Season 7, Episode 6 Transcript


– Hey guys, it’s C.S. Joseph at, returning back from my 4th of July vacation. Basically it was my daughter’s four-year-old birthday, and we decided to celebrate it north of Seattle, in the islands. Near the San Juan Islands. It was excellent. And we also got to go on a bunch of rides for small children, and her first roller coaster. It was pretty awesome! So, in case you’ve been wondering, “Wow, where has C.S. Joseph been, “and why hasn’t he put up any lectures, “over the last couple of days?” Well, if you noticed, I actually released a bunch of lectures last week. It’s ’cause I just basically did double the effort on my lecture output, so that I could go away on a vacation. So you guys could watch all that, just in time for me to come back Tuesday with the next lecture. So, got many, many of them to do. 


So, tonight’s episode is season eight, episode six, continuing on how the types compare to each other. This like most of these lectures is another subscriber-requested lecture. So we’re gonna be going through all of those. I am, I believe coming up on being halfway done with these comparison lectures, but alongside the comparison lectures, we’re going to be doing, finishing up social compatibility, ’cause we got four more types of social compatibility to do. And we’re also going to be finishing up the current human nurture lecture series as well. So a lot of work to do, and I have even more lectures planned to come. And I took inventory and I have like, I think, 560 lectures right now planned, as the user requests keep coming. And I think I have like counted 40 that I haven’t even added to the list yet. And also I just went through all of the emails, so I believe I’m caught up with email right now. And I went through all the comments yesterday, took me a couple hours, but got that handled as well. So, also you might I’ve missed a meet and greet session on our Discord server, last night, which is available in the description of most of my lectures, especially the new ones all have the Discord link. I’ll be going through all of the old lectures and adding in the Discord link. But yes, you can join the Discord server. I’m not on it every single day, but I am on it every now and then. And I believe we have a Q&A session, hosted on the Discord server, which will be recorded, and it will be live streamed, I believe. And it’ll be a week from this Friday, here on the YouTube channel, or on Periscope, we haven’t decided yet, but we’ll see how that goes. So you’re welcome to join the Discord server. 


And there’s like a Q&A channel, that you can actually place questions, in our question pool. And one of my associates who’s going to help run the live stream, will be choosing those questions, and answering those questions, or I will be answering those questions, for that. Also I am scheduled to be going on the Grimerica podcast, on August 1st, and there will also be a special guest on that show that I’ve been told. It’s going to be Dr. Robert Glover, the author of “No More Mr. Nice Guy.” I highly recommend that anyone who watches this channel or is involved with my website or the Discord server, or whatever you definitely make yourself available for that podcast. I think it’s going to be absolutely enlightening, and fantastic. And will help, not only do like broad strokes on how to solve the problems that we’ve identified here on the channel with our society, but also actually look at those, how to solve those issues from a very micro-point of view as well, at the individual level. So, lot of stuff coming, And I’m actually creating a Facebook. Yeah, that’s weird, ’cause I’m not a Facebook person, y’all know that already, but I am gonna be doing a Facebook. And I’m about to be putting up a lot of content on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest. 


Kinda behind on that, but, starting to procure a staff to be able to do all of that. And thanks to all of your coaching, the coaching money that this audience has been giving me in exchange for coaching, it’s been great. I have been able to expand what we’re doing here, and we’re gonna be further expanding and providing additional content for you down the road. So just wanted to do a quick news update, ’cause I haven’t been around in a bit. And yeah, so with that being said, let’s dive into tonight’s lecture, which will be, how do ISTJs compare to ISTPs. 


Why is this relevant? So a lot of people, they talk about, the types to get into MBTI, they take the tests, and it’s like, “Oh, I just got my test results, “and I’m a percentage of this letter, “or a percentage of this letter. “Oh, I’m 20% on perceiving, not very much on J, “and I’m 65% on E, “and 32% on N.” You know what I mean? Like that’s just kind of the typical test results that they get. And I mean, if you could take your test results you know, like print it out on your desk, and then find the nearest lighter, and then light it on fire over your sink or something. Doing you a favor, because those test results, like they suck. If you want to learn how to type yourself properly, without use of the test. 


Obviously I’d point you to the direction of the cognitive functions, which a lot of people claim that there are some functional tests out there. Yeah they are, but they’re not really that great. And the reason why that is, is because the cognitive functions are not actually well-defined. So how do you solve that problem? You learn the interaction styles, and the temperaments. Because interaction style, multiplied by temperament, equals your type basically. You’re anyone’s type. And you can utilize the interaction styles, and the temperaments in such a way where, you can have no contact with an individual, meet a person, and within 30 seconds, you instantly know their type of 100% accuracy. And then you basically read them like a book, and adjust yourself to the conversation, so that you can get the absolute best possible result that you’re looking for with that encounter, right? Which is what I recommend.


How do you do that? Well, you can go on my website,, and download the infographic, which is the type grid that you would need. Just input your email. I’m not gonna spam you with that email. I’m actually, will be sending you lectures that you can only get through email. So it’s not a waste of your time. I don’t like spamming people. That’s just dumb, and I hate email marketing with a fiery passion. So rarely, I’m just… If you trust me your email, you’re gonna get cool stuff. That’s kind of how I operate. The point is, to learn how to use the type grid that you get on the front page of All you have to do is watch my playlist here on YouTube called how to type yourself and others. And it’s like 10 lectures, in a lecture series. It’s an entire course. You take the course, all 10 lectures, watch them from start to finish. And you will understand how to use the type grid so that you can memorize it, understand it, use it as a tool to type yourself and others with a hundred percent accuracy with no issue. 


And that’s where these lectures come in because people still claim to the letters and you know, trying to figure out okay, if I’m more J, or P, or if I’m more T, or F, or those types of things. And then they just really ask for a comparison. So ISTJ versus ISTP, This is like the J versus P argument essentially. And this is kind of what people are looking for in that regard. So, awesome. I think that’s the foundation. 


So let’s looks at the ISTJ and ISTP. Why do people think that they’re so similar? Well, they’re both introverted. They’re both sensing. They’re both the same interaction style, which is the finishers. Finishers put a lot of energy into finishing things but they have a hard time starting new things. And the finishers also needs to see it through types, they’re all about completion, right? And ISTJs and ISTPs are a little different, then that interaction style is direct. Meaning that they say what they mean mean what they say. They’re responding which means they prefer people to come to them and initiate with them. Instead of them spending additional mental energy and initiating with others. They would rather be put in a position of responding, instead of the position of initiating. And that’s why they’re integrated, because they gain mental energy through solitude, and they both do this, right? 


And they’re both movement oriented. Movement oriented means, progress is king, progress means everything. It doesn’t, you know, completing specific tasks or objectives does not necessarily make them as happy as having overall progress. And if they do not have progress, they’ll feel like they’re stagnating not going anywhere. And they will literally go insane. They don’t necessarily need to have things under control per se. It’s more like an organized chaos that they’re just so focused on progress, and that’s what they’ll get. Their temperaments are different however. ISTJs are past focused duty based protectors, also known as the traditionalist temperament. And ISTPs are the freedom-based live in the moment creators, also known as the artisans.


 And a lot of people tell me, well, you’re using Keirsey based temperaments. And I’m like, no, I’m not using Kiersey. Actually for those watching, I reject Keirsey largely. It kinda seems very similar to what I’m doing with Kiersey, but reality I’m using his original source, which is Plato. Because if you read Plato’s Republic you’ll know that, Plato organizes people in four groups, guardians, traditionalist, artisans, huh? What he calls thinkers which are NTs, and then idealists, which are the NFs. So it’s kind of like, yeah. And yet curiously he thinks thinkers, which I call them intellectuals. He thinks they should be called rationals, which they’re not, because half of the NTs are rational and the other half are irrational, but they are logical. 


So which is it, right? Keirsey falls short. So that’s why I reject Keirsey. But you’re calling the NTs intellectual. I’m an ISTJ professor. I’m an INFP professor. I’m a very intellectual person. No, you’re not. Actually, you’re an academic. There’s a big difference. Being an academic is not the same thing as being an intellectual. Intellectual equals NT that’s what it is. But that’s how Webster’s dictionary says. I don’t care about Webster’s dictionary’s opinion. In fact, Webster changed the meaning of a lot of words, which had a negative impact on society in a lot of ways. It’s kind of like the Catholic Church, teaching masturbation is a sin because of onanism, when onanism or onin. And that story in the book of Genesis, had nothing to do with masturbating. It’s just ridiculous. But, I mean, hey, let’s just change the definitions of things just slightly, and then build our society based on a lie and then live this life for centuries, before anyone develops critical thinking and is able to think for themselves. Yeah, that’d be nice. 


Thank God, we have ISTJs, and ISTPs, because they actually provide a lot of the critical thinking behind the sensing types. And it’s really fantastic, especially when they’re working together, they become this unstoppable force, means the immovable object that can really bring about truth in ways that most people, they’ve become like this mill, you know like a lumber mill, you know what I mean? And they’re just cranking out truth. It’s cranking out facts. It’s pretty awesome to see them work together to that end. Apart from each other, that can be a problem. But when they’re working together, when you have a Library of Alexandria, with like the ultra ultimate Rosetta Stone, you know, Ti Hero, mixed together it is the dopest. And the ISTJ, ISTP, way of doing things is no different. So, let’s compare these two types. They seem like they’re really similar, or maybe the same. No, they’re completely different and let’s find out why. 


So, the ISTJ, Si Hero. Si Hero, was all about the experience that they are receiving themselves. They’re also their sense of duty, their sense of discipline. Self-discipline comes from introverted sensing. Self-discipline does not come from willpower, also known as introverted intuition, and for intuition child through the ISTP, that is their source of willpower. It’s all about willpower for introvert intuition. Is not the same as self-discipline with introverted sensing. This actually came up in my meet and greet voice session last night, Megamy and fan 95, shout out to an ESTP bro. And he was on the Discord, asking about the differences. Introverted sensing is all about what I should do. It’s about what I should, “should” do. It’s a duty point of view. They literally forced themselves to do things. They don’t do what they want to do. Of course, an ISTJ do what they want, engages their demon, and that’s just great because they’d like, “here I’m going to destroy every relationship you have, “I’m going to destroy your reputation. “I’m gonna exactly upon you, poetic justice,” right? 


That’s the ISTJ and demon way. It’s the master of poetic justice. And they elect themselves judge, jury, and executioner, and they do it in a form of poetic justice. Where it’s almost like an art to them. Poetic justice is everything to INFJ demon, or parasite. As some people call it. Intuitive intuition is about willpower. It’s the, I want, right? Introverted sensing is the, I should, right? Extroverted sensing is the, we should. Expert intuition is the, we want, right? They’re completely different. And yet, for some reason, no one knows that instead they wanna use these like really weird hokey descriptions for cognitive functions, and then I’m like guys, it’s actually a lot simpler than that even though they’re super complex. 


But I mean, if you had a better mastery of the English language or maybe any language, because maybe the English language is actually too inferior to be able to explain this stuff. Not much I can do about that, but don’t worry. I’m learning Spanish, and then I’m going to be learning Russian, as soon as Espanol is done, and then it’ll be fantastic, because maybe I’ll be able to explain it better in those languages, I mean, who knows. So, also if you wanna learn a language super quick Pimsleur, it’s the dopest. And no, I’m not getting paid for that. Anyway, introverted sensing hero all about duty, all about the past. They have this insane long-term memory. They can remember anything for like the longest time, their 75 year old ISTJ could tell you stuff from when they were like five years old. They remember a lot of things because their long-term memory is so huge. And this is why they are the Library of Alexandria. Extroverted thinking parent, is able to store up reference points, and they have like this entire Dewey Decimal System in their head. And all of these memories are books, and this vast library and they could pull them out and they can link them together and create this pattern using extrovert intuition inferior, that gives the massive pattern recognition. And they’re able to actually, literally predict future events, as a result of the huge store of knowledge that they have inside of themselves. Because the first law of time, and I quote, all that has happened before, will happen again, right? Gotta love metaphysics. 


So all this happened before will happen again. You have the Library of Alexandria, this is how they do it. And they do it from the point of view of the Fi Child, also their moral compass. They do this from a very moral compass, moral point of view, which is awesome that they have that moral compass. However, they lacked ethics entirely. This is what gives them their social awkwardness. Like for example, my daughter, she’s an ISTJ. And I’m thankful she’s an ISTJ, because, you know, she could be other types that I find it very difficult to raise personally given that I’m an ENTP. So I’m thankful she’s an ISTJ. And she’s got Fe Trickster and she was out, with family and this particular family member had her out in public, and this other woman came by with a little girl who is, potentially another three-year-old. And she introduced her daughter, to my daughter and she’s like, “oh, maybe they could be friends.” And then my daughter looked over at that girl, and then gave her a look, you know, gave a look like this you know, kinda like, and then looked up at my family member and said, “she is not my friend.” And of course, my family member was embarrassed over that whole situation.


But that’s because the word friend is a Te label, because Te Rationale all about labels and thinking of references and labels or an ethics. Whereas Ti is more about logos, right? True false. So Ti Critic is like, this girl is not the label of friends. So, I’m going to tell that to, the family member that I’m with. And she said it so abruptly, which is because of Fe Trickster. Fe Trickster means that my little girl is not aware of how other people feel, because her mind only has the ability to remember or keep track of how she feels. And that’s basically where that comes. She also worries about the experience that other people have. She worries that, she’s really, really loyal to other people and loyal to certain things, like she’s worried that other people are not going to be loyal to her. Other people are not going to keep her comfortable because ISTJs, are all about being as comfortable as possible to the point where it could actually become detrimental. And because they’re uncomfortable in that regard they can end up being stuck in a rut and they become like… ‘Cause Si Hero, Fi Child, combined together can equal like the laziest human being you’ve ever met. And that can be a serious problem. 


INFPs have that problem too because you have Fi Hero, combiner that Si Child, that also creates a huge amount of laziness as well. So to get them out of laziness factor they’re going to have to be insanely unhappy in life, and not have normalcy bias. And you have to destroy the normalcy bias. Thank God, for ISTPs ’cause that’s what they do. Se Parents. ISTP is specifically love giving reality checks to people. Obviously, ESTP is what I call Mr. Reality Check, or Ms. Reality Check, because of Se Hero, and giving that experience to other people, and giving people reality checks. But that’s not to say ISTPs, can’t do it either. It’s kind of more of an auxiliary secondary thing because Se Parents, and Si Hero, but it is a pessimistic functions that when they’re giving that reality check can actually even come off even more negative than an ESTP can. And they do it in such a way where it is very precise and they hit you at the exact button. They push that one button that will completely set you over the edge. And it can be very motivating because it can really make a person super uncomfortable and ISTJ are no exception. 


They can get really uncomfortable by Se Parent, and they can hit Si Hero, in such a way, where Si Hero could take the hit because it’s built for taking punishment, but then they’re like, “oh, wow, I’m really uncomfortable now, “I would like to get comfortable again.” And then all of a sudden they’re motivated because they want to get comfort back, or they want to gain for themselves additional comfort, right? So that’s how I do it. And thank God for ISTPs to get ISTJs back on track. Now, thank God also, ISTJs exists because expert intuition inferior, can help the ISTPs get back on track because sometimes the ISTP could find itself trapped. Like their freedom has been taken away from them, because they got stuck at a job, or they’re stuck in a relationship and expert intuition inferior can go to the ISTP and be like, hey, you there use your options. 


And then shows different options, different paths that the ISTP could take and explain to the ISTP, yes, this is a safe decision. It’s safe for you to break up with this person, is safe for you to have this divorce, it’s safe for you to quit your job right now. And the ISTJ can create a battle plan for the ISTP to follow and the ISTP will follow it, and then they are successful. And then all that insecurity has gone and they know what they want, and then they’re going to do it. Especially if the ISTJ used in their introverted sensing a hero, or they’re an expert thinking a parent, or their inner Library of Alexandria can say, “Hey, not only have all these other people done this plan “and been successful, but I’ve also done it myself “and been successful.” And the ISTP is like, “that’s a really good point, “I didn’t think about it like that. “I’m really happy that you had this experience. “Okay, I wanna do it too, because all these other people, “Se Parent is aware of what other people have done,” experts sensing is physics, right? But it’s also aware of what people are doing right now or what other people have done in the past. And they’re always going to ask, okay, what success, has this had? I had a sales presentation today, and I had somebody with high expert at sensing, I believe they’re extroverted sensing inferior. And they’re like, “well, has this worked with anyone else? “Or anyone of your other customers?” And I had to tell that person, no. And it’s because of what we’re doing here is a beta, right? 


And in that situation, they’re like, oh, okay it’s a beta. So, we’re actually like the first potential customer that would be using this. And we’re like, yes, this would be the first one. Yes, you’re gonna be taking a risk but we wanna see how this works for everybody. And if it does, we can get proper execution. We definitely can get these leads going. And that’s kind of how… There’s a very salesy oriented discussion, but again expert at sensing was up on the forefront, like, okay, has anyone done this before? And I had to say, no, obviously in those situation you want to be able to say yes, right? So that’s what ISTPs do, they check to see if anyone else has done it before, because of no one’s done it before, and no one’s had success. They’re not going to take the risk and do it. Whereas an ISTJ very different. They are actually willing to take the risk. They’re Si Heroes, willing to experience, anything and everything. They’re willing to do it all. Because they wanna test and see, if an experience is worth having. And then they could categorize that experiences in their Library of Alexandria and just be like, nope, that’s unexperienced . Or yes, that is the actual experience. So they’re actually willing to take risks and do those new things. 


You can even take risks with like for example, a day trading. And if they really focus all their energy in the day trading, they actually can become amazing day traders. So also could ENFPs and INFPs and ESTJs, if they devote themselves with the ISTJ in my opinion is probably the more ideal type of day trading in my opinion. So again, it makes the ISTP feel secure in that decision than they actually know what they wanna do. But generally ISTPs already know what they want anyway, because, Ni Child is very optimistic, and you have to give the ISTP, full freedom to do whatever they want. Because they have to be able to do, whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. If you take away freedom from them like lock them in a door, without any windows. And it’s just a door, one way or another they’re coming through the door, male, female, it doesn’t matter. 


The ISTP will break down that door, and they will come through that door one way or another. ‘Cause they will cross, when they have to have freedom. ISTJ don’t really need freedom that much, they can be obligated. They are dutified. And they are obligated and dutified by expert Se Parent. Also Ti Hero’s important for the ISTP because that’s what they use to cut through the bullshit. because it is logos. It’s pure logos. It’s pure logic. It’s about the true and false. And because of the true false, and they live in a world of true false. If it is not logical to them, it cannot be true. Thus, they are not going to make that decision. And it often gets them in trouble because they’re constantly telling people that they’re wrong or correcting people. And they believe in themselves that it makes them a useful human being and a very helpful human being to correct error that they see. And they have to correct error because error is everything that the ISTP is not in the same way that INTP. 


So that way too ’cause it’s Ti Hero and which is fantastic because ISTJ is like that because Te Parent knows that ISTPs are always going to verify what they know. And they’re always going to verify before they, represent that truth to others. And it makes ISTJs even more comfortable. Furthermore, ISTJs because they’re physical environment. They’re worried about the physical environment like ISTJs can be really clean, especially ISTJ women, in their homes, everything has a place. Everything has to be like perfectly, and you don’t want to disrupt the equilibrium of the house, or the place, or anything. And are like secretly hoping that guests don’t touch anything for example. Well, ISTPs make them super comfortable because Se Parent is very responsible with how it interacts with the physical environment, and it just won’t really interrupt that physical environment. It makes the ISTJ super, super, mega happy in that regard. 


And the ISTJ is like, wow you’re really going out of your way. You really want to make me comfortable here. And you’re not disrupting my home, I cleaned it and made it really nice. And you’re not making a mess, you’re not leaving a mess behind, you know of course ISTPs don’t get me wrong. They do make a mess, but they make a mess in their area. The place that is designated for them, and the ISTJ would usually help designate that area for the ISTP, be like, you can do whatever you want as long as it’s in this boundary. And then that, of course it’s a giant, it could be a junk pile, for example, I mean, it could be like what’s in the shop at the house. The shop is your area, but everything else is my area. 


Think about relationships, or marriages that way. It’s kind of interesting how ISTJs, and ISTPs, interact that way because that’s where that comes from. So we talk about Ni Child, always doing what they want, whereas ISTJs don’t really do what they want. ISTPs are very aware of the moment, they have mechanical mastery. They just know mechanics. They just know physics. They have really good mastery over physics, and it can make them amazing workers, contractors, construction. Anything that has to do with building, hammers, nails, whatever they can do it, Working on cars, ISTPs have amazing abilities there. They’re also really good at skateboarding, or doing jumps. Doing jumps like X games. How many SPs are competing in the X games? Well, a lot of them are ISTPs. ISTPs are those people that will invent this awesome amazing thing. And then, it can be really, really super dangerous, like imagine the first longboard that was ever developed, and then they started using that longboard at the very, very top of a huge steep hill, and going around it around the road. And they ended up getting super high miles per hour, and to the point, without wearing a helmet like, oh crap I could actually like, you know, die from this. 


But ISTPs are kinda crazy like that, in a cool way where you know, that thing that they invent is awesome amazing guys that they have while they’re going to do it themselves. Before we go into the shadow, let’s talk a little bit about the subconscious. ENFP subconscious exists with the ISTJ, once they have their Library of Alexandria developed, they’ll start to develop a creed as a result of that. And they will take that creed to other people, and help guide the thoughts of others to better thinking, and better intelligent. And they’ll start advocating for a better tomorrow, a more idealistic world, when they’re able to do that. The ISTP does something similar. They also become an idealist known as the mentor, the ENFJ. When they get over their fear, of how other people feel, because ISTPs are very insecure, over how other people feel about them. And it’s usually because they’re used to handling people, potentially with Ti Hero. 


So they become insecure with Fe inferior ethics, and aware of how the people feel. But if they start to aspire with how other people feel they can become the ENFJ, for a limited time. And that ENFJ basically becomes the mentor. And there’s nothing that gets an ISTP off more than when they’re showing somebody how to build something, showing somebody what they do basically, and educating them on being, and showing other people how to replicate what they’re doing in the shop, or what they’re doing in the car, or what they’re doing on longboard, or what they’re doing while they surf. It doesn’t matter. They’re able to do that. Or what they’re doing in the gym, they love to mentor people. And I’m actually being mentored right now, from a fitness standpoint, from an ISTP. And I got to say, a lot of the best mentoring experiences I’ve ever had, actually came from an ISTP, or ESTPs, and ENFJs. They’re really, really awesome at it. And they really improve people and make people better. And ISTPs, it’s no exception. 


If you’re having a bad relationship with an ISTP maybe you should just like shut your mouth, and allow them to mentor you. And then all of a sudden there’ll be in dear to you. And then you’re good to go. You just have to have patience. Well, good thing ISTJs exists because they have all the patients in the world, that’s like hero, and they allow the ISTP to mentor them. And that’s why they could become really great friends. It’s like second highest relationship compatibility, functional compatibility that you can get. So into the shadow ISTPs worry about, the thinking of others. They worry about people basically being stupid, or unintelligent. And that often can lead to feelings of being like the only smart person in the room which can be an issue for them. And that can lead to stupid zoning of other people. They do not stupid zone ISTJs very often, because ISTJs verify their beliefs consistently with their Ti critic, although they can get lazy and not verify their beliefs. 


And they are at risk of accepting Te ethics group think rationale, and not verifying it because the beliefs in Te parent, actually end up. You know they live their life by those beliefs but they don’t spend time verifying that belief, because they haven’t really developed a Library of Alexandria or they’re too lazy to do it or they’re just not paying attention. And that can get the ISTJ in trouble. But because they at least had the Ti critic, the ISTP is worried that the ISTJ is being stupid, but the ISTJ already kind of considers themselves, lacking in that intelligence or logos area. So it actually takes a lot of the worry from the part of the ISTP, because the ISTJ is already going to the effort of verifying those things, ’cause they’re very critical about their thinking. And we already talked about Se Nemesis, and how ISTJs worry about the physical environment, but they also worry that other people will be loyal to them because they’re very loyal to other people themselves. But they’re worried that others may not be as loyal to them as they are to others. Luckily the ISTPs have Si Critic, introverted sensing critic is what… ISTPs already are very aware in themselves, that they do not feel or believe themselves to be super loyal. And then funny as like critical something that they remember everything, and they have a memory of an elephant. I had an ISTP once tell me, my former boss. 


The ISTJ would never let an ISTP get away from that, the ISTJ will actually record everything after a while, we’ll start recording with dates, and timestamps, of what the ISTP says, and then shove that in the ISTPs face to prove the ISTP that they are actually forgetful, which is fun to watch. I’ve actually seen that. It’s awesome. I’ve also seen it happen to ESTPs. That’s also very fun. So, Si Critic, they’re already criticize themselves and their own sense of loyalty so much, because Se Parent demands loyalty. And Se Parent is aware that other human beings when it comes to loyalty are irresponsible with what they do, and they’re irresponsible what they should do. And they’re irresponsible with their loyalty. So as a result, the ISTP expects the highest level of loyalty to themselves and to those that they really, really care about the most. And it’s like the most important thing to them. In that regard. So you have to remind them of that, if you find an ISTP being disloyal, you have to call them out on it, and then it’ll hit their critic, and then that’ll kick in. Remember, if you’re trying to teach somebody something you got to target the critic. You got to give a negative situation to that critic. 


And then they’ll start to realize what they’ve done wrong, and fix things from there. ISTPs are very weak to expert intuition also known as Betaphysics to the point where they’ll have no theoretical conversations, even though theory, and rhetorical, or the possible, versus like the what is possible is actually a very real thing. But it’s just not real to ISPTs, even though it is actually real because metaphysics is real but they don’t think it’s real, because they can’t see it past their own nose. They just can’t visually see it. They can’t hold, it’s not tangible. So the intangible doesn’t really mean anything to them. And because of the lack of intangibility they’re just not aware of that. And that can actually lead them weak to a people with falsehood, or negative intentions towards the ISTP that can put them at risk. And that’s not something, I mean, that could seriously inhibit them. 


I don’t know how many times I’ve seen ENFPs get inside ISTP businesses and harm ISTP businesses, and take over the ISTPs business from the inside. And all of a sudden the ENFP owns the business and the ISTP no longer owns the business. And the ISTP is subject to the ENFP. I have seen that happen multiple times in my life. It has even happened to a very close friend of mine who is an INFP and his father is an ISTP. And then ENFP came in and the ENFP looked really good, and real slick, and had a suit and everything, and seemed all official even though the ENFP, was totally faking it, and the ISTP bought it, because of Ne Trickster, and he didn’t have an ISTJ around, ’cause the ISTJ would question the ENFP’s intentions because the ISTJ always questions intensions. The ISTJ is always insecure about the intentions of other people, right? And always aware that there may be a safety precaution when it comes to the intentions of others.


And the ISTJ always questions that on behalf of the ISTP. So that when they’re going together, there’s safety there, and it makes the ISTP much safer. So, we already talked about Fe Trickster, because like using my example with my daughter and we already talked about Ni willpower and the poetic justice that the INFJ superego provides. The superego, which is the fourth side of the mind. So you have the ego also known as the conscious, you have the subconscious, which is the type of person that people are trying to become and trying to aspire to, a better version of this. And then you have the unconscious, which is right here which is also known as the shadow. And then you have these superego also known as the demon parasite. Because the parasite is corrupting the soul, and it’s trying to replace the position of the ego. Martin Luther said, that sin nature is when the self bends in on the self. And that’s essentially what’s happening here. The correction also known as the human condition exists within the superego. 


The superego, why does it exist? Quite frankly, it is the source of the human condition, is the source of human corruption in everyone, but it can be used for a good thing. And one of the good things that it can be used for, is basically burning your life to the ground, so that new life can grow. It’s like a forest fire, essentially. That’s what the superego is for. It’s like the nuclear option, the big red button that you press. And it’s just big as you full reset on everything. And then all of a sudden you’re like a new person because you hit the reset button. Sometimes people need to do that, because if they don’t hit the red button then they’re gonna lose all self-respect and then they don’t even know who they are anymore. And that’s like a really bad position to be in, especially if you’re in midlife, or later. Yeah, not cool. 


Best to hit the red button sooner than later, just in case, but make sure you’re doing it wisely, and responsibly. So different with INFP right here, Fi Demon will be like, “you don’t appreciate me. “You don’t support me, in any way. “I go out of my way to support you “and make you feel good about yourself, “but you’re not doing it for me. “So what I’m gonna start doing is, “I’m just gonna start plotting your demise. “I’m and gonna start destroying everything I’ve ever built “and you’re not gonna want that “but I don’t care about your future anymore. “I’m gonna just destroy your future by destroying everything “that I built for you. “Everything that I’ve done for you, “I’ll literally erase it away.” And that’s kind of the INFP superego approach to things, when they’re heading their reset button, et cetera. So poetic justice versus, basically destroying reality around you with a huge eraser. And then that’s it. It harms the future of the person that they’re upset at, or the system with the society, or the family for what have you. 


Anyway, that concludes this lecture on how ISTJ is compared to ISTPs. If you found this lecture useful, helpful, educational, insightful, enlightening, please subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and on the podcast. And also leave a like while you’re at it if you have any questions or comments about ISTPs or ISTJs, leave it in the comment section. And I will do my best to answer all those questions and comments, and share your pain, or your whatever positive things you have to say about these types by all means, just make sure it’s there. And remember if you wanna join the Discord server, the link is in the description of these lectures and it’ll be great to see you there on the mod team. It’s still kinda getting used to how things are going, but for the most part, they’re doing a great job, and everyone’s getting beefed up on the processes, and the routines, of what we’re doing. So it’d be fantastic if you would join us there. Otherwise, I got many more of these to do, so I’ll see you guys tonight.

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