CS Joseph Responds to the acolyte question how can I make an ENTP comfortable without enabling and stunting their growth?


Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. I’m your host, CEUs. Joseph, and we have yet even more acolyte questions. And today’s question is, how can an ISFP make an E intp feel comfortable without inhibiting his growth? This is a bronze pair question.

So awesome. Glad to have this question I’ll be happy to answer. So the nature of the bronze pair is that when it comes to a bronze per sexual relationship, it is extremely enabling, and they enable the eff out of each other on a regular basis, it’s, it’s difficult to break that habit. It’s because the child is so in love with the other person’s hero.

And because of that, it just becomes this constant optimistic enabling of ego investments consistently, huge enabling is going on all the time. And if there ever was a sexual relationship, where the E and TP would be at the highest risk of being unable to the point where it creates depravity within the EMTP, it creates laziness, even addiction within the EMTP, then getting stuck in their comfort zone, them being stagnant. It is definitely the Brahms pair relationship with an ISFP because the ISFP se parent will enable the SI inferior insanely is just as much as the TI parent would at times stretch the truth, much to the happiness of the TE inferior. Or hopefully the NTP uses their takes the mask off and is super insecure, and is willing to harm the TE inferior for their own benefit.

But oftentimes, it really just doesn’t happen given how overly emotional the FYI hero of the ISFP can be. So it just doesn’t really happen that much. But how can the ISFP makes it ESTP feel comfortable without inhibiting growth? Well, honestly, it’s, it all comes down to personal responsibility. The ISFP needs to learn how to develop their si critic via cognitive orbit, we’ve discussed cognitive orbit heavily within season 18.

Season 18 is something we give out for free every month to our email list members. However, sometimes they don’t always get the link when they lose it. If you want to see every season 18 episodes you can go to CS Joseph dot life forward slash members. And you could just binge watch all of season 18 to get up to date on cognitive orbit.

But anyway, the ISFP needs to learn how to develop their si critic and doing so they have to be disciplined, they have to create habits or systems of habits. And it’s kind of interesting because even though the ISFP is an sp type, it is the main SP type that actually is capable of self discipline, even more so than an ISTP. They have si critic as well as an ISFP. But the difference is that an ISFP is outcome focused with their expression, they’re very outcome focused, they only do things unless there’s a guaranteed outcome that would benefit them, etc.

So as a result of that stipulation, they are more likely to develop healthier patterns and habits through their si critic then say an ISTP type who is very progression oriented. And being outcome focused also helps the ESTP learn how to hone their own outcome, focus within their eyes, FJ subconscious development. So there is actually a really nice trade off there. But I think, you know, the enabling is a huge risk, but how to reduce that risk, the ISFP has to develop healthy habits for themselves.

And then also because of their own developing of healthy habits, and they went to all of that effort to develop those healthy habits and to remember those habits, they end up telling the EMTP like, hey, you know, I expect you to have these healthy habits to either adopt mine or make your own, but you have to have some kind of healthy habits so that you’re not consistently getting stuck into the rut. And the ISFP basically is just dictating to the EMTP what they should do. And if the intp can’t do something on their own, then the ISFP has to force them to effectively follow their system until the ENFP can make a better system or a better habit afterwards. And then the ISFP can see that it was improved because the ESTP is triple systematic, and the ISFP can then adopt that new system or that habit themselves.

And it just becomes this amazing trade within the relationship that leads the ISFP to becoming more efficient. And then it leads the ESTP to becoming basically more responsible with their habits with it within themselves. And this leads to Inferior function development at a rapid scale, which is amazing. But of course, you know, their various functions could devolve and go in the opposite direction if they enable each other too much, which really just comes down to like a form of toleration, the EMTP and the ISFP can very much tolerate the other person.

And it’s through the act of tolerating each other is the worst form of enablement. And that’s how it gets even worse, they need to be comfortable to provide challenge each other, the intp needs to feel comfortable enough to TI parent the ISFP to the point where the ISFP wouldn’t even want them any more. There’s no risk of the ISFP not wanting it anymore, if the ESTP is insanely harsh with ti parent. And also, the ISFP needs to understand that even if the ISFP fails, the ESTP is not going to reject the ISFP even though that they have failed in some way.

And that’s super mega important. So that literally comes down to boundaries the eye, the ENTP needs to be setting boundaries and be comfortable setting boundaries, the ISFP needs to be willing to adhere to those boundaries. The NTP needs to feel comfortable in expressing those boundaries. But in order to make the ENFP feel more comfortable about the ISFP can lead with their ENTJ subconscious with boundaries of their own and some expectations that they have developed with their si critic.

The thing is, they can’t just wake up one day and say, Okay, I have expectations now, no, they have to earn that they earn that by putting in the work by putting the effort, no one will, will respect hard work more than an ESTP. Because eventually an intp throughout their life, no one will outwork the EMTP because of their ISFJ, subconscious. And if they see you the ISFP, developing your critic function, and putting in the work, putting in the effort, they will feel a lot more comfortable investing more into their own effort, because the ESTP will always be going out of the way to be ahead of the ISFP when it comes to effort, which is hilarious if you think about it, because the virtue of the ISFP type is diligence. So basically, the more diligent the ISFP is, the more comfortable the ESTP will be, and they’ll still be growing, because they’ll basically have this effort race between each other.

And it also keeps the ISFP from being idle as well. So these are some of the very huge benefits of having a bronze pair relationship, especially between these two types. It’s just the differences is that they need to make sure that they are providing proper challenge instead of just enabling each other. That’s literally the moral the story.

So anyway, folks, thanks for watching and listening. I hope this answer this question and I hope your folks is lives definitely improve as a result. So with all that being said, I’ll see you guys tonight


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