Season 10, Episode 1 Transcript


– Hey guys, it’s Chase with doing another episode, actually not another episode, this is episode one of season 10. Decided to continue on with the two seasons that we seem to have left behind which is season 10 and season 14 which are two additional seasons of eight episodes each of type comparisons. But this type of comparison is a little bit different, we’re gonna be talking about types who have the same perceiving functions, instead of necessarily like the same judging functions, et cetera. And then season 14, we’ll be continuing down another track of comparisons, et cetera and continuing to make these available as users or subscribers have been able to, well they keep submitting requests for this stuff so I’m gonna keep doing it. So anyway, be that as it may season 10 episode one. 


before I begin, one thing Blacian13 is the winner of “Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to Interaction Styles 2.0, ” congratulations. I did say that I would announce the winner on the next lecture, that’s in a whiteboard. So guess what? This lecture has a whiteboard on it and I’m announcing the winner. So thank you for joining us tonight. I mean it’s either you here for the content or my hair experiments. I mean, who knows, but we’ll kind of see what happens. I mean, maybe like I’ll get to a point where like my hair just randomly just, does itself or perhaps transforms kind of like a transformer, mid episode, so who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky, but probably not. So anyway, with that being said, let’s begin. 


How do ESTJs compare to ESFJs? So let’s talk about both these types, these types are both, they’re both extroverted. They’re both in the guardian temperament which means they are concrete, they are affiliative and they are systematic based. So concrete, affiliative, systematic, conc and temperament matrix. If you do not know what the temperament matrix is you should probably read this guy, Steven Montgomery, he wrote the book “People Patterns.” This’ll be available to get on my website very soon. We’re gonna be launching that as well as all the book lists for everybody. But the point is, yeah, learning the temperament matrix, it is available on our type grid. You can download that directly off the website after throwing your email on the very front page or you can get it on our discord. It’s posted in the source material channel for all to get or you can just do the command exclamation point type grade and then it will just magically appear right before your eyes, anywhere on the discord. So awesome. So that’s the temperament, they’re the guardian temperament past focused, duty based, protectors. These types are both traditionalist and it’s because of how they handle their perceptions. They are both SJs, so they are guardian types. All about duty, honor, loyalty, conviction, self-discipline et cetera, as well as seeking new experiences and experiencing whatever they can while simultaneously making sure not to go outside of their comfort zone. 


Comfort zone first, experiences are second, but they still seek experiences and slowly expand the horizons of their comfort zone, expand the horizons of their introverted sensing. So just be aware, that is how these two types generally interact from a temperament point of view. Their interaction style is however different, the ESTJ is direct at initiating control, whereas the ESFJ is informative initiating movement. Direct initiating control means that they are a structured type, very in-charge, they take the lead with various situations where as informed initiative movement means they’re a starter type. They start a lot of new things, but have a difficult time finishing those things that they start. So just give you an idea, from a type grid standpoint, how these two types are determined as a result of utilizing the type grid. So awesome. Now let’s just actually like take a look at the cognitive functions. 


Trying to make these a little bit shorter than usual, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen, let’s let’s hope we can actually do that. Hopefully I can get this done inside 30 minutes, what do you think? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Anyway, so what is different about these types? They have the same perceiving functions. They have the Si parent, the expert intuition child. Si parent, is where their source of the past, the long-term memory access, these two types of remembers so much, they remember basically everything. Because they have Si parent, SJs typically have the highest longevity of all the types, which means they live the longest just because they have the most long suffering and the most endurance of all of the types. So something to make you folks aware of. If you’re looking for someone that’s going to live to be a century, the one that people who have the highest chances of doing it are the SJs. So that’s kind of where that comes from. Introverted sensing, the high Si parent or Si hero, for example, that provides that definitely provides that from that point of view. And they also both have expert intuition child. The inner child is very innocent and is very divine, it wants to give people what they want. They’re very focused on other people telling them what they want so they can dutifully perform what it is other people want them to do. Is very, very important. However, with the ESFJ side, it actually can get very dangerous because when you combine the Fi hero with the Ne child, they are at risk of becoming a doormat, whereas in the other side, that’s not the case the ESTJ is, as an overseer, they’re very more, they’re more systematic about the kind of more professional, more routine, more process-driven, oriented with it. 


So they’re all about giving other people what they want as long as it follows a predetermined process or procedure, whereas ESFJ that’s not even the case. ESFJ is like, “Ooh I’m gonna make you feel as good as possible, I’m gonna give you everything you want. So I’m gonna be like this doormat forever and ever. And everyone’s just gonna walk all over me and I’m just gonna sit here in suffering and just get over it.” Yeah, really useful. This is why ESFJs need SFPs or other Fi users around them who are not going to take advantage of them, and to help protect them from those people that do take advantage of them, from them being a doormat. I remember this one time I have an ESFJ grandmother, and when I was little, I would like take her to the card shop to get some baseball cards, for example you know what I mean? And I totally knew what I was doing, I was definitely taking advantage of my ESFJ grandmother, of course. And my ISFJ mother found out and she let me up after that. And I do apologize. And it was a very, very rough, rough situation but I’ll never forget that. But that lesson means, you just don’t take advantage of ESFJs, you just don’t. Even though out of all the types they’re the most easily taken advantage of, because all they desire is somebody to want them and someone to feel good about them. Someone that would give them recognition consistently, someone that they could be loyal to, someone who will actually listen to them. But apparently, most people like they start doing that but then all of a sudden it’s like a bait and switch. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna listen to you, right. Oh yeah, you’re a pretty beautiful ESFJ, but after we’re done in the sack, yeah, probably not.” And they’re gonna move on. 


And then the ESFJ continues to get screwed over by people and taken advantage of people over and over and over and over and over again. And do they actually ever change? Do they actually ever learn their lesson? The answer is no. So because of that, it’s important to, support the supporter. ESFJs are known as the supporter, they need your support so that while they’re trying to protect you, you protect them from other people taking advantage of, their, just them desiring to give people what they want and to make them feel good because that’s all they want to be. They want to, it’s almost like this form of pride where they have this pride complex, like I am the most giving person in the world and I can’t let go of that title of I’m the most giving person in the world. And the reason why is because of their Fi nemesis. Because they worry that they are the most worthless person in the world. So they see themselves as if I’m the most giving person in the world, then that means, and I continue to give and people give me recognition, I don’t have to feel bad about myself anymore. Oh, speaking of my grandmother, one of the ways that I love to torture her sometimes when she’s being like really bratty or really catty or just really difficult deal with, you know what I’ll just do, I’ll take away her opportunities to support. I’ll take away her opportunities to care. I’ll take away her opportunities to give people what they want. I will beat her to giving other people what they want. I will do it in front of her before she has the opportunity. 


I mean, I can, I have Ne hero, she Ne child. I have twice the awareness she does so I can actually see it beforehand and then actually take the action before she gets a chance. Oh, she gets really jealous and she feels guilty and she feels bad about herself as a result. I’ll even do the dishes. I will start doing house chores, fastest way to piss off my grandmother. That’s what I do to punish her. I just start doing her house chores. It’s like getting in on her domain. And then that makes her feel like a horrible person, because, well I’m not really useful right now, and clearly people don’t think, people don’t feel good enough about me to allow me to support them. It’s because I’m not able to support these people, I’m a bad person. Like it’s really sad that this is what happens to ESFJs, but I mean, it is what it is. So to, in order to keep ESFJ healthy and have healthy relationships with them you have to make sure that you give them every opportunity in the world to be supportive. Because it’s the only way that they can live with themselves. For some reason, they’re just worried that they’re not good enough that they’re not worthy enough of you or their family or anything that they have. So as a result of that, they are so giving to the point where they will give everything that they have to another person just to prove that they’re giving so that they can live with themselves in their own skin. Well, the ESTJ certainly doesn’t have that problem. Oh no, because instead the ESTJs like, “Hey, y’all just need to start thinking good at me. Y’all need to just like, think really well with me right now because you know, I don’t want you to know that deep down, I’m afraid that I’m a bad person,” whereas on this side, it’s like, “I’m afraid I’m a stupid person.” But over here it’s like, “Oh Nope, I’m afraid, I’m a bad person,” very different. If you’re trying to figure out whether or not you’re an ESTJ or an ESFJ that’s literally one of the main differences right there. If you’re afraid you’re a bad person or if you were afraid, you’re a stupid person which one? You know what I mean? Now that’s where it gets confusing with people because they’re like, well, “I worry that I’m a good person, and I’m afraid, I’m a stupid person, it kind of sounds the same worry and fear. 


And then semantics at that point, I can’t really tell the difference. So maybe I am an ESTJ or maybe I am an ESFJ.” Okay, yes ESFJs, I understand that. Just verify, look at the type grade, learn your interaction style. I get that, you have figured out that you’re an SJ, no problem, but actually take the time, look at the type grid, stop looking at cognitive functions and look at your interaction style. Are you informative initiating movement? Or you direct initiating control? I understand that ESFJ look at themselves that people have to keep things under control because, but that’s usually because there’s abusive people in their life. ESFJs when they’re in their super ego mode, they become insanely controlling when people stop listening to them, whereas the ESTJ is just super controlling by default. And when the ESTJ becomes super supportive and helpful with their EN and a superego, run for the hills. It’s like, “Here, I’m going to help you. You know, there’s this nice field of balloons and candy and donuts, I grew it just for you. All you have to do is just walk down that path in that direction, keep going, and you’ll be able to take your fill.” And then all of a sudden they fall into a pit and die. Yeah, very helpful. Very helpful, ENFJ. Yeah, good times. 


So anyway, ESTJs make decisions based on rationale. They make decisions based on, research and reference points and common sense, common knowledge, et cetera. And they have to have people around them. They’re not comfortable with people around them or listening to people unless they are accredited or credentialed, or, have some kind of recognition where they are all about being official. Because ESTJs everything has to be official to ESTJs. Now technically things have to be official for ESFJs as well, but ESTJs take it way further, and that’s because of they’re Te hero. Extrovert thinking hero is all about what everyone else thinks. This is why ESTJs take their reputation very seriously. And they’re trying to be as proper as possible. They gotta be as proper as possible. Everything is proper with ESTJs. Propriety is the name of the game. And if you’re improper around them they are gonna throw you out of their presence. They will not deal with you, or they will leave, et cetera. Propriety is everything to an ESTJ. So remember both these types, they’re very loyal and they’re all about giving what other people want. And it’s funny, like an ESTJ, like my former ESTJ coworker, I remember him has Ne Child, could see the Ne inferior of our ESFP coworker. 


You take him out the building at work and try to give him life advice. It was hilarious because his INFP subconscious was like trying to advocate for this ESFP man who is having a really hard time with life at the time and trying to give him life advice. And he didn’t pull any punches. I mean, because, ESFPs, got, Fi parent, so he’s like all about how he feels, what he values. And then the ESTJs got Fe demon. So it’s like, you’re gonna listen to me. You’re gonna listen to me, you’re gonna take my advice because that’s what you want. You don’t know it’s what you want, but it is what you want. Very interesting approach that ESTJs have. Or the Fe demon, another example is when, Fe demon teams up with Se critic and they’re walking by, you’re having a meeting, and then they’re like, Oh, meeting, grenade, throw it in, shut the door and keep walking, boom. They just do that, drive by. I’m gonna say it as funny quip, that’s just gonna completely take all the air out of the room, or something very offensive, and just keep on walking as if nothing had happened. 


It’s like “Operation Dumbo Drop,” on steroids. Anyway, interesting movie. The point is it’s, unlike ESFJs, ESFJs they worry about their self-worth, it’s the ESTJs that really worry about whether or not they’re intelligent. And this is why they have to constantly go to other people, be like, “Hey, what do you think about this? I have this idea, what do you think about this idea? Is this something I should do? Is this something, what do you think? Is it something I should do? Is it something you think I should do?” Nemesis, hero, parent in that order based on that sentence alone. Remember when our sentences, when we talk, our cognitive functions are actually coming out and ordering our sentences for us as we speak and interact with fellow human beings. It’s the case for literally everybody. So be aware of that. So Ti nemesis all about, being afraid of the, what, of the true false or worried about the true false, excuse me fear is the inferior function, worry is the nemesis function. So they are worried that they’re smart. They’re worried that they know what they’re talking about, whereas the ESFJ is more afraid of what they’re talking about. They’re afraid they’re wrong and ESFJs have to spend so much more time thinking about everything. And they spend a lot of time thinking especially when they’re introverted sensing parent they’re able to replay everything in their head. 


Yeah, sure ESTJs can replay everything in but they have to break everything down into small pieces mentally and think it through all the way to the end. This is why when an ESFJ opens their mouth and has a conversation with you, especially in ESFJ that you’re in a relationship with, for example you better listen to them. They spent all that time and put all that effort into thinking about something in order to come to a conclusion, a true false conclusion that may involve you or involve them or whatever. But if you write them off, if you do not listen to them you will literally cause hatred. They will hate you, don’t do that to them because it will engage their Te demon, and they’re constantly gonna be in your face. “Well, you think this about me? And you obviously think this, you think this, you think that,” and they’re just gonna start lighting everything on fire. And while they’re gonna be look like they’re being really supportive to you in reality they’re making moves behind the scenes, and you’re not even aware about, about controlling your life, controlling your finances, controlling your assets, because it’s like, “Hey, I’ve been so supportive for you all this long, I deserve this, so I’m definitely gonna take what I deserve.” And then like, ESFJ becomes like super mega selfish out of nowhere.


 “What?” Yeah, be careful. You must always listen to the ESFJ, you must always give them their day in court. ESTJs it’s much different. You have to always make sure that the ESTJ feels good about themselves. Just make them feel good. That’s all you gotta do. Be proper, handle them propriety and then just make them feel good. And being proper, that also includes like making sure your shoes is tied because they have Se critic. And guess what Se critic both these types of Se critic, Se critic makes both these types really elitist. Yes, I said it they’re literally elitist. These two types together are the most elitist of all the types. It is super annoying and I can’t stand them when they do it. They’re like, “Oh, well, you’re obviously not smart because you didn’t follow the bouncing ball in life, just like everyone else should, I followed the bouncing ball and you know I had a really good success going to law school or I had really good success becoming a doctor but you obviously didn’t have what it takes, you know, and that the proof of that is the fact that your shoe is untied right now. And it shows that you have no respect for proper clothing or proper fashion or proper anything, you know. And because of that, I’m going to judge you right now because of your inability to dress yourself, means you that are completely incapable of doing anything else in your life.” Yeah, I’m gonna punch them like seriously, stop doing that. 


It’s like Se critic is insanely pompous, sometimes it is insanely critical towards the physical environment. If you have like dog hair on your shirt if you’re missing some buttons or if your shoes aren’t tied, if your hair isn’t done in a certain way, they are very critical towards it. Of course, you can always criticize them but that’s why they always make sure they are dressed as perfectly as possible. They take their dress very their outward appearance very seriously. But if you wanna teach them a lesson if you wanna hit them really hard do something that makes them aware that they’re not dressed perfectly. It’ll definitely bring them down a few notches without creating hatred. Otherwise, the only other thing you could probably do is just go after their inferior function and tell them, Hey you’re a bad person or tell this person, Hey, you’re stupid. But then they’ll never forget that and they’ll come after you. Of course, you could also go for their child as well, why would I ever wanna be around you? Why would I ever wanna be around you? You’re not supportive enough for me. You’re not smart enough for me. That’s some real child abuse. Don’t do that. Be really careful, watch out for these pressure points. Of course, any cognitive function could potentially be a pressure point but some cognitive functions are more sensitive than others. 


They’re all sensitive in their own way but the real big ones inferior function and the critic and the child be very, very careful. And as someone actually put in the comments of the last lecture I released, the non-stream lecture that I released which was cognitive attitudes to the inferior function, someone basically said in the comments and shout out to this person, I technically don’t remember their name off the top of my head, but they said it this way, “If you abuse the child, you’re going to hurt the person. If you abuse the inferior, they’re gonna hurt you.” That’s absolutely true, that’s absolutely true. If you hit the inferior function they’re gonna come after you very hard. So you gotta be careful watch out for that. Both of these types of Ni trickster, Ni trickster is they’re just completely unaware of what these people want. Do not allow ever allow any of these types the ESTJ or the ESFJ, never let them make decisions on their own. Like seriously, never allow them to make decisions by themselves. Please avoid this because every time you do if you allow them to make decisions on their own they’re gonna be in a pit. Like they’re gonna will themselves over a cliff, bad financial decisions, bad wedding decisions, bad parenting decisions, bad school decisions, bad, bad, bad. Instead, what you need to do is tell these people what they should do. You are here to obligate these people, these people need to be obligated by you or at least some Ni, Se user out there. 


Se users, you need to obligate these people. Obligating these people does not make you a bad person. Understand that. Obligating these people do not make you a bad person. Obligating these people actually keeps them safe. Actually keeps them from making bad decisions. So make sure you’re obligating these people, tell these people what they should do. Never tell them what they want. Never allow them to want anything in their whole life. Unless of course, they’re wanting to have an experience that they’ve already had before and they wanna have a redo because Si parent loves redoing and loves , loves experiencing the familiar because these people need to stay in their familiar. If they’re trying to go out and do something on their own do not let them do it by themself. Do not let them do it by themselves. You have to go with them, hold their hand and help it become familiar to them. 


They need it because they have to acclimate to everything. These are Si parents people, very pessimistic of their introverted sensing, which means familiarity is everything. And of course the concept of familiarity breeds contempt is the worst with both these types, especially if they both have Se critics, wow, that sucks. Kind of love that familiarity breeds contempt plus, I mean, Jesus said, “No prophet is welcome in his hometown.” And the reason why is Se critic. Wow, yeah literally. Because if it’s not regular, if it’s not normal, anything abnormal or anything outside of common sense is not real, it’s not concrete. It’s something I need to be afraid of. And these two types can live in fear when it comes to the what if, provided that means their Si parent is uncomfortable. But as soon as their Si parent is comfortable even with the unfamiliar, then they can use Ne child, and they can kind of figure out ways to bring people along with them to have a shared experience. Do not let these people want to do things on their own instead do it with them and make it a shared experience. And when you make it a shared experience they’re more secure in the decision, and then the success will be within their grasp. If you let them make these decisions on their own and let them want things on their own, they’re just gonna bite them in the butt and they will end up regretting making these decisions. These types or SJs in general walk around with a lot of regret. 


And it’s usually because they didn’t have somebody there with them to share the experience with them. They didn’t have an Se user, for example to share in that experience with them and to be by their side and walk them through it, step-by-step. Because they don’t, if they’ve never done something before they are going to fail and they’re going to fail miserably. They need somebody near them to help walk them through it. The difference is, is that they’re motivated differently or they’re kind of motivated the same they both have self-discipline but they make decisions about it differently. The ESFJ makes the decisions based on the values of the other person who is sharing the experience with or the ESTJ makes decisions based on the intelligence of the other person that they’re sharing the experience with. They need to be around smart people because they’re worried that they’re not intelligent. They’re worried that they don’t know enough that they’re not really smart. So they need to surround themselves with smart people so that they could become smart. And this is why ESTJs read a bunch of books that specifically to increase their intelligence and to absorb all those reference points so that they can become this mini library of Alexandria, not as powerful or as strong as the ISTJ but you know what ESTJ is a close second. And they could definitely learn all these things. And what that does, is that empowers them especially when they’re not afraid that they’re a bad person and empowers them to become the IFNP subconscious which is absolutely fantastic. The ESTJ, especially in middle age, towards old age they become this amazing philosopher. 


They may have been that Olympic athlete when they are growing up, when they were in their youth but in their middle age to old age, to this amazing academic, this amazing philosopher, with a core interpersonal philosophy that could has the potential to change the world or change reality as we know it. Because the ESTJ both these types become so much more focused on the metaphysical, the older they get and they start shying away from the concrete and becoming way more abstract, kind of happy, critical isn’t it? For all the people, all the abstract people they gave crap to in their youth. And then all of a sudden they’re chasing after the abstract, when they’re older. Funny, funny how that works. Of course, the reverse is also true with NTS and NFS. They’re really focused on the abstract growing up but they become even way more focused on the concrete as they get older. Funny how that works. That’s what we call subconscious development. The ESFJ is a little different, when they absolutely know for a fact that they’re correct, and they have spent all the time thinking and doing everything that they can and knowing that they are 100% correct, and they’ve crushed everything down and they’re not afraid that they are wrong anymore, they can enter into their INTP subconscious and become this amazing engineer. 


I got to say, I have met some ESFJ physicists that blow my mind. It’s unbelievable. And it’s because of their INTP subconscious. If whereas, an ESTJ is more focused on philosophy. That’s a huge difference right there. If you don’t know if you’re an ESTJ or an ESFJ well guess what, ESTJs more philosophical, they like they’d take the, almost every ESTJ in college takes the humanities, understands philosophy has read Plato for example, Aristotle, Socrates. They know all about that, whereas the ESFJ not so much, they’re more focused on the sciences. Think about that. But it says ESF weren’t they more people focused? When the ESF be like more philosophical. No, get your head out of the stupid NBTI lettering system, dichotomy crap. That’s not actually how this works. It’s based on cognitive functions. Because that means they have Ti and their top four functions here, the ESFJ which means the ESFJ is technically a thinker. Conversely, that the ESTJ has Fi in its top four functions for its ego. That means that ESTJ is technically a feeler. Oh, yeah you probably didn’t know that. Well, that’s a fact. Do not let these people make decisions on their own, share experiences with them so that they are safe, and so that you know the decisions they’re making will not end up taking them over a cliff. Please do that for them and this way, they’ll be safe, they’ll be secure and they will be willing to go after the unfamiliar because you are right there with them by their side, every step of the way, and that’s everything these people need. 


We talked about Fe demon a little bit Te demon and we also talked about, you don’t know what you’re talking about, for example but again, the main, the major differences here the ESFJ is all about how everyone else feels. The ESTJ does not give a damn how anyone else feels. If you’re trying to figure out if you’re one type or the other, that’s a major difference right there. The ESFJ is afraid of being incorrect, afraid that they don’t know enough. Afraid that they’re stupid. That’s a thing, whereas the ESTJ is afraid of being a bad person. The ESTJ is worried about being dumb or stupid or not knowing enough, they’re constantly asking people what do they, how do you think about this? Whereas the ESFJ is asking people, “Hey, how do you feel about this?” The ESFJ craves recognition, whereas the ESTJ crave status. It’s completely different guys. 


If you crave status more than recognition chances are you’re the ESTJ and vice versa. If you crave recognition more than you’re the ESFJ. But guys, seriously, regardless of these differences and these similarities use the freaking type grid please use the type grid. Find out what your interaction style is. If you’re not sure which of these types you are, then look at your interaction style. You informative initiating movement, or are you direct initiating control. That’s all you need to figure out. And if you need help, figuring out, watch season two playlist on this YouTube channel slash podcast also watch or listen to season 15. Those two seasons together will give you all the information that you need to be able to use the type grid appropriately, so you could type herself and others accurately. Do that and you will be successful. So, yeah, we talked and another different, again the ESTJ does not care what other people feel at all, and whereas the ESFJ doesn’t really care about what other people think at all. They don’t really care about what other people know. Let’s think about that for a second. The ESFJ does not care about what other people know, they do not care, what other people believe, what they care about is just what they think. They’re afraid of what they think, but they care about what they think and they care about what other people value. 


The ESTJ cares about what they value themselves. Now, in the ESFJ because how Fe works, they’re like, “Well, I care about what I value,” while you’re actually talking about your Fi nemesis, you’re not actually talking about your Fe hero. So it’s a little bit more confusing. It’s a bit more difficult that way for ESFJs to type themselves. And I get it, but just keep spending more time, use your Ti inferior verify, verify, verify, verify and you will know what you are. Learn and master the type grade, season two and season 15 plus the type grid tool, the PDF, whatever use it, and you will be successful ESFJs, you will know what type you are. So remember guys, these two types, they see the world through the same eyes, but they make decisions about it differently, completely different. It’s all about reference points and reference material and becoming that philosopher, whereas here it’s all about values and what other people value and then becoming so intelligent, they can become like a physicist, for example, or a scientist with their INTP subconscious, completely different approach. Make sure that you guys understand this when you’re trying to type yourself so that you guys are actually accurate and not making the same mistake I did when I initially took the test and I’m like, Oh it says INFJ and then I take the test again, Oh, it’s INTJ. And then I thought it was an INTJ for years when in reality I’m actually INTP, you know what I mean? Don’t fall into that trap like I did. Use the type grid, understand the temperament, understand the interaction style. Understand the cognitive functions like what we’ve just gone through and you will be more successful. 


So. Anyway, that’s it for season 10, episode one if you have any questions or comments about ESTJs or ESFJs leave it in the description below, and I will answer your comments. I answer everyone’s comments on this channel or at least read all of them. Sometimes they don’t always get the replies though which can be a little bit difficult. So just be aware of that. Also join our discord server for our Q and A sessions, if you haven’t already. And then also our meetup group join that, the links are also below in the description and we’re definitely going to be spinning that more. Also, we’re gonna be releasing our ambassador program so that people could start up the meetup group and organize meetup groups around the world, and we’re gonna be doing that potentially through as well. So if you’re interested in that, just message me on discord or send me an email and we can definitely have that conversation, so. Anyway, it’s about a 35 minutes for this lecture and I’m gonna be going live here in a few minutes. So good to know that we didn’t spend too much time on that. So anyway, with all that being said I’ll see you guys tonight.

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