Function Engineering In A Crowd? | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph responds to the Acolyte question does your temple influence which cognitive functions are represented in a given crowd.


Hey what’s up ego hackers Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast as the as Joseph. In today’s episode we’re going to be discussing does a person’s temple determine what cognitive function they represent within a crowd? And this is such a great question. This is probably one of the best acolyte questions I’ve given this is easily top five. And I’m very excited to have the opportunity to answer such a creative question.

So keep it up guys. That’s awesome. Remember, folks, if you’re an acolyte member, you guys get one question that you can ask me per month, the submittals in the acolyte member section at CS forward slash portal, and insert your question there and it will become a podcast episode which will also be put on YouTube so that all of us within the eagle hacker community can actually learn so yeah, that’s just just remember that as a thing. Want to become an acolyte member? Obviously CS Joseph dot life slash members become a journeyman, then upgrade your account to Acolyte.

You can also upgrade it at CS forward slash portal. This is such a great cigar. laranja scudo today. I love I love me some Laranjeiras.

So good. The flavor is excellent. It’s it’s an excellent stick I I’m very happy to have the opportunity to have these. Come on.

There we go. There’s my letter. So yeah. I don’t really I don’t smoke, I don’t smoke marijuana, I’d rather smoke tobacco, tobacco, it’s a stimulant.

And it puts me in my ISFJ side, which gives me better access to my Introverted Sensing via my neural pathways. And due to neuroplasticity, smoking tobacco, opens up those pathways, and allows me better access to my long term memory, which then enables me to do these episodes better, because I have way more memory access. So that’s why I smoke when I record. And I probably smoke like, once a week leisurely.

And then I smoke when I film, basically. And that’s really the only time I smoked tobacco. I don’t really smoke it. People think I’m smoking these every day.

And this is like no, no, I’m not. I smoked, I smoked tobacco so little that like, I’m not addicted. And like I actually went like six weeks without smoking once just recently and just didn’t care. Alcohol, well, I’ve heard that’s my advice.

That’s my advice. I crave alcohol 100% of the time. That’s why I just got to set it down and not touch it for like a long time. Also, because it can harm my gains.

And my recovery. Basically, when I’m working working now and I need to research what alcohol does to cortisol, it probably makes cortisol worse. But anyway, just a little bit more about me and kind of you know how some of my consumptive vices are there anyway, this topic is about macro social engineering, macro ego hacking. So within various crowds when you get into a crowd, and by the way, folks, like just just, you know, just let’s back up here and actually talk about some resources that you could utilize when considering macro social engineering.

I recommend that you guys read the book known as the crowd by Gustavo de bon, who had had really great analysis of the French Revolution, and how that worked out. And he is the mentor of one NTP known as Edward Bernays, who wrote the book propaganda as well as any other books. All of sales, marketing and PR basically came as a result, or at least was refined by and simplified by Edward Bernays. So every form of advertising out there every form of you know, utilization, narrative manipulation, social engineering, from a macro perspective, to be able to, you know, get into the hearts and minds of people and sway them and convince them to behave in a certain way or make a decision or even buy something.

That’s all as a result of Edward Bernays his work. And then the next person in the chain of custody is Noam Chomsky, who wrote Manufacturing Consent. And then the final book in the chain of custody is Douglas Murray’s the madness of crowds, which I highly recommend. And I would I would actually state that there’s probably Lay a fifth book in the chain of custody.

And this is optional, but not, but it really applies it to today’s social norms. And it’s called so you have been publicly shamed by Jon Ronson. Every time someone joins the CSJ team, or the ego hacker team, or becomes part of the community management team for ego hackers, I make them read this book. So you’ve been publicly shamed, just so they can see the consequences of how their actions can turn into like, PR scandals, or potentially harm other people or harm themselves harm me, for example, and how it’s important that, you know, we always represent and have some kind of standard when it comes to, you know, these things, and it’s because of just how crowds work.

You know, a good way of putting it is like this movie men in black with Tommy Lee Jones, and Will Smith, the cook. So Will Smith, you know, was talking his character was named J. And then Tommy Lee Jones, the character is named K and K was trying to teach his protege, J Will Smith, a lesson and he said, you know, a person is smart. But people are dumb, wild, crazy animals.

And he’s absolutely right. And he’s basically talking about crowd psychology and crowd psychology is something that you really need to understand. So before we even think about macro social engineering, from a union analytical psychology perspective, please read these five books, get yourself educated. So you have a nice little foundation.

And then you can apply the union analytical psychology and four sides dynamics concepts on top of that, after reading these books, right. So you can understand, you know, ego hacking and manipulation and social engineering, from the perspective of how crowds work and how how crowds apply, right? That’s super important that you do that. So based on that, what I what I would suggest. What I would suggest is that after you read these books, you realize that there is a certain phenomenon, I’ve had the misfortune of being in many a bar fight in my life.

It’s one of the reasons why I train martial arts is because for some reason, people really like picking a fight with me. It just It just happened. The last time it happened to me, I was sitting down as I was adjacent to a pool tables waiting my turn to play at a pool table. And I was just sitting down and I had myself a rum and coke actually had myself to rum and cokes right there on the table.

I did one super quick just to get in the mood. And then I was slowly sipping on the other one. And this ESTP guy noticed that I was looking at this very attractive woman across across from me, who was just basically being a wallflower. Watching the the pool game and the ESTP wasn’t even playing in the pool game whatsoever.

It just wasn’t. And he comes over to me. And I and I looked at this woman and I just smiled at her because she was smiling at me. I’m gonna smile back at people and they’re smiling.

That means I just smiling. I’m smiling. I’m just being friendly, you know, friendly, Chase friendly Chase and his lion TJ shadow. So I made my INTJ shadow.

And then from there, I get to this place in this point where it’s like, okay, yeah, I’m in my shadow. Because I’m drunk. Basically, I’m intoxicated. And this ESTP comes right over to me trying to assert dominance, and he literally stands on my feet, just stands as he’s standing on my feet with putting his whole body weight on my feet, which technically, is assault, technically, in the state, you know, in the state of California where this happened.

And immediately My head went to, alright, how am I gonna have to take this guy down? How am I going to take this guy down? I’m like, Okay, I got my hands on my empty glass right now I can just turn it upside down, smash it and then drive it into his neck. You know, things like that. Like I’m already I’m already strategizing how I’m going to take this guy down, get him in the ground and make sure that he cannot that I least heard him enough that he can’t retaliate. Because that’s how DNTPs work.

You don’t want to learn more about that concept. The best example of that would be Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game, because Ender Wiggin is the intp and I know I’ve just triggered so many people in saying that all the INTJ is right now rolling their eyes, you know, the whole reason Oriente J or No, he’s not like Ender Wiggin has way more consequential awareness. He’s a UD UF I UD UF e NCP actually, and he only gets into confrontations. But he knows he can win.

But then he annihilates the opponent such that it is impossible for the opponent to retaliate. That is how en teepees fight. This is why every EMTP male that exists, every single one of them. I don’t care what their Okta gram is, I don’t care if they’re SDSS I really don’t care and NCSF en teepees have the best self discipline out there, let’s be honest.

But I require all NTP men to enroll in a martial art, a martial art. And then it can’t be Brazilian jujitsu. It’s got to be a striking martial art. We have to actually learn striking and actually do striking in it.

Okay. I picked Krav Maga because it’s banned from MMA, and it’s designed for Battlefield combat and street fight. I need water anyway very itchy throat all the sudden. So NTP is when we fight, it’s all about not only defeating the opponent, but preventing further retaliation because we have Introverted Intuition nemesis.

This route an intuition Nemesis is naturally worried about its own future. So I would be naturally worried about this guy’s ability to retaliate, basically. So I either have two options make him feel like he’s the alpha, when I’m a sigma, and I don’t give it playing. I don’t, I don’t care.

I just don’t care about his selflessness. And let him assert his authority over me and make me look stupid in front of everyone. But that would deescalate the situation. Or I could attack him.

After he’s already violated my personal space and my body, he has technically already committed his assault. You know, and then at that point, I could retaliate and prevent further retaliation from him at that moment. Well, that’s the thing. I, instead of driving the glass into his neck like I could have, and effectively ending his life at that moment.

I instead decided to stand up as quickly as I could, basically, to where one of my shoulders made contact with his chest, and he fell backwards onto the ground. Then I said in front of everyone, sorry, I didn’t see you there. But you know, that’s what he gets. Instantly, I grabbed my other drink.

And I just started walking a little bit backwards towards the door, basically, just to see what he would do and what his friends would do. And then at that moment, it literally turned into a bar fight. He took the beer that he had his hand and he chucked it at me from the floor, basically, as he got up. And then a bunch of his friends instantly rose to stand up for him basically, even though he was clearly in the wrong and he instigated this whole situation, he initiated he took on the initiation, right.

So he became the extroverted sensing hero of his Wolfpack of his crowd, basically, of his macro situation. And they decided to gang up on me in this moment, funnily enough, funnily enough, I became the expert intuition hero of my group, and then my group came up around and also stood to back me up and it literally just became like a showdown in the middle of this bar, basically. Couple of my guys are even grabbing pool cue sticks to get ready to just, you know, take them out. And one guy actually grabbed the barstool.

You know, like, we were ready, we were ready to tussle, we’re ready to tumble. And it’s so interesting in those situations, like or individual people take up the cognitive functions of the crowd, basically. And they act as the arbiter or the carrier of that particular cognitive function. And it usually, it usually is an optimistic function that they do it with.

Now, that’s not always the case because Okta gram there, aka grams can actually change that because certain OKT gram variants and there’s four octagon variants per type will determine whether or not a person is leading with their optimistic functions and their ego or their pessimistic functions and their ego, as well as their optimistic functions and pessimistic functions in their shadow. And also, them being drunk at the time they’re close to their shadow, they’re more likely to use them their shadow functions. I was intoxicated my octagon because I am a UF, my shadow was representing introvert intuition nemesis. So once the thing was started, there’s no point in using extroverted expert intuition anymore, it’s already started, there’s nothing abstract there is getting in the concrete.

So I became the and I function of my group basically. And then things escalated from there, and it turned into a fight turned into an altercation. The cops showed up within 20 minutes was long time. And luckily, there was enough witnesses to say that the ESTP started it.

And my guys took a defensive posture, which is really great instead of an offensive posture. And we were just basically preventing damage, and the bartender back this up, as well as the, as well as the owner of the place also backed us up, especially since I have a great reputation with the owner. And he knows that I would bring my crew in there and make him money, and he didn’t want to screw that up. So the cops were very lenient with us.

And we weren’t arrested. And, but the ESTP ended up in the back of a cop car. And he was so drunk that he actually basically, he passed out in that moment, while he was in the car, which is hilarious. So but you know, X rated sensing hero, even though he was intoxicated was still be very useful in a bar fight scenario.

So he held on to that function from a group posture, a group macro social engineering position. That’s, that’s just kind of, that’s kind of what happened. So. But this is just this is just one example.

In every single crowd, there is always going to be somebody who takes on a certain cognitive function. So the question is, is like, does a person’s temple influence what function they are? I mean, yes, I guess, but it’s mostly dependent on you know, the situation, it’s very situational. Now, if you’re aware of all these different vectors, and aware of all these situational consequences, you know, in terms of what’s going on, which is kind of easy for me to see, being how close to my super ego is with my es FP super ego, and being a UEFI and TP and seeing those consequences from an expert intuition hero, and then mixing in with the extroverted sensing demon. So my battleground of Titans is able to kind of see that it’s really difficult for other people to see this and actually know these concepts and how people are taking on these roles within a crowd or group of men who were intent on potentially ending my life that evening.

So but we defended ourselves. And the police were very lenient. No charges were pressed. I was asked if I wanted to press charges against the ESTP.

I told them, I will not press charges, provided he is involved in Alcoholics Anonymous, like some type of support group. And turns out he already was so it really wasn’t that big of a deal. And besides didn’t even have any, there would be no legal way to force that on him. Anyway.

So my ask was really ignorant, let’s be honest, but he already was, apparently he had a DUI and shouldn’t have been drinking to begin with. And I don’t know if that actually gotten into legal trouble later. I don’t know. But it happened, you know, but but that’s the point, folks, like there’s so there’s so much more than just your temple, you know, that comes into play when it comes to taking on a cognitive function within a crowd.

You have to ask the Hey, like, what’s their Okta grams? Are they intoxicated? Are they stemmed? Are they both, you know, who’s the leader who’s not who’s representing the hero function who’s representing the demon function, you know, like, there’s so much there, there’s absolutely so much there. And so much information, and not very many people can keep track of the information on the fly. But the point is, is that whatever role a person assumes in a crowd, that role represents a particular cognitive function, and ultimately, an orbit and an axis, when they take on that role within a group, that’s how it works. Now, when you know that you can actually do macro social engineering, and you just target the specific people.

And you can either just deescalate the situation or escalate a situation or you can even potentially convince an entire group to buy something if you are aware of these concepts, right. It’s all just basic group psychology to begin with, right? That’s just how it works. So but yeah, in general, it’s just it’s so much information and I could I could create an entire YouTube channel just devoted to macro based union analytical psychology. It’d be insane But yeah, I mean, if you guys want to keep asking questions about macro social engineering, I’ll keep answering them.

So just become an acolyte member and we’ll, we’ll keep doing it, you know? So yeah, me folks, thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys on the next episode.

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