Season 1, Episode 10 Transcript


Chase: I’m back. Yesterday we talked about extraverted intuition, which is the second to last cognitive function within the perceiving cognitive functions. Let’s talk about the last cognitive function that we’re going to be covering, and it’s the last of the known eight cognitive functions within the human mind, and also the last of the perceiving functions. That function today is going to be introverted sensing, also known as Si. Big capital S, lowercase i, as its symbol, at least as it’s accepted among the Jungian analytical psychology community, be it Myers-Briggs or what have you. Introverted sensing is a very interesting cognitive function. I have introverted sensing. Half the population on the planet has introverted sensing.

Chase: It literally is just one’s awareness of long-term memory. There are eight of the 16 types that are introverted sensing users. They’re introverted sensing users because introverted sensing is in the top four cognitive functions, because the top four makes up their ego. Because introverted sensing is inside their ego, that makes them classified as an introverted sensing user, okay? The eight types that have it, they’re the ESTJ, ESFJ, ENTP, ENFP, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTP, INFP. Those are the eight types that have introverted sensing and those are the introverted sensing users, basically. Technically, every type has introverted sensing, but the users are the ones who have it in the ego, as I keep repeating.

Chase: What is introverted sensing? What is it good for? Introverted sensing is what gives somebody their sense of duty, their sense of … Their need for honor. Although, honor is usually introverted sensing plus extraverted feeling. When they work together that’s how people usually create honor, but it still requires introverted sensing to have that strong sense of duty, honor, tradition, stability. It’s a very earth-oriented function. We talked about extraverted intuition yesterday. Extraverted intuition is water. Introverted intuition is fire. Extraverted sensing’s wind, but introverted sensing is earth. As far as the four main elements and which pieces of our cognition actually come from the elements, or share the same traits of certain elements.

Chase: Extraverted sensing likes to give experiences to introverted sensing, so it’s like the wind blowing upon the earth, basically. Introverted intuition is kept in check by extraverted intuition water and fire. Fire if it burns hot and that’s going to turn water into steam, but water can still overwhelm fire and put it out. It’s give in take in a perfect yin and yang equilibrium, in the same way that wind and earth is the same way, because even the wind can cause massive devastation if it’s strong enough, like hurricanes for example. Introverted sensing are what people use that are past focused, duty based. They’re focused on safety, comfort. Being comfortable is really big to introverted sensors. That’s why extraverted sensors like to either make an Si user uncomfortable, or to increase their level of comfort, basically.

Chase: Sometimes people, if not most of the time actually, an extraverted sensor doesn’t … They just assume everyone around them is an introverted sensor, so they treat everyone the same just because they’re ignorant of type and ignorant of cognitive function, so they just assume everyone is there to react to their extraverted sensing initiations and introverted sensing is there to respond to their initiations, basically. Although introverted sensing can initiate, for example, let’s look at it from a sexuality standpoint. Introverted sensing wants to receive sensation in the bedroom, basically, and it could be a more optimistic or more pessimistic point of view. If you have someone who has a hero or child extraverted sensing, they’re very optimistic, so they initiate with that giving of sensation.

Chase: Whereas, a parent or inferior function, which is the second or fourth slot in the mind of the ego, if there’s introverted sensing there, it will allow extraverted sensing to initiate, but it could be reversed. Introverted sensing could be the hero, or it could be the child, which makes it optimistic and extraverted sensing could be the parent or the inferior, which makes it more pessimistic, which means the introverted sensor will go to the extraverted sensor and demand sensation. It’s kind of different how it works and you can actually … I go to weddings all the time and I can predict marriage outcomes. I can even predict their sexual response and exactly how they would conduct their sexual activity in the bedroom just based on knowing their cognitive functions. It’s very simple to do. Once you understand cognitive functions and how they work together mechanically, right? More on that later.

Chase: Yeah. I mean, if you’re a high introverted sensor, you really take comfort, safety, duty, responsibility, tradition. You can remember everything. An introverted sensor will bring up stuff from 20, 30 years ago and you’re like, “You’re still hanging onto that? Are you seriously bringing that up right now?” Yes, introverted sensors do that because they don’t forget anything. It’s kind of interesting, if you look at Alzheimer’s versus dementia, introverted sensors, they usually end up … If they have those mental problems caused by really bad gut flora and microbiome … If you have more questions about that, read the book, Fix Your Gut, it talks all about that. If you end up having the condition Alzheimer’s, chances are you’re an extraverted sensor. If you get dementia, chances are you’re an introverted sensor.

Chase: Remember, extraverted sensing is short-term memory. It’s like RAM. New information comes out of the mind and it pushes some of the older information out and that’s what makes extraverted sensors forgetful. Introverted sensors, however, they try to capture all of the information and though they have very small random access memory, which increases their reaction time and makes them really slow to react to things, the longer they wait after hearing that information and they take time to process, it gets applied to their inner hard-drive, which is introverted sensing. That inner hard-drive has it for longterm storage, longterm memory access. Extraverted sensing is short-term memory access. Introverted sensing is long-term memory access. Be aware of the differences there.

Chase: Because of the knowledge of the past, introverted sensors are able to then augment their past knowledge, all their collective knowledge within themselves and augment it into extraverted intuition and that gives them the ability to predict and have some semblance of precognition and just know what people want, know what people desire ahead of time, which is what allows them to have relationships with introverted intuitive extraverted sensing users, right? That’s generally how you want your relationships to go together. You want an introverted intuition extraverted sensor access person getting with an extraverted intuitive introverted sensing person, because the extraverted sensing is trying to eat the introverted sensing, the extraverted intuition’s trying to eat the introverted sensing, or the introverted intuition of the other person.

Chase: They go together and people are ignorant of this. They’re wondering why their relationships don’t even work. Come on. If they just get educated about the cognitive functions and understand how the human mind works and how the human soul works, there wouldn’t be relationship drama, or it would be maybe reduced by 60%, and the divorce rate would go down. But no, I mean, sorry personality type and cognitive functions, that’s just pseudo science. That’s not remotely true. Okay, well continue to be ignorant and have horrible relationships that adversely effect yourself, your own happiness, as well as the happiness of your children and your family as you know it because you’re choosing to be ignorant. Great. How useful is that? Please, get educated.

Chase: That’s why I’m doing these videos so that people can get educated about this stuff so we can put a stop to this needless relationship, or this … Problems. Or needless bias towards human beings. “You’re more rare than I, so there’s something wrong with you.” Yeah, no. Everyone’s point of view is valid, it’s just we have to understand everyone’s point of view to get that. Because here’s the bottom line, if you understand somebody and all of their cognitive functions, that basically means you see them do something, you can explain their behavior, and then you realize that their behavior’s not with ill intent. It’s not necessarily with irresponsibility. They’re not actually as negative as you thought. They’re just behaving the way they should behave because it is their nature. Personality type is human nature.

Chase: It’s not human nurture. Human nature. Again, when we learn personality type, it really only tells us about human nature, but it doesn’t tell us about their nurture. You got tests like HEXACO, and what not, and they’re trying to map human nurture at the expense of nature. I’m sorry, but that test is not … It’s just not going to do it for me. You can’t explain human behavior without looking at all sides of the equation and human nature’s important to map, which is why we’re talking about cognitive functions. Let’s go back to introverted sensing. If you’re in a relationship with an introverted sensor, you need to always make sure that you’re committed to giving them a good experience. Make sure that they’re comfortable at all times. If they’re upsetting you and you need them to change, make them uncomfortable. Do the opposite, obviously.

Chase: Some are more sensitive than others. If you make them too uncomfortable, you may make them insecure in the relationship and they may leave you. They’re very loyal. Introverted sensors are very loyal. Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn. That’s huge risk with Si users. You have to be very careful, because they will be loyal to you and then all of a sudden they’re not, and they will back stab you. Introverted sensors back stab. That’s what they do. All you extraverted sensors out there that are concerned about loyalty and want loyalty, well if you don’t treat that introverted sensor well, they will feel justified one day at back stabbing you, and they will. If you want them loyal to you, then you need to be committed to making sure they’re as comfortable as possible when necessary, obviously, or when reasonable, or realistic, let’s be honest.

Chase: I’m not telling you to worship introverted sensors here. Let’s be responsible about it. Be willing to listen about their anecdotes and experience. Introverted sensor’s all about anecdotes, and telling stories, and telling about stories of their past all the time. Some do it a lot more than others. Like Si child. I’m sorry, Si child cannot stop talking about past times and they’ll say the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over to the point where you can recite it back to them. You just got to either be patient with them, or you have to tell them, “You already told me this.” Be upfront about it. That’s another point about introverted sensors, they are very patient. They exist to take punishment. They exist to experience everything. They can weather your storm if you’re an extraverted sensor.

Chase: Extraverted sensors get very ragey when they’re mad and they get very stormy. An introverted sensor is like, “Yeah, I’m just going to weather your storm and then when you’re cooled down, then we’re fine again.” They do that all the time. You got to be aware of that, but just be careful because anything that you do, the introverted sensor will remember it forever. They will not forget about it. Because of that, they’re usually more graceful. Extraverted sensors, they need to show more mercy. They’re not really graceful though, but they need to show mercy. Introverted sensors, they can be pretty graceful because their patience can outlast, and especially an introverted sensing hero, like an ISFJ, that type is built to take abuse, and they can take some serious abuse, and they can last forever, but as soon as they’re no longer loyal to you, and they’re loyal to someone else, you’re screwed and you will never ever be able to fix that relationship ever again, hard as you try.

Chase: Never push a loyal person beyond the point where they no longer give a damn, because that’s a huge risk with introverted sensors. Introverted sensors love to receive sensation. They like it when [SE 00:13:43] users are showing them things. If you’re an SE user, try to show them things. They may also try to show the SE user things, but it’s not from the point of, “Look what I made.” It’s more like, “Hey, do you want this?” They’re always trying to give introverted intuitives or SE users, that’s basically the same because they’re on an axis, they’re always trying to give them options. Accept the options from the introverted sensor. What else here? They’re very traditional. I mean, I’ve mentioned that previously, but they are the ones that anything traditional, especially if its Si plus [FE 00:14:25], they will force you to go to family events, regardless if you like those people or not.

Chase: Christmas is a big deal and we will do it traditionally, we will have a tree, we will have lights. The whole thing. Thanksgiving dinner will be traditional Thanksgiving dinner every year. That’s what these people do. The higher the Si, the more they expect things to be as tradition as possible, because tradition is everything to those people. I’m Si inferior, so that’s in the fourth slot of my ego, which means I really don’t care about tradition as much. I care about it, but every now and then, I’m sorry, I just want to get a pizza on Thanksgiving. I don’t really have to have traditional Thanksgiving dinner every year, let’s be honest. If I was introverted sensing child, I’d appreciate having that. If I was introverted sensing parent, I would expect it. If was introverted sensing hero, I would demand it. That’s kind of the difference in terms of introverted sensing.

Chase: Sexually speaking, introverted sensors love being on the bottom. They like to receive the sensation that the person on the top is giving, which is usually extraverted sensing. Make sure in your relationships that at a minimum you’re perception functions are compatible. You can get away with just your perception functions being compatible with your decision making not being so compatible, that’s perfectly fine, you can get away with that, but if your perception functions are not compatible, you can’t even have a good sexual relationship. Imagine both partners expecting the other to receive sensation, or both partners trying to give sensation. It gets all discombobulated and it just explodes, and it’s a really bad experience. Then after that bad experience and the relationship breaks apart, both those people are accusing the other of being bad in bed basically, and to all their friends, and it just destroys their relationship.

Chase: Great. All because they were ignorant of the fact that they were just incompatible to begin with and it really has no measure on the skill of the sexual performance of these people. Come on. Literally high school behavior. Yet, we have it in our adulthood every day. It’s annoying. Stop doing it, please, for those of you that are doing that. Yeah. To sum up, SJ types are all introverted sensors. INTPs, INFPs, ENTPs, ENFPs, those are introverted sensors. Half the intellectuals, half the idealists, and all of the traditionalists, traditional protectors, safety focused, duty based focused, long-term memory. They remember everything forever. They need to be comfy. They use their introverted sensing to give them the ability to use their extraverted intuition, their crystal ball to prognosticate and look into the future and see all future paths. The less experience they have, the less they’ll be able to look into the future and provide options.

Chase: Yeah, that’s basically introverted sensing in a nutshell. We’ll talk more about compatibility and different axis in future videos. As always, if you found this video educational, helpful, informational, please hit like and subscribe. Otherwise, leave a comment if you have a question, then I’ll definitely be trying to answer all your guy’s questions about cognitive functions or this type of psychology. Also, if you have any social engineering related questions, I’d be happy to answer those as well. I’m going to be doing some videos on social engineering and how to social engineer, or manipulate your girlfriend, or your boss, or your parents, or even your children just to kind of give additional tools for people to utilize this science in their daily lives. Anyway, thanks for watching. Have a good night.

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