cs joseph responds 

Welcome to CS justice response. I’m your host chase here to answer your questions on any topic union analytical psychology or the four sides of the mind also known as four sides dynamics. Today’s question is, how does an ISTP act charming to charm someone? And the source of today’s question is none other than Quora? And let’s take a look at this particular question. This question doesn’t seem the core for some reason does not like actually reveal who asked the question sometimes.

But Josh Kim, requested my answer to this question. So okay, awesome, I will answer his question. The thing is, is that the question is not being asked correctly, I have to criticize the question asker? Because ISTP is acting charming. Is that like actually a thing? Sort of kind of maybe not really, actually.

And I wouldn’t recommend an ISTP acts charming to anyone, especially like, for example, to a woman. And I’m assuming that since the question asker is a male person, that the ISTP in the context of this question is a male asking to figure out how to charm a woman. And, quite frankly, there’s a lot of factors that go into play here. So I’m going to start off with like the basic foundation and then get into some of the mechanics here to answer this question appropriately.

So in order for an ISTP, to even remotely think about charming a woman is that he has to have all of his manly bases covered first. In Western society, he needs to have his own job, his own vehicle, or his own transportation of some kind, and his own home or his own place. So that he is 100% self sufficient. This is the number one thing that makes a man attractive to a woman.

And if you want to find out more about that, then I suggest going to my other YouTube channel and watching the entire season four playlist, the playlist is titled, How do intimate relationships actually work. And I walk you through the entire process of how intimate relationships work, and what attracts a man to woman, what attracts a woman to a man, and how to have the best possible relationship within a masculine feminine relationship, intimate relationship etc. But first things first, you have to follow the king warrior magician lover model. And most man children out there like to do it backwards.

Those are the four archetypes of the mature masculine and first things versus King, where you prove to a woman that you can produce more than you consume, which very few people can. And most people, for some reason, are out there chasing pussy when they’re actually living in their mother’s basement for some reason, or actually in their parents on home, which is completely unattractive, and absolutely a waste of time. So you have no business getting with a woman unless you are like you have your own place. And the only way to like kind of skirt around that is like if you’re in high school, for example, where everybody’s already living at their parents, and therefore it’s socially acceptable.

But outside of high school, and for most people, like literally everybody else, you need to have your own place. That’s just the bottom line man has to have his own castle, the castle is proof that he is a king of his own kingdom. And he has to be generative, which means he produces more than he consumes. And this is attractive to a woman.

He also needs to have the means by which to protect his kingdom, which means good health and maybe survival skills, combat skills, that capability to be safe etc, or to protect or keep others safe, and to do his duty as as a king, basically a warrior king and that is the warrior archetype. And then there is the magician archetype where he actually helps other men become king and warrior as well. And then there’s the lover archetype where it’s not just necessarily his relationship with a woman, but it’s just him enjoying life in general. For example, my wife and I are going to be learning longboarding together in the near very near future.

And while that is very scary to me, I’m gonna say, Okay, I love my wife, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna have fun. And I want to make sure I’m wearing plenty of safety equipment, because I am exploring my lover archetype with my dear wife, who I love deeply. So, but the thing is, is that most men are immature and do those things backwards and they think it’s all oh, I need to get my woman first. And then I need to help out my fellow boys, you know, I have my little crew, my little game, a little wolf pack, etc.

And then you know, we’re gonna we’re gonna fight and cause some issues and then and then we’ll be generatively or will be responsible later. And that’s like a huge turnoff to women in general. And ISTPs oftentimes have that problem, especially since they go out of their way to expect everybody else to be responsible around them and yet they themselves are not responsible when they do that this is known as hypocrisy. And the thing is, is that they oftentimes they walk around in life they can that Hey, as long as I’m not criticizing anybody else, then I can be as irresponsible as I want which is absolute Bs, and a woman can smell that from a distance, especially a woman who is typically compatible with an ISTP.

And oftentimes, they will not give him the time of day no matter how much he wants her no matter how much he desires her. So that’s just kind of ridiculous. So the point is, the bottom line is, is that a, a woman cannot be attracted to a man unless she first respects him. And if an ISTP is not self sufficient, then a woman will not be able to respect him, therefore not able to be in a relationship with Him.

If she is, then she’s not a quality woman, and is likely a cheater or somebody who will abandon him or betray him at the first opportunity in terms of some other man who comes by, and it will end up giving her more status as a result, as is typical, for example of ENFP women getting a low quality ENFP women getting involved with low quality ISTP men, this is actually super common. So in fact, I was actually helping out coaching client with that earlier today, if you want to learn more about my coaching, go to CS joseph.ly, forward slash coaching, if you want to become one of my coaching clients, right now, we can like get to the bottom of things and actually help you out. So but the thing is, is that you know, once you got that foundation, you are by by default attractive to women, and then you basically with your ni child, because ISTP is like to choose their woman instead of being chosen. And the women that are attracted to them like to be chosen by the ISTP.

The ISTP is then equipped with everything he needs to actually go out and seek out a woman to hopefully make her his his wife one day, hopefully, or at least have a very committed relationship, long term committed relationship of some kind. Remember, the standard of intimate relationships within the CSJ community is do not have sex with a man unless he’s willing to die for you do not have sex with a woman unless you’re willing to die for her because that’s the only way to fundamentally prove love, etc. And that also means that your woman has no right to disrespect you whatsoever. If you’re willing to die for her.

That’s just the bottom line. If a woman is being disrespectful, throw rocks in the dumpster and move on as quickly as possible. And move on to somebody else, a woman who will actually respect you, a woman who is actually loyal to you. You know, that’s that’s pretty obvious.

If we weren’t as disrespectful, she is not worth being in a relationship with. That’s why, for example, in the Bible, it is written better to be on the corner of one’s own roof to be in your home with a quarrelsome and disrespectful woman. Okay? I mean that the reason why is because you know, obviously, as a man, you’re not going to hit your woman, so your only choice is to just flee from her. And then in the fleeing process, well, if she’s not going to take responsibility for actions and become respectful, then I guess your only choice is to find another woman who actually is fair enough.

And oftentimes, this is kind of how ISTPs are, and probably should do otherwise. ISTPs will engage in a severe amount of melancholy and become super mega depressed because they feel trapped. And the entire stereotype is a ball and chain when it comes to like being married to a woman it this is why it’s because of the ISTP vise of melancholy because is teepees end up seeing their woman over time, a disrespectful woman over time as a prison. And I totally understand that list.

That’s why I recommend to those ISTPs to divorce those women as soon as possible. regardless of the consequences. There’s always a better day no matter how insurmountable insurmountable your divorce may seem. Okay, so anyway, that’s just kind of how it goes in that regard.

But let’s talk about charming specifically, how can how does an ISTP act charming to charm a woman or charm someone? Honestly, if this is really centered towards a woman, Okay, fair enough. But like, I’m going to assume this is about one because otherwise it just if you’re gonna be charming to people in general, I guess really just offer to help. an ISTP becomes more intelligent with their ti hero when they’re using their Extraverted Feeling inferior to help other people, but they have to get over their social anxiety first, and that’s basically how they would charm someone in general. But that’s not good enough when it comes to women and ISTP seductive style according to the art of seduction by Robert Greene is known as the rake and STPs or rakes my wife is a rake.

I love rakes. I love that she’s a rake and rakes are full of passion, almost uncontrollable passion to a point. And so if you ever seen that film, Don Juan DeMarco, as played by Johnny Depp, it’s got Marlon Brando and it’s an excellent film. And Don Juan DeMarco is a rake and he just is absolutely fascinated by women.

And his charm to women is that he just is so passionate, so desirable, and he wants to give them in experience. He wants to give them sensations he wants to think highly of them. He wants them to he wants to make them feel good about themselves, right? And that’s all you have to do as an ISTP so some pick applies towards women who are who are very compatible with an ISTP. And these are typically women who dress for comfort are dressed monochromatic, Aliy, same colors, etc, maybe dark colors, the higher the darkness, the higher the dark colors that they wear, the more they want to be wanted, they come off being desirable, et cetera.

And they’re not really going to initiate with you, they expect you to initiate with them. And to initiate with them. It’s pretty easy. Here’s the best pickup line for a woman like an ENFP or an ES TJ or an ISTJ for an ISTP.

And it goes like this. Hello, what are you doing? That’s it. That’s like literally the best pickup line. What are you doing? Or what are you up to? Also, also tell them you should give me your number always make it about what they should do.

Don’t give these women a choice be like you should give me your number or you should tell me a story. You should do this or I want to go do this. You should come with me have that have that point of view, specifically and those women if you are a man who was respectable if you are a man who was taking responsibility if you’re a man who was engaging in and building your king warrior magician, lover masculine archetypes which you want to learn more about those you can watch season 13 that playlist on my my other YouTube channel, check out that playlist. It walks through all the immature masculine and the mature feminine archetypes, According to Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette or you can just read their book King warrior magician lover, however, it only provides a masculine look, I provide the some gaps to fill in for the feminine look, according to that lecture series if you want to learn more.

So anyway, that is how an ISTP would be charming in order to charm someone. If you’d like a chance that your question being answered on this channel, please post it on Quora and tag me or leave us a comment below. If you want a guaranteed answer for your question, become a Silver member at CS joseph.ly forward slash members and post your question on our private q&a Discord channel where I’m answering all of your questions during a private live stream each month. And the next one I believe is this Thursday, so you might want to check that out.

Please also make sure to like and subscribe to support the channel. We definitely appreciate your guys’s support, it keeps the lights on and anyway with all that being said, Folks, I’ll see you guys tonight.

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