cs joseph responds 

Welcome to CS Joseph response. I’m your host chase here to answer your questions on any topic union analytical psychology, or the four sides of the mind, also known as four sides dynamics. Today’s question is, are MBTI Types that use the si te judgment, access ego functions, generally more selfish and generally act more directly and clearly in their own self interest than MBTI Types that use the Fit judgment access? Ego functions. Okay, so the answer to this question is technically, yes and no.

It’s like as short answer. Yes. Long answer. No.

And the reason why is because there’s a lot of caveats. If this is, this is like very asterisk. And by the way, this question comes from Cora, we’ll see you right here. Here’s the question, are MBTI Types that use this access, but no one’s no one’s bothered answering this question.

So fair enough, it is kind of a more difficult question. So I understand that no one’s actually taken the time to, to use it. So we’ll just the camera here, and get back to the question. So the reason why this is happening is because a lot of people, you know, it’s so easy for si users to come off as selfish.

But the thing is, that’s not to say that ti Fe users, which are logic, ethical people with their terms of decision making fit people are moral, rational people, they’re more about belief, they’re more about their morality, they’re more about waiting out the decisions. Whereas a logical person is more of if this is true than that is true. And because they have that they end up drawing output conclusions based on ethics, you know how other people feel. So ti Fe users come off as very caring people, typically.

And FYI, users come off as very selfish people, typically. Now, this is actually a very shallow point of view. The reason why is is because a TI Fe user is capable of acting in their self interest. And as much as any human being actually is.

It’s just, it’s not as stereotypical. It’s not something that you can see very often. And you know, FYI, users, they’re there. They come off as selfish easily because they make decisions based on their mood.

It’s completely subjective, and it’s not really objective, whereas a TI user is a bit more objective, because they’re utilizing logos and ethics to make their decisions instead of morals aka one’s mood, or rational irrationality, K one’s beliefs or belief system to make their decisions. So naturally fit users do come off as selfish, more selfish and more self interested. However, that’s not, that’s not necessarily the case. Take an ESF j, for example, and this actually happened to me, my grandmother did this to me, she’s an ESF J and she’s a TI Fe user.

And, as an ESF J, she basically forced a bunch of family to go with her to some kind of local event where there are other people’s with her church, etc. It was like a wedding of some kind. And she forced us to go if you know we don’t know anyone’s getting married or don’t really have any relationships, these people, but she forced us to go and sell this it was our responsibility. She made it look like it was our responsibility our our moral duty to do so and her Extraverted Feeling hero was basically telling us and appealing to our feelings are FYI, feelings did make us go to this thing.

So otherwise, we’re going to feel bad, etc. But the reality situation is my grandmother did this as well too, for self interest, because she was trying to show off her family, to other people as in particularly other women within her church, basically. And this is something that happens all the time with SF J’s all the time, they do this all the time, or ISTPs ISTPs usually only act within their self interest to begin with, in most cases, because they are very interest based. They’re aware of what they’re getting out of a situation where other people guys situation.

And oftentimes ISTPs can make decisions. But even though their ti hero, their Fe inferior is still in there. And they can be insanely selfish. For example, some of the best con artists out there are actually ISTPs because they’re able to utilize their interest awareness and their expert sensing parent to see how people precisely are going to react to situations based on how they put it forward.

And even though they have expert intuition trickster, they can’t exactly see when someone else is trying to manipulate them or put one over on them from you know, from externally, but if they play a good offense, it’s their best defense. And one of the best examples I saw was recently was on a tie Tiger King documentary by the by director Eric good on Netflix, the ISTP known as Jeff Lowe, in that documentary, who is a real person, he basically kind Joe exotic out of his exotic animals zoo, essentially. And it was all, it was all very masterfully done. And this is clearly an example of a TI Fe user acting in their own self interest, etc.

So, a lot of people, a lot of people, you know, including myself, like I’m very vocally against fit users as being selfish and whatnot. But being selfish and making decisions selfishly versus acting in one’s self interest are kind of technically two different things, if you think about it, and labeling someone selfish, that too is subjective. So you have to have something with which you’re comparing that to, in order to draw that conclusion, right. So just understand that, you know, yes, fit users externally, they do come off more selfishly than ti ti Fe users.

However, both lines of thinking are selfish, both lines of thinking act in their self interest, it just manifests and comes off in different ways. That being said, if you were to combine and fit user with Introverted Sensing and Extraverted intuition and their top four function stack, which are philosopher types, philosopher types include es TJ is ISTJ is ENFPs and INFP is, then those folks are absolutely selfish because not only are they acting in their self interest, not only they make decisions based on their feelings or their mood, or what they value subjectively in that particular moment in time, but they’re all making decisions based on their comfort, their tastes, et cetera. What would make it easier on them looking for that I win button in life, right? A Philosopher’s Stone hashtag Full Metal Alchemist, you know what I’m saying? They want that they want to create and I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t button life these are the people that like skate through life, they’re always talking about smart work instead of hard work, etc. These are where the get rich quick schemes come from.

These are where you know, and these are where pyramid schemes come from racketeering as well as, you know, doing Shakedowns philosophers are all about that is because they value money, probably more than all of the other types. Now, the thing is, is they don’t necessarily steal it, they definitely go out of the way to earn it, or at least they earn it off the backs of other people. And they come off super selfish, because oftentimes philosopher types and of sacrificing their fellow human beings for the sake of their own gender, whereas Wayfarer types which are extroverted sensing, introverted intuition fit users, a little bit different, they’re more of they’re more of like, they’re all into pirating or stealing, basically, or theft, is kind of how they would get ahead, they wouldn’t sacrifice fellow human beings, for the sake of their own agenda, they would just take other human being stuff instead, right? It’s not necessarily earning stuff off of the backs of other people per se, unless they are stealing from those other people, in which case, you could argue they are earning off the backs of other people, etc. So there’s just two different ways.

You know, if you look at sleazebag, sleaze bags more likely to be philosopher types. And straight up clip those Well, those are more Wayfarer types, which are the N TJ SF P types, right in terms of fit users. So yes, in general, fit definitely comes off as more selfish. But again, that’s not to say that a TI Fe user can’t be acting in their self interest or actually being selfish themselves.

Actually, for example, next door, I have an EN TP kid who is a neighbor. He’s like nine years old, he’s pretty pudgy. And he refuses to walk up the three flights of stairs that he has to to get to his home, or to his room, etc. And I watched his parents pick him up and actually carry this very large child all the way up the flights of stairs, because he’s too lazy to do it himself.

Right? So it’s just it’s just really ridiculous to me, and he is a TI Fe user. Well, I mean, it’s all about what he can get out of situations too, because it’s all about because he’s a crusader type. He’s leveraging his level of comfort, per se, and exchange. His level of comfort and exchange for you know, I’m just gonna like, I’m gonna care for you as long as you care for me and it’s always a covert contract.

And a covert contract is when you say, Hey, I’m going to scratch your back, but you better scratch mine, but I’m not going to tell you that I expect you to scratch my back. I’m just doing this and you better reciprocate. It’s a law of reciprocity, right? That’s a covert contract. But when you don’t tell anyone that you have the expectation for them to do the law of reciprocity, you know, then that’s that’s actually technically manipulated and Templer types are STP, NF J’s, they’re very aware of the covert contract.

And while NFJ types use the covert contract to their advantage at times STPs don’t always do that. And they usually are anti covert contracts, and that they don’t allow other people to use them on themselves, even though STPs can use them on other people all the time. It’s really frustrating. Anyway, the bottom line is just because you’re an FE ti user doesn’t mean you’re not going to act clearly or directly in your own self interest.

It’s just that fit users end up having the stigma attached to that because it’s so obvious where it’s not so obvious with ti Fe users. Anyway, if you would like a chance at your question being answered on this channel, please post it on Quora and tag me or leave it as a comment below. If you want a guaranteed answer for your question, become a silver patron at CS joseph.ly forward slash Patreon and post your question on her private q&a Discord, where I’m answering all your questions during a private live stream etc. Please also make sure to Like and Subscribe and Support the channel as well.

We definitely really appreciate that we’d like to keep this content coming. So anyway, with all that being said, I’ll see you guys tonight.

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