1st Reflector Functions Te & Fe | S18 Cognitive Mechanics Email Lectures Public Release | CS Joseph


Please enjoy the public release of this Episode from Season 18 Cognitive Mechanics where CS Joseph discusses the 1st reflector functions, Te and Fe.


Hey guys, this is CS Joseph and this is season 18 Episode 14 cognitive mechanics also known as the first reflection. This is a beneficiary interesting episode probably a little bit controversial. Typically, for season 18, what I like to do is, I have the preference to do these four members every month, which we already did this episode for members basically, but this is effectively a reshoot, right. And it was necessary to do that we shoot into a lot of camera shake, a lot of interesting antics that made the show end up being like two hours and 15 minutes.

So the team and I felt it was kind of necessary to actually do a reshoot. And since we already shot it for the members, we’re like, you know what this is what’s supposed to be sent out for like emails, you know, once a month, so we’ll just do this particular episode in a, in a public manner. So that’s kind of what we’re doing. So this is like not normal.

And when it comes to season 18, this probably won’t happen again. So this is kind of like a one time deal, like a one time thing. So if you want to have the opportunity. Looks like I’m having some stream issues here.

Hopefully, the stream doesn’t break on me, because that would suck a lot. Let’s see here. Am I having some drop frames a little bit? I’m going to kind of exit out of certain applications to give myself some more bandwidth here. Let’s try that.

Let’s close a bunch of things down. Let’s see. All right, cool. Hopefully, that helps.

We’re gonna quit that. Quit that. gonna quit that. Yeah.

I really hope this works. So. But anyway, okay, cool. So far, so good.

least least I imagine that works well enough. So yeah. Anyway, wanted to have the opportunity to get this lecture out, but had to reshoot it. So I want to apologize to the members that did actually watch this.

And it was insanely long, etcetera. But that’s okay, I prepared a more condensed and precise outline for the specific content. Because this content is quite different than what we’ve typically talked about before. So it’s, it’s kind of an interesting, you know, approach.

Okay, thank you for pointing out my sad man hat. I had no idea a Seahawks hat was se demon. But fair enough. Yeah, sure, Lorenzo.

It’s all good. But anywho greetings from Seattle. I’m in my Airbnb from Seattle right now and brought my streaming gear, and hopefully, the internet connection actually holds up to this end, that would be nice. That’d be really nice.

So yeah, but anywho if you folks like wanna like, make sure that you’re getting season 18, make sure you’re signed up at CS joseph.ly forward slash type grid, or you’ve taken in your test and put it in like an actual valid email address. Because that means you’re on our email list. And if you’re on our email list, that means you will receive season 18, the lectures or whatever, private lecture that we’re doing for that particular season for that month, it’ll just be emailed to you to like a private link and whatnot, and you get to review it, which is pretty awesome. If you think about it.

So and so yeah, yeah, you can, you can do whatever you want logical perspective, just give credit to where it needs to be given. That’s, that’s all there is to it. You do everyone. Okay, so awesome.

So let’s, let’s actually, like dive in to this lecture here. So this lecture is based on John Dr. John bebes, book energies and patterns of psychological just that book yet. What are you doing with your life? If you actually care about union analytical psychology, then you’re gonna like, want to actually read that book.

It’s actually pretty short as well. Pretty nice. I know that Dr. John Beebe claims to be an INTJ and other people claim that he is an INTJ.

But given his approach, I think with See what he’s saying? I kind of have to disagree, especially with like, his writing style is very like this happened to me, I said this, it’s very first person. Whereas you know, INTJ is when they write the very second person with a right but like, that’s just one particular example among many, I’ve actually met him in person, really cool guy. But I like him to be a lot closer to Carl Jung In, and just how he thinks about things. And it’s my personal opinion that Dr.

John Beebe is like the second coming of Carl Jung, quite frankly, that’s kind of how I see him. So, but within energies and patterns of psychological type, he talked about a concept known as mirror functions, right mirror functions? Well, I’ll be honest, yes, I renamed them to reflect their functions. And the reason why is because we already talked about cognitive mirroring here within the CSJ community about how like, for example, an INFJ, or an ESTP, or template, or types, which are STP and FJ types, they talk about mirroring often. And, you know, and that’s, that’s really important.

From from that point of view, mirroring is is you know what they do, like they, they’ll take on the behaviors of other people when they’re around them. And then when those other sources of behavior are gone, they’ll stop behaving that way, essentially. And that’s, that’s kind of basically what that means. That literally is what that means.

That’s where that comes from, etcetera. But that is not basically how I would describe mirror functions work. So this is the first episode of four episodes that are going to be diving into mirror functions, according to Dr. John Beebe, but we’re going to be, you know, keeping to the CSJ nomenclature by doing so by calling it reflective functions.

So this is basically the first reflection or the first cognitive reflection. And we’re going to be analyzing the relationship between extroverted thinking and extroverted feeling for this particular episode. Which means every single one of the types are represented within you know, this episode in the next three episodes after this episode, to be able to gain this type of understanding. So just keeping you guys aware of how that works.

Yes, Romain, it is a reshoot because there’s way too much chaos and the other. That’s correct. So And besides, you know, you might have like, an opportunity to ask some other questions. So but yeah, I mean, the members already had their opportunity to be on the show and watch the show and the crazy antics we had, but, you know, doing a reshoot, and it’s going to be a little bit more condensed instead of like, all over the place.

Carl, Gustav Jung is an intp. So no, I’m gonna stick to this specific episode, folks, try not to distract me too much, because there’s a lot of content to go over for this particular episode. So let’s get down to it. Okay.

08:12 So yeah, if you want to get a copy of energies and patterns of psychological type, and you would like to support us, you can do that via our affiliate links at CS Joseph dot life forward slash reading. So please check that out. Also, one thing about reflector functions that most people don’t even consider, or that they are unaware of is that if you watch this episode in the next three episodes, and you can get a general understanding of how reflector functions work and reflection relationships, between the cognitive functions, you’ll start to see how, you know, basically attributes of the Type grid ends up coming out, you’ll be able to basically see how certain cognitive functions directly contribute to affiliative behavior or pragmatic behavior, etc, or systematic behavior versus interest based behavior. And you’ll be able to come to a better understanding of why certain aspects or attributes of behavior are attached to the Type grid, if you’re going through the Type grid and checking that out.

So which is which is pretty nice. It’s nice to be able to have that point of view and be able to understand specifically, you know how the the Type grid is structured in general way, just from the perspective of reflector functions. Now, granted, we’ve talked about cognitive access, we’ve talked about cognitive synchronicity, cognitive asynchronicity, although I’m still talking about cognitive asynchronously, we still have two episodes left at that small season, and that season’s over. And we’ve also heavily explored cognitive orbit within the context of season 18, which please check it out.

Now, a few have missed some episodes of season 18. And because you weren’t on our email list or something or you unsubscribe from ELLs, and then you ended up in missing some episodes of season 18 You can actually watch every episode of season 18 As a member at CS joseph.ly forward slash members just become a journeyman member. And you’ll be able to do that also, by the way, like for those of you that think that coaching is a little bit too high price and whatnot, well, you can hire Jay Ackley and he just recently put up a video and he’s got a lot more videos coming out very soon, you can hire Jay actually at a at a reduced rate. And if you want, you can also just like do like an it’s our installment plan, which is just acolyte, which is the next level above journeyman so that you can like just pay a fee per month, you end up accruing coaching credits over time.

And then you can turn in those coaching credits for whichever coach that you want, et cetera. And there you go. So just throwing that out there in case you know, someone was confused about that. So, anyway, knowing reflector functions really helps you better interpret some of the behavioral attributes that are you know, assigned to the type unit again, if you want to get a copy of type grid, CS joseph.ly forward slash type grids, put in your email, boom at the Type grid, and then you’re going to be emailed one of these lectures every month.

So like, that’s the thing. So cool. All right. So yeah, it will be Emily j, it will be an interesting lecture so awesome.

Cool. So let’s keep going. Alright, so the the first cognitive reflection extroverted thinking versus extroverted feeling so live in minutes, 30 seconds, and is kind of basically with a lecture starts. But anyway, so what is the point of reflective functions? What what are the reflective functions, what What’s their purpose, and it’s, it’s basically to draw out the cognitive attitudes and extend the various energies that are being exchanged amongst the cognitive attitudes.

With all the other functions, we heavily explored cognitive attitudes within season 16 playlist here on this YouTube channel, if you haven’t watched that, yet, it’s one of the most important seasons to watch, just to kind of get like a better understanding of how things work, etc. So I really hope you guys watch that. And it’s, it’s knowing knowing how the cognitive attitudes already are in their basic form, you can kind of see the reflector function of these these next four episodes as an expansion or an appendix to, you know, what we’ve already talked about in season 16. So this is kind of going to be going even deeper than we have before.

But before I begin, I have to immediately go to a fantastic example, using Harry Potter basically. And it’s specific to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which is book five or movie five out there for those of you can there and Harry Potter and yes, I will spoil it. And I don’t care because like if you haven’t, like watch the movie, or read the book by now that’s on you, and therefore not my problem. So get over yourself, just so you know.

But reality is Harry Potter, the character has to find something like a specific prophecy that was created by a professor at Hogwarts about him, etc. And this prophecy, what’s contained within the prophecy actually explains, in essence, how reflector functions work. And I found it very fantastic. And it goes down like this.

It’s talking about how, you know, neither Harry nor Voldemort, or it says, quote, neither can live while the other survives, right? So you want to see your reflector functions, all having a particular relationship with one another. Kind of like how you have cognitive access, where your hero function is linked to your Inferior function, your parent is linked to your child function, your nemesis is linked to your demon function, your critic function is linked to your trickster function. Or you can look at cognitive orbit, we have a hero connected to the Nemesis, you have the parent connected to the critic, the child connected to the trickster, the inferior connected to the demon as well. Those are examples of cognitive orbit.

And all those are important from, you know, to that point from that standpoint. But reflective functions have a completely different set of relationships. And a set of relationship that they have is that the hero function is connected to the demon the parent function is connected to the trickster, the child function is connected to the critic and the Inferior function is connected to the Nemesis. This is basically a third set of connections or back doors or front doors as you will doors to different cognitive functions based on the position within your ego and your unconscious right.

And later in the lecture. We’re gonna be talking about how you know currently Jung made the statement about, you know how, you know, it’s important that we go out of our way in life to make our own conscious conscious. And we’re going to be explaining why that is, you know, as a result of this lecture and where that comes from and how that matters, and why it manifests it, this is it, we’re gonna be discussing that right here. And now.

So anyway, um, so, with that being said, here’s another interpretation. This comes from the Kentucky Fried sage. Because, you know, my mentor, my INFJ mentor, we always refer to him as the a Kentucky Fried sage. And he always would say, you know, Chase, there’s always a little bit of a demon in the hero, there’s always a little bit of demon in the hero.

And basically, what he’s talking about is Dr. John bebes, mirror functions, but you know, and we’re renaming it to reflect your functions to keep our nomenclature consistent and less confusing for people. Because, I mean, a lot of the psychological community use synonymous terms on a regular basis. So it kind of is what it is, you know, so but I’m trying to make it less confusing for folks.

But yes, there’s a little bit of the demon in the hero. So let’s, let’s actually discuss that. So the first reflection is extroverted thinking as linked to Extraverted Feeling, and it has a lot of different links to do that. So let’s actually review how that you know, looks visually, so I have the trusty whiteboard from like, you know, forever ago.

Have you guys remember the the target the target whiteboard? Wow, it’s like, really horrible. Oh, and by the way, like, I started like running out of ink with like, the dry erase marker today. So yeah, like the actual marker that came with it finally just decided to die today. But yeah, so yes, the first reflection so there’s, there’s a lot of that there’s a lot of information here.

Now, these basically demonstrates how these are linked, you have the hero slash warrior, which is like the, 17:08 the immature versus the mature form of the hero attitude. And then you have the teenager versus the parent which is immature or mature, you have the child versus the divine, or your divinity is and then you have the infant also known as like the tyrant, right or the inferior, it’s a tyrant. Compared to like actual royalty, that’s where the whole Return of the King meme or trope comes from the Nemesis versus the ally, which is the immature immature form, then you have the senile old critic old man versus the wise critic or old man, then you have the Trickster versus the master and naturally the demon as the angel, but if you look over here, you can see how all these functions are actually linked together. So for example, you have extroverted thinking, which is up here, which is linked to expert feeling or extroverted feeling is linked to extroverted thinking at the bottom, and then this and then the next link is, you know, the parent is linked to the trickster.

The child is linked to the critic, and the inferior is linked to the Nemesis and the ally. And what this does is this creates something known as battlegrounds. And I cannot take credit for the battlegrounds because the battleground at our very own Chris Taylor within the CSJ community seem to have come up with Holy smokes, we just realized like my headset might die. That That sucks.

That’s okay, I have a spare battery for it. So we’ll see how it goes. Let’s see how long this lasts. But, but the point is, is that he discusses something known as the battleground functions.

And, and the battlegrounds basically are like so for example, you have the hero connected to the demon and that’s the battleground of Titans for example, because they’re both they’re both Titans they have a lot of power. And they have competition. I mean, think about it. This you know, the four sides your mind is like a house, right? And each side of your mind is a room within the house.

It’s like a four bedroom house basically. And the demon is like well crap, the hero is my roommate the ego this in the superheroes like crap, the ego is my roommate, and, you know, I have to make peace of them and the hero can overpower me and put me in my box. But you know, I’m like a person too. Right? So what about me and I gotta live with them.

So yeah, I’ll make peace while I can. But then every now and then the hero is going to be like bogged down and overwhelmed. And then that means I can come out of my room and start wreaking havoc, etcetera. It’s the same kind of concept.

Well, that’s, that’s, that’s one way that you know reflector functions actually come out because it can actually demonstrate or creates a lot of negative or destructive behavior within a human being and as much as they can also, you know, through you know, maturing and growing, for example, lead to a lot of, you know, mature behavior instead of immature via a lot of constructive behavior. You’re basically as a result of these cognitive reflectors, right. And so it’s important to keep track of that, it’s important to know like, you know where you are, because if you if you know where you are on this, you can kind of see areas of development that you would need within your life. And we discuss a little bit about this, within the context of season 19, if you want to get access to season 19, all you have to do is just take the test, and then you’ll be sent to like, one of like, you’ll be sent to the page with the results, and you could buy it for like 37 bucks, the to private lectures and, and you know, all of the public lectures for that type in that place, et cetera, all in one place, and you can have access to it for your type, but then it will like send you to like an upsell page, we can get all of them for an insanely reduced rate.

So you get like all 16. And this is where you go to CS joseph.ly, forward slash portal, and you can see all the different discover XYZ type, all of those contain individual season 19 episodes, as well as the first eight, season 14 relationship episodes all in one place. And those episodes really helped demonstrate, you know, a person’s path towards a personal growth, etc. And, you know, that’s important.

That’s, that’s very important. The differences though, is that while that really focuses on cognitive gateways, and being able to develop the individual four sides, your mind, you really want to also pay more attention to the granular approach of reflector functions, because reflector functions will give you kind of more of an individual localized pathway for self development. So you’d be a little bit more focused about it and recognize some of the, you know, other internal issues that may be happening. Because while it’s great to, you know, eventually master all four sides, your mind and reach integration, enlightenment, the thing is, is that, that will not occur unless you get a better handle on your reflector functions, you know, as a result, it’s dissolved, you know, very necessary, etc.

So, so yeah, so yeah, that’s the thing. But okay, yes, hello, everybody who are joining, let’s, let’s see some more likes, you got 88 users, but like, not very many likes, and I just might, like, get up and decide to go to the bathroom. And if you want to prevent that from happening, then, you know, just give me some more likes, please, that would be nice. So moving on.

So when you’re talking about like, so, so let’s look at let’s look at like the skin a little bit deeper on the individual reflectors, like from an attitude point of view, you know, obviously, you know, te Fe of the first reflection, but then you have the hero versus the warrior, which can turn into the demonic hero, or it can turn into the angelic hero, which Angelica was kind of more closer to the warrior. And then you have the teen versus parent. So you have the foolish teenager or the masterful teenager etcetera. Or you have the inner child which can be like the divine child, and you can end up having a senile child, or a wise child, etc.

It’s kind of like that young man that talks or the little kid that is super wise, all of a sudden that no one like even thought that that child would like have some such wisdom. This is exemplified within like King Solomon, it’s also exemplified with the young man is described in the book of Job as well. Those are some examples of really, really young, super wise children, etc. And then there’s also like the infant versus the royalty, which could be like the highchair tyrants or the Allied King, etc.

And then there’s the Nemesis ally approach, which would be like the infantile Nemesis versus the royal ally basically. Or there’s the senile slash wise critic which could be like the childish critic or the divine critic etcetera, which is more of the version of the wise critic etcetera, plus then you have the Trickster versus the master. So, like the select this would be like the teenage the foolish teenager or the responsible masterful you know parents etc are the responsible the responsible master basically and then there’s obviously the demon versus the angel which would have the heroic demon or the warrior demon in the order demon would be actually be you know, more angelic essentially a Warrior, warrior Angel also like the archangel essentially, it was probably be more appropriate with the with the nomenclature there. So, all of these levels of reflectors within cognitive attitudes are absolutely necessary and you have to kind of understand how these reflectors within your cognitive attitudes within your eight attitudes like attitudes like like these, etc, going in through these eight different attitudes It’s all extremely necessary to know.

So you can kind of help measure your own personal growth where you are as a human being, etc. So it’s, it’s definitely a thing. So yeah. Okay, and so but yeah, but anyway, as you can see, like, you know, the energies that each of these cognitive attitudes have between this hero versus warrior spectrum, or this demon versus Angel spectrum, they’re exchanging energy with one another.

They’re exchanging energy with each other constantly. They’re exchanging energy through cognitive access, they’re exchanging energy through cognitive orbit, which is what we talked about earlier in the season. They’re exchanging energy through externally through cognitive synchronicity and cognitive asynchronicity. So those two are external, these two are internal, which is accessed in orbit.

And a third internal exchange of energy is actually coming through of these cognitive attitudes is coming through reflector functions. So you know, that’s just kind of how it works. That’s how energy is exchanged to you and your cognitive functions, et cetera. You know, to that end, need more likes folks.

Got it. Got to have some more likes, please. So yeah, and awesome. Rocca is here because he first, you know, suggested that I actually look into this.

And, by the way, like the fifth episode talking about reflective functions, he’s going to be coming on and doing a show with me where he’s going to be explaining the battlegrounds a little bit more. So hopefully, hopefully, he can keep doing that for us. And he is able to give that presentation because I’m very much looking forward to that and interviewing on that. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah.

Thanks for the branding. Shout out there, bro. Because like, I didn’t want to confuse people since we talk about mirroring with template types. So I had to like, I literally consulted my favorite dinosaur doing this.

If you guys don’t know, my favorite dinosaur is the source. You know, hashtag dad joke. Right? Right. I mean, I do have an infant right now.

So like, hashtag dad joke. 27:09 So, okay, if you have to ask why I need to likes, please like Google that. Please, just please. Alright, so so but anyway, the bottom line is, is that there’s multiple ways that cognitive functions can borrow each other’s energy, sometimes they spin on an access where they, where they float on an orbit, etc.

Or sometimes they’re just uniquely plugged together, and they’re just right there ready to go with that energy exchange, et cetera. So, so in general, this is kind of like the direction, you know, of development within the cognitive attitudes in relation to each other with the direction of how they’re linked through reflection. So, like, for example, Fe is a reflection of Te and vice versa, Ti is reflection of FYI. And vice versa, an eye is a reflection of SI and vice versa, and E is a reflection of S e and vice versa.

So, these are all these functions are also exchanging energy with one another. And as energy is passing through the barrier between what is conscious and unconscious, what is your ego versus what is your, you know, your shadow essentially. And this really, really maximizing this energy exchange, even in some cases, even in a destructive way, but mostly preferably towards a constructive way. Maximizing this energy exchange is what will really help you develop your functions and get them more, you know, away from the hero approach to their cognitive attitude, and closer to the warrior approach, or the demon approach their cognitive attitude more closer to the, the angelic, or as we say, you know, via cognitive transition or cognitive gateways, you know, the expedient route to the more meaningful route or the chaotic route versus the more orderly route.

That’s why we’re talking about this because it’s that important for the sake of your personal growth. It’s absolutely critical. So So yeah, thank you do for explaining to people. Awesome.

Okay, so anyway, but let’s, let’s actually provide some specific examples as to how these functions actually work and how this energy is being exchanged. Right? So let’s talk about the destructive reflections first. So the destructive reflections of extroverted thinking versus extroverted feeling where they’re either both immature, or they don’t match their cognitive development or one of them is mature versus one of them immature, etc. But they are incomplete.

They’re not complete within their journey towards maturity, or their journey towards development or their journey towards enlightenment or their journey towards being more meaningful and less expedient, etc. however way you want to describe But it doesn’t matter the it’s all the same anyways symbol or symbol logically speaking, you know from an expert intuition standpoint. But yeah, let’s let’s let’s give an example of what extroverted thinking hero looks like compared to expert feeling demon, right. So like for example, quote, if you follow my plan, then you’re human wow you guys don’t follow the plan that I made, so you obviously don’t care then so I will just treat you like a number.

You’re only human to me if you follow your plan. So this is something that we consistently see amongst extroverted thinking heroes on a regular basis how often our ES TJ is an E and TJ is both accused of treating people like numbers, right? How often do we see that we see it all the time. It’s because you know, Fe demon just doesn’t really give a damn about how other people feel. And as a result of that, it’s usually and it’s usually because they’ve been conditioned over time, because they like to make all these amazing plans.

Well, they end up treating people like machinery as a result. And it’s because you know, only a machine could actually follow their plan or their procedure that their extroverted thinking, utilize, because te hero is very systematic. So this is an example of a reflector function group, which is Te hero to Fe demon, you already know that, you know, this grouping is systematic. So this is an example of how cognitive functions show on a tie grid, how something is systematic, right? Just like how Fe hero to Te demon, guess what all Fe heroes are affiliative that’s an example of how something can be affiliative or should be affiliative.

Or why it’s affiliative. On the Type grid, right? Literally right here, we can see this right now. Okay, so, so yeah, like, you know, T hero is all about, you know, making these plans. And the thing is, the problem is, is that the more mature immature the TE hero is, the more immature the TE hero is, then well guess what? Their plans aren’t actually going to account or have the accountability for human beings, they’re really just going to end up treating people like numbers or machines or like cattle, which is really frustrating.

And this is oftentimes why, you know, immature or young or underdeveloped T heroes end up getting a bad rap or bad reputation or bad status with other people, because they just come off, so uncaring. And it’s because they’re putting all of their desire and all of their faith into the system or their plan, where they’re putting their plan above humans, which is not really an effective way to go. And it’s so interesting, because you can see this all the time with people like Jeff Bezos, or Tim Cook is they’re both T heroes, for example. It’s extremely common with them.

And with how they approach it, you gotta you gotta watch out, because they’re, they’re, they’re putting, you know, function over form. They’re putting the system above the people. And that can be a problem, right? So, and then we have, you know, the FE hero versus te demon, which is just as effed up, let’s be honest. So quote, only my opinion, here matters.

The only opinion in the room amongst all these people here, the only opinion that matters is mine, because I care the most, because I go out of my way to care about everybody else. Therefore, you have to listen to me, you have to listen to my opinion, my opinion matters most, you only have status, because I helped you build that status, right? This is kind of where you can see that Fe hero entitlement. And that te demon all of a sudden just doesn’t give a damn about anyone else’s status, anyone else’s reputation, anytime. And this is why they’re ti inferior without if they feel like they’re not being listened to, even though they expect everybody else to listen to them.

And even though they will not listen to anyone else, is because of their te demon, not caring about anyone else’s opinion, or anyone else’s status or anyone else’s reputation, except for their own because they see themselves as entitled to it, because they’re the one who goes out of their way to help everybody else. Thank you Fe heroes for being so entitled. Thank you. Thank you for that.

Great, you and you you will you electric got you folks don’t even ask for help, which is also really frustrating, because you’re not asking for help, continually puts you in the position of helper. But then when you help people, you destroy everyone else’s voice and put your own voice on a pedestal for everyone else to see. And then you expect everyone to listen to it because you’re the most caring person who is present. Wow.

This is why you This is why you know people in California, those women in California those e and f j ESFJ women in California who constantly talk about asserting their grandparent rights, wow. And will take their own children to court over how though how their children are raising their grandchildren, and they will destroy the reputation of these new parents, these children of theirs in in favor of, you know, asserting their te demon grandparent rights. Wow, that’s effective. Wow.

Oh my gosh, it’s so annoying. I hate it. I literally hate it. Stop doing it to stop.

Okay. Yeah. And then and then of course you know we have you know, te teenager like Te parent you know versus extroverted feeling trickster. Okay, this this the next level down since we’ve just we’ve just gotten done with a hero and demon destructive reflections.

Let’s go down to the, the, you know, the parent versus trickster reflections. Here we go. Here it is, quote, anything goes or anything can be normal. Okay, so let’s talk about that.

So an INTJ. They have Effie trickster, and because they’re Effie trickster, they are accepting of literally anything, anything can be acceptable, right? Well, it’s kind of the same with an ISTJ. The ISTJ is affiliative. So for them, it’s more like, well, anything can be normal or anything can be normalized, we can just create this random tradition, and it’s normalized, you know.

And the bottom line is that fe, tricksters, they accept anything and everything, but they shouldn’t, anything is acceptable. So te rules are created, that end up lacking principles, and don’t even follow social norms. They don’t even have to follow social norms. And then they make other people in their lives that are closest to them live by those rules, even though those rules have absolutely no social backing whatsoever.

Because anything goes or anything can be normal. It’s like, wow, wow, that’s like super disruptive. Like, really? Come on. Come on T parents, really? What the hell are you doing? How do you think you’re gonna be dignified or have like an actual status or reputation among people, when you constantly have this anything goes or anything can be normal attitude.

And then you enforce that attitude and other people just because you know what happens when you do that. So the people you are making them and keeping them ignorant. 37:10 Because of your ignorance of social norms, you are creating rules and standards based on that ignorance that cause other people around you to be stupid, cause other people around you to become ignorant, or make them more ignorant. This is what happens with a destructive reflection of extroverted thinking parent versus extroverted feeling trickster.

What the hell? What are you doing? It’s when your parent is being a teenager, not a parent. Unbelievable. Literally unbelievable. You’re literally like a teenage mom, you know, who like is loose with her ethics and her social norms and breaking social norms by getting pregnant, you know what I’m saying? To mom, and then all of a sudden, like, pretending that you have these rules over your child, even though you broke the social norm of getting a teenage pregnancy to begin with.

Thank you very much to the parents for this. Thank you. Thank you, thank you very much for contributing that to society. That’s fantastic.

Or we can look at the extroverted feeling teenager aka parent, right. And there te trickster quote, I’m just going to listen to everyone without any filter, which makes Fe parent create and enforce social norms that are worthless and irresponsible. And then I’m going to force everyone in my life to live by those social norms. Yay.

Wow. Even though like, you’re literally listening to anyone, it’s just like how my ex girlfriend is like, Hey, we’re this crystal, it has superpowers. And I’m like, wow, who did you listen to? To tell you that for you to come to that conclusion? Have you even bothered to verify that? No, you’re just going to adopt other people’s beliefs, and then force other people around you to live by those beliefs that you randomly adopted, even though you never actually verified them? Thank you very much, Fe parent and Te trickster. Thank you, thank you, thank you for destroying my life, for subjecting me to, you know, church dogma without verifying it yourself.

Thank you for, you know, subjecting me to the cult of the family, the cult of the church, the cult of the community. You want to know which of the cognitive functions are the most cultish. Those are Fe parents, folks, Fe parents, Fe parents consistently, consistently, this is a serious problem. Okay.

Like literally, that’s, that’s where it’s from. It’s so interesting because enps are often accused of creating colds, etc. And, and having those maniacal evil colds. But the reality situation is folks, it’s actually the FE parents.

They’re the they’re just not so easy to spot. You know what I’m saying? You can kind of see Jesus doing it with the disciples. So te child versus extroverted feeling critic. You need to think about this because I I deserve it.

And I am helpful. And because I’ve been helpful to you, you know, you need to think about these things. You know, you need to listen to me and my opinion, because I helped you, that automatically means my opinion is valuable. Yay.

You know, you need to think about these rules, you know, because this is what I value. Like, well, wait a minute, what about what other people value? Hold on? Okay, thank you, te child, thank you, you know, why are you making the claim that you deserve something. And because you, you deserve all that because you have credit, you know, you’re giving yourself credit, you give yourself credit, because you’re helpful. And so that means so that means your credibility is based on your level of helpfulness, the amount of effort you put into helping other people.

And that’s where you credit so so you’re admitting that you’re actually transactional, you’re admitting that you only help people so that you can be more credible so that you have enough street cred to have a voice to use whenever you want. So you can grandstand whenever you want to each child, wow, thank you that’s effective. That’s amazing. Like, come on, really, really are then there’s Fe child versus te critic, this is me, this is me.

Or it’s like, Hey, I care about these people so much that I’m willing to publicly shame them. Or I’m going to expose others for their stupid, right? So they stop being stupid and stop harming other people. And I’m just going to use that as my justification to expose other people and publicly shame them whenever I want to, and absolutely destroy their status and their reputation whenever I want to without any consequence whatsoever. Right? You know, you know, just be like, hey, you know, because my every child you know, wants to protect people from harm.

And because I’m protecting for people from harm, I have full on justification to harm other people. Like, Wow, great. Just great. You know, like, like, like, seriously? Okay, drop frames are still holding.

Hopefully we can get through the stream. Apologize for like, the stupid here. Oh, my gosh. Yeah.

A little bit buffering. But it should hopefully, come back out. Nope. stream has gone down again.

42:18 This is like insanely annoying. Let’s see here. All right. Supposedly, I’m back now.

Who knows? We’ll actually see. Supposedly, it is coming back. And I hit a button to take a photo of myself Great. randomly.

That’s nice. 42:49 Okay. Someone remind me of where I left off, please. Let’s see here.

type something. That’s so annoying. elec crap happens. Let’s see here.

And settings. Let’s see here. I hate this junk. There we go.

Just make that go away. Awesome. Yes, I am back. Cool.

Sure. All right. Cool. Yay.

It’s back about downtime. All right. Sorry about the FE parent. That’s where I was off.

Okay. So I left off at the FE parent. Okay. So, oh, te critic Fe child.

Okay. Yeah. Okay, so just to kind of refresh right where we left off. This is for me, Fe child versus te critic.

It’s where like, I give myself justification to publicly shame other people. Because I’m trying to prevent harm to other people. Because every child cares about other people. The thing is, is that it doesn’t realize or is aware that it’s kind of foolish, because it’s like, oh, I’m going to stop these people from being harmed by harming these other people.

Wait a minute. Is that like crazy how that works? And that’s every child, every child. Just basically all it does is shift harm. It shifts blame even is just the blame shifter.

That’s all it does. It just shifts blame. It shifts harm, it shifts public shame. It shifts fear, it shifts all these negative things.

That’s what happens when this cognitive reflection between every child and Te critic are being destructive. It just gives itself the excuse to publicly shame anyone and expose other people for their stupid so that they stop being stupid and stop harming other people, but then that in its own right could be considered harmful. You See what I’m saying? And then of course, you know, you go next to the you know, the inferior versus Nemesis functions, which is also just pretty freakin crazy. Okay? So so then like, you know, extroverted thinking inferior versus extroverted feeling nemesis, it’s like, quote, I have to take away your voice and make you look bad because your values don’t match my values, right? And they’re holding on to status kind of like sand, you know, because extroverted thinking inferior, and they’re holding real tightly to that sandwich, it’s causing the sand to slip through their fingers, etc.

And they’re worried about other people being selfish. And they’re also asking themselves, you know, will people contribute to me, you know, other people might be selfish, and they may not give to me, they may not contribute to me. And then because of that, they don’t, they don’t they decide to not go out. This is one of the reasons why Te inferiors are behind the scenes types, their background types, with their interaction style, and formative responding control or informed responding outcome, etc.

This is why it’s because extroverted thinking inferior is with their Fe nemesis, and they’re literally worried about other people caring about them. And and then because of that, it’s like, oh, I don’t want to lose this precious status that I’ve already gained. But the thing is, is that they’re not aware of the fact that their status is decaying. So they actually have to show up to keep their status.

But they don’t understand that. So then they just decide to withdraw and not present whatsoever, because they’re worried about whether or not people will value their opinion, or will even help them or contribute to them. Basically, it’s like it’s really toxic. Here’s another destructive approach, extroverted feeling inferior versus extroverted thinking nemesis, I care enough that you shouldn’t be thinking that about me, gosh, you’re stupid.

Why do I bother helping you? We don’t even take the time to listen to me. And I’m like, Well, wait a minute. Did you inform? Did you inform the other person that you’re only going to help them because they listened to you? Is that not transactional? Can you not see how transactional that is? Really, it’s especially bad for ISTPs because they’re interest based. See what I’m saying? So folks, this isn’t these are all examples, solid examples as to why you know, extroverted thinking, or an expert feeling within these reflective functions can be extremely destructive, right? Destructive all the way through.

So that’s, that’s a problem. Right? And it’s really, really annoying. So and, yes, web Calfee. It can shift focus from ourselves.

Yes, it can. It is like the every child is the ultimate blame thrower. It really absolutely is. So then, so then let’s let’s look at the constructive reflections of extroverted thinking versus Extraverted Feeling.

So let’s go back to the hero and the demon, or the warrior and the angel, essentially the archangel. So here’s the constructive reflections. And they this this is as if they’re both mature or they have similar cognitive development on the mature side, and what to be constructive with your cognitive, you know, with your reflective functions by cognitive reflection. In order to be constructive, you have to instead lead lead with your unconscious reflective functions instead of your ego functions, making your unconscious conscious right.

Carl Jung has said this multiple times. And this is literally how you do it. This is how you make your unconscious conscious is when you make the conscious decision to lead with your reflective functions in your unconscious first before your ego this is this is what people colloquially referred to as ego death, even though those people who talk about ego death don’t actually know what the hell they’re talking about. And I wish they would stop talking about that because it’s the most annoying thing in the world and just absolutely triggers me every time I hear them talk about ego death.

What they’re actually saying is what Carl Jung is trying to teach everybody make your unconscious conscious and this is literally how you do it folks, this is the answer. And if you do this and you practice this, you will help yourself develop your your ego develop the four sides your mind and develop your personal development towards maturity instead of immaturity towards the meaningful instead of what is expedient. For example, hashtag Jordan Peterson that’s this is literally how you do it. So let me give you some specific examples.

Extroverted thinking warrior versus expert feeling angelic or the angelic warrior, the Archangel warrior, quote, These people have a very human approach. I can make a more human plan where the plan itself is made for humans instead of a machine. The plan is far more refined. It is because it is because these you know T heroes are all of a sudden that a where they are aware they care there I find fear your cares all of a sudden that a human is following Their plan that a human is following their procedure, not a monkey, not a machine, not cattle, right, is where they start treating people like human beings, because they treat themselves like a human being.

So maybe they should treat other people like human beings and stop treating people like numbers or cattle, etc. It’s because whatever plans and processes that they make, to keep track of all the tasks, keep track of the schedule, keep track of time, keep track of widgets, etc. Always has like a, you know, a percentage of it, it’s very human centric, it’s all focused on the human approach and the humans who will be conducting that procedure or conducting that plan, right, or conducting that process. That extroverted thinking procedure, it’s very human focused, it’s not numbers focused, it’s human focused, they’re not so focused on how much profit they’re going to extract from these humans.

For example, a really bad example, came from a company in Seattle, I’m in Seattle right now. So it’s kind of very, it’s very pertinent, where this were a little bit where the where the chief of operations or the chief of finance literally said, quote, okay, we’re going to extract as much work and time and effort as we can from all of our employees as much as we can, as much as possible. They’re all on salary, we’re going to work them, you know, up to 60 hours a week, and then we’re just going to hire managers to oversee them to keep them as productive as possible, we’re going to extract as much productivity as we possibly can. This is the wrong attitude.

And that is an example of this reflector combination of extroverted thinking hero and FE demon gone bad when it needs to be exported, thinking warrior, and extroverted feeling angelic, because instead, these people would realize that their workforce would be far more productive if their plans included room or space to allow these people to be human beings instead of tattle or numbers or monkeys or machines. It’s not our you ever hear about the saying it’s so easy a monkey could do it. This is where that comes from this cognitive reflection these reflector functions is exactly where that saying comes from. 52:14 That’s why it exists.

Okay. All right, let’s do the next one. Let’s do the next version. Extroverted feeling warrior, and Te angelic.

So this is Fe hero versus a te demon in the healthy, constructive approach, right, and angelic warrior. Other people’s opinions actually matter. Because the TE demon cares about asking someone’s opinion, to raise the standard of extra feeling care, quote, I could be more efficient or have a higher standard of care if I just asked other people their opinion before I execute said care, because that makes my care more efficient. Oh, wait a minute.

So the FE hero is admitting to themselves via humility that they could be have a higher quality of care delivered to people that they’re caring about what if this person is a nurse? What if this Fe here was a nurse because they’re first asking other people’s opinions about how they can be more efficient about caring for other people, instead of just assuming with their ti inferior that they’re already the best at caring and only their opinion of how to deliver said care matters the most? Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, great.

Okay, fair enough. So I’m not asking other people’s opinions before caring reduces the quality of care folks asking other people their opinion about how you would care before you do it is not the same as asking for help. This is one of the reasons why Fe heroes don’t ask for help ever. Because they always did.

It makes them feel worthless. Because of their FYI, Nemesis, the thing is, is that asking somebody, their opinion is not the same as asking for help. You’re just literally having them share their opinion with you. So you can be more efficient at helping, which is what you should be doing, which is the mature variant of this cognitive reflection.

So make sure you do that. Okay, so seriously, like, make sure you do that. Alright. And then let’s get down to the parent function.

This is Extraverted Thinking parent versus expert feeling master right? This is the masterful parent, finding out what other people value allows the extroverted thinking parent to be more responsible with the rules. For example, from Naruto, right? Naruto is master Kakashi. Right? And it’s nice to have rules. But guess what all rules are subjective, and allowing certain rules to be broken for the sake of other people is what this cognitive reflection in its constructive form is all about.

So Kakashi had a lesson for his students notto sauce K and Sakara. And he explained to them that those who disobey the rules are trash. They are scum, but those who abandon their friends or leave their friends behind are worse than scum. You see, there is a moral or an ethic, an ethic that is behind the TE parent rules.

And the ethic is, consider that people come first before your little rules, your little rules may not actually matter before people matter to a parent. So for example, social norms obviously just don’t matter that much, but have their basic social normal, which basically means do no harm. If you’re an extra thinking parent, and your rules are actually harming somebody, you’re doing it wrong. You’re being immature, you need to mature up right and recognize through cognitive reflection, that maybe you should be focusing on do no harm with whatever rules or standards you actually create.

This is why the Hippocratic Oath exists. It comes from extroverted thinking parents, the Hippocratic Oath is the best concrete example of how constructive this cognitive reflection actually can be between Te parents and extroverted, invert and extroverted feeling, you know, trickster or when it’s masterful form, okay. Remember, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends or leave their friends behind or worse than scum. Never forget the lesson of Kakashi because that’s where this comes from.

All right. And then there’s the FE parent version versus te trickster, aka master when it’s being the masterful parents. Imagine te trickster actually filtering out things. So it’s ethical and social norms are accurate and valid, figuring out the right people to listen to, instead of just listening to just about anyone, which opinions are the most valuable.

appearances are deceiving to Te tricksters because of the fake social proof, like credentials, and training and credibility, which is all fake and subjective. And they assume without verifying that those opinions are more valid, you know, oh, he’s got a doctor, and he has these credentials. So his opinion is more valid, so I could feel safer about taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Right.

Okay. Sure. Did you actually like spend time to verify like, how do you know that? Like, how do you know? How do you know that you can trust that person? How do you know because they have social proof. So you’re making your little ti child decisions based on other people’s social proof that you could see with your Fe parent? How was that healthy? How was that constructive? Maybe you should spend more time verifying, instead of relying on social proof for your decision making Fe parents you ISFJs new INFJs out there, because guess what, when you rely on social proof for your decision makings, it makes you ignorant.

Stop being ignorant, stop relying on social proof, and instead, learn how to filter not everyone’s voice matters. Not everyone’s opinion matters. Why tell me why do you think the heroin addict laying down on the side of the street? And his opinion matters? Why do you think his opinion matters? It does not Fe parent, it doesn’t stop giving him the time of day, because when you do, you’re enabling him stop enabling him. And because you’re enabling him, you’re enabling society, and you’re enabling all those people who have social proof and who have credentials to actually have power.

Stop doing that, it doesn’t help anybody. Seriously. Stop doing it. And then Extraverted Thinking divine versus extroverted, feeling wise.

So this is a te child versus fe, Fe, Fe critic, also known as wise divinity, paying attention to what other people value ahead of time, instead of sharing their your own beliefs. So seriously, like ENFPs and ESFPs. Like, no one cares about what you believe. No one cares.

No one cares about your opinion. Find out if people actually care about the subject matter that your opinion relates to, before actually sharing it. Exercise some patience for once, if you exercise some patience, you might be more constructive with this cognitive function. And you might be closer to maturity and actually being meaningful, because then you would actually know that your te child’s opinion would actually be meaningful to be shared with at that moment in time, because you actually spent the time to find out if the other person actually values it or not ahead of time, you might want to do that.

Like seriously, you might actually be successful in your life, people might actually respect you, people might actually want to be around you or will be willing to stick around for you. People will actually be loved to hear your opinion or actually find it valuable because you’re very you’re trying to check what they value first before you share your values. It’s not that hard. Like be mature, grow up, grow up to each child grow up.

And then for me, oh yes, extroverted feeling A child versus extroverted thinking critic also known as extroverted, feeling divine versus extroverted, thinking wise or the wise divinity. Guess what, I can be really harsh with every child and harm other people for their own good. Like I said earlier, sometimes I take on too much harm for the good of others, or the good of the system, you know, extra taking critic is as good as the system. And I see those rules over there, and I’m filtering out the lies, so I can give people a better life.

So the problem is, is that, like I said earlier, is that, you know, 1:00:30 I’m shifting blame, or I’m shifting harm from one group to another. The differences is that every child needs to learn to take all of the harm onto itself, and learn how to become the pariah with its behavior. And thus, lead by example, leading by example is the key. That way, you’re not shifting blame anymore.

That way, you’re not shifting harm anymore. By leading by example, people will stop harming themselves and they’ll start thinking about things differently. Because you’re able to protect them by shifting it towards yourself. Now, granted, you have to have self respect and self esteem.

And not obviously, you know, sacrifice yourself for other people consistently. But the difference is, is that by leading by example, with your own life, you can slay every frickin sacred cow that these people have within their life and affect massive change. You ESTPs and you en teepees out there stopping policies, and stop being afraid to lead by example, I don’t care if you just freshly read a book, if you don’t have the life experience, to backup what you read in that book, then you’re what you think is absolutely meaningless. And you’re not going to help anybody, it doesn’t matter if you offer them advice, if you child, you actually don’t know what you’re talking about, because you don’t have the experience to back it up.

So stop doing it, it doesn’t make sense. Seriously, stop. You have to show people their sacred cows are as a result of their conditioning. And the only way to break their conditioning is if you break your conditioning first.

Okay, that’s how it is established, social norms may not be healthy. And guess what every child knows this. And I slay these establish social norms on a regular basis and take on the social fallout for your benefit and become the pariah for the sake of others. I break the rules, or the chains that are on other people.

So others can be free. And I can hopefully finally be myself and actually be accepted, socially accepted as myself. But if I’m just shifting harm from one group to another, no one learns their lesson, right? Because it’s like the blind leading the blind or, or, or better yet, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. And there is no one more eye for an eye than ti parent, trust me.

Watch out for that. Where’s the wisdom in that, folks, there is no wisdom in that. So every child’s like, you need to like seriously pay attention to this. Very important.

So in other examples, how I often answer questions, even though I don’t get paid like so, for example. I’m often accused personally of like people on Reddit or wherever else that you know, I’m only in it for the money. I only care about money, whatever, like, no one knows the amount of hours and time that I put in pro bono for so many people in this community that I don’t even charge the last few questions. And then I just have to like ignore people after a while because it can get pretty crazy.

But there are people out there who have some serious needs, like I’ve had some emergency calls. Sometimes I’ve helped talk people out of suicide on a consistent basis because it was a merchant, like I have put in the volunteer work, I have done the pro bono aspect and guess what I consistently do it, it’s just that you know, people often can take advantage of that. And then sometimes every child uses that taking advantage of victim mindset to shift blame and to shift harm from one group of people to another, instead of actually living by example, which is something both ESTPs and en TPS need to actually learn because that is the wise approach. No one else is going to be freed unless those people can see Fe child leading and living their life by example, so that those people can be free to because those people will not take the shackles off of their bullshit established social norms, or their bullshit rules and regulations and standards that they have.

They’re really poor standards until they see the TI parent aka the FE child leading in a completely different direction with their own life with their own point of view. That’s where it comes from. Okay, seriously. And then, and then the Inferior functions Extraverted Thinking inferior versus extroverted feeling Nemesis expert which is also extroverted thinking, royalty versus extroverted feeling ally basically them Ask for full royalty.

And basically says when just te inferior just decides, you know what I’m just going to show up, I don’t care if someone doesn’t care about me, or if they’re going to contribute to me, I respect other people’s values. And just because they don’t match my values, we will not cause me to remain silent. And I still will share my conflicting opinion and by conflicting values, people get rewarded in public for what they’ve practiced for years in private. And you know, what I practice my opinion, I’ve read all these books, I’ve developed my own value system, and I’m not ashamed to share it.

I don’t care if other people don’t value it, or people are not going to contribute to me because I can contribute to myself, I’m strong enough to contribute to myself, and I’m strong enough to share my conflicting opinion, regardless of the social or status or reputational Fallout, folks, it’s extroverted thinking inferiors would realize this, they realize that they would gain far more respect and far more status by sharing their conflicting opinions. Because it sets them apart. When they don’t say anything, they just look like everyone else. And then they don’t have status and their status decays over time, no shit, maybe they should like fix that.

And then the final one, extroverted feeling inferior versus extroverted thinking ally for you, ISTPs, an intp is out there, which is masterful royalty as well. When the student is ready, the master will appear. Okay, verify what others know ahead of time before attempting to improve and teach them how to do something, or attempting to help them verify whether or not they actually need your help first, before actually giving them help. Do you know how arrogant you come off? Well, you just show up and you just start helping them even though they didn’t ask it or they actually know how to solve the problem themselves, but they’re not doing it fast enough, or they’re not doing it the right way that you think it needs to be done.

Do you not arrogant you come off that way? Do you think you’re gonna be wanted? Do you think people are going to stick around for you? They’re not, they’re going to abandon you. And they’re not going to invite you to things as a parent in any parent. Pay attention. Verify, find out what people know first, before actually offering your help.

It’s that simple. Do it and guess what? Your fucktard functions will mature. Okay. Remember folks, reflective functions enable each other, the immature enables the mature but the mature does not enable the mature provides accountability.

Lead with your unconscious functions with your reflective functions first to develop your own personal maturity. Like Carl Jung said, in order for you to have a good life. In order for you to be the most advanced version yourself. You have to make the unconscious conscious.

It’s very important because it will literally lead and direct the entire path of your life until you do this. Okay. It’d be like, you know, like, if you’re doing this, we’re doing what is meaningful, not expedience, like Te trickster like filtering out things, or like my daughter who has, you know, te child. She’s not enabling her T child and her opinion, but she’s trying to find out if other people would value her opinion before she says it.

That would be amazing. That’d be absolutely incredible. Also, shout out to Chris Taylor for turning me on to this side of Dr. John bebes.

Book energies and patterns of psychological type, you’d like to pick up a coffee and support this channel, please go to CS joseph.ly forward slash reading and click on our affiliate link that will be fantastic. Also, shout out to Eric Bauer, who discussed the recent DNA related discussion with the cognitive functions I find that fascinating and I think I’d like you as a guest on the show to actually discuss that in front of the audience. I think that’d be that’d be great to do that. So if you could contact us at support at CS Joseph dot life to set that up? That would be great.

So anyway, folks, this is the first reflection these are the reflective functions of extra thinking versus extroverted feeling. And this is the end of season 18 Episode 14 Now I will be happy to do a quick 10 minute q&a session relating to the content of this particular episode if you would like so go ahead and ask me ask me these questions so okay. I ENFP study humanities at a mainly leftists university it’s really hard to say my opinion but I found people that respect me even though they don’t agree with me in a lot of things. That’s right Esteban, keep doing that keep doing that it will help you reach maturity faster, and thus happiness in life.

So yeah, how do you ping people? I don’t know what that means. Yeah, folks, like this is some of the stuff that we talked about in season 18. If you want to get it like emailed to you CS joseph.ly forward slash type grid sign up for the Type grid, put in your email re subscribe to our email list if you are not on it anymore, or take our tests, give us your email, and you could receive season 18 episodes like this for free in your mailbox every month. This just happens to be a reshoot.

And that’s why it’s out right now in this format but the next episode is not going to be public like this. So you might want to like pay attention to that. Why you ISFPs choose to be valid bachelors because ISFPs are worried about whether or not other people will value them. 1:10:30 Okay, can te master be achieved? Through great effort and trial and error? T master can be achieved through verification just asking questions, instead of assuming that you already know what the truth is.

Okay. Fast Track ways to developing se trickster. Try to actually perform and learn in practice you have to you have to practice like focus on practicing as much as you can actually auto as How can an INFJ transcend their mercurial states of being and be more present in the now again through practice. Expert sensing is all about practice.

How to Develop te trickster as an INFJ ask questions instead of making statements kitty blossom. Can you say Guess who’s back? Why Fu? Can you say a way to verify if it’s possible to do an energy exchange between reflection functions? Instead of using an expert one in the middle of the way? I don’t know what you’re asking and I don’t think that’s accurate. Shai. GGS How can we learn the art of language to share this with others without burning them to the ground? Not when you’re on a ranch but in person.

You have the ability to do this and want that ability shy GG look into the Socratic method that would help. Okay, what should te trickster look for? When they do filter people’s opinion advice and thoughts? Instead of looking for social proof? Look for other people who have actual experiences who have actually done and followed that person’s advice or that person’s opinion? Look for the fruit look for the results look for the freakin outcome that might help? How can I ENFPs overcome their selfishness by being more helpful? And offering helped other people? Okay. What do you think of the that’s not relevant? So yeah. Okay.

Well, it looks like that’s it for questions, folks. Seems that the relevant questions have stopped. So thank you all for watching. It’s been awesome.

And I think I’ll see you guys tonight. So I’ll see you then. Oh, hold on Stellar Beamer. So if I hypothetically read books, like the rational male from the reading list, I shouldn’t be telling people how valuable they are until I apply the concepts.

Yes, yes. Apply. Things that you read first before offering advice is reflective functions other other backdoors to the ego? Technically, yes, color of the sky. Yes.

Alright folks, that’s it. I’m out. It’s good to see you all again. And glad to be back.

And I’ll see you guys next time. So later


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