Season 17, Episode 12 Transcript



00:00 Hey, guys, it’s Chase with CS Joseph dot life doing another episode for season 17. This is episode 11. And we’re going to be talking about how to type with the Cuadras, basically. So season 17.

So far, we’ve talked about each of the four sides of the mind, we’ve also had an opportunity to talk about the various ways like we’ve gone even deeper, like for example, talking about gender, talking about you know, angelic versus demonic forces on super ego with super ego comes from the origin of all cognition as we know it, etc. We’ve also gone deeper talking about the quadros and whatnot. And tonight, we’re gonna be doing something a bit different, we’re going to be focusing on how you could utilize the quadrants to actually type someone effectively. And I’m also going to be whiteboarding out the process, we might take a little bit of time on the on the on the Type grid, but I do want to draw everyone’s attention to the Quadra Foursquare, which I would be basically demoing it for the audience hear the quatro, Foursquare was recently made available for the ultimate messaging formula at ultimate messaging

And since the type heard was already leaked publicly, I’m going to be utilizing that as a visual aid as well, just sharing a couple of pieces from the ultimate messaging formula, as well as further you know, going deeper, I guess, within our discussion on quadros. And I think this is necessary, because the following episode of season 17, which should be Episode 12, we’re actually going to be talking about how to parent children and child development, basically mental child development, and the four stages of life basically, according to the four sides of the mind, that’s going to be Episode 12, I think 13, we’re probably going to be looking a lot more deeper or a lot deeper into parenting and children. Then after that, I think we’re there’s a couple of bonus episodes that we have regarding season 17. And then season 17 will be coming to a close.

If you haven’t figured it out already. We have two episodes out now for season 18. Those are email only lectures, and those have already been made available. Seriously, where’s that one? Like? I can’t like be flipping around.

You’re like crazy, man. That one. So. But anyway.

So yeah, make sure you guys sign up for email, CS For slash type grid, you can get the original type grid, which will be made available there, get you on your email list. Just note that if you guys unsubscribe for emails, you’re not gonna get season eight team. So just so you know, like, and a lot of people keep asking for the first couple of episodes, they are not available.

Now. They may be made available later. But again, if you unsubscribe from email list, well, then you’re not going to get them. So keep that in mind.

You want to make sure that you’re not missing the awesomeness that is season 18, you can actually see some of the remnants of season 18 right here on the blackboard behind me. It’s been, it’s been very interesting. So and the next episode is gonna be known as the system of judgment where we are going to be doing a nice deep dive into how judging functions or decision making functions are utilized. So just a couple of previews for that.

So awesome. And great. So let’s let’s just dive in. Now, I think I’ve gotten enough announcement related things, I don’t need to really go into detail.

Oh, I’m gonna be probably releasing some special episodes, as well, this week, that had nothing to do with anything that we’ve been talking about. So just because I had, I don’t know, hair up my butt about it, I guess. And I’m like, Okay, sure. And I just been kicking around the idea, may as well do it because a lot of people are interested in it.

And I could probably do a quick 16 episodes, probably film them in like two days time and just, you know, there we have it a bunch of content for everyone. So we’ll see how that goes. But anyway, on to the Cuadras. So, the Cuadras we’ve talked about their virtues and the vices we’ve talked about.

What are the Quadra is basically we’ve been talking about Crusaders, we’ve been talking about Templars, we’ve been talking about wayfarers. We’ve been talking about philosophers. And it’s just it’s just so interesting. Now I would like to stay you know, a lot of people coming in to season 17 Because you know how the YouTube search algorithm goes or or any search algorithm for that matter.

They’re not going to watch season 17 in order so, just a little bit review what is a quadra? A Quadra is basically for, for personality. types are brought into like the same, they share the same cognitive functions essentially. And because they share the same cognitive functions, they behave very similarly not the same, but they they make decisions, they perceive they see the world, the same eyes, for the most part, they make decisions similar for the most part, they also heavily trigger each other, like, I mean, like really, they really trigger each other. But while they’re very annoying to each other from a type, an archetypical, compatibility union compatibility standpoint, they’re actually very high in camaraderie and one’s own Quadra is definitely the best place to actually learn a lot of lessons for yourself, especially when you’re learning lessons from your own type, if you can actually stomach being around somebody of your own type, for very long, I actually had the honor of experiencing that myself when, you know, working on ultimate messaging formula, for example, with caveat, Nick, because she’s the intp.

And I was able to learn a lot about, you know, being an intp, and making a lot of mistakes. And it’s kind of interesting, because both of us have different cognitive focus, her cognitive focus is ISFJ. Related, my cognitive focus is INTJ related, and cognitive focus for you know, from a review standpoint, I’ll be going into this deeper in season 18. But it’s the one part of your nature that is directly impacted by your nurture.

So depending on how you were raised, depending on, you know, just when I’ve had some serious traumas or even serious successes in your life, it actually causes a person’s while their ego is, you know, whatever type it is, it can actually change into favoring one of the other four sides of the mind, because their ego is not typically allowed to be utilized in their upbringing, which usually happens if you have someone of your own Quadra as a parent, so it’s a parental figure, actually had someone earlier in the audience today, I was reading YouTube comments, and someone in the comments asked me it’s like, Hey, is it statistically likely that someone that at least one of your parents is within the same Quadra as you? And I? It really, it really shocked me that question. Because I started teaching that and really thinking about it, I was even thinking about it in the shower even and I was just so baffled by that question is very insightful question. And I’m like, wow, you know, there’s really a good chance that that may actually be statistically likely, because that’s just that’s how it is with my parents. That’s how it is with railguns parents.

And I started thinking about like everyone that I know, you know, at least one child, at least one child in the family, at least have a set of kids definitely shares the same Quadra. But is it true that every child that is raised in a family shares a quadra with one of the parents? Is that always the case? I don’t think that’s always the case. But I have seen at least so far, based on my initial thinking, and going through all the people in my life that I know, because I’ve memorized all of them with my si inferior going aspirational mode, that there is a chance that is statistically likely, I don’t know, I really don’t know, I know birth order has a lot to do with it. And we’ll be talking a little bit about that and subsequent episodes of season 17.

But regardless, I do think it’s something that this audience needs to at least consider. If you guys have any thoughts on that concept, please leave a comment below, I really want to read into that. Because before I launched into the parenting lectures, I want to know a little bit more about where the audience sees things. And maybe we can create an open forum, I might actually release like a little online questionnaire as a survey, to get information from people in the audience to actually find out so we can actually create data and statistics, you know, to that point, but again, we have to think of grains of salt, because not a lot of people actually know how to type themselves or others, which is really frustrating.

But guess what, that’s why we’re having this episode right now to actually discuss that. So, you know, it’s absolutely critical to be able to, you know, have that point of view because, you know, if you don’t, then you’re going to find yourself in a situation where, you know, if you don’t know how to tie yourself or others, then you’re you’re seriously allowing yourself to kind of like fall behind to a point in that area. Okay, cool. So I got my first visual aid set up, so I’m going to go into it right now.

09:57 Oh, we got a couple of comments in the chat already. So we got shmoney says on the last born and the only pragmatic on my mother’s for children. lol Yes guys, by the way folks we have like a live audience for the recording of this lecture. It’s like for Patreon goals, the live lecture for this month so and Helen Chang says, in the case of only child, I think it’s less likely that the kid is in the same Quadra as one of the parents.

I mean, okay, that’s fine. Halon but if I was an only child because I am the firstborn of my family, if I was an only child, then that wouldn’t be true. So I not entirely sure. And nudes news rovide new rare I can’t say that name.

Sorry. I’m an INFJ. My mom’s an ENFJ. And my little sister’s nice teepee.

Well, tons of quads are all over the place. And then love it says my mom and I both the st. Jays and John Stevenson’s asking a question super ego oriented. I’m not here to take questions until the q&a session could serve.

But But I imagine you could technically. And I thank you for all the comments. But also, like, when this video is posted, leave comments there too, because I want everybody in the community to be able to be part of this discussion is really important to me, and it will assist with upcoming lecture content. Okay, so let’s see how this works.

Awesome. That’s not going to work. Let’s try this one. Okay.

Or let’s try this one. No, let’s try this one. Alright, so here’s the Type grid. This is the type grid that was leaked by our friend of Vic Ruiz.

And it’s also been copied by certain people on Instagram recently, I’ve gotten a few people, you know, it’s funny about that, that copy of the type credits, even actually using all of our original names for each of the individual types, because, you know, it’s like, Hey, as long as I have the type grid posted online, without any of chases, fancy visuals, you know, it’s okay, you know, I’m not violating copyright or anything, am I you know, what I mean, it’s just weird to me how people just think they could just steal stuff, but it is what it is, you know, people like that will definitely be dealt with. But, you know, in the meantime, you know, the community has to move on, and we have to continue our work. So that’s what I’ll definitely be doing. But welcome to the Type grid 3.0.

Man, as we’ll talk about it here, because guess what it was leaked. This is one of the core things that you get with ultimate messaging formula at ultimate messaging But this is the primary tool with which we use as a community to type ourselves or other people. And mastery of the Type grid is basically everything that you need to achieve, to be able to psychoanalyze anybody and do it, you know, instantly.

There have been a lot of issues with the Type grid though in the past, it hasn’t been so accessible. A lot of people had some really strong criticisms about it, because they didn’t exactly understand the differences between all the individual pieces. But okay, yeah, I get that. Obviously, we still kept our structure start or finish or background nomenclature, we’re still running with the Guardians, artists and intellectuals, Idealist nomenclature from a disposition standpoint.

And so dispositions are at the top aka temperaments. And then we have the communication styles, structure start to finish from background, etc. A couple of changes. Before I go on a little bit deeper.

I would like to explain though, that direct and initiating is there, but instead of saying control, we decided to say outcome. And the reason why is because we’ve noticed that control types actually resonate a little bit more with the word outcome. And then the movement types are resonate a little bit more with the word progression. And this is just something that we’ve noticed within the community and we wanted to have the opportunity to actually make those changes to make this this diagram a little bit more accessible when you’re using it to psychoanalyze people.

Absolutely necessary. So, and yeah, I’m showing it here on YouTube, you know, for free because it was leaked, so Okay, great. It was leaked. That sucks, but it is what it is, but But you know, hey, you know, I’m sharing it right now for all to see so that we can we can interact with it appropriately.

So yeah, and we’ve also we changed the the cleric symbol from a lily to a lotus, I think Lotus is far more effective. Especially you know, with them being a Templar. We updated each of the cognitive functions to be reminiscent of the content that we’re talking about right now in season eight teens whose Nathan’s about cognitive mechanics, and we’re talking about you know, bow and spear bow being te spear being FYI or talking about sword and mace or are being ti m as being fe, or we’re talking about earth and water, which is Introverted Sensing versus extroverted intuition, or fire and wind, which is Introverted Intuition versus extroverted sensing. Each of those cognitive functions are representative within each of the individual types.

And then also within each of the individual 16 type squares we’ve also added and I’m going to move my mouse hopefully you guys can actually see this here. Like for adjudicator, there’s the symbol for the philosopher and Gladiator. There’s the symbol for the Templar and Marshall, there’s the symbol for the wayfare. Within row, there’s the symbol for Crusader.

And what this does is that it gives you folks the opportunity to basically see, okay, yeah, here’s the 16 types, here’s what specifically each each quadrant they belong to. And we actually made sure to include that within the Type grid, just you guys have to really understand something about the Type grid. One of the reasons why it works so well. In fact, it it works perfectly well.

And to the point where you can absolutely fundamentally put all of your faith into the Type grid when it comes to psychoanalysis because it will not let you down. The reason why is because it really helps you achieve a level of deductive reasoning when it comes to psychoanalysis that most people have not been able to do. Why is this? And guys, I’m leading up to the Cuadras in a second year, so bear with me. The reason why is because you have to see the type grid as a three dimensional four dimensional it’s an abacus guys, it’s an abacus.

Have you guys ever done calculus before? So you need to especially if you’re te users watching this, if you’re an extroverted thinker, you need to remember something, you folks make decisions based on inductive reasoning more than anything. And when you’re making so this is all you Bo users out there. And deductive reasoning, what is what is deductive reasoning, it basically means qualification, right? You’re trying to qualify people under each of these under under each of these 16 types, basically. And so what you guys end up doing, you always look at the type and you’re like, Okay, well, you know, I really think he’s informative.

And, you know, he’s obviously, he’s responding. Okay, so, you know, but the Oh yeah. And then I’m definitely an artisan. So he’s a druid, and then you guys get your answer wrong.

The reason is, is because you’re trying to add traits to people. That’s not the appropriate way. Te users you need to learn how to subtract traits from people. So you need to use deductive reasoning.

So here’s how you do it, you assume that whoever you’re typing is literally everybody, you assume that they’re all traits. And then you just subtract traits from them that they aren’t, or they are less than the other one. This allows you to view the Type grid from primary versus secondary standpoint, it also gets your head out of thinking about statics, and start thinking about dynamics. That’s what the Teichert is all about.

It’s about identifying specific dynamics between each of the 16 types. And this is explained at length within the ultimate messaging formula, including worksheets to be able to kind of like figure out how that works exactly. But back to the abacus model, you have to see the type grid as an abacus. And what’s really special in abacus when you’re doing calculus, for example, is that when you’re doing a calculation on abacus, there’s different sets.

It’s like It’s like it’s almost like a cube you see there’s different vectors with which to apply your logic in order to come up with an answer, for example, right? And this version of the Type grid has four vectors on how to use it for vectors. Okay, the first hybrid re released, we really only had two, maybe three technically vectors represented. But with the Cuadras present, The Quadra is basically being the fourth vector, you’re able to type people based on their vectors on these four vectors. So what are these vectors? Well, the first one is the obvious one, their communication style, that’s a vector, right? And then you have the disposition.

That’s a vector. And then you have their cognitive armaments and cognitive armaments are literally their, their, their, their functions when they’re paired with each other, like, for example, bow and spear, which is Te EFI user, guess what, that’s an armament right, or that’s a you know, that’s, that’s an arsenal because we break it up into arsenal. And we also break it up into 19:40 we also break it up into affinity, which is your elemental affinity. And this is talked about at length in season 18.

Episode Two, it just dropped the email users earlier this week. I’ll forget I hope you guys are like not missing out on that. But when we explain the cognitive functions from like a magical affinity point of view, earth and why otter si en IE for example fire and wind and I SC, for example. So that is also a vector, right.

And an example of this, I guess the best example of this would be when you watch me type people on the how to type of live streams, for example, and understanding the dynamic between how bow and spears sits together, how they’re on a cognitive axis with one another and how they interact with each other. And then how bow and spirit likes to be paired up with a sword and mace and sort of mace are also on an axis with one another, but then they link up pretty well together with bow and spear users because then they have a complete set of of Arsenal’s available to them, and whatever situation right? It’s it’s no different with their cognitive affinities because their cognitive affinities are literally like their elemental focus, specifically for each of the 16 types. This is also necessary to understand, right, so cognitive armaments, which is their arsenal plus their affinity or skill being their weapons, which is decision making functions, their affinity being there, they’re elements that they’re attached to being their perception functions. 21:09 Those also are additional vectors.

Now, I would say cognitive RMS would represent maybe like one vector, and I’m kind of grouping them all together. But if you really break it down, it’s actually like, a lot of vectors alone, because there’s technically four sub vectors within that right within this abacus of the Type grid, right? So that’s fantastic. And then obviously, the final vector is that of Cuadras. And if you can identify their quadra, well guess what happens? Like, seriously, it’s like, Oh, this guy’s obviously Crusader, great, you’ve just eliminated 12 of the types off of the other things are leaving looking at even more than this, you can go even deeper, just like, Okay, this guy is obviously a sword mace user.

Okay, he’s a sword mace user, you’ve just eliminated half the types right there. You see half the types and then you could go in deeper with The Quadra. If you if you find one, current cognitive armament, and you find one quadra, well, guess what, you only have two types left at that point, you see what I’m saying are actually potentially four types, potentially. But there’s so many different combinations, there’s so many different ways that you yourself can interact with the Type grid.

And there’s so many vectors we haven’t even added. Those are just like the main for that. And you can also get a correct answer with just using two. This is where it gets into deductive versus inductive reasoning when you’re using a type grid, because if you know their disposition of it, and their communication style, by default, you know which one of the 16 types they are, you see what I’m saying.

But having the ability to use cognitive armaments analysis, which is access, cognitive access, and ability to use Cuadras, for example, allows you to refine your results and also allows you to check your work. The great thing about an abacus is that you have to have the same answer, regardless of which vector you use an abacus. And this right here is the fundamental reason as to why the Type grid is science fact, and not science fiction. It is not pseudoscience.

So the fact that our brains have literally been reduced to a system that an abacus can analyze and you’d be utilized to identify with this proves so much about like the structure of the human soul psychologically speaking, guys, it proves so so much. It also proves that people like Joe Biden, for example, who are running for office are literally ESTP it he’s literally an ES TJ, he is adjudicator. And it’s funny because when you’re when you’re talking about Judah caters as a result, you know, what did you dictators do? I mean, come on, like, tell me, tell me what what what do what do philosophers do it? Let’s get the let’s get the Quadra Foursquare. In here.

There it is. What philosophers do, what do they have a habit of doing? Oh, that’s right. And a habit of sacrificing their fellow human beings for the sake of personal gain. Gee, I wonder if a politician is ever going to do that? Way.

So why would I want to vote for Joe Biden? Right? Oh, but wait a minute, Trump. He’s, you know, he’s a Wayfair. What a wayfarers do Oh, that’s right. They steal? Do I really want him to be a leader? Right? Or, you know, what about what about a crusader who is a crusader President United States? Oh, Ronald Reagan use a crusader right? I wonder how many times people like him, you know, found the innocent, guilty and put away the wrong people.

Right. I wonder I wonder what would happen there, you know, or what about a Templar archetype? You know, John F. Kennedy, right. Good old Templar, right? You know, expecting everyone else around him to be responsible that he himself was not so responsible, right? Wait a minute, you see what I’m saying, guys, like, we really, really, really could utilize this science in our lives every day and psychoanalyze people properly, especially from a quadric point of view, to really understand people’s potential good habits and bad habits, and especially when they’re running for office.

Are you sure? Are you sure that you’re putting your faith into the correct Quadra? Are you sure you are, right? But of course, you know, philosophers have an advantage, right? Because, you know, philosophers are very politically minded. They also seek power, more so than everybody else, because they want their opinion to be so much more valuable than others, because they’re so afraid of being heard. And they just want to look smart. And I’m sure Joe Biden really loves looking smart.

But is he ask yourself that question? You see what I’m saying, guys? Like, there’s so much out here. And it’s because the quadrants if you actually think about it, it goes even further. This is why do we have the Dunning Kruger effect? Dunning Kruger means that the smart people think they’re dumb. And the stupid people think they’re smart, right? You know, hashtag Joe Biden, you know what I’m saying? So like, think about that guys.

Like, even from like a political point of view, we really have to come to terms of you know, with the reality of the situation is, you know, it also it’s kind of sucks when you know, certain quadrants are kind of more common than others, right? I think that really sucks. wayfarers are definitely the rarest, because there’s more affiliative than there is pragmatics for sure. And NT j’s are super rare as is. So there’s already less wayfarers than everybody else.

But there is a glut of philosophers. They’re all over the place, you know. And there’s also a lot of crusaders as well, that like crusaders is kind of you and because you have had the SF Jays are hyper common. And the NTPs are hyper rare.

So it’s it kind of balances itself out. But the bottom line is, is that we cannot really, you know, show favoritism, you know, in terms of each of the quadrants. But, you know, it’s necessary to understand the quadrants and how they work so that you can fundamentally understand people. So anyway, here’s a closure with Foursquare and it breaks down the cognitive arguments, such as their affinities and their and their Arsenal’s the fatties are going across the top.

And the our souls are going on the left, the left, right, and basically, you know, the the sword and mace users who have earthen water just happened to be Crusaders, right? That’s literally how to use this, or the fire. And when users who happen to be sort of mace or templars, right, or firing when users who are spear and bow, guess what, they’re the Wayfarers. Right? It’s really, really easy. Now, granted, those messaging formula provides, like a nice little mini glossaries here and there within the documentation actually explains specific definitions as to each uh, how one of these individual dynamics works so that if you get confused, you can at least translate it as to how it works in order to, you know, come to that conclusion.

But it’s absolutely necessary to come to the point where, you know, you actually understand the Cuadras are definitely a tool with which you could utilize the type someone on cyprinid. Remember, it’s this abacus with multiple vectors. Now, granted, there’s tons of other vectors, you ever you ever hear the reinen dichotomies according to Socionics. That’s definitely a set of a ton of vectors with which you could actually test for against the Type grid, it really makes the type grids abacus calculative capabilities go even further.

And that’s why the Type grid is is a fantastic invention. And I’m very, I’m very happy to be a part of its development. Because when it was first presented to me by my ESTP mentor, it only included communication styles and dispositions. It didn’t include the rest.

And slowly over time, as I began to learn a psychology and learn the science, I began to realize that it was absolutely necessary to apply the additional vectors to the Type grid, or leave it or at least discover that additional vectors were capable of using the Type grid in order to in order to type people to psychoanalyze people via process of elimination. Because remember, guys, the moment you’re able to identify someone’s type, you know, all their cognitive functions, you know, the four sides of the mind, you could actually potentially identify where they’re at in a cognitive development, you know, where their fears are, you know, their their worries are, you know, where the pressure points are, mentally, you could manipulate them, you can make them super happy. You can make them really angry. You could teach them a lesson, you could cause them to hate you, you could cause them to love you.

There’s so many different applications as a result. And you know, it’s no different from a sales and marketing standpoint as we have The outline and ultimate messaging formula is no different from sexual relationships. For example, like, for example, just look at the Quadra Foursquare. You know, crusaders should be with wayfarers temple or should be with philosophers, for example, they’re all opposite of each other, which is also kind of interesting.

But, you know, that’s literally how it goes. I mean, I guess under the Quadra force, where you can make the argument that opposites attract, right? Because when you look at Socionics duality, which is what they posit is the de facto compatibility in terms of sexual relationships, etc, they would have you have a sexual relationship with the same people, the same four types that are within your own Quadra. Yeah, that really sucks. Like, why would anyone want to do that, you know, these people exist to learn lessons from or exists to compete with you, so that you become a sharper, more capable person.

That’s what camaraderie is all about. compatibility is the whole opposites attract thing, where you have the Crusaders going for the Wayfarers and the Templars going for the philosopher’s at cetera. You know, and this is absolutely, absolutely necessary to do that. 31:15 So And yes, I do have some allergies, I have to, I gotta, I gotta clean, I gotta clean this room again, I have to vacuum it all the time.

So it’s, there’s like no ventilation in here for some reason. So definitely going to be getting that figured out in the near future. So yeah, with that being said, um, so remember, guys, just you gotta utilize the quadrants and really consider the quadrants away, because like I said, on a tight grid, if you can identify somebody’s quadra, very simply, you instantly know, they are one of these four types, and actually makes it so much easier to eliminate, you know, via communication style, or disposition, for example, it makes it a lot easier to use those tools to actually eliminate from there, like, for example, look at let’s look at, let’s look at, let’s look at Templar, right, so their communication style, all of the Templars, they’re direct, they’re all direct, but some of them are outcome focused, and some of them are progression. So why did we change outcomes progression? Let’s talk about outcome.

And outcome is when a person for example, outcome is a person who spends all of their time planning to in order to do something right the first time complete a task right the first time, go to the store, right the first time, do some kind of activity or goal, complete a goal or complete an objective with just literally optimizing one attempt. And that’s why they take so much time planning and they take so much time to figure it out. It’s kind of like I talked about that example of the man who walks to the bottom of all the bleachers in the stadium and looks up at all the bleachers and then identifies the chair he wants to go to, and then he starts moving to the chair. Whereas the progression based person, they’re going to just walk down and start walking down the stairs, and they’re gonna immediately claim the nearest possible seat.

So at least they have a seat because they know it’s possible, someone else might take another seat while we’re scoping out additional seats in case they can identify another seat, but at least they got their first seat. So at least they’re guaranteed a spot. Whereas the guy that went to the bottom of the bleachers, he spent all that time planning right to make that one attempt to find that one perfect seat all that time to get that best outcome, right? Well, guess what, me as the movement person is just going to end up taking that spot before he can get there, because I’m technically closer to it. You see what I’m saying? So then he loses out and then he gets all upset.

But in reality situation, it’s his own fault, right? Or is it because he’s outcome focused on progress, progress with a progress based person makes decisions differently, and how progress pace? So someone who’s focused on progression, these are movement oriented types, these people what we do, instead of putting all that planning to make that one attempt and to do things right the first time, we just make attempt after attempt after attempt after attempt after attempt without any planning. And then as we make attempts, and if we fail, then we the next attempt will be better, basically, until we get it right. Sometimes, though, we get lucky and we nail it on the first attempt. So great.

I hit on the first attempt. So why do I have to bother spending all this time planning if I know I’m going to hit in the first attempt right? It’s faster, you see faster with the risk of it being sloppy, or much slower, with a lower chance of it being sloppy, two different ways of doing things. This is outcome versus progression. This is why it was changed in the type grade folks.

But if We’re going to use this as an example if we see you know if we’re if we’ve identified someone Okay, yeah, he’s definitely a template type on a Type grid. We know that he’s fire and wind. We know that he’s sorted mace right he’s fired when he sword mace awesome. He is a Templar.

Great. We know this guy is a Templar Well, here’s the issue though. Which Templars a well, I know they’re all direct, okay, because we’re looking at dispositions and communication styles now, but they have different dispositions and see abstract. Is he concrete? Well, if he’s abstract, and we just eliminate the concrete ones, which is artifice here and collider here, which means this template could only be a paladin or a cleric, right? But then again, is the outcome focus as he spent a lot of time planning, or does he make multiple attempts to try to get through all these multiple 10 person hope that means he is an INFJ Paladin, right.

And it made it so much easier to do, instead of just starting necessarily with disposition and communication style, which could potentially reduce eliminate, you know, eight to 12 people on on the on the tight grid. If you hit their Quadra first, guess what you’ve just eliminated 12 instantly. And then you could use the rest of the tools on a type grade to further narrow it down. It’s all about a process of narrowing it down guys, it’s a multi vector abacus that’s what the type Kritis for.

It’s literally a Rubik’s Cube, you need to treat it as such, right? Stop using inductive reasoning, you will not be successful, you need to use deductive reasoning to get the maximum amount out of the Type grid. It’s no different than when you’re using an abacus. You know for calculus, it’s no different. It’s still deductive reasoning.

It’s still logic. Now te users are like, Well, how do I do that Mr. CS Joseph is pretty easy. Get out a piece of paper and write things down.

I have noticed that te users can use logic pretty well, if they write things down. They just have to have the self discipline, especially wayfarers, for example, they have to have the self discipline actually call it a note pad and actually start taking notes to write down all their qualifications per se. And then actually consider working backwards. Working backwards is a little bit hard for an NI user to do working backwards is typically an N E persons too.

So this is why wayfarers would actually really struggle with potentially typing someone correctly as a result. Luckily, philosophers can still work backwards, but they still have the problem of inductive reasoning as a result. Why is this relevant? It’s relevant because Templar is at the end of the day, in terms of just natural and being natural about things within their nature. This is why I maintain the Templars are the best of the Cuadras to actually utilize the Type grid and type people appropriately.

This also includes, you know, visual typing, etc. And by the way, if you guys want to get in on some visual typing stuff, I’m going to be doing my first lecture on visual typing in the very near future. It’s going to be the march 2020 Ruby Conference, I believe it takes place next week. And I’ll be touching on visual typing for the very first time in in the the the material that’s going to be presented in the Ruby Conference.

If you want to find out more about that, go to CS Joseph dot life for slash Patreon and sign up as a Ruby member so that you can gain access to that this month, and also all of our previous Ruby conferences, they are available there you go to that website. It’s like a really big menu and stuff and you guys can like check that out. It’s pretty, pretty dope. So anyway, so as you can see, it’s really necessary to identify your Quadra.

Right, and let’s bring up the the Type grid again, just in case. Let’s see here. Alright, right, cool. Let’s bring out the Type grid right here.

All right. See, here we go. And once you identify their quadric guess what, you know, like I said, if it’s a crusader as we know, boom, rogue, ardent knights, Cavalier, everything is just basically x out after that. No problem.

Totally not, you know, totally not actually, the thing, you know what I’m saying. So, very nice. Very useful. Very necessary.

Don’t just use just disposition to communication style, you can, you could definitely do that. But you can also use the Cuadras you can also use cognitive armaments, which is basically the cognitive axes, you know, the sort of mace etc, firewood, etc. You can use those all at the same time. But what’s really, really important make sure you eat use each of these vectors within the abacus that is the type grid to actually I think like to check your work, like literally use them to check your work.

It’s important because if you see it one way, but it’s not matching another way that you’re coming to your conclusion, well, then it’s incorrect. Remember, the beauty of an abacus is that regardless of the vector, you choose to interact with an abacus regardless, you’ll still get the same answer. And that’s how logic is supposed to work. Right? That’s how this abacus works.

That’s literally the fundamentals of calculus itself, we literally have reduced the human mind to a calculus based algorithm based on these four sides dynamics, right, four sides of the mind, etc. So absolutely necessary. And I think that, once everyone is using the Type grid, I think we’ll start to see a fundamental change in decision making and human relationships here on Earth. 41:01 And it’s a lot of these principles on top of a lot of human nurture principles that we have created, you know, basically software, and we’re going to be releasing that software this year, and making it available the personality assessment based on these principles, and, and potentially additional vectors that aren’t discussed here, will be made to the available to everyone within this community in the very near future.

But again, guys, it’s all based on this. It’s all based on this abacus it’s literally who we are, you know, right here. And again, as I said, in season 18, it’s because of this abacus that I just I maintain, I have no choice but to maintain, like I said in season 17 Episode One, that, you know, if I had a choice between if I had to put money down between intelligent design versus macro evolution, which one’s true or false, right, I because of how this abacus works, because it follows, you know, the mathematical foundation of the universe itself. With these dynamics, I would maintain fundamentally maintain that intelligent design is true and macro evolution is false.

I maintain it micro evolution is true, but it’s a different story. I mean, we have absolute order, you know, being brought the chaos within our minds and always follows the structure of the Type grid every single time. The type grade is the key to understanding it is literally the Rosetta Stone to the human soul. And the more people that know it, the more people that are able to use it.

Fundamental positive change will occur here on Earth. How? Well if you understand yourself, if you understand you’re a duelist, for example, you’ll forgive yourself you realize that you’re forgetful for example, you’ll realize that you have di trickster and thus aren’t really good at logic and all about belief and perception, etc. And you’ll be okay with that you’ll you’ll forgive yourself. And then you’ll because you forgiving yourself, you start to love yourself, right? And then because of that, you’ll start to enforce boundaries and personal standards, right? Enforcing boundaries that other people where you will not allow anyone to mistreat you because it’s like, no, I’m a duelist.

I’m an ESFP. They need to respect me because I’m one of the 16 types. I’m a legitimate person. I’m not just some ATD ADHD person that they’re just assuming, and because I’m not behaving like an ISTJ, which is who they want me to behave, and that’s why they put me on Ritalin, for example, right? Because it absolutely legitimizes who you are, the Type grid legitimizes your identity.

It gives you the ability to understand, forgive and love yourself so that you can defend your identity, which means you’re holding yourself to higher personal standards, you’re holding other people to those personal boundaries, that way you will be ultimately happy because you do this. But guess what, that’s only half the site. That’s the that’s that’s only half the other half is because you understand yourself, you forgiving yourself and you love yourself, guess what? You can understand others and that means you can forgive others. And that means you can love others.

You know, love your neighbors yourself. Wait a minute. God Mr. CS Joseph, does that mean that like if all of humanity understood these concepts that you know, there would be really no need for war anymore? Yeah, that’s correct.

There really be no need for such useless conflict anymore. Because if everyone understood the Rosetta stones, the human soul that is the type cred, they like, might actually like, be at peace with each other. You know, think it’s kind of necessary. You know that human beings actually forgive each other as a result of a fundamental understanding.

of each and every person’s point of view. I think that’s absolutely necessary. So anyway, that’s it for this lecture a little bit shorter, but going to be going on into q&a. So guys, if you have any questions, now is the time.

So let’s, let’s head on over to q&a at this point. Let’s see here. Because I think I hit like 40 minutes at least I hope I did. Guy.

So. Okay, can you give us a quick example of how you identified someone’s Quadra? Sure, absolutely. So um, so for example, you have to really understand cognitive axis dynamics first. So like you’re talking about sword and mace firing when earth and water so let’s let’s do an example like Bruce Lee, for example, he’s an obvious Crusader.

Why is a crusader he’s very dutiful, he says in his words all the time, you know, be like water, right? And he talks about the concept of being very rigid and unbreakable. And one of his books one of his philosophy books, he talks about an oak tree for example, right. And this oak tree is very firm, it stands firm against the wind, because the oak tree represents the Introverted Sensing the wind represents the extroverted sensing, and as the wind beats on that oak tree, eventually the oak tree will break. And then the oak tree is broken.

And then what Bruce Lee is trying to argue is that you need to bend bend with the wind, like the bamboo, the bamboo is not going to fall over, but the oak tree will fall over to the wind, for example, right? So and that’s a fundamental difference. If you understand these concepts, you can apply those concepts, you know, to people, and Bruce Lee, for example, he is an expert, intuitive he consciousness be like water, because water is not destroyed. You can you can heat it up, you can steam it away, you could push it away, but always comes back. It always forms together again, right? And that’s all about expert intuition.

That’s water affinity. And if you have water affinity, you automatically have Earth affinity, because earth and water go together because they’re on an axis. So you instantly know like, for example, according to the type grid, we instantly know that he he’s an earthen water user. Okay, so who are all the earth and water users? Well, those are philosophers and Crusaders.

So if we’re typing Bruce Lee, we know he’s not a gladiator. We know he’s not a martial. We know he’s not a cleric. We know he’s not a duelist.

We know he’s not a an artificer. We know he’s not a ranger or Paladin, or a druid, for example, but he’s any of the other types, right? And then he’s constantly talking about, you know, utilizing logic very sword very critical of people, oftentimes, people with complaints in written stories about how critical he is, but then all of a sudden, you can be really warm at the same time. And that level of high level of critique is Introverted Thinking it is the sword and then being really warm and healing to people and supportive to others. That is the mace so that sword and mace so that you’re combining sword and mace plus earth and water.

Remember, according to The Quadra Foursquare that we just saw a few minutes ago, that automatically means Bruce Lee is a crusader type, right? And that’s an example. So we know now that he’s a Cavalier, or rogue, or a knight or an artisan. And then I go beyond that and say, like, okay, yeah, he’s obviously he’s obviously abstract, he’s not concrete, which means that, you know, he’d have to be a rogue or an artist at that point. And he’s all about the journey.

He’s not really about the outcome. He even talks and uses about the journey all the time, and talking about how and making multiple attempts and how he tried so many different styles of martial arts within his career, and he developed the ultimate system view condo which has gone through as the ultimate form gone through, in my opinion, and G KUNDO. Basically, he’s taken all the best parts of so many different martial arts and completed a new system and more complete system that is ideal for any situation. And that JKD was created from an affiliative point of view it was created specifically for or from a pragmatic point of view.

It was created specifically for street fighting, right? It was made for street fighting. It wasn’t made to be like this wing chun dance, etc. You know, it’s all about, you know, what is the results, it’s all about, you know, dealing with the fact that you might need it to defend yourself on the street and an actual street fight. That was the purpose behind JKD which is very pragmatic standpoint, whereas, you know, you have the very affiliative martial arts like cap where, for example, where it’s about the dancer it’s about the music is not necessarily about combat, right.

Whereas his martial arts system was literally for combat and just combat a more pragmatic point of view. In order for person to maintain one’s own safety and independence right? Instead of being interdependent, right? So it’s very pragmatic, right? So we have abstract and pragmatic. So we know isn’t NCP but then because he sampled literally all of these different martial arts and moving from one to the next one to the next starting it and then not finishing and started another one not finishing started on very notorious for being a starter type within his communication style. Eric go.

Bruce Lee’s literally dNTP. He’s a rope, folks. So that’s an example of typing somebody using this type grid abacus approach with these four factors to be able to arrive to an accurate conclusion as to how someone has typed etc. So let’s get back to the questions.

50:46 All right. Mark these here. Okay, can you very briefly explain bow and arrow bow just represents extroverted thinking. That’s, that’s all it is.

The reason why is because look at it this way, like an INTJ versus an intp. Right? The intp is up close and personal and in your face, right? Kind of like that spy in Team Fortress two, right just comes up behind you. It’s got a knife, one hit kill, right, or when you’re playing the other game Titanfall. And you have that one little pistol that like automatically locks in on their, their pressure points for like instant kills one hit, for example, those kinds of weapons, those are very appealing to en teepees, whereas a sniper rifle is more, you know, in in line with a ranger and INTJ.

They’re very ranged type, right? And why is that? Because it’s like, why would I want to put myself in danger? If I could do it at a distance, right? That’s why they’re they’re very, that’s why they’re about bow expert thinking is about a ranged attack arranged decision. It’s not up close and personal like Introverted Thinking and that’s why Introverted Thinking is a sword. Plus, it’s a double edged sword, it cuts the person that’s cutting and the user at the same time so as to be strong enough to handle that. So hopefully that answers your question.

Okay. John Stevenson asks, would you agree that SC is better at spotting the difference, while an E is better at spotting the similarities versus things? No, I want to agree with you, John. But I just can’t because in terms of physics versus metaphysics, the tangible versus the intangible? It’s, it’s not really, I don’t necessarily think that’s the case. Because even expert intuition through Introverted Sensing can spot the difference.

And it’s where its sensor can walk into a room. And it should instantly know when something is different about that room, whereas an extroverted sensor walks in the room, they don’t really have very much memory about things in that room, right? Like, what if it’s like a shop where they have tools and whatnot? Are those tools like actually there? Are they all in the right place? The extroverted sensor assumes that all the tools are exactly where they left them, right, which is that one assigned area where they are, so they don’t have to really spend so much time remembering things, and they get super Rayji when their tools have been moved? Right. My grandfather did that to me all the time. And he’s an ISTP.

So, so I based on these examples, I will not agree with this at all, John, it’s it. I don’t think there’s a way to, to classify se versus any in terms of similarities or differences. I think both of them could utilize both of those pretty easily. Awesome.

Thank you for your question. Moody McSorely asks, Can you give examples of how having a movement versus progression you mean versus outcome focus comes out in people’s everyday speech and conversations. For me, this is the hardest to follow during the how to tie famous people episodes. It’s more of you have to look at the context.

It’s more about the context or the intention behind what’s actually being said or what’s actually being done. You also have to look at it from a systematic and interest point of view, you have to remember, it’s not a static thing. You can’t you can’t apply inductive reasoning, because you’re actually asking an inductive reasoning question. There’s no There’s no static, you have to look at it from a dynamic.

A dynamic is like you’re, you’re oscillating between true and false. It’s like, Oh, if they’re not this, then they have to be this. You have to look at it that way. You can’t just qualify and just be like, Oh, they’re this? No, you can’t do that.

You know. Remember, deductive reasoning is all about the assumption, or the fact that if something is if something is not true, then that automatically means it’s false, or is inductive reasoning doesn’t believe that inductive reasoning is anything that inductive reasoning is it’s this and that doesn’t necessarily mean that could be false doesn’t necessarily mean that could be true. It’s different. See? So deductive reasoning automatically assumes that and knows that if it’s not true, or if it’s false, it’s automatically the opposite, it automatically qualifies as the opposite.

So you utilize that in terms of movement versus outcome, for example, and movement, you know, in terms of progress, you know, is somebody enjoying the journey of the conversation? Or are they really focused on what, what is the point of the conversation? Are they just talking to talk? Or is it? Are they are they adding in a few things? Are they keeping it going? Or are they not? Are they trying to finish the conversation, all those things have to be asked, because in terms of progression is to start a progression as a finisher progression. So many different things. So again, it all comes down to the intention of what’s being said, in conjunction with the context of what’s being said. And then you have to utilize that data and then bounce, you have to bounce off of the other vectors with the Type grid in order to come to a conclusion.

Bottom line is maybe I can’t give you a static answer for that question. You’re asking for something that I just cannot provide. So again, it’s literally because you know, the deductive versus the inductive, and again, this is also why I maintain Templars and the best people for psychoanalysis. Alright, so let’s see here.

Another question. Do you type nonfiction authors primarily by Quadra? I don’t know. Probably not. I mean, Russell Brunson.

He’s a crusader, right? For example, Jim Edwards seems like he’s a philosopher, etc. I really, I really can’t say, that’s what I do primarily for authors. I really don’t. I mean, I can always watch interviews, etc.

And not only that, like, don’t forget, like, there’s also so many ghost writers out there. And if someone’s ghost writing, like, how do I know if they’re ghostwriting or not? And what about that person’s type versus the original author? Like who’s who you know what I’m saying? So it’s really hard to do that. Usually, I look into more than just actually reading just just their book to really come up with a conclusion. So and I think that’s very necessary to do.

All right. Abby asks, So to quickly find out someone’s Quadra look at their personality like dutiful Si, warm Fe highly critical TI. Those are just some examples. If so, what are the other main attitudes to work for I look for I recommend you watch all of season 16.

Season 16 will provide you with plenty of data in order to discern cognitive armaments to that to that end, and that’s what perception and judging functions are affinity versus arsenal, respectively according to ultimate messaging formula. So hopefully that answers your question, but ultimately watch season 16 playlist on the YouTube channel. Now the question being very well antiquated. Can you appear as all the Cuadras so like NTP Crusader, can go look like an INTJ warefare and really seem like a Wayfarer, especially our conscious focus.

Yeah, it can happen just depends on the situation. This happens all the time in movies or an acting is it’s extremely common. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be common. So just something to be aware of.

I think another way to look at that also is go to like TV Tropes, look up TV Tropes, and consider how each individual trope is actually potentially one of the four sides of the mind. That’s being a witch, which of which of the four sides of the mind is actually being represented within the TV Tropes, actually, and I think having that exercise would further answer your question. So hopefully that does answer your question in a meaningful way. All right, some more.

Some more questions. Thank you, Abby, for stating that for trying to be more subtractive and sort of use subtraction guys with the type read don’t use addition. 59:30 Okay, let’s see another question from Mr. nuit.

I think you mentioned in another episode that the best way for an ISTP is to teach why is that is that like that for all 10 floors? Kind of it kind of is like that for all 10 floors. Look at it this way, an ISTP they need to teach and they need to teach a good amount of people. It’s not just one person because they’re ENFJ subconscious. Developing one’s subconscious is like the best and most happiest part of themselves.

If someone does not develop their subconscious they get to midlife crisis, right? So they need to develop their ENFJ mentor side of their mind. And this is why ISTPs I highly recommend them being teachers because they become the most fulfilled people as a result, right? It’s super, it’s super important. ESTPs however, it’s completely different. It’s more of a master versus apprentice point of view, rule of two points of view, Darth Vader is an ESTP.

And when he falls to the dark side, he’s stuck in his ISTJ shadow, right, is very pragmatic. And then boom, he’s like, stuck in his iCj shadow because the Emperor literally has him in shackles, etc. And this is a really good example, as to how that works. He starts out as a gladiator, super powerful, then he ends up being this archivist and trying to bring back Padre from the dead because of everything that he’s lost and, and his se windy rage, he ends up killing her for example, right? It’s, it’s the same.

It’s the same kind of thing. But master and apprentice, the Sith, the Rule of Two, because the ESTP would rather take and put a lot of their effort into just one person, and not necessarily a group of people. That’s really important to ESTPs. And I was that person, I was the apprentice to my ESTP mentors, mastery, basically, when he introduced me to his interpretation of the psychology, right, which I’m very thankful he did changed my life for the better.

And whereas with INFJs, it’s not necessarily about that INFJs seem to develop a lot of personal strength and capability. And then they lead a wolf pack, en F js, they’re trying to really hone their creative genius in some capacity to and they already teach people by default anyway. But they’re kind of more just trying to become that very capable, independent person, they realize how dependent they are, how interdependent they are, and they’re trying to discover their independence, which is taking them away from trade teaching. So hopefully that answers your question.

Gosh, allergies are horrible in here. Okay. So, Rudy McSorely says, thanks so much for the thorough answer. It’s funny how my question is requesting an inductive approach without me even realizing it.

I’m working with Te inferior ti demon here. Well, I glad to have been a help. Good, sir. Very much so.

And Jared Hines has his hand raised. Do you have a question? Are you going to put that in the chat for us? Or? Oh, hold on, I got even more. More questions. Why as an ENFP? And my more in the here and now more often? I don’t know what you mean by that? I mean, are you like ESFP? Maybe I don’t know.

And also resemble an ESTP with an ISFJs conscious. Probably just need to verify remember, everyone has every trait. You just have to identify which ones are primary versus secondary blooper asks, and your INFP is compared to intp? Is video you said that FYI, was a thinking function. If so their reasoning be inductive.

Yes. Yes, absolutely. And how do you stop? Okay, so these questions are not relating to the lecture, guys. Let’s not let’s not stay off topic.

Let’s stick to the lecture, please. How do you stop an ISFP from getting so upset? Well, I don’t know. Tell them you think highly of them. That’s probably what I do.

And okay, so Abby asks, Can you maybe then type someone by asking them what they would probably do during a midlife crisis? No, because a lot of people actually a very ignorant of them being in midlife crisis, much less being willing to admit that they have a midlife crisis. I can’t answer that question accurately. And so you’re supposed to subtract types. Are you supposed to subtract aspects? Both the answer is both when using the type of The Quadra Foursquare, like abstract versus concrete, or is it subtracting a disposition communication about yes answer to that is yes, all the way across the board.

And yes, it was answered, FIS, and spirit t as well. They’re ranged weapons because the FIA and the TE user, they can’t be you know, being up close and personal is not their personal preference. They always like to attack from a distance if possible. You know, if you really value yourself and it and your own personal safety and how do you feel about yourself, you want to make sure that you’re putting a lot of distance between you and somebody else necessarily on a battlefield, for whatever reason, and that’s why those symbols were chosen.

So, but fair enough. All good Mr. Jared Hines. All right, folks, that closes our q&a session for this live lecture.

Thank you all for coming. Don’t forget our Ruby Conference, where we talked about dating tips and visual typing, dating tips and visual typing. You will want to be on this Ruby Conference this month is coming very soon CS Joseph dot life for slash Patreon and check that out. Otherwise, folks, it’s been fantastic to have you as usual.

Thank you all for being my patrons and also our audience. We love you all. And let’s continue to keep making a better world as we do it. So with that being said, Folks, I’ll see you guys tonight.


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