have that legacy of achievement so that they can be memorable in their lives. That is the entire point. That is why they are so greedy. That is exactly how greed itself is utilized in order to reach that cognitive origin of purpose.

Now, greed is not necessarily a bad thing not see, a lot of people think that, you know, just because it’s a deadly sin, that it’s automatically bad. Not necessarily the case. Some people assume the same thing with leaving virtues that oh, it’s automatically good, because it’s a living virtue. And that’s no, that’s not the case.

Because, you know, greed, out of control is bad. You know, you’re living virtue of generosity can be bad, what happens when you give too much what happens when you give to the wrong people, what happens when you’re generous to the wrong person, it’s like giving a man a fish versus teaching manifesto, if you’re just gonna keep giving a man a fish, he’s going to become dependent on you, is that really a strong legacy? Right. So generosity can also backfire, as well, as much as obviously greed can because the more greedy you are, the more people will not want to have relationships with you. And then you’re gonna end up ruining your great relationships that you have with other people, because you took from them, you literally stole their resources from them greedily.

Right? And they don’t have to deal with you at all. And that can create alienation. So greed can be bad in that context. But then greed can be good, because in some cases, is that like, you can satisfy other people’s greed.

And then that actually could act, you can utilize greed, where it’s like, hey, you know, this is what you’re getting out of the situation. This is what I’m getting out of the situation. And it’s like a trade, right? That’s ultimately the spirit of commerce itself, right? That’s the spirit of achievement itself, mutual benefit, you can actually use your greed in such a way where you are promoting the mutual benefit of other fellow human beings, maybe even potential fellow entrepreneurs where you can partner up with people. As a result.

I’m actually meeting with a with a greed type. Later today, actually an ISFP gentleman, where I’m going to be sharing some of my resources then to help improve his business and take his business to the next level. Right? I doing this for him because I care about him because he’s given so much to me, because he’s been very, very generous to me, right. And I would like to give back to him because of how generous he has been to me, because I don’t want to be that guy live in life who just keeps taking and taking too Looking without giving him and I want to continue to give to him, because I care about him that much because of how generous he has been to me, right? The thing is, is that I’m going to show him how, you know, in some cases, you know, his deadly sin of greed is necessary is deadly sin of greed is actually very helpful.

But that’s the thing about him is that he thinks that greed is bad. And I’m trying to show him, there’s actually some good aspects to that greed for himself, because of how generous he is. Sometimes he needs to be generous towards himself, and not just generous to other people. And one of the ways of doing that is helping him develop his deadly sin of greed.

So that, you know, he’s actually gaining a lot more benefit. That way, he’s charging a proper rate, that way he’s getting, you know, more value for his time, basically, right? Because that’s all it is proper exchange of value. Because one of the most generous man I’ve ever met in my life, and I love that about him. But the thing is, is at the same time, you know, sometimes he can be too generous, right? And so I’m gonna come in and be like, hey, you know, let’s look at your systems, let’s improve it, let’s, let’s look at your procedures, your standard operating procedures, let’s get you you know, some staff members, let’s get you some proper marketing system going up.

That way, you’re gonna be charging a proper rate that way, that way, you’re going to have higher quality clients that you want to work with. And that way, you’re attracting a much better crowd, and then you’re able to achieve more and have a much more memorable legacy. Because he knows what his purpose is, the thing is, is that he struggles with the execution because he’s doesn’t want to lean into his deadly sin of greed, and I’m going to show him how actually can be a very good thing. So greed is actually necessary, it’s actually necessary to achieve their cognitive origin of purpose.

It really absolutely is. It’s just the thing is, is that greed goes wrong with these types, when they are the only ones that benefit as a result of their greed. When they’re being greedy and greedy for others on behalf of other people in their life, where they’re able to satisfy potentially the greed of multiple people in their life together as a cohesive unit as a cohesive team, then that helps them reach their purpose as well, that helps everybody achieve more basically. And that’s how they can use their cognitive origin of purpose to lead in the area of purpose and bring purpose to other people’s lives and and as well as elevate other people’s purpose and as much as their purpose is also being elevated at the same exact time.

That’s what the value is in this particular situation, and in this particular instance, so anyway, folks, thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys on the next episode.

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