Affiliative vs Pragmatic

Affiliative vs Pragmatic

It can be commonly seen throughout the typology community that there is a misunderstanding of what it means to be affiliative or pragmatic. This appears to be specifically a problem when differentiating between Idealists (NFs) and Intellectuals (NTs). Since the...
the 10 roles entps play

the 10 roles entps play

Friedrich Nietzsche once said “sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”  Many would say this is the very reason ENTPs exist—to tell people the truth so that they can discard those illusions.  ENTPs understand...
What motivates ESTJs?

What motivates ESTJs?

You know them.  He is the quarterback on the high school football team.  She is the sales manager where you work.  He is the elder in your church.  While their personality may not be the most common, neither is it the least.  They are those who “lead us not into...
10 ways ESTPs show they’re alphas

10 ways ESTPs show they’re alphas

ESTP – a distinctive yet often misunderstood personality type belonging to approximately 5% of the population with a male-to-female ratio of about 2 to 1.  Individuals with this type possess cognitive functions within their Ego in the following order of...
10 qualities of ISTP relationships

10 qualities of ISTP relationships

ISTPs are “Artisans,” specifically the “Craftsmen” of that temperament.  As such, they are focused on reality and the present moment – the “what is.”  Theoretical frameworks and future possibilities – the “what if” – hold little relevance for them. ...
The ESFP experience

The ESFP experience

The ESFP personality type lies at the intersection of the Starter interaction style and Artisan temperament – “The Entertainer.”  As Starters, their energy is channeled toward new experiences.  As Artisans, their focus is on creation and self-expression.  ESFPs live...

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