CS Joseph defines Sexual Freedom with the 10 commandments of sexuality of Jungian Sexuality.


00:03 Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. I’m your host, sis Joseph. And this is season 31, episode 14 Defining your sexual freedom, also known as the 10 commandments of sexuality. And I would like to first thank the live audience for being very patient with me this morning, because for some reason, I couldn’t get the camera to work.

And honestly, it’s still not working, because it’s not at the frame rate and the resolution I would prefer. But I figured, let’s just get going. And I also took the time to set up some show notes. For this particular episode, I very rarely ever use show notes, or actually write down my points, I’m usually just speaking off the cuff.

And I maintain that, you know, the level of importance for this particular lecture is definitely going to be something that, well, it needs to be set in such a way or at least in an organized manner, so that people can understand it. Now, for my critics who maintain I’m a misogynistic, sexist ass, while conveniently ignoring their MS Sandras point of view, I would say that probably out of every lecture that I released, this particular one would be the one where I would be labeled sexist, the most. And although that is not my intention, and I don’t think I don’t walk around thinking that men are better than women or, and whatnot in that kind of a thing. Least what is, you know, what is sexism? I don’t, I don’t do that.

But for some reason, people think I do, and I don’t. So it’s kind of interesting standpoint. But for the sake of, for the sake of the show, let’s actually define sexism according to Now, attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of generals waving.

So according to, I’m automatically a sexist if I’m using stereotypes that are based on traditional gender roles, or traditional stereotypes of gender roles, interesting to discrimination or devaluation based on a person’s sex or gender as in restricted job opportunities, such as discrimination against women. I’m not here to discriminate against women, or anybody for that matter, although I often feel discriminated against by women on a daily basis, sometimes even by my own wife, actually. And she has admitted to me that, you know, based on her sexist father, she mirrored some of his behaviors and exercised some sexist behaviors herself within the context of our marriage, which is fine, you know, we’ve gotten over it, it happens, you know, but discrimination No, I’m not here to discriminate against any way anybody for any reason. I am here to say, you know, at least a women like you can do whatever you want and just realize there’s going to be consequences to your actions and you’ll be held accountable.

And one of the ways that women are held accountable is when they are rejected by high value men, and why they’re rejected by high value men, etc. That’s not sexist. That’s just biology. That’s reality.

So Okay. Another another definition is in graded, institutionalized prejudice against women. I’m not prejudging women. I am judging women as they should be judged.

But I’m not prejudging them not being presumptuous or sumptuous about it, I am very well researched in this area. And number four is hatred, dislike or mistrust of women, misogyny, etc. That kind of sounds more like a MIG tau approach, which is men going their own way, I do not subscribe to MIG tau at all. I do not subscribe to men’s rights activism.

And while most people maintain I am red pilled or support the red pill, I in a lot of ways actually do support the red pill and a lot of ways I don’t support the red pill. And that’s when Red Pill people would basically say that I’m a purple pill person. It has nothing to do with that it has everything to do with practicality. And I’m trying to take a practical approach to sexuality, especially union sexuality from a psychological point of view, and a behavioral psychological point of view.

So that we can actually arrive to proper conclusions about how human beings should actually be behaving in this postmodern era. Because we’re definitely postmodern modern died basically December 21 2020, in my opinion, which is the first day of the new age of the Aquarius and while I am not a new ager or subscribe to New Age thinking, I know that the elite in the world who follow books like The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley thank you to the person who suggested that I read it. And then also their their belief systems, according to the Georgia Guidestones look that up, which is very rife with eugenics and other horrible teachings that are basically Malthusian. You know, those are some of the things that I’m against.

And it’s because of those belief systems that we have endemic fatherlessness throughout the world. And fatherlessness is the number one problem affecting our race. It’s why masculinity doesn’t exist. It’s why we have toxic feminism, rampant and throughout the world.

And it’s ultimately why women are becoming dog moms or cat moms and dying alone at the greatest numbers ever seen in history. But then again, you can’t have a feminine primary social order without affluence, because without affluence, you know, women are far more dependent on men, because you know, they are the, quote, weaker sex. And no, I do not believe in egalitarianism. I do not believe in equal ism, the genders are not equal.

I do not believe in John Locke’s writing, I do not, you know, you know, assure all men are created equal, but that doesn’t mean men and women are created equal. And a lot of people have a problem with me and tell me I’m a sexist for saying that. No, it’s obvious biology actually. So, you know, are is your science or religion? Or is science reality to you? That’s, that’s what I would like to know.

I mean, you know, where does that come from? So, anyway, the other the other issue that I would like to stay within the introduction of this particular extremely controversial lecture, is that I made a mistake last night in my lecture last night, so before I begin, or as actually part of the delivery of today’s lecture, and this episode, I would like to be able to correct a mistake by making an adjustment to what I said yesterday. And the adjustment is that I left out one important thing that was not talked about when defining sexual immorality, and I really need to make sure that that’s talked about one second, I need to text Railgun. So it’s like don’t answer when you call that as why, okay. I just had to let her know that like, I’m actually you know, doing a show right now.

Because she you know, being an ESTP does not like it when I don’t answer the phone, because es TPS always expects, you know, that when they call you that you answer and you drop everything for them, because that’s how es TPS are. And, and then they, they expect you to text to them because they don’t want you taking away their choice. So it’s so it’s so funny, you know, these little hypocrisy is that the types of which I outline and the hypocrisy is of the ESTP which is a fantastic lecture, just released last month for the premium lectures for the members CS, forward slash members, check it out. So, anyway, but I did make a little bit of a mistake last night and I would like to have the opportunity to remedy that mistake, because I left something important out.

So that is, is very important. So okay, so anyway, um, the adjustment is that I was making an argument about sexual immorality, aka pornea in the Bible, which is what the majority of the sexual social Zeitgeist within the United States of America and ultimately Western society or anywhere that Christianity has touched on the face of the earth, and based on that, I provided a you know, a correct definition of it, removing certain things, etcetera, but I left one piece out. So, before we officially begin this, I would like to, again, clarify my definition of what sexual immorality aka pornea actually is. 09:46 So So based on that here is what is actually considered sexually sinful in the eyes of the Bible.

And I know a lot of you don’t like it, how I talk about the Bible so much. But the reason why I talk about the Bible is that when it comes to things like Mormonism, even Islam, even Islam originally claimed that the gospels in the New Testament were part of their Canon for the Koran. So based on that I liked going really far back in terms of the chain of custody, because if you think about it, the Torah and the Bible are part of the Muslim chain of custody as it is for Jehovah’s Witness, or Mormonism, Protestantism, anism, Catholicism, it just, it just really doesn’t matter. They still have all these Judeo Christian roots, and there’s even even going back into the Torah.

There’s also some, you know, sharing in terms of pagan belief systems as well. So basically, like I can utilize biblical teaching, and it would still readily apply to most people in the world, you know, like, look at look at Norse mythology, talking about the Giants, but then you have in the Torah, talking about the Nephilim, which are the Giants, etc. So, based on this, I maintain that Judeo Christian, spiritual religious traditions, basically allow me to paint a very big brush on the whole world with all these various belief systems, because a lot of it is pretty much the same, some of it is different. But like, for example, like I maintain that pagan gods and Norse mythology and Greek mythology, are actually angels and not and not actually God, just like how, you know, Jupiter would claim to be the king of the gods, when he actually still orbits the Sun.

He’s not a king of the gods. He’s a fraud, for example, which would make Odin a fraud, he is not the father, you know, so, so yeah, a fraud. And, and then you when you also compare that to the original first religion on the planet, first recorded religion, then that was the Mystery Babylon religion, etc. And if you don’t know what that is, I highly recommend looking at Bill Cooper and his podcast from the 90s called the Hour of the Time there, they should be available on YouTube somewhere, or anywhere, and then listen to his mystery Babylon series, if you want to get more educated on the first religion and how it integrates into the rest of the religions in the spiritual belief systems of the entire world.

It’s a it’s a very interesting point of view. But the point is, I utilize biblical teaching because it allows me to paint a broad brush when it comes to arguing ethics and morality throughout the world. And a lot of people struggle with that. So, but that’s why I do it.

And also, it’s convenient for me because I’m a pastor’s kid. So I still maintain that I vehemently do not appreciate the church whatsoever. I am an anti church person. In terms of like being anti the church or anti bride of Christ, I’m not anti bride of Christ.

You know, to those of you who are Christian watching this, you know, I am anti the social construct that is church today. And it is a pagan monstrosity, don’t believe me read Frank violas book Pagan Christianity, where he criticizes how crappy it actually is. So anyway, clarifying and defining sexual immorality, aka pornea. So here’s what it is considered actually sexually sinful.

And in no particular order. No sex during menstruation. And I think that’s because it’s due to health reasons. I don’t know exactly for sure why that is the case.

But I think it’s it’s for health reasons. The second thing is no incest. I think that’s pretty obvious. No, pedophilia, I think that’s even more obvious.

Okay. No, ritual prostitution. Okay, so you can’t mix sexuality or prostitution. With spirituality.

Okay, fair enough. This next one is for men. And this is no sex or lust basically with a woman that belongs to a another man, which you know, matches the 10th commandment of the 10 commandments, which is, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. Okay, fair enough.

I can deal with that. This next one is for women. No sex with a man who is not your husband without your husband’s permission. Okay, that is sexually immoral.

If you have his permission, then it’s fine. And for men as another one for men, this is what I left out from last night within my definition I forgot to mention this so I apologize for not mentioning this, but this is for men. No sex with a virgin unless you intend to keep her so disparaging a virgin is actually a very big deal. Now obviously, reduce it reduces her sexual market value, which is something you know in you know Judaism in the Torah that was severely forbidden.

And you can see this in Exodus chapters 20 through 22. And also Deuteronomy chapter 22, as well, that that is that is an issue. And but but let’s let’s explore the moral and ethical reasons for that. Like, if, if you disparage of a virgin, I mean, even Benjamin Franklin, who was dNTP admitted that it may be her ruin, basically.

And oftentimes, you know, when you ask a woman, you know, hey, like, what was it like to lose your virginity? Who was it to? Do you regret losing your virginity to that person or whatnot, and almost every single time, especially in my coaching practice, when I asked that question, women say, yes, yes, I do regret it, they do regret it. And that’s the kind of regret that can lead to other bad decisions in their life. I knew a woman in high school, and she was an ENFJ. And she ended up having a crush on me and my senior year.

And she asked me out to Tolo and I refused her because I was just a good Christian little boy. And you know, and she made it clear to me that she wanted to have sex with me after the dance. And, you know, she wasn’t, she wasn’t a virgin, or nothing, and whatnot, but like I severely, you know, judged her in those days for those things. And those judgments and those hurtful things, especially given that she was an ENFJ.

She took it so seriously that it led to a series of events in her life, and bad decision parts on her part, because it just really engaged her FY nemesis, that she ended up basically having an insane amount of sexual relationships, ended up getting pregnant, she became an alpha widow, that guy walked out on her. She dealt with, you know, some homelessness and severe financial issues. She was just suffering for a long time. And I often think to myself about how my judgments of her my unfair judgments of her really, you know, made it worse for her, because I wasn’t willing to share my masculine idealism with her because I was so poisoned by my Christian idealism and ideology.

And basically, I was telling her that, you know, she was a hoarder, and she was worthless, and all this bullshit because of my Christian upbringing, which I honestly regret doing. And it was one of the greatest regrets in my life, I remember having the opportunity to talk to her twin sister, and I apologize for my behavior. And then that led to me actually talking to her directly, where I was able to tell her straight up, you know, I’m very sorry for what I did. And what I said to I was wrong, and I regret that.

But you know, that’s, that’s an example of just how bad it can get. But you know, she cited, you know, within the conversation that like it is, it just goes all the way back to like, the day that she decided to lose her virginity. And she did it with a low value man, basically. And she heavily regretted that decision.

So she was in effect, telling me it wasn’t exactly all my fault. It was, it was her responsibility at the end of the day, and she was taking responsibility for some of her poor sexual decisions that she made. And that was potentially due, I don’t know, this is sure due to abuse in her life, I don’t know. But I do know, like, like, even you know, stories of the past with, you know, my wife, for example, in some of the sexual decisions that she made, when she first became sexually active, you know, oftentimes, you know, she carries a lot of regret later to that, but how she was conditioned and socialized and taught by her father, it, you know, you can almost understand, you know, it’s like, an NP version of if I’m going to do the time, I may as well do the crime basically.

And because throughout her upbringing, both her parents told her on a regular basis that she was a total hell, that she was a whore that, you know, she had no value because of that, but she was actually still a virgin the whole time. It’s just no one believed her. And so then you end up having that perspective that NPS often have, if I’m gonna do the time, I may as well do the crime, basically, which is a very sad point of view, if you think about it, but this is some of the things that you know, women have to deal with on a regular basis. So I urge parents stop jumping to conclusions about your children.

They’re a lot more righteous than you think. And it’s really just you projecting your own regrets and your own bullshit on your own children and maybe you should consider like not doing that. It’s so annoying. So 19:51 So yeah, don’t have sex with a virgin man.

Do not have sex with a virgin unless you plan on keeping her and realize that if you do have sex with her, baby because, you know, just like the song goes in Aladdin, which is a sexual song, it’s a whole new world, you know, it’s a whole new world because Aladdin and Jasmine just screwed, okay? Like, if you don’t know that, like, what are you doing? Okay? Aladdin is extremely sexually charged film. And there’s a lot more reasons for that. But that entire point is, is that when you have sex to the Virgin, it’s a whole new world. And when it’s a whole new world, they have that, you know, men men have it worse is that sexual hunger is there but, but that’s just kind of how it is for women and that there’s like a biological shift, you know, psychologically, even as a result of that biological shift.

And it’s important to protect that. And given that a woman’s body count is probably the number one thing that conveys sexual market value to men in her life, you’re severely damaging her and disparaging her, if you decide to, you know, basically dump her afterwards. So the point is, do not have sex with a virgin unless you plan on keeping her indefinitely. Okay? That is a big deal.

All right. And that’s, that’s why so. So anyway, so what is sexual freedom? sexual freedom is you know, this thing that you know, the church is completely against. Also, people who practice Muluzi and belief systems are also against because they’re afraid of overpopulation, destroy the ecology of the earth, that is essentially what they what they maintain, and monogamy and social monogamy, socialized monogamy and expected monogamy has been put in place by people with these belief systems, in effect, to reduce the population growth of this planet, basically, because the idea is if a man has multiple wives, he’s going to have what 20 3040 children, that is going to be a specific problem.

But if we institute monogamy and ultimately the nuclear family, and social engineer everybody into believing that that is the norm. And don’t blame me that that’s a thing you should be reading Gustavo Lavon, and his book, The crowd written in 1895, or it was published in 1895. And then the next book in the chain of custody, which is propaganda by Edward Bernays 1928 And then the next book and or Well, a book in that chain of custody is the madness of crowds by Douglas Murray, published in 2017. Please understand these macro social engineering techniques as to how this work, and Malthusians who ultimately controlled the Catholic the Catholic Church who still maintain their beliefs from the Mystery Babylon religion because the Catholic Church is the Catholic Church is a pagan religion.

It is pagan, just like the Mystery Babylon religion that it came from is also pagan. Okay. They pagan paganism and Malthusian ism, basically run together. They’re basically the same belief system, they have the same tenants, etc.

Why else do you think that temple priestesses when they would get pregnant after having sex with everyone on Sunday would sacrifice their children? You know, to pagan gods, there’s a reason for that. Okay. And that’s where it comes from. Okay.

So so so based on that, you know, like, you could see like how fatherlessness just leads to the death of children. And it’s also talked about heavily in the apocalypse of Peter, a book that was originally in biblical canon, but the Nicene Creed removed it from biblical canon. And this book outlines lots of punishment for people who engage in the abortion act. And I imagine abortion would not be legal, if that book was included in biblical canon, but the pagans who ran the nice seat, the Council of Nicaea, and ultimately the Council of Trent, decided to leave it out.

Likely because in order to satisfy or bring their pagan belief system and meld it with the way which is old Christianity to create Christianity, the pagan religion known as Christianity, they had to come to that conclusion, which is kind of lame. So So anyway, so those those things are what sexual immorality is. That’s what pornea according to the Bible actually is. So those things are on the line.

And but let’s talk about what’s not included in the definition of sexual immorality or poor Nam and that is premarital sex, also known as fornication, and extramarital sex, also known as for education. Now, if you’re to open up your New International Version, Bible, your NIV Bible, you will see the word fornication there instead of sexual immorality or pornea. And that is actually a biblical interpretation and a mis translation at the same time. Yet so many people believe that the NIV for example is the infallible Holy Word of God no, it is not.

It is a construct of man. The Bible is a construct of man. Okay. It is an issue most people also like to tell me that the Quran is also a construct of God and that it exists in heaven etcetera, and to which I scoff at that.

And I’m just like, so you’re telling me that when Muhammad was writing the Koran and he wrote something that was potentially relating to pedophilia within within the Koran saying that some sexual act was okay when it obviously was sexual immorality. And then he said Satan made me do it. Really, really, you want it you want to make that claim that your that your book is not a construct of man, but as of God, okay, that’s a contradiction, folks. So those of you in the Muslim community, I suggest that you apply critical thinking to your own belief system just as much as I have had to apply critical thinking to my belief system and ultimately, every other belief system that I come into contact with, if anyone wants to accuse me of what or be like or they asked me like, Chase, okay, so what is your religion? Well, my religion is critical thinking actually.

Okay, so maybe you should, like consider that and before you start judging everyone else, infidels, okay. That would be nice. That would be nice. And I don’t mean that in an Islamophobic way.

And I’m not saying that Muslims in general judge everyone is infidels. I’m just saying be careful to judge. So fornication is not an aspect of foreign aid is not an aspect of sexual immorality. Also, sex with a prostitute is not considered sexual immorality under the definition of pornea either.

And pornography is also not something that is outlawed under pornea either. Now, while fornication and sex with a prostitute and pornography are not sinful, obviously, they’re unwise, obviously, okay, so King Solomon, who was an NTP, also known as the wisest man who has walked the earth, also the richest man who has ever lived, I mean, just as gold holdings alone was worth $2 trillion in today’s money, just his gold holdings alone, and the richest man in the world does not have a trillion dollars. Okay. So.

So Solomon in the book of Proverbs, especially the first four or five chapters, it’s like, the first thing he talks about is about how having sex with a whore or engaging in prostitution is would be like the end of a man and how her legs lead to death and the pitch and it’s extremely unwise to have sexual relationships with prostitutes. So he says, like, don’t don’t do it. And obviously, there’s a risk of contracting diseases when you’re going to lie with a prostitute, obviously. Now, relating to pornography, pornography can be a sin.

If the specific porn that a man is watching is violating the aforementioned rules of pornea, which is no sex demonstration, no incense, no pedophilia, no ritual prostitution, no sex with a woman that belongs to another man. Without, you know, knows, you know, without permission, of course, no sex with the man who is not your husband, without your husband’s permission for men, no sex with a virgin unless you intend to keep or so those things. If they’re in the pornography, obviously, that would make that porn wrong. You know, there’s a reason why people go to jail for child pornography.

It’s obvious, folks. Okay, these are basic, okay. Okay. Okay, I just need to do another point there, just to update my notes here, as I’m going through my notes carefully.

28:30 So yeah, like, another thing. Another thing about pornography, pornography can become a sin if it becomes an addiction, and there’s so many men out there who, who is addicted to pornography, but any addiction is actually a sin because addiction is known as idolatry. So idolatry is very sinful. In fact, idolatry is the number one sin that anyone can commit.

It was the first sin committed by Adam, for example, because he put Eve on a pedestal and he committed idolatry. By putting her above him and even putting her above God, he was putting the creation above God, that is a form sin is the first and that’s why the first commandment in the 10 commandments is written. Thou shalt not have any gods before me. That’s basically saying do not commit idolatry.

Okay? So if you have a porn addiction, or you’re addicted to pornography, you are committing idolatry therefore it is a sin. Okay, so pornography is a is a gateway into sin so like don’t do it. Porn is also unwise due to the damage extreme damage to men’s hormones, and also neurological transmitters because you’re basically if you’re masturbating while looking at pornography, you’re engaging in a sexual act that doesn’t have all of the neurotransmitters it’s only dopamine there’s no oxytocin there is no you know, the the other neurotransmitters that are there. When you’re having your orgasm experience.

It’s dopamine only, and this can lead to a dopamine addiction. This is why intp men and INFP men but especially intp men struggle the most with pornography addictions than anyone. This is why I maintain that si child, out of all of the 16 types is the most likely to commit the sin of idolatry. If you think about it, okay, from a psychological standpoint, so this is why I highly recommend to si child men above everyone else to practice fasting, fasting from food, fasting from pornography, fasting from video games, fasting from any dopamine activity, to prove through concrete action that they are not committing idolatry.

That’s that’s important. Okay. It’s an also an aspect of, it’s also an aspect of self respect. So let’s talk about fornication, fornication, aka premarital sex, or extra marital sex.

It can be unwise, if it’s culturally unacceptable. I mean, it’s culturally unacceptable the United States of America is you know, in certain states, you can actually you can, if you have extra marital sex, for example, you can be put into prison. Did you know that some states have that on the books? Okay. So it can be unwise, it’s definitely permissible, but not exactly beneficial as the Apostle Paul would say.

And here’s, here’s, here’s another one. Okay, let’s see here. Yeah, I’m okay. I need to forgot another point.

Another aspects of something that is not generally considered sexual immorality or pornea. But should be added I maintain it should be added to the definition, but it’s not it’s a sin on its own right. marriage vows marriage vows are a sin. They are a sin under Matthew, chapter five, verses 31 through 37.

That passage explains just how marriage vows are actually sinful. And marriage vows are literally another form of idolatry. Okay? That’s a form of idolatry. It is a sin.

And if people are trying to argue with me all the time, but it’s pretty obvious Matthew chapter five in the Sermon on the Mount with Jesus saying what he’s doing, because like, it’s, it’s a sin, it’s idolatry. It’s no different than Adam telling Eve, it’s okay that you’ve screwed somebody else behind my back, I still love you anyway. And I’m in it for good. And I’m going to put my put you above me, because you’re more important than me, because I’m a beta cook.

And I’m like, Okay, wow, really, thank you for committing idolatry there, Adam. So that’s, that’s a problem. So marriage vows are also a sin. So, anyway, we spent a lot of time discussing what is not sexually allowed, and what is technically sexual sin, you know, based on this.

So let’s actually talk about what is allowed, you know, we see all these things, you know, oh, thank you. So yes, Joseph are telling me what I can’t do. So what can I do that I thought this lecture was about sexual freedom? Exactly. So So what does that mean? You know, what, how do we come to these conclusions? Right? So let’s, let’s talk about what is allowed under the sexual standard.

So Matthew, chapter five, verse 37, talks about let your yes be yes. And you know, we know I talked about in last night’s lecture, et cetera. And it basically is just be a man or woman of your word. Okay? If you agree to exclusivity with a woman and be exclusive with her until such time you tell her that you don’t agree to be exclusive with her anymore, etc.

There it is, you know, let your Yes be Yes. And your no be No, but don’t don’t go into marriage vows. That’s really a bad thing. So for example, if a man does not agree to exclusivity with a woman, and this even includes his wife, he can have unlimited sexual partners in his lifetime, in and outside of marriage, that is absolutely allowed, that is very allowed.

And now if he made a vow or promise, or he said that, yeah, I’ll be exclusive and just committed to just you as a woman, then he needs to tell his woman that that is no longer what’s going to happen and live his life differently. Because if he doesn’t do that, then he is a liar, which would be a sin. Technically, he would be wrong, and he’s a liar at that point. So.

So yeah, if if a man never agrees to exclusivity with a woman, then he can have unlimited sexual partners. And it’s so funny like because I see some men in the men’s group, the CSJ men’s group who have a roster of women that they’re banging. There’s a guy in the men’s group who’s got six different girls that he has sex For relationships with at the universities that and every now and then one of them will try to challenge him and and then deny him sexual access to her because she’s demanding commitment from him. And he refuses and says like, well I never agreed to that to begin with and basically just dumps her and moves on to the next person that’s on her for having low standards and four nights ensuring commitment right from the get go.

That’s on her, not on him. So this is an aspect of male sexual freedom a lot of people aren’t aware of. If you don’t agree to exclusivity, then you’re not violating you’d let your yes be yes and your no be no okay, which is the gold standard of sexuality. So, provided a man is not committing idolatry and harming his health.

You can look at porn once in a while. Basically. That’s an also provided that pornography is not violating pornea or sexual immorality either like obviously child porn, right? Right, obviously. So provided there is no spiritual or ritual component of the sexual act, a man can lie with a prostitute, although this is not recommended and very unwise, as I’ve just already established if a man made past commitments in his marriage due to marriage vows, because he didn’t listen to CS Joseph in 2021.

outlining exactly what the truth is, instead of what the bullshit that the church is serving up every Sunday with their emasculating slop that’s delivered from the pulpit. If a man made past commitments in his marriage due to marriage vows, he can still inform his wife that he will be changing his model sexual rules under let your Yes be Yes. And your no be No. You know, sometimes, you know, men when it comes to agreeing to marriage and marriage vows and doing that whole thing.

They’re not even aware of what they’re getting into, for example, marriage is the contract that no one gets legal advice on. So given that the men effectively were ignorant or completely unaware of, you know, the consequences of making those vows and the consequences of making those promises. And you know, it’s kind of like signing a contract under duress. Under duress, that contract is effectively null and void.

Basically, this allows men to basically tell their wives Yeah, well, I mean, I didn’t know about hypergamy, I didn’t know about your solipsism, I didn’t know about male idealism. I didn’t know about rite of passage. I didn’t know about any of these things, because my dad never taught me and I’ve been conditioned by and socialized by society and the church to just you know, believe in the soulmate myths and have one partner and have one commitment. And never one ever told me that I could live my life this way, which is how I would prefer to live it therefore under let your Yes be Yes.

And your no be No, I am telling you that my know is now No. Right? Or I’m saying yes. To this other, this other lifestyle, okay? Now for her to go have an extra marital affair or with somebody or an extra marital sexual relationship with a woman who does not belong to another man without permission, etc. 38:28 Then you would still be a liar, you know, to your wife in that marriage situation.

So you would be wrong. So you have to tell her ahead of time, you have to tell her, it’s very, very important that you tell her that if you don’t tell her you’re a liar, and thus insane. Okay. So granted, granted, when when women, especially your wives, when you tell them that you’re going to live your life this way, they’ll want to, they’ll want a divorce.

And this is most likely to happen, you know, especially if the woman is in her late 30s or in her 20s Because she knows that she has some sexual market value left, although a woman does not have very much sexual market value in late 30s. Actually, she basically has none. But due to development phase, they kind of inflate their ego in their late 30s Sometimes, and that’s where you get books like Eat, Pray, Love, et cetera, from Elizabeth Gilbert. And it’s, it’s a problem.

It’s a it’s a serious, serious issue and they they end up you know, going seeking divorce on their own because 80% of marriages that end in divorce are knit that divorce is initiated by women, right? So some some of your wives when you when you say that you’re going to live your life by this new standard, they’re going to want to divorce you know, and it’s funny to me because we already know that, you know, as predicted by Rollo Tomassi that society already is in a state of Open hypergamy but it’s going in a state of open coquetry. And open cuckold dri is known as polyamory. Okay, and that’s the beta male version, the alpha male version is polygamy. And the difference between polyamory and polygamy is that polyamory is, a man can screw any woman he wants, but women can screw any man she wants, and potentially get pregnant and who’s the father and you know, who’s the responsibility of taking up that person.

And that’s very possible in the affluent society that we live in now, because we have moved from a nuclear family model to a child support model of Child child rearing within our culture, so that it’s very possible. The Alpha version, polygamy basically is a man can have sex with as many women as he wants, but none of those women can have sex with any other man except him. And the alphas and the super high high value men live their life that way, or will be living their life that way, within the next two years, with the next two years, you’re going to see this as a normal sexual shift. You know, as a result, it’s very normal for that, and that’s coming.

So yes, granted, your wife may want a divorce when you tell her that. Now, but here’s the thing, here’s the thing. And this is something that men need to be educated on. So if you’re a man married to a woman who is in her 40s, or late 30s, or in her 30s, even, and all of a sudden, for the first time in your life, you’re attracting 18 to 26 year olds, because you’re in your prime.

And a woman’s prime is basically from 18 to 25, that’s her prime, but a man’s prime is basically 36 to 42. So if you’re in that age range, and usually, you know, men get married to women at when they’re 29. And they’re about the same age as each other. So statistically, if you’re like 40 years old, and you’re attracting, you know, 20, a 2223 year old, but you’re married to a 39 year old woman, post childbearing age doesn’t have very much sexual market value whatsoever, etc.

And you’ve, you’ve come to realize these truths and come to realize what’s going on as a result, you. You have a lot of leverage within your marriage. So basically, you could, so what I’m saying is, is that given that your wife at that time does not have much sexual market value, it’s actually less likely that she would divorce you and just be like, okay, yeah, fine, let your USBs you know, be No. And then at the same time, you could also tell her that you expect her to only be with you, and not any other man at the same time.

And you can actually, in effect force a polygamist type of relationship, within your life with your existing marriage. Because women have way less leverage the older they are right now granted, because of feminism and the feminine primary social order, and because women’s innate solipsism and their hypergamy is heavily enabled by society, it’s still there’s still a good chance she still may seek divorce, but any man that she can attract after you would be at least 20 years older. I know a 50 year old screwing a 30 year old, I know a six year old screwing a 37 year old for example. So the older a woman is older a man she can attract, therefore, she has less bargaining power when it comes to being in a marriage.

So if you as a man, because you’ve been lied to your whole life, and conditioned and socialized into thinking one man, one woman, soulmate myth, crap committing to one woman not having any sexual freedom under improper biblical teaching, or bullshit from the church, you’d have a lot more leverage than you realize. And you can utilize that leverage with your wife, because it’s like, you know, hey, I’m attracting 20 year olds, for the first time in my entire life, I’m going to seek that out, and you’re just going to have to be okay with it. And because women at that age, kind of more value security, instead of you know, Alfa fitness, for example, they’re more than likely to actually be okay with it. Furthermore, women biologically are actually programmed, they’re pre programmed to allow men to have multiple sexual relationships with other women otherwise, the only reason why they don’t now, by and large, it’s because they’re socialized by society in the feminine primary social order and conditioned to think otherwise.

But biologically, there’s this thing called and you can look this up. It’s called a mate copying or mate copying strategy. It’s also known as the bachelor effect, as taught by Andrew Ryan. And basically what that means is, is if a woman sees you with other women, you’re already qualified to be attractive and a man of value because you are with other women, and that’s called mate choice, copying, right? And there’s a book that actually explains how that dynamic works of a man taking on multiple women, basically, and he has exclusive sexual relationships with them or any other woman of his choosing, but they can’t have sex.

with any other man, only him basically. And that book is called the Red tent. And that is one of the books that we asked the women’s group to actually read is the red tent. It’s historical fiction, it’s a fantastic read.

But it really outlines the social dynamics of what’s actually happening, you know, in a polygamous, like a relationship which alpha males and high value men will be enforcing within the next two years if not, they are doing already right. And as a man who has been a beta as allies, and in that model, and basically a polyamorous his whole life, if he’s able to upgrade himself to the level of alpha or sigma as a result of rite of passage and making and continuous improvement, and all of those things that build up his masculinity, so where he can turn himself into a high value, man, then he can actually have that polygamous lifestyle. What I’m saying though, is to married men is like if you’re in a situation, if you’re in a situation where, like, you’ve had the truth pulled over your eyes, and you’ve lived this existence, where you’re being socially forced against your will and conditioned into thinking, one man, one woman only commit to one woman, you don’t have to, you really don’t have to. And because you are sold a false bill of goods, you have every right to tell your wife that no, I’m going to live my life this way.

Because you didn’t know any different. It’s like signing a contract under duress, you should not be held responsible for something you agreed to without knowing the full consequences of what you agreed to. That’s why I’m here to educate you appropriately. So understand how important that is.

So I’m just going through my notes. So if you’re a man married to a woman who’s in her 40s, and you’re attracting 18, and 26 year old girls for the first time in your life, because you’re in your prime and for your wife have these changes and go for it. She may divorce you, but 80% of marriages are initiated by women anyway, besides of how bad things are getting in the world right now, food shortages, labor shortages, hyperinflation, the four horsemen of the apocalypse pestilence, famine, war is around the corner, folks, war is around the corner. The older your wife is, the less likely she will divorce you.

This is really important for imp men to understand because they’re really really uncomfortable and in their and protect their comfort zone, it’s really hard to get them to be comfortable with asserting themselves in this way. In fact, due to a concept known as mate choice copying, which I just talked about, aka the bachelor effect, women are biologically programmed to allow men to have other women whether or not they are willing to admit that or not, it doesn’t matter if they admit it because you judge a woman by her actions and not her words, because women have this thing, where they will move the goalposts and change their mind consistently so you can only judge a woman by her actions, and never her words. Society conditions, women via feminism and enabling their innate female solipsism that one man, one woman is the social norm, but it is not the biological norm. Okay.

An interesting book that outlines how this works, that’s the red tent, which is what I said is going through my notes, make sure I didn’t miss anything. So my point is, if your life’s SMB or sexual market value is low, and is and it is declining every day, it’s just getting older because a new woman is turning 18. Every day a new woman is turning 21 Every single day. It is very likely that you as her husband can pull off this paradigm shift without facing a divorce.

Also, whether or not you allow her to have additional sexual partners is technically up to you. It is your choice. 48:31 Not hers, it is technically your choice. Now, she can divorce you and under divorcing, you know, she is choosing to be an adulterous and this is why it is written in the Bible.

You know, and Jesus said, You know, it’s not good or a man should not divorce a woman because he’s literally turning her into an adulterous, which is technically true. This is why I do not teach men I no longer teach men to divorce women except for certain circumstances. But if she’s not committing adultery, then don’t divorce her. Just keep her and make it her choice to divorce.

You make it her choice to become an adulterous on her own. Make it her choice. That way, you don’t have any sin. And she is the one choosing to be a hell, not you.

Okay? And it’s so funny because the feminine primary social order just allows women to have this thing judging men. Well, you know, you going around screwing a bunch of other women, why can’t I screw a bunch of other women because genders are not equal? That’s why Because women’s value is based on how many sex partners they have. Okay, that’s why the highest value woman is the sexy virgin, sexy, feminine virgin, right? That’s how it works. The sexes are not equal.

And according to biblical teaching, women were made for men, not the other way around. Okay, so get over yourselves. I don’t give a damn about your feministic idealism, which can only exist in a cultural of affluence? And guess what ladies affluence is leaving this culture rapidly? Then what are you going to do? Because your feminist ideals as a result of affluence and affluence in a culture is a precondition a prerequisite for your feminism to exist. And once it goes, once affluence goes, you’re going to be running to men for help anyway.

And so funny, someone I talked to, recently told me, yeah, you know, without cultural affluence, without affluence and culture, women definitely know their place, but without affluence. They don’t. Interesting how that works. So it’s kind of like, you know, the more hardship that we faced Marshal hardship that we face on a day to day basis, especially with our battle the elements definitely means feminism doesn’t exist, because the women ultimately have to, as it is written in the book of Genesis.

They don’t really have a choice, but to you know, your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you. Okay, that is one of the two curses given to Eve in the Garden of Eden as a result of her hypergamy because she had sex and cooked, Adam. Okay? That’s a fact. All right.

So that’s a problem. So, moving on. The point is, is that so if your wife’s s&p is low, and is and it is declining every day, it’s very likely that your husband can pull off this paradigm shift that facing divorce. Also, whether or not you allow her to have additional sexual partners is all completely up to you.

However, if she divorces you make sure it is her choice. I agree with the Bible, it is wrong for a man to divorce a woman unless she committed adultery. Otherwise, you shouldn’t divorce your wife in any circumstance. And another way of looking at is, is don’t chase a woman replace her.

So if your wife is behaving poorly, and you would have grounds to divorce her, but she didn’t commit adultery, all you have to do is tell her, Hey, I’m letting my USBs and I know, we know, and I’m gonna go have sex with other women over there. I’m actually in talks with an INTJ you know, who’s like, Hey, I don’t really want to have sex with my husband anymore. So but that means it’s incumbent on me to buy him the hooker or potentially introduce him to other women, so that those women can have you know, you know, sex with my husband is so it’s no longer my responsibility. I found that very fascinating.

You see what I’m saying, like this is this is a thing, this, this, this cultural shift is coming, folks, and you have to get ready for it. So as as a result of all of this, this, this is the crux of the entire episode or lecture that we’re doing here. And so I actually took the time to help provide a guide of sexual freedom because you realize, you know, as a result, you have a lot more sexual freedom, especially even under the Bible than then you realize, but here are the 10 commandments, of sexuality, the 10 commandments of sexuality. Commandment one do not engage in sexual idolatry, do not commit idolatry.

It’s like it’s very similar to Thou shalt not have any gods before me. See, God expects man in general are humanity Thou shalt not have any gods before me. It’s no different than a husband telling a wife, you shall not have any other sexual partners apart from me, and that even includes in a polygamous situation. Okay.

That’s a fact. This is why that’s the first commandment no sexual idolatry. The second commandment, let your yes be yes and your no be No. This is basically Matthew chapter five.

Verse 37. Also means do not engage in marriage vows. Okay? That’s also the same commandment. No marriage vows marriage vows are idolatry.

Technically fall under Rule number two, or rule one or commandment one. Okay? So don’t do that. Commandment three, which is for men. No sex with a virgin unless you intend to keep her.

Commandment four which is for men, no sex or lust with a woman that belongs to another man without his permission. Now if he gives you permission, have at it. The next commandment for men, no divorcing a woman. Never chase a woman only replacer.

You can only divorce her though if she commits adultery. Basically, if she cooks you, yes. But don’t divorce a woman. The next the next commandment.

So remember, don’t chase a woman. Don’t divorce a woman. Replace her or take on an additional woman. Okay, have mistresses have concubines? It’s okay.

It’s biblically allowed. And Benjamin Franklin recommends that you have when you have mistresses potentially have older women because they very much appreciate it. The next commandment so we’ve done 12345 10 First Five commandments. Let’s look the sixth commandment for women.

No sex with a man who is not your heart. husband without your husband’s permission. Okay? Pretty basic. The Seventh Commandment, no sex during menstruation.

people balk at this, but I believe it’s for health reasons, especially since when a woman is menstruating, it’s it’s like 100% chance that a man is going to contact a contract a sexually transmitted disease. So if there is one president, so yeah, no sex during ministration the next commandment says number eight no incest. I think that’s pretty obvious. Number nine, no pedophilia, also obvious.

And number 10, no ritual prostitution at all. And while prostitution in general is very unwise, it is technically allowed, but no mixing spirituality or belief systems with prostitution whatsoever. This is what Paul was preaching against in the book of Corinthians. So, in conclusion, society is moving in a more poly direction whether or not you accept this or not, I don’t care.

You know, beta men will be relegated to being a to supporting the feminized system of open coquetry. And everyone will basically polyamorous alphas will expect polygamy, which means the women out there with can only be with him and no other men. And as such, if he has those women, he can cut off any of those women who basically caught him in that situation, because he is the high value man. And he gets to determine the terms for his life.

That’s just the reality of the situation. So that’s what’s coming. So these, the 10 commandments of sexuality here are basically to be not just guidelines, but actual rules, or a moral code by which you as a man can live by within society. So you understand exactly what the problems are, where the sexual sin actually is.

And, and as a result of that, you really know that you actually have a lot more sexual freedom than you realize it’s just a lot of men out there completely oblivious to this fact. But it is a fact. Basically, now, a man who is married to a 39 year old, disrespectful, feminist woman, all of a sudden has options that he never had before. And he could leverage those options against his wife, anytime, all, because, for example, when a woman gets married to a man, the fact is, is that men don’t get very much out of marriage.

In fact, they get very little, if not, they actually get nothing. Because when a woman gets married to a man, she no longer has to sexually perform, because she’s cashed out of the sexual marketplace. She doesn’t have to compete with any other women anymore. When she went before marriage, she does have to compete with other women, because you as a man could be sleeping with someone else.

That’s where the hot spider monkey sex comes from. But sex quality, sex goes down, frequency of sex goes down as well. They go down when you get married. And then also your woman lets her body go and she gets ugly.

But if you as a man, especially if you’re a high value man who has multiple women, that you have sexual relationships with all those women, and they are aware that you’re having multiple sexual relationships with other women, and they’re aware of it, guess what, guess what, they will compete with each other for your attention, which means hot spider, monkey sex is always on the table, they will never let their body go ever one time, they’ll be very respectful. They’ll feel grateful, they won’t allow their innate solipsism to get in the way. Because they have the solve systems of other women to deal with. And then they keep it in the feminine female space where solipsism belongs, and never actually heads into your male space.

You see what I’m saying? And because of that, they are a lot more humble. Okay? And who and what man doesn’t like a humble feminine woman? Right? That’s how you humble women never chase a woman, you only replace her or in the case of the high value man who has multiple sexual relationships with women committed to Him, by him, not necessarily committed to them. And to just them basically, in that regard, he is committed to them as in he’ll always be there for them and provide, you know, provisioning protection and parental investment, of course, and, and and love them, ultimately, because marriage that people think love is a prerequisite for marriage. Now, no, no, marriage has to be a prerequisite for love.

Actually, in the old days, you might want to consider that. Right? Love actually grew as a result of being married ahead of time in the old days, so you might want to consider that. So ultimately, you as a man have a lot more sexual freedom, even under the Bible than you realize, follow these commandments and as a man at last, you will have something worth living for. You’ll have something worth fighting for.

And ultimately, it’s something worth dying for. Doing so will bring back masculinity from the dead, and will be an everlasting challenge to society. And it’s Elite indefinitely because there’s nothing more dangerous to society and 1:00:04 its elite, the ruling class, then a man who has nothing to lose, or a man who has everything to lose. Imagine what would happen if this.

And if all men in culture were behaving like this simultaneously, society would be subservient to men as it should be. Instead of women subservient to society and men subservient to women, which is what Adam did in the Garden of Eden afterall if you want to save the world, if you want to prevent fatherlessness if you want to bring masculinity back into the world, if you want to challenge this corrupt, decadent society and its elite, then I highly recommend men that you all make the decision right now to live your life by the 10 commandments of sexuality immediately. As a result, guess what society will change for the better we will have a better tomorrow and our children will have a father full future where they will be able to engage in masculinity and femininity and ultimately the happiness of the human race will ultimately be restored. That’s pretty nice.

fatherless, annihilated. This is how you do it. This is how you as a man, participate, fall and live your life by the 10 commandments of sexuality, and I guarantee you happiness, you will find it. Thanks for watching, folks.

I’ll see you guys tonight.

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