Season 10, Episode 3 Transcript
– Hey guys, it’s C.S. Joseph with, doing another episode for season 10. We’re doing episode three tonight. It is “How Do ENTJs compare to ENFJs?” Just wanted to give the a car studio and other whirl because I think the audio is not terrible this time. Although, the lighting is not ideal because like, you know, I’m in a car, but it’s important to me to at least get this thing tested and actually shoot a real episode in the car not just Patreon episodes or anything else, et cetera, trying to do like the entire, you know, regular way of doing it, just to see how it goes and to obviously get the audience of feedback from it as we move forward with this different approach. So anyway, this episode we’re gonna be talking about two types: ENTJs, ENFJs. They’re both NJs. I love NJs. They’re like my favorite. I love NJ’s. I also like ISFPs, but mostly I like NJs for sure. Hands down. And it’s great to be able to do a comparison episode on NJs because I love them so much, but also because people, oftentimes they’re trying to type themselves or type other people that they know, they get confused between these two types because how similar they are. I mean, when they’re like, “Oh, well, I just apply everything I know of my extensive knowledge of the NBTI lettering system. And well, I mean, ENTJs and ENFJs, I mean they have, one has a T and the other has an F, so I’m just so confused because the ENTJ is so feely sometimes, or the ENFJ is so right about things sometimes. And I just can’t tell a difference if they’re T of F, and I don’t know what to do.” Well, that’s why I exist to help you figure that out. And that’s exactly what I’m going to be doing here. So yeah, ENTJs and ENFJs, they’re both NJs, so they also have the same interaction style, but they have a different temperament. So the interaction style that they share is direct initiating control. These are structure types. They take charge. They are leaders. They’re all about leading. That’s what they do.Â
They lead like all the time, basically. And that’s important, and that’s, you know, necessary for them to be able to do. There’s a lot of famous ENTJs and ENFJs out there. I think people predominantly think that Bill Gates is an ENTJ. That might actually be true. He literally might be an ENTJ. But I’ve met a lot of ENTJs that are successful, especially like in the area of filmmaking, et cetera. Whereas, I’ve also seen ENFJs really successful at event planning, community organizing, those kinds of things. Also really up there in general contracting, I’ve also noticed ENFJs being very good at general contracting. I think that really comes from their ISTP craftsmen subconscious, which is fantastic. But yes, they’re both direct initiating control, very direct with their speech. They choose their own role in the conversation. That’s what direct means, to be direct. So we’ve used the milk example before. You open the fridge, you notice that there’s no milk in there, and then you tell your spouse that, “Hey, you need to go get some milk today.” That’s a direct statement. Or you open the fridge, you notice there’s no milk there, and you say to your spouse, “Hey, we have no milk.” That’s an informative statement. By saying, “Hey we have no milk,” you’re giving your spouse the opportunity to choose their role in the conversation where they can respond. They have options. The option is, “Hey, you should go get some milk,” or, “Hey, I will go get some milk.” And you may be like secretly, as informative, like, hoping that they’ll choose the get the milk option, or that they will offer to go get it instead of telling you to go get it, et cetera. That’s the difference between informative and direct speech. Both these types are informed. They say what they mean. They mean what they say. They choose their role in the conversation. And they’re both initiating. They’re extroverts, which means they initiate with people.Â
Extroversion and introversion, the only difference between the two is just initiating versus responding. Introverts prefer to respond, and they prefer it when people come to them. Whereas extroverts go to others, basically, because they’re not going to wait around. They want to get the information that they need or whatever it is they need, or they’re going to start the process of communication, et cetera, right? I’m a starter interaction style because I’m informative initiating movement, and I’m not going to waste any time initiating or starting something in a social situation. These types may wait, but they’re still initiating compared to someone like me. And they are both control. Control basically means, now, okay, both these types, especially ENTJs, are definitely accused of being like overly controlling and whatnot, and that can be an issue. But in reality, that’s not necessarily the case, et cetera. That’s really not necessarily the case. The reason for that is because control is, yeah, they want to keep things under control, but you know, whereas movement is all about progress in the midst of chaos, control is more like progress by removing chaos because if chaos is present, progress cannot take place. That is the control orientation. Control is also focused on the end result, whereas movements types like myself are not really focusing on the end result as much as they are focused on finding the best process to get the results because movement types are all about process more so than results. So these two types are very, very results oriented. That’s why they’re so similar. That’s why people have a very hard time differentiating the two, and they don’t necessarily know the difference between the two right? So, okay, fair enough. So their interaction style is direct initiating control. That’s why they are the structure or the in-charge types.Â
They’re two of the structure in charge types. The other two are the ESTP and the ESTJ, but these are the intuitive ones. And because we’re comparing types with similar perceiving functions in season 10 right now, which basically means the next episode is going to be ENTP and ENFP, and that’ll close out the extroverts, and we’re going to get into the introverts for a season 10. We’ve got five more episodes after this one. But yeah, so for type comparisons. Now, these two types have different temperaments though. So temperaments are a little bit different. Okay. So we have the NT temperament for the ENTJ. We have the NF temperament for the ENFJ. The NT temperament is all about intellectuals and being about being future thinkers, whereas I idealists are more focused on people. They’re very people focused, very people oriented, all about humanity, humanity in general, what direction humanity is going in, humanity thinkers. Now both types are intuitive, which means they’re both abstract. So that means they’re automatically in one of the two intuitive temperaments. Fair enough. But they go about things a little bit differently. Now the ENFJ, they’re very affiliative. Affiliative means that they’re focused on doing the right thing. It’s not about, whereas the ENTJs they’re very pragmatic, very independent, right. Whereas if you’re affiliative, you’re interdependent.Â
It’s different. Because affiliative folks are going to ask permission, right? They’re going to ask permission before they ask for forgiveness. Pragmatic, like an ENTJ, uh-uh. They ask forgiveness before they ask for permission. They are willing to take the initiative and go the extra mile in that direction, regardless of what everyone says. They just don’t really care at all. Like, sorry. They don’t care. They really just don’t care. So just to give you an idea as to how that works, et cetera. So, wow. I really hope this GoPro setup really works out, but I’m thinking it will. I’m liking the wide angle lens, if you know what I mean. Anyway, so yeah, so we have the pragmatic and we have the affiliative type. They’re both abstract, et cetera. And then the ENTJ, they’re very systematic with what they’re doing. They try to create a system. Everything has to follow a certain system. Everything has to follow a certain flow. That’s why they like flow charting a bunch of things with our decisions, mind mapping, et cetera. Whereas the ENFJ is a little bit different. They’re not really systematic. They’re very interest focused, very motive based. They’re always trying to figure, okay, well, what’s in it for you, what’s in it for me, that kind of situation. They’re very interest focused with their temperament, so that’s why they’re an idealist because they’re interest based, interest abstract, and affiliative, so that’s an idealist, basically. Whereas the ENTJ has the intellectual temperament, which is pragmatic yet abstract, but very systematic. So just to give you guys where they are on the type grid and how that goes. Also, the ENTJ belongs to the NTJ/SFP quadra. You know that because they’re two sides of their mind right here, the ego and the subconscious, NTJ/SFP, that’s how you identify their quadra. And then you have the NFJ/STP quadra representative within the ENFJ, so they all have the same cognitive functions in their top four.Â
These four cognitive functions right here are the same functions that are in all NFJ and all STPs, and we’ll talk a little bit more about this in season 17. And then ENTJs, they all have the same cognitive functions that as shared with other NTJs, as well as all the SFPs. Okay. So fair enough. Awesome that the sun is going down right now, but it is what it is. I think I got enough light in here that we can get through this. So with that being said, that is their temperament/interaction style analysis, so that those of you trying to identify these two types utilizing the type grade, you’re good to go. If you don’t even know what the type grid is, that’s okay. All you have to do is go to, my website, put in your email address at the front, and you can download the type grid or join the Discord server. The link is below in the description, right. And then when you’re on the Discord server and you’ve authorized, you’ve gone through the bots, you’ve accepted our terms and conditions, et cetera and the rules, and once you’re on, you can be like, “Hey, exclamation point, typegrid” one word, basically, enter and a bot will produce the type grid for you, and you’re good to go. Or you can go into one of the information channels at the very top. I think it’s kind of called, I think it’s called “Source Material.” And there’s a copy of the link that takes you to the PDF that you can download directly, so that you have the type grid, and you can use it for typing yourself and others accurately. That is available. So with that being said, okay, so let’s start looking at cognitive functions and sides of the minds and how different these types are and how similar these types are because they have a lot of differences in similarities, as we’ve already discussed. The Hero function is Te rationale, so this is the apex of the ENTJ’s mind. It’s at the top of the mind. They’re very rational.Â
They’re all about their beliefs, and they’re very Heroic with their beliefs, and their beliefs are pretty well-researched, and they’re very rational with their decisions. So imagine their mind, and it’s got 10 lines of thoughts and 10 thoughts in each line, and all of them are going true false simultaneously at all of these tables. Each table is determining whether or not a thought is true or false, et cetera. And then if 60% of the tables are true, well, majority rules, then the decision is made, et cetera. That’s basically how it works. You might want to be aware of that when it comes to ENTJs. They make decisions based on input, based on data, based on statistics, based on groups of facts, not necessarily individual facts, but groups of facts, which means they can be very general with their decision-making. Also, high levels of expert thinking basically means ENTJs are just aware of what other people think, constantly aware of what other people think. They’re also thought vampires. They love mining facts and data and information out of other people’s heads consistently, especially people who are processing ’cause they’re like, “Wow, what is that guy processing over there? I’m going to go find out.Â
He looks like a brilliant thinker. I’m going to pick his brain.” And like, literally that Te Hero is like a giant pickax. Give me the thoughts. I’m going to take those thoughts. They’re mine. My thoughts now. Ha ha ha. You know, and they’re like literally the captain of the ship that just is like, “Land ho! We’re striking gold, bros.” And then they’re like getting on the boats, you know, and they’re going out and they’re going to be, you know, unearthing that buried treasure, right? Well, that’s literally how ENTJs are around smart people. They just have to do that. Now, conversely, ENFJ is a little bit different. They’re that way with good people. Good people. Oh, as if, like, good is not subjective enough. Right? But I mean, true, false, good, bad, kind of subjective because like life is actually about what is wise and what is not, not necessarily good or bad or true or false, just saying, anyway. Yes, very much. Te Hero, okay. Te Hero, it’s all about finding those facts, finding that information, finding new ways of doing things, collecting ideas. This is like the idea collector, the idea archiver, et cetera. So not so much an archiver because they live in the moment, but they’re all about seeking out new ideas that could help them right now in the moment, what’s relative to the ENTJ right now with what they are doing. That is super key, super important to them with what they are doing. And I like to think that because of that they ended up having quite frankly a really open-mind with what they’re doing. Now, ENFJ is a little bit different. They have extroverted feeling and extroverted feeling is basically ethics. And an ethic is what the collective believes is a good or bad thing. Now remember rationale is what the collective believes is a true or false thing. It’s a belief.Â
Whereas ethics is more of a belief in terms of a value versus rationale, which is a Te, which is a belief about something that is true or false, a believe about a fact. We believe this is true, whereas Fe or extroverted feeling is like, we believe this is good, right? And I’ve always used the abortion example when I explain Fe, you know, and it works out pretty good because an individual believes that abortion is a good or bad thing, whereas ethics, you know, is where the collective believes whether or not abortion is a good or bad thing, and it could actually be different. An FI user may feel that abortion is a good or bad thing versus the collective and everybody in general. And then because of that, you have laws and different legalese and memos and things like that put together specifically towards an ethic or social norm versus what individual believes, which would actually could be counter to the social norm. Right? And that is very representative within extroverted feeling. And extroverted feeling, ENFJs, they’re just aware of how other people feel. And because they’re aware of how other people feel, they seek actually to make other people feel better, or if other people deserve it, make them feel worse. As benevolent as the ENFJ is, the ENFJ can also actually be insanely cruel, right? It’s their virtue and their vice. And as generous as an ENTJ can be with like sharing money, sharing data, sharing information, sharing training, they can actually be pretty greedy later. So just their virtues and their vices are a little bit different.Â
You know, if you struggle with greed versus being generous and are concerned about being taken advantage of, as a result of that, chances are you’re an ENTJ. If you’re concerned about whether or not you’re really, really cruel at times or whether or not you’re almost too good to people, you might be in ENFJ, right? So just keep that in mind, that differences between the virtue and vices really comes out, especially in the Hero functions, and that could be, you know, an issue. All about what other people are feeling, and ENFJs, they really need to be around good people. In order for themselves to really feel good about themselves, that they’re supporting other people, and they gain recognition because they want other people to recognize them, and they want other people to feel that they are a good person because ENFJs worry that they are not with their FI nemesis down here, that they worry that they’re not good enough. They worry that they’re not worthy enough. Whereas an ENTJ is not so worried about whether or not they’re good. They’re actually more afraid. They’re actually in fear that they might be a bad person, whereas what they worry is that they worry that they’re not smart. They’re worried that they’re not intelligent. They’re worried that they’re not correct about something or that their ideas are not good enough or not well thought out. And that’s why they’re constantly going to other people with their Te Hero and being like, “Hey, what do you think about this? Do you think that this is a true or false thing?” Right? “Hey, what do you think?” And they’re constantly doing, and they’re also using that for research, researching constantly so that what they think they’re verifying with what they think is what they, you know, they’re allowing it to become a Te belief, what they think, because just because they think something, does not necessarily mean it’s necessarily believable.Â
They want to run it by other people to see how believable it is. Well, guess what? ENFJs kind of do the same thing except with, you know, values because they’re like, “I feel that this is a value that we need to have. How do you feel about this value?” You know, and they want it to get validation, external validation from other people if they’re extroverted feeling to see if that’s, you know, if that idea of theirs is valid, et cetera. Because remember, they’re afraid. Unlike the ENTJ, who’s afraid that they’re a bad person, the ENFJ is afraid that they’re dumb. They’re afraid that they’re stupid. They’re afraid that they’re not intelligent enough , or they’re afraid that their thinking is not good enough or that their thinking is not valid enough, and they need to find out if other people value their ideas so that they themselves can value their own ideas because they don’t value their own ideas. Or they need to find out, you know, it’s very similar to what ENTJs do, just a little bit different. Like, this is a different priority system, right? Now let’s talk about similarities. Both of them are very responsible with what they want. ENJs know what they want, and that’s why I love them so much because NJs, you don’t have to worry, NJs in general, especially ENJs, they always know what you want. Like, for example, if I’m going to be dating an NJ woman, I always know that she wants me, and she has that passion for me.Â
And I’m constantly looking for that woman who has that passion for me, has that desire for me on a regular basis because any Hero, from an ENTP point of view or even an ENFP point of view, we want to be wanted. It’s the most important thing. We want to be desired. And guess what? These people know what they desire, and they make decisions based off of what they desire versus other people with lower introverted intuition, lower willpower, don’t make decisions as much based on what they want. And I want them to want me, right? I want to be desired. It’s very important to me, et cetera. Right? It’s very important to any Heroes to be desired. Of course it’s important to NE user, to be honest, but still, extroverted intuition users want to be desired. That’s normal. That’s how it works. Right? So anyway. But yes, they’re very responsible with what they know. They’re very responsible, and because of that, like, you know, they criticize, both of them criticize other people for what other people want. Because they themselves are responsible with what they know, they’re like, “Well, other people aren’t responsible with what they want,” right? Like, “I’m responsible with what I want, but that guy over there, he ain’t responsible.” And they see people in general being irresponsible with what they intend, irresponsible with what they want or how they’re using their willpower, right?Â
Consistently seeing other people irresponsible with it, so much so that they criticize other people. But this can cause both of these types to jump to conclusions about the intentions of others, even to the point where they are assuming that other people are being disloyal to them because both these types, because they’re responsible they’re with willpower, they both need loyalty. They need other human beings through their Se Child to be consistent because as Se Child is both of these types of Se Child, and Se Child is aware of what other people are doing. And they seek to give other people a good experience because they literally want to etch the souls of other people. You know, remember that pickax, you know, that we’re using to get that treasure, get those thoughts, or get those values out of people’s heads? Well, we’re trying to etch their souls, boys. We’re going to etch that soul so that soul permanently remembers all the good things we’ve ever done for them, and they never forget us, and it builds loyalty into them so that they’re loyal to us forever and ever and that way they never abandon us. And then at the same time, their extroverted intuition Hero is all of a sudden jumping to conclusions that that person is actually, even after being etched so well by their amazing pickaxes known as Se Child and their Fe or Te Heroes, and they were giving them a really good experience and making them feel good or making them smarter and more capable and elevating them, et cetera. Right? And that’s why like, that’s why the ENTJs,Â
I have that Instagram post, you know. Like, generosity in the past is no excuse for greed in the moment. Like, seriously, stop doing that, ENTJs. It’s insulting and it’s wrong. Like, don’t be that covert contract, I have strings attached thing. Oh, but wait, ENFJs do the same thing. Right? Because they do something very good and caring because they Fe Hero for other people, and then they turn around and expect others to care for them in the same manner later, even though that was never the stipulations of their caring initially. That’s a covert contract, right? These types can do covert contracts. In fact, all NJs are pretty good at covert contracts. Actually, every type is good at covert contracts. Don’t do covert contracts. Not exactly ideal, not something I recommend. Don’t do it, like ever, please. So, but Se Child is trying to get other people who are loyal to them. These two types, their inner child needs loyalty, and that’s why NPs go very good with NJs because we are diehard loyal to the NJs, and the NJs, each of them are their own hurricane, and each of them are their own unstoppable force basically. But me, I’m the immovable object. And as the immovable object, that basically means diehard loyalty provided they continue to give me a good experience and make me comfortable, right? Ask me what I think, show me consistently, show me with their Se Child that they want me with their NI parent, right? Which means I’ll always be loyal to them forever. That’s what it takes to be in a relationship with an NP, and these NJs here are both built for that purpose. It’s their highest compatibility in terms of relationships, NPs. So NJs should be with NPs. Right?Â
Very simple. And that’s what they’re looking for, especially in romantic relationships, right? Even in career relationships, it’s important to these two types to make sure that the people underneath them are loyal to them, and it would be really even a better bonus if the people above them are loyal to them. It’s a very important thing to these people. They really, really need that. And it’s a priority. It’s a consistent, consistent priority for these types to do that. So just to understand, you know, both of them are very responsible that they want. They’re both very childish with the experiences and the taste, and both these types of show offs. They’re all about having the show and being showy and making a big impression because they want that impression to cause loyalty and build up and cultivate loyalty in other people so those people come back to them consistently, right? So think about that. They’re trading desire and desire to give good experiences to other people. Desire for other people in exchange for loyalty, from other people, that’s how both these types work. That’s why it’s hard to kind of differentiate between these two types because they both work in that same direction. It’s kind of the same, right. Now, they’re inferior functions, they’re insecurity, like I said, the ENTJs are insecure with how they feel, and the ENFJs are insecure with what they think.Â
Right? And that’s why they go to other people. Hey, what do you think about this value that I have so that I could feel good about it. What do you think about this idea that I have? Or how do you feel about this idea that I have? Or how do you feel about me? Do you feel that I am valuable, right? The Fe Hero is constantly compensating for the inferior and the nemesis function consistently, especially inferior function because they’re on an axis with each other, because both these two functions turn on an axis, just like the child and the parent turns on an axis, right? If you don’t know about cognitive axes, I highly recommend you check out the season one. There’s an episode towards the latter half of the season where I talk about cognitive axes. It might be like season one, episode 12 or 13 I think. I don’t remember on that one, but one of the two, for sure. Definitely for sure on that. Also now, ENTJ’s are worried. We’d already talked about this. They’re worried about what they think, and that’s another stark difference between the two. And ENFJs worry whether or not they are a good person, worry whether or not they’re worthy. That’s a major difference between these two types, so definitely something you want to be aware of if you’re trying to differentiate the two. Now let’s get into some similarities. We already talked about extroverted intuition critic, which is criticizing the intentions of others to the point where it can get really bad, especially immature versions of these types where these people haven’t matured yet, and they’re assuming that other people are going to betray them. They’re assuming that other people are going to walk out on them.Â
They’re assuming that other people are not going to be consistent or reliable for them. They’re assuming that the immovable object is actually very moveable and that their hurricane that these people are, the unstoppable force that these people are, is definitely actually going to move the immovable object. Right? And they’re very concerned about that, and they’re very critical about that to the point where they just assume it’s going to happen. They just assume they’re going to be betrayed. They just assume they’re going to be screwed, essentially. And that’s not like remotely ideal at all. Definitely not something to do. So might want to avoid that, right? Please avoid that. Not exactly the best thing to do at all. So that’s another issue. Now their trickster functions. Now their trickster functions’ very interesting. Both of these types are very forgetful. And when I mean forgetful, I mean they’re very forgetful. This is a consistent problem for both these types. The reason why is is their Se Child has a lot of awareness that gives their minds the ability to access their short-term memory very well, very consistently, very easily. It’s very, very important. Now because they have less introverted sensing, it’s lower awareness. So if you’d say that the child function is 50 frames a second, the trickster function is 10 frames a second. Very different, right? Very important as a result. That can be an issue with the differences in frames per second. Right? Well, why is that? The frames per second, it’s due to lower awareness. And if you have low introverted sensing, introverted sensing, while it is the awareness of the past, an awareness of a person’s self-discipline, oh yeah.Â
These two types, they lack self-discipline. They’re really responsible for what they want, but they can be really impulsive, and they don’t make decisions based on what they should do. They make decisions based on what they want to do. That’s why you want to give both of these types a choice because if you don’t give these types of choice, they’re gonna have nothing to do with you. And in fact, they’re actually going to think that you’re being disloyal to them, especially when you’re forcing duty upon them. These types, they always need a choice. And, you know, in as much as like an SP would always need a choice, an NJ always needs a choice, right, because of their high introverted intuition, right? Very, very important. All NI users need choices, whereas SI users need obligations or duties, et cetera. Right? And they need to be rewarded for doing their duties. And as much as these people need to be rewarded for being responsibly impulsive, et cetera. But these people don’t have discipline. These two types lack discipline, and that’s why sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between both these types due to the lack of discipline, et cetera. But they’re very forgetful, so how do they deal with the fact that they’re forgetful? Why are they forgetful? Well, it’s because their mind’s lack of awareness of the past inhibits their mind’s ability to access their long-term memory, and not very much is written to their long-term memory. Because they have a lot of random access memory right here, kind of like a computer would, with their inner child, but in terms of their hard drive, their hard drive is very small. I got 50 frames a second of spectrum available to my child function, but then I only have 10 frames a second available only to my trickster function, my long-term memory access. So their mind is not able to access their long-term memory as much.Â
Sure, they have tons of long-term memories, of course. But how easy is it for their mind to access it? Very hard. It’s very, very hard. It’s like trying to, you ever read microfiche? Like, their memories are all stored in microfiche, but you got to go through the huge, you know, it’s like an archaic technology. You have to get the microfiche reader and get the little microfiche things. You put it in there, and then you like zoom in really, really small. And it’s like, “Ah, there it is. There’s my little memory. Oh, it’s the memory. Yeah.” I mean, like you literally start sounding like minions when you’re trying to look at Si trickster and try to pull out a long-term memory, if you know what I’m saying. But that’s the point. Si Trickster makes them very forgetful, so both these types have to take notes on everything. They literally have note pads and phones on them at all times, just in case they write something down and the date and time that it happened so that they don’t forget. These two types are required to store their long-term memories in the physical environment. That could be in a computer, data, or that could be a photo. That could be notes written down. It can be sticky notes everywhere. These people have to constantly take notes or have emails or reference points known as totems. Without totems, these two types cannot function. They cannot function. There is no functioning that will be taking place. Absolutely no functioning in terms of being able to remember stuff, not gonna work. They have to take notes. And by the way, if you’re an ENJ, and you’re not taking notes already, what are you doing? Seriously, download the program Evernote. Problem solved.Â
Also, keep like a mole skin note pad on you at all times, especially one of those smaller ones, and just write things down and put dates on it. Put a date at the top of the day. Take all the notes for that day so that you don’t forget. It’s even especially important that these types get with SI users, one, because they need that immovable object for the unstoppable force and the loyalty that SI users provide them, but also because SI users have great long-term memory access. And when the Se Child is sharing an experience and etching the soul of the SI user, the SI user will remember the experience. And as a result of them remembering the experience, these two types are like, “Oh, thank god you remember that.” And then it makes them more comfortable. Why? Because if the SI user is comfortable, these people will absorb the comfort level feeling within the SI user, and it will become theirs, and then they themselves will feel comfortable. Right? That’s why I like being with NJ women because they seek to make me comfortable. And then when I am comfortable, they’re comfortable. When I’m uncomfortable, they’re not comfortable. It’s great. Right? Or if I’m doing something stupid, the ENTJ feels stupid. Right? The ENTJ is trying to make me smarter, right? Or if I’m doing something bad, the ENFJ will feel bad. See, that’s the point, right?Â
So remember, both these types, they’re trying to like absorb something from people around them. And then when it comes to me, like the ENTJs, they want me to be intelligent so they can be intelligent. ENFJs, they want me to be good so that they can be good, et cetera because that’s what they’re trying to achieve. They’re trying to achieve being more intelligent. They’re trying to achieve being a better person, right? That’s what they’re looking to achieve. And while that’s what they’re trying to achieve, it goes even further than that. Like for example, totems are just important. If they don’t have the totems, these two types will just fall apart. You have to have the totem. Now the demon functions go even a little bit further than that. Where do the demon functions come from? Well, it’s mostly because the inferior functions. If no one is seeking to make the ENTJ feel better, nobody near the ENTJ is going to feel good about anything if the ENTJ doesn’t feel good. If no one is taking the time to listen to the ENFJ, no one’s going to be listening to anybody around the ENFJ because they’re Te Demon, because they’re literally gonna just squelch all communication present in the room. Because if the ENFJ is not getting listened to, you’re definitely not getting listened to, you’re not getting listened to.Â
It’s like Oprah. You’re not getting listened to, you’re not getting listened to, you’re not getting listened to, you know? Or you’re not going to be made feel good, and you’re not going to be made feel good, and you’re not going to be made feel better, you know, because your an ENTJ, et cetera, right? That’s a problem. That’s a thing, right? What do you do, right? So it can be a problem. It can be a consistent problem, and definitely something to watch out for when it comes to the demon functions, et cetera. So make sure, you know, because they’ll come out, and they’re superego, like the ESFJ’s superego is like, “Hey, I’m going to bake you this amazing meal.” And you’re like, “Oh, you’re so generous, Mr. ENTJ,” and then all of a sudden you realize that that meal has like parasites in it and you’re going to die as soon as you finish that meal, et cetera. Like, that’s literally what Fe Demon is going to do. It’s going to use its generosity as a weapon. And that generosity, you will wish you didn’t accept that gift from that ENTJ. ‘Cause you’re like, you’re done, you know? Or conversely, the ESTJ, right? The ESTJ, well, basically because you didn’t listen to me, I get full license to control your life, and I’m going to be super mega controlling and tell you what you can or can’t do because obviously you’re incapable of doing the right thing. You know? And then they just pull out the whip, and the ENFJ becomes the cruel taskmaster constantly.Â
It’s like, you know, the ENFJ will enslave the other person who is not listening to them to force the other person to listen to them. And if not, well, then if you’re not listening to me, then I can’t trust you, which means I have to control you because you’re obviously not listening to me. Right? That’s how it comes out. That’s how the ESTJ demon comes out with ENFJ. Now the subconscious, which is the best part of the ENTJ and the ENFJ, the subconscious, you know, ENTJs, as they get older, they start developing their ISFP subconscious, which means they can become amazing at painting. They can become amazing at creating art. I know some very, very successful ENTJ producers, filmmakers, directors consistently. I actually knew one at one point in time, he created the ENTJ, he was developing his ISFP, he invested a lot of money in Red Camera, basically, which are a super professional, amazing cinematography camera equipment and created his own camera company. And then he became the guy who produced the music videos for Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and various other A list recording artists, et cetera, and he’s an ENTJ, right. And he’s developing his ISFP subconscious to be able to pull that off. Absolutely exquisite. And then there’s the ISTP subconscious of the ENFJ. My father is an ENFJ, and you know what he’s doing? He’s tinkering in the shop, or he’s playing with Legos, or he’s building a scooter, you know.Â
Not like a moped, but like an actual scooter, you know, like a Vespa, for example, you know. Or he’s working on cars. I remember how he used to have trikes, and he’s always working on trikes when I was young. Or he bought himself a Porsche, and he was working on that. He was always working on something mechanical, always tinkering, because guess what? ENFJs become these amazing tinkers after a while, and it’s pretty cool to watch them develop their mechanical skill over time, whereas it’s really cool to watch ENTJs develop their art. And they could turn almost anything into art. And the art that they do produce is absolutely meaningful and amazing, and hopefully it lasts a really long time because it’s very enjoyable, an excellent experience from the ENTJ. Also the creations that the ENFJ creates as a result of their tinkering, et cetera, that’s pretty awesome as well. So anyway, I think that just about does it in terms of comparing the similarities and differences of ENTJs versus ENFJs. So if you found this episode useful, helpful, educational, enlightening, et cetera, please subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and also on the podcast.Â
if you would like to support us on YouTube, the link to the Patreon should be below in the description. If it’s not there yet, it will be there very soon because we’re just about the rollout Patreon. I filmed like the last video for it that we needed for it earlier today. You can also support us directly on the podcast. The link is also on the podcast or also in the description below if you would like to support us on the podcast as well. We got a lot of new content coming out. We’re going to be releasing it as it goes, especially content relating to the Patreon tiers, inside of the Patreon tiers that we’ll be having. And we have a meet up this week. I plan on being there this time. Also, don’t forget our Q&A sessions, which are like Saturdays or Sundays will probably end up being Sundays from now on. Not entirely sure yet. And I think we have another two hour Q&A session coming up. Get your questions on the Discord. Join the Discord. The link is below in the video description. Get on the Discord server. Sign in and everything, and then put your questions in the Q&A channel, and we’ll get to your questions and have them answered, et cetera, as we’re doing our Q&A. So awesome. That sounds good. Please leave a comment below and a like. And if you liked the sound, if it’s better, ’cause I’m using like some new sound equipment, and also if you like the GoPro, by all means, say so. Let me know in the comments section, and we can definitely figure that out. I’m always open for criticism, and welcome to my car studio, and got my whiteboard mounted here, et cetera, and also got sound capture and whatnot. And hopefully we can make more use of this car studio as well as the actual studio, both of these like studios, et cetera. But yeah, I think we’re growing pretty well here at CSJ, and I’m glad to have you as a supportive audience as we continue to make good content and continue our mission to change the world for the better. So with all that being said, I’ll see you guys tomorrow night.