Season 22, Episode 2 Transcript



Hey guys, it’s CS Joseph with CS Joseph dot life. And we are joined by the live studio audience today of like the patrons for CSJ at least the patrons that actually received the paying for today’s lecture for like, because we’re like testing out a live lecture thing right now. And I put out the without Tony, when I put out the link, it’s like, okay, let’s have people show up and hope for the best. Yes.

And, and I actually see like on my screen over here, like a bunch of people like did actually show up. So that’s kind of cool that the patrons are joining us this evening for this live lecture. And while it is a live lecture, I would also like to remind the audience to season 22 Episode Two, which is the cognitive transitions, which because it season 22 is technically only available through email. So like, if you’re a patron and you get to watch this because like you’re watching for like my other camera that did do like live stream with whatnot.

Guess what? Well, I guess it’s pretty cool guys, right? Because like, you know, you can do this. And then you can ask me questions and whatnot immediately following for a few minutes, and whatnot. But the point is, again, season 22, you can only get through email. So like if you’re like an email person Good on you.

Because you can see this and the patient’s just happen to be able to watch it tonight, because we randomly are doing a test. And we’re just doing this email lecture for that. So awesome. And because I absolutely love long intros, we’re also joined by the beautiful Railgun, who’s also joining us for our live studio audience, you know, and she’s like being really smiley and smokin hot at the same time.

So works out for me. Pretty, pretty happy about that. And I passed soundcheck as well. So we’re definitely getting there, although I could definitely the light above the camera, so that could get the lighting fixed in here.

So my team is not completely constantly badgering me on a regular basis about my lighting. So anyway, onto the lecture, what are the kind of transitions of an ESTP ESTP, aka the persuader. But according to the CSJ community, and Cs Joseph dot life, it is known as the Gladiator. And we’re using the gladiator because they literally gladiate with truth on a regular basis trying to get people to realize their weaknesses, or what strengths they actually have.

The ESTP can reveal people’s strengths, they can reveal people’s weaknesses to help them make them stronger, or to provide additional encouragement and areas of their strengths that they can become better people. As a result, their interaction styles are the direct initiating control, which means they are a structure type. They’re all about providing structure. But usually it’s more like they exist to test structure, they’re kind of the odd man out when it comes to the incharge types, because all the other incharge types are J types.

And J types. They really like taking control and having everything planned. But ESTPs and planning well. Not exactly a thing as much as they get older, they can plan more.

But usually that’s not, you know, the case starting out right away. Not necessarily bad thing other people can plan for them throughout that process. But but they exist to test the structure, they’re testing the structure of anything that can be the structure of an organization, the structure of a movement, a structure, a mechanical structure, like a bridge, or, Hey, I wonder if I could break this or Hey, what is going to happen if I do this, etcetera? Is it strong enough, and it’s really verifying with ti parent, if this thing is strong or weak enough, etc, as a result, and ultimately, then they can kind of transition to the other four sides of their mind, which you know, they have ESTP ego, and then they have INFJ, subconscious, and of course, ISTJ unconscious and ENFP super ego. And so we’re also be talking about like, you know, where those transitions go and also like, Oh, hey, by the way, as transitions, you know, happened, we have gateways as well.

And their unique behaviors, and the process by which, which takes them through a positive or a negative transition, right, which I don’t have my little mini outline here. But we’ll just ignore that for a second. Anyway, so interaction styles recognition and control, they say what they mean, they mean what they say, they’re short, and to the point, they’re just going to be like, Hey, I’m gonna choose my role in the conversation. That means I’m very commanding or demanding, kinda, you’re gonna have to get over yourself, and I’m just gonna say it straight, it is what it is.

And then they’re very initiating, they like to go to other people instead of having to wait for other people to go to them. Because sometimes it’s like, hey, I need that instant gratification because I’m se hero, and I just need to get this information. Now, I’m not going to waste any more time. You know, you know what I’m saying? So, but they’re very control oriented, which means they’re very focused on outcomes and getting really good outcomes.

Outcomes are very important to us. TPS and and because outcomes are important, they don’t they, they can be pretty slow with certain things, but the differences is increases their accuracy of completing tasks. So while outcome focused aka control types can can have higher accuracy and better completion rates of completing tasks, they end up completing less tasks over time, but the quality of tasks completed is actually higher than other people and it’s usually as a result of STP NFJ quadra, because STP NFJ Quadra ends up actually gaining an actual understanding of the system that they’re trying to manipulate or the physics of trying to manipulate. Whereas other people, it’s more of a theoretical approach, whereas STP NFJ Quadra is based on reality.

Whereas you’d have SFJ NTP quadra, which is based on the theory and same goes with ES TJ NFP Quadra anytime you have Introverted Sensing, it’s all about the theory or what they have experienced themselves, but it’s not necessarily reality. Because what they themselves have experienced? Well, it is very concrete and connected to reality does not necessarily mean it’s real. And we know this, for example, when people are picked out, you know, like and witnessed a crime and like, I’m an NFP. And, you know, when the officer just asked me to immediately falling because there was like an officer around the corner.

And then like, just showed up randomly, as I watched this random check, like on the side of the road, just come to this 12 year old and like thrown to the ground, and like, take his bicycle, and throw in the back of someone’s truck. And then she took off running the truck just took off and then like the cop came by, and it’s like, Hey, did you see what happened? I was like, Yes, I did. Except like, I’m an INFP. And, you know, I’m Introverted Sensing.

And the placements asked me questions about like, what happened, like, right then and there. And, you know, my memory, I just don’t really have that great a short term memory. And like, when that happens, like, if he’s asked me the same questions, like two weeks later, I’m gonna, like, tell him a completely different story, which makes me look not remotely credible in front of law enforcement people, especially when I’m in front of them, you know, at a lineup trying to pick out who’s who. And maybe like, if they haven’t do a lineup, like two days later, afterwards, you know, I probably choose different phase if they had me do a lineup, like two weeks later, before, like, I went to trial, whatnot.

And I was like, a witness and whatnot. But I mean, I just don’t really know. I mean, I feel like it could be that guy. Or I feel like it could be that guy.

But because time just went by, it’s all different. And I just don’t really know. Okay, so this is why I maintain law enforcement, for example, should probably be aware of sensing functions when it comes and memory when it comes to people involved with the crime. I mean, no wonder long time ago, you couldn’t convict somebody without having a minimum of two witnesses to a crime.

When it came to a court of law. You know, nowadays, it’s not exactly that’s not exactly how it works. But the point is, is that if you’re going to actually look at testimony, you might want to consider things from a memory standpoint. Because let me tell you, it’s really different.

And you know, that story about like that woman throwing that 12 year old kid to the ground and taking his bike that actually happened, because I actually witnessed that crime with an ES TJ. And that, yes, TJ? Well as TJ NFP quadra, he couldn’t exactly. Really give all of the details to the policeman. And he literally and he knew that about himself.

And he was he was he just turned 50. And he looked at the officer of the law and said, You know, I’d be happy to answer your questions. I just need a couple of days to think about it first. And I’m like, wow, hey, this guy knows himself.

This is pretty cool. And that’s exactly what happened. And when it came down to it, law enforcement, it’s like, Oh, hey, you know, maybe like, we’d like you guys to you know, check out the lineup as you guys witnessed this crime. My, I was not chosen.

He was chosen. He has a better Introverted Sensing, and whatnot. And according to the police, he saw more than I did, even though technically, that was not the case. He was able to recall details and more accurate manner than I was, and the officer picked up on that.

Okay, fair enough. But, you know, managing memory is super important. And when it comes to ESTPs, they live very much in the moment, they have a more accurate understanding of the real. Like, for example, I was driving Railgun.

And like, she’s an SE user. And then because she’s an SE user, she has that high reaction time. And it’s like, oh, I should probably slow down there’s a car everyone else is like, hit the brakes. And she like reacts to it immediately where I’m just kind of like, you know, casual.

Normalcy bias introverted. Sensing lands. Hey, yeah, I probably should slow down right now. 09:52 Oh, the house has exploded.

I’m just standing here all everything’s burning around behind around me. And rockin just like Park Let’s go solve this problem. So okay, yeah, sure. Fair enough that that makes a lot of sense.

However, given the tactical nature of extroverted sensing, how it helps memory, how it lives in the moment, this can change things when you know, when you’re thinking about, Okay, what’s what really happened? What’s the point? Bottom line is if you’re going to like, question somebody, or ask someone to recall memory, if you know they’re an expert sensor, do it immediately. Don’t wait. If you wait longer, if that story they’re going to give you it’s going to be less accurate. Whereas with an Introverted Sensing person, don’t ask them immediately.

Give them a couple days, ask them later, you’re going to get a more accurate testimony, right? So it’s important when you’re considering interaction styles, because you know, control based, you’re gonna get a better outcome, especially when it comes to memory recall, provided you ask them straight away. So not entirely relevant to this lecture, but just want to add that in there, for whatever reason, temperament wise, freedom based creators, they live in the moment, it’s all about giving other people a good experience having shared experiences with others. Freedom of Choice is everything to a freedom based creator. And it’s because new memories come in and they push the old memories out and trying to keep all that new memory in their heads as long as possible.

But they have a smaller hard drive than most people because of their low Introverted Sensing Nemesis right here. And which by the way, I should probably like actually get my red pen available for that here in a second and do that. But the point is, is that for introverted, for Introverted Sensing, it takes a while for some of that new information to actually be written to the Introverted Sensing hard drive, but a lot of the information can be lost. So temperament wise, consider that.

Because when you’re living in the moment, all SPS have that struggle, right. So so they’re very concrete, it’s all focused on what is and and then they’re they’re very interest based interest is important because whenever they look at a situation, it’s like, okay, well, what can I get out of the situation? What can that prescribed situation, they’re very aware of what other people’s agendas are, which is really interesting, because if you compare that to a systematic NTP, I NTPs and en teepees while they’re while we are have very high extrovert intuition, and we’re aware of the intentions of others. It’s all from a filter or a frame of of a system, which is why technically, this makes ENFPs even shyster than en TPS because ENFPs are not systematic, their interest base and they have an expert intuition hero, which means that they’re even that which means they’re, by default, better at manipulation than en TPS. Because en TPS are very system based and everything has to follow system, even the people or the social systems, within the people in their lives.

It’s just a requirement that they have. Right. So definitely something to consider when you’re considering the differences between the Temperance with looking at interest versus systematic. And we already talked about them being concrete.

And wow, like my memory is like really bad right now. And the third component of the temperament but they are concrete. system, concrete interest based, and I’m, like really tired right now. So what is it? What are concrete interest base? We have really good short term memory.

Five lectures are fun. That’s okay. So anyway, it’ll pop in my head later, guys. It’s all good.

So anyway, so function functionally speaking, functions orbits focus. We talked about focus early on our CSJ conference, Ruby Conference, but we’ll get into that a little bit. But function wise, we were talking about se hero, to our parents always focused on the truth is to kind of you could bring it down to like the questions they asked like, so what are we doing right now? Or what are they doing? Are they telling the truth? Or am I telling the truth? What’s the facts of the situation? How do these people feel? What are they valuing? What are they getting out of the situation? What do I want to do? Where’s my choice? What’s my personal choice? What do I remember about this? Or do I have enough experience? Or do I have a story to offer if I don’t have a story to offer? And maybe I shouldn’t talk about that? Because if I don’t have any stories to tell, how am I going to make these people comfortable? Or give them a good experience around me if I don’t have any experience? If I have not had the same experience myself? How can I do that to them? And then that’s where I’m very worried about it. Are these people intelligent? Do they actually know what they’re talking about? Are these statistics actually real? Or how do I feel about this? Don’t know don’t care not my problem.

And expert intuition demon. Hey, you want to play a game because expert intuition demon is literally Jigsaw from like the soft films I don’t know if you guys knew that but like it literally as, whereas I’m like, hey, you know, you want to know why I like to use a knife, so much more enjoyment, whereas their expert intuition demon is like, Hey, you want to play a game? You made the rules. It’s your rules. Let’s play by your rules.

Yeah, yeah. You know, and it’s like any demon is like, this is kind of getting like pretty scary right now. Lol, that can be like an issue. So anyway.

So that’s according to functions. So so how do you how do transitions work transitions work. Within three ways. You have gateways, so you have gateway one.

You have gateway to Gateway three. You have gateway four. So gateway functions, hero, farrier, Nemesis and demon, the four gateway functions of the mind. And each gateway leads into each of the corresponding sides of the mind.

So the first gateway leads into the ego, the second gateway leads into the subconscious. The third gateway leads into the shadow. The fourth gateway leads into the super ego, very important. And like, I guess, it almost got really bad and could have like, came out like a swastika there for a second.

But we don’t need to talk about that. Anyway, the gateway functions. So the gateway into the ego is the first gateway was the hero function, you gain it by default ESTP ‘s have extroverted sensing hero, all about what other people doing all the way aware of other people’s strengths and weaknesses, what they can do to make those things people stronger. Same thing was structure as well as systems out and testing all that gateway to is fear of one’s own willpower, fear of what one person wants, if one one is able to conquer one’s fear, they’re able to access their INFJ subconscious.

This is very important, because remember, folks, a person gains happiness. By developing. There’s conscious, and one gains maturity by developing. One’s unconscious, why not happiness versus maturity? Yay.

I mean, that’s fantastic. And this is known as cognitive focus. When one person is more focused on one side of the mind than the other. I, my cognitive focus is shadow or unconscious, I am a shadow focused EMTP, right.

That’s who I am. I’m a shadow focus and TP. So I kind of predominantly live in this side of the mind, even though my ego is an intp INTJ focus, because that’s my unconscious, and they end up behaving very INTJ. Like, and this is why people like talking with famous people are very confused about me.

And they claim that I’m an INTJ. When reality situations, I’m an ESTP, with an INTJ focus, which means I have more and TJ properties attached to my intp ego that’s calling to focus. Cognitive orbit is very important, because guess what, what impacts the gateways and the ego impacts the gateways of the unconscious. And as people cognitive transition, they have different ways of behaving.

And you can transition in one of two ways. So you can have a positive transition, and you can have a negative transition who super complicated. Yes. So while that is super complicated, but not really, the point is, is that if you can master integration and master transitions between the different sides of your mind, you can gain for yourself a more healthy result, and a Healthy Transition is positive, we’ll just put the word like, you know, healthy right here.

And then you have unhealthy right here, which is, you know, for a negative transition, and unhealthy as like so if I’m going to transition into my subconscious, I’m gonna do it unhealthily. I’m being really insecure, it’s all about pride. And like, for, for an ESTP, that INFJ subconscious, they’re just going to use all of their wisdom to absolutely destroy another person, and make that person out to be as weak as possible, to the point of destroying whatever capability for performance that other person has. And, and basically eliminate them as competition, hey, I feel insecure about my own capabilities.

So I’m going to take away any opportunity with my INFJ subconscious to make you as least capable as possible so that you couldn’t be a threat to my capability, because I’m secure in my own skin, right? Because ESTP is they’re like, Hey, I’m an alpha. I’m the strong one. I’m going to be the strong one. And then I need to look strong, because of that.

Oh, this 19:51 INFJ they’re stronger than me or this other person. They’re stronger than me. Well, I’m going to tear them down. Because that makes me look good.

That means I’m a strong one around here. That’s my reputation, that’s my domain, etc. And this is why ESTP is especially immature ESTPs insecure ESTPs are known as the schoolyard bully, they’re too busy tearing down everybody else to prove their strength, when in reality, it just exposes their insecurity. As weak people, they’re super mega weak when they do this, when they’re in this cognitive transition, this unhealthy transition.

Now a Healthy Transition, we’re talking about my ESTP mentor, who laid down the foundation for the Type grid and me understanding the science in the way that I do now, while he was an interesting fellow, Mr. Robert Bryant, and Mr. Bryant, when he introduced the tight grip to me, he’s like, you know, being like, one subconscious, you know, makes one happy, but subconscious manifests in different ways, various people. And I’m like, okay, yeah, you’re absolutely right.

Well, how it manifests for an unhealthy way for an ESTP is that they become that sage on the mountain, that important sage, that INFJ, which is awesome. And that INFJ really there instead of understanding like, strength and utilizing strength is their biggest weapon or capability or performance, their greatest weapon, the reality situation is, it’s like, they have this gift of knowledge, it becomes a gift of wisdom. And they’re conferring that wisdom upon others, a healthy cognitive transition, when one is able to get over one’s fear of their own willpower, and actually understand exactly what it is what they want, and exactly what it is what they’re looking for. And you know, in life, or or, or their job, or their career or car they want to buy, it doesn’t matter.

They can do all of that. When anion fury becomes an aspirational, they’re able to have that healthy transition to INFJ subconscious and they’re able to confer that wisdom upon others, because wisdom is everything. And let me tell you, you can understand, or you could spot an unhealthy ESTP. Based on how wise they are.

Do you consider an ESTP? A wise person are not yes or no, no. Well, they’re underdeveloped. Because he is TPS, when they are very developed, especially in their unconscious, and they have an eye aspirational, they’re wise, they are straight up wise, they’re actually wise and most people I mean, here’s a great example, a great written example of an ESTP, who is wise and their INFJ subconscious. And that is literally the book of James, like, literally, we could change the Bible like seriously where James says, you know, he who knows what good he ought to do, but does not do it sins.

Yeah. Okay, so that makes sense. So like, wait a minute, oftentimes, you know, as was explained to me recently, extroverted feeling child of an ESTP instead of like, hurting someone’s feelings, or because they want to be able to get the recognition or the credit of helping someone or making someone feel good. They choose to not say anything with their ti parent, they choose to be silent, which then allows evil to propagate.

But then they get the recognition of being like a good person, because they didn’t just challenge or be at risk of alienating this other person or correcting this other person. But no wonder James the ESTP said, if you know what good you ought to do, but do not do it, you sin. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.

Because the ESTP has to remember, it’s their responsibility, that if they have their wisdom, if they have an aspiration, and they’re using that healthy gateway to get into that healthy INFJ, subconscious mode, maybe they should have the balls to open their mouth and criticize people around them. If they recognize that those people are being weak or irresponsible, and confer that wisdom upon those other people. It doesn’t matter who they are. That is their responsibility, as anyone knows what good they ought to do, but they do not do it.

They sin and it’s no wonder a TI parents of all people are saying that is TPS utilize your cognitive transitions appropriately. Like seriously use it appropriately. Because if you’re not guess what, you’re actually making the world a worse place. And then your ISTJ is unconscious comes out starting complaining about how bad everything is all the time when it’s supposed to be your job verifying everybody you know, fruit inspectors like hey, you know, nice great fine you got there, but you got a lot of dead leaves there.

You might want to cut that away and take out the trash out of your life just so that you know maybe the plant could actually grow stead of carrying all this dead weight with it all aware. All but no, I can’t see anything because every child will make you feel bad. Yeah, that’s that’s really healthy. No, no, that’s not what we’re supposed to be doing.

ESTPs you’re supposed to be here. You know? I got a nice If I just gonna cut it away, and then you can grow here, let me just get all the dead weight out of your life right now. Let me test the system of your life. Let me test the structural integrity of your life.

Wait a minute. Structural integrity. Wait. EFTPS are structured types.

They’re structured types, right? Wait a minute, what’s the what’s the virtue of the INFJ? Oh, it’s integrity. Wait a minute structural integrity? Well, it’s all it’s all making sense. Now. See, that’s the point.

A healthy cognitive transition from an ESTP is all about structural integrity, and improving the structural integrity of others. And having integrity themselves. The thing is, is that ESTP is know a lot about integrity, especially because they understand from when they’re wise with their subconscious how much more they’re able to accomplish with other people. Because if you know what good you ought to do, but do not do it, yes, sin, what are you doing? Stop wasting your time.

Stop being irresponsible in that way. Ya have to be willing to put your relationships on the line, you have to be willing to test the structural integrity of the interactions and relationships of people that you have in your life in order for you as an ESTP to be successful, and also to fulfill your purpose which is ultimately to become the sage on the mountain the INFJ subconscious then confer that wisdom upon others. Nice. Oh, but guess what, we have ISTJ subconscious which is the third gateway gateway three, the Nemesis function.

So the unhealthy way as I’m really worried about my own experiences, and this leads to sensuality, there is an ESTP in my community. Okay, so funny is funny story. I met him a while ago, I invited him to a private discord of mine. He’s just a really cool, interesting guy that he met.

I think he’s, I think he’s in Canada is Canadian whatnot. But he literally contacted me and he’s like, Hey, I’m watching as many movies on Netflix as I can. Because I think if I watch more movies, then I have more experience and then more people would like to be around me and like actually do things with me. And I’m like, bro, no, that’s not really true.

But or and I’m taking a lot of caffeine pills to deal stay up long enough to be able to do it. And I’m like, Yeah, that’s that’s effective. That’s That’s amazing. No, no, actually it’s not this is this is a consistent issue that we see with ESTP is with their Nemesis function, they’re worried that they do not have enough experience and because they maintain that they lack experience that then they are not able to give other people good experiences.

This is actually a cognitive orbit. We haven’t talked about calling orbit much but it’s actually a cognitive orbit between hero and Nemesis cognitive orbits in the same way that because kind of axis is like, you know, you have the hero connected the inferior the parent connected the child but a cognitive orbit is the hero connected the Nemesis the parent connected to the critic is that our cognitive Orvis, right. So from a kind of orbit standpoint, we’re looking at the Nemesis, the Nemesis is worried it doesn’t have enough experience because it lacks experience. How can it hypocritically speaking, give other people a good experience or good shared experience with other people.

But that’s the problem. See, what the ESTP should do is stop comparing themselves to the experiences that other people have, and realize that they’re amazing tacticians. They’re all about tactics, that they’re amazing at improvisation. It doesn’t matter ESTPs if you lack the experience, this is how you get yourself out of a negative cognitive transition.

And realize because you’re literally the best at improvising, that you’re literally the best at being tactical with expert sensing hero and having the highest reaction time, the fastest reaction time excuse me, so like the lowest reaction time out of everybody, not the highest LOL, but the lowest reaction time out of everybody because you have that ESTP that gives you the power to improvise and improvising means you can end up creating amazing experiences as a freedom based creator. That is your temperament. Right? Because you’re very interest base, you know what you can get out of the situation. You understand what other people are looking for to get out of a situation and either construct an exponential agenda based off of that and realizing the concrete of what’s around you.

Okay, what is actually happening right now. Okay, 29:50 we have all these choices. Let’s go choose this. Or hey, did you well, how do you feel about this or how do you feel about That’s how you feel about this, how I built this because they’re aware of what choices are available to them at that point in time.

Hey, you want to do this with me? You should do this with me or let’s go do this thing together. Right? kinda interesting how ESTPs like doing things together yet they’re independent and very pragmatic. And that pragmatism actually shows up into their improvisations. Oh, look, the other part of their temperament that I didn’t talk about earlier, they are pragmatic, not affiliative affiliative people are interdependent and do the right thing.

And you think because ESTP is like having shared experience with this with others, they are interdependent? No, not necessarily. Because at the end of the day, their freedom of choice with their ni inferior becoming ni aspirational, because they’re trying to become that wise sage on the mountain that INFJ subconscious, that because they have to have that freedom of choice in order to reach that wisdom. They have to be pragmatic in order to protect their Inferior function. So while they end up creating interdependent experiences with their se hero, it is at the service of the NI inferior for the pragmatic, this is why they’re pragmatic.

Okay. When it comes to Introverted Sensing Nemesis does look at themselves it’s like well, I’m not good enough because Fe child has self deprecating behavior through F fi trickster when it’s unhealthy and they have that self deprecating behavior. It’s like I’m not good enough to give this experience I’m not good enough to make these people comfortable. I’m not good enough to get on such a memorable and create these amazing memories with these people that they will not abandon me that they will stay to me that they’ll be loyal to me that they will actually be true friends instead of fairweather friends.

Right? See fairweather friends that’s a problem especially for ESTP is actually it’s a problem for STP NFJ Quadra all four of those types actually struggle the most with fairweather friends, although, as I found out recently, everyone has that problem as just STP NFJ Quadra happens to be the Quadra the four types that actually take action about it faster than everybody else. When it comes to SF Jey NTP quadra, we take action about it the least. And it’s no wonder we find ourselves being taken advantage of consistently as a result. So si nemesis, the third gateway unhealthily.

It ends up having sensual experiences drugs, alcohol, sex, meaningless sex, doing the expedient thing instead of the meaningful thing. And they stole it from themselves, meaningless memories, meaningless experiences, because they don’t have enough faith in themselves. Because si nemesis, si is the faith function, right? one’s faith in oneself as he’s looking for how much faith other people have within you. And so users like, Hey, do you have faith in me? Because I’ve done all this for you, you should have faith in me.

Why do you not have faith in me? Whereas Introverted Sensing is one’s own faith in oneself? Right. Introverted Sensing it’s like, well, I’m worried. And because they’re worried they have that concern. They lacked faith in themselves, the ESTP say, lack faith in themselves.

And because of that, they give themselves over to sensuality, and have these sensual relationships with drugs, alcohol, sex, and various other bad behaviors. And they end up because STP NFJ Quadra Amir’s people, they end up mirroring the wrong people and becoming corrupted. And yet ESTP is understand, you know, that they’re supposed to have that integrity of that INFJ subconscious. But sometimes the ESTP is willing to trade their integrity for companionship for their Wolfpack, or for their status as the alpha.

So that’s a problem. That’s what happens when the unhealthy ISTJ is out. And that unhealthy kind of transition when they get so worried about their own experience, that they try to fabricate experiences as much as they can for themselves, but they can’t do it and they give themselves over to sensuality, which ultimately leads to guess what? idolatry. ESTPs are extremely weak to idolatry and idolatry.

I mean, I know a few idolatrous ESTPs in my time one of them actually. He’s addicted to World of Warcraft right now. It’s funny. He can’t he can’t stop playing.

It’s the most important thing or, or even my mentor, my mentor, my ESTP mentor, Mr. Bryant. He also was idolatrous with his, with his, some his behaviors. I remember him playing Minecraft all day long when we were supposed to be doing a SharePoint info Meditation for a customer.

This is up in Seattle, Washington. It was a big job. He decided he wanted to play Minecraft the entire time. I was never comfortable with that.

I was always trying to like get some of the work done trying to do right by our boss. And he No he wanted in the he was my supervisor time he just want to play Minecraft all day long. And that led to me getting fired from that job. Oh, yeah, I was homeless.

So, when an ESTP is focused on their own sensuality, it’s at the expense of everybody else. They lack experiences, they should seek out other people and improvise and create new experiences with them. Ultimately, the ESTP is looking for people who have that integrity. So they can be integral themselves looking for those loyal people, those true friends so that they don’t find themselves being idolaters loyal to the wrong things, right through their work through their ISTJ unconscious.

But what does a healthy one look like? What is the healthy version of that? The healthy one gives themselves over to responsibility. See, the unhealthy wine is irresponsible, because idolatry leads to irresponsibility isn’t the ISTJ unconscious through the unhealthy gateway. But a healthy version? Well, it goes even further than that, right? It goes so much further than that. The healthy version of this cognitive transition was like, Well, hey, you know, it’s my duty to myself to be responsible to myself, it’s my duty to myself to learn new things and do things I’ve never done before.

But I would like to do with other people don’t forget, folks, guess what the ISTJ unconscious is interdependent. Why? Because it’s affiliative, which means any new experiences it’s supposed to be having it should be sharing with other people through se hero. Wait, man, that’s healthy. So as the ISTJ unconscious seeks to grow, the ESTP needs to surround themselves with healthy people to do things that is looking to do that could be reading books.

That could be volunteer firefighting together. That could be rowing on a lake that could be developing sports with other people. This is why ESTP is they get so bored when they’re actually watching sporting games. So like, why should be in the eye? Should they literally say to themselves, I should be in the game playing right now? Why am I here in the stands? Why do I care.

So another reason why they have a hard time sitting still watching television, they’d rather be in the action instead of watch the action. Because when they watch the action, it causes their si Nemesis to get uncomfortable. And they start feeling like they’re doing a bad job. They start feeling like they’re being useless.

They start feeling like, I’m not doing what I should be doing and sharing experiences with other people. Because that’s what’s real is, that’s that’s what, that’s what makes me it is what makes them happy. Why am I sitting here being worthless? Guys, when you have a negative focused ISTJ, unconscious ESTP. 38:11 They’re lazy.

They’re very lazy. And they give themselves over to idolatry. Which laziness in itself is idolatry. Sloth, they get very slothful, and they end up becoming a drain on everyone around them.

And they know it. And it leads to this insane depression that these ESTPs end up having. Not cool. But when they’re healthy, they end up researching different kinds of experiences that they can have different things that they can do with other people.

And then they start investing time in that way. And then also, they do that research for their te critic, they gain additional wisdom for themselves, that they take on a lot of knowledge on themselves. They end up researching and understanding things specifically. So that once because I know all of these things, hey, I can then construct great experiences for other people.

But if they don’t have that, and if they’re not worried because they have faith in themselves, they can then use their se hero to improvise new experiences based on what’s around them in the moment, which ultimately becomes more important. Instead of forcing themselves to have to plan every little detail about every little thing puts too much stress on them to begin with. And they end up being worried and then they could be at risk of giving themselves over to idolatry, getting stuck in that idolatrous rut instead of being on the path to wisdom and integrity, whether INFJ subconscious, they can get stuck here. So a healthy ISTJ unconscious.

Basically, they’re becoming that library of Alexandria, that library of knowledge of healthy experiences that they share with other people and creating memories with other people. And they become a repository of all this information specifically for the purpose of creating and they do this in such a way which causes them a byproduct causes them to become personally responsible. An ESTP, who is personally responsible, ends up developing that high level of maturity through the gift of knowledge. Because iCj unconscious literally is, as the Christians would say, gift of knowledge.

And the INFJ subconscious is literally gift of wisdom. And as they develop their happiness, and they develop their maturity, they gain both gifts, and they’re able to confer that upon others because they gift knowledge, that gift the wisdom, can, can, together and some alchemical process create the ultimate experience that they can deliver on a silver platter to literally anybody. Going beyond that gateway for the demon function, Oh, you want to play a game? You made the rules. I mean, we’re playing by your rules.

So I don’t I remember Mr. Bryant, my ESTP mentor, constantly telling this ISFJ woman that he picked up off the street, she was this Muslim woman, he wasn’t a Muslim. And he had her live in his home with her son, because she was poor. She had literally had nothing.

And he didn’t expect anything in return from her. He they weren’t even having a sexual relationship. Although he was accused of it all the time. He had an extra room.

It wasn’t even being used. There’s literally nothing there. He put her into his home, and they stay there with his son. And even though he could not stand her son, he had her home because she was literally homeless and had nothing.

And it wasn’t for lack of trying, either. She constantly was trying to get a job. She was constantly trying to get things figured out, or someone’s going to school. And then eventually, she was able to get her own place and move out and worked out for a while.

But he was a very giving to her in that situation. But it’s funny, because I remember Mr. Bryant telling me you know, like, she he ended up getting into like a verbal altercation with her at one point in time. And he’s like, you make the rules.

You make the rules. I’m just enforcing the rules that you made. You made your bed, you have to sleep in it, sorry. And he walked out of the room.

And it was I mean, it was his roof anyway. But the point is, is like she said, she told him what she wanted. He’s like, okay, fine, we’ll do what she wanted. And then she’s like, Oh, I don’t want to do that anymore.

And it’s like, Well, you said, Sorry, you made that decision. That’s not my problem, right. And that’s where that comes from Gateway for expert intuition demon, you make the rules, you said what you wanted, we did what you wanted. Because here’s the thing.

ESTPs are aware of their choice with their second gateway, if that choice is taken away, the demon is going to come out. And that’s the gonna be the negative transition into the ENFP super ego, the ENFP super ego will absolutely burn down whatever future that person has, and take it away from them like that. And it’s completely gone, vaporized, destroyed, they have no future, permanent damage, right. Also, it also destroys the reputation.

It systematically destroys their relationships with other human beings and their reputations such that it is impossible for that person to have a future with any other human beings because that person has been like permanently marked. It’s kind of like that, that that book The Scarlet Letter, and it was an ESTP that put that scarlet letter right on Hester that Brian had her as a whore within her community that everyone does basically crapped on and and whatnot when the INFP preacher Mr. I think it was the Danes mir origins more forgot his name in the in the book, even though he was the one that had a child with her an illegitimate child, he happened to be the preacher of the town. And for the sake of his reputation, he kept her mouth shut.

Wow. That’s like, horrible, and yet she was an INFJ. And ESTP is the one that Brandon her. Because these TVs like, well, you made the rules, the rules of this dumb society.

And we’re gonna give you the scarlet letter, so you’re permanently marked, right? That’s ENFP super ego, and a super ego focused ESTP it’s a very dangerous thing. A lot of them they’re either dead or in jail. And it’s because they get into this anarchy because remember, ENFP super ego is all about chaos. It’s all about creating chaos.

It literally is anarchy incarnate. Like that show Sons of Anarchy it’s funny that the main character of Sons of Anarchy is an ESTP but that’s another story. Anarchy incarnate and remember SPS if they if they take control of society becomes an sp society it literally is anarchy and and it becomes a tribal societies where you get the gang is cones and those conquerors and whatnot, or gang violence or gangs that movie gangs in New York for example, the leader of the gang was an ESTP versus the Leonardo DiCaprio INFJ for example, games in New York, it’s it’s gang life and gang life is ENFP super ego focused. ESTP is gang life.

It’s all about gang life, to the ESTP and there is no such thing as knowledge or wisdom in that regard, because they’re doing the absolute expedient thing. I’m the alpha, I have my gang. And that’s it. And we rule and what how we rule is just how we rule and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop us.

And you know, and I’m in charge, and I’m going to test the strength of everyone around me. And if anyone’s weak, while they lose their life, they have no future if they’re weak. That’s literally ENFP super ego. Not exactly fun.

Well, what happens when ENFP super ego becomes angelic, and they transition healthfully into the super ego, well, that’s not going to happen. So you need all the wisdom in the world and all the knowledge in the world in order to actually make that happen. And then at that point, the ENFP works hard for the future of other people and proper thinking other people such that a create anarchy to tear down society around them. Like, for example, Samuel Adams, and ESTP, who run the sans the sons of the Sons of Liberty, you know, a terrorist group working against King George, the Britons, the Redcoats during the American Revolution.

And commissioned by Benjamin Franklin. Yeah, yeah. See, Samuel Adams in the Sons of Liberty. They did the Boston Tea Party, they are involved in the Boston Massacre, they helped start the American Revolution.

And it’s because that ENFP super ego became angelic, and he was working to the better future of his fellow colonists. And he created a terrorist group as a result, the Sons of Liberty. And that’s a great example of an angelic ENFP outlook for that cognitive transition. That’s where it comes from.

So remember, folks, how do you get that healthy, the ESTP always needs to have a choice, the ESTP needs to have developed subconscious have that gift of wisdom, and that gift of knowledge from iCj unconscious, such that they combined together as our chemical process to create a literal mental, Philosopher’s Stone within the mind, such that they’re able to transmute the demon into an angel within their super ego, so they can work for a better future and using the tools of anarchy to do it, right. And as a result, everybody then has a better future and a better phrase present as a result of the direct work of the ESTP. Living in the moment, getting shit done, even like in a revolutionary setting. That’s a very revolutionary approach.

So anyway, I think that about covers it. So if you liked what you saw, like please go to CS Joseph dot life forward slash social, click on YouTube, subscribe, like us, hit the bell, JOIN OUR DISCORD servers, you can get in on the Q and A’s for live streams and whatnot, become a patron and financially contribute to our little movement that we have going here at CSJ. As a be able to provide additional premium content. This content is made available through email, folks, thank you all for being email subscribers, we really appreciate everyone and we’re trying very hard not to spam you.

48:00 But you know, hey, if you do get spam from us, at least you know that there’s a lecture coming every now and then we’re hoping to get two of these released per month. So look forward to having more of those available for season 22. And thank you very much folks, for for watching and being a member of our audience. With that being said, I’ll see you guys next time.

Have a good night.

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