Season 1, Episode 4 Transcript
Chase: Hey guys, this is C. S. Joseph with, and today we’re going to be talking about Introverted Feeling, so if you have the question of, what is Introverted Feeling or FI, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today, and kind of delving a little bit deeper. So, the last video we talked about Extroverted Thinking, also known as TE, and the reason we chose to do Introverted Feeling after Extroverted Thinking is because the two are linked on an axis. More on that in a minute.
Chase: Introverted Feeling is known as FI, and FI users are basically ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFP, ENFP, ISTJ, INTJ, ISFP, INFP. If this shows up backwards in the video, that’s hilarious, but oh well. In any case, those are the eight types of the 16 types that are what I call FI users. You might hear me say that, “This person’s an SE user, they’re an NE user, they’re a TI user.” That just means that that cognitive function is in the top four slots, top four means their ego, basically.
Chase: With that in mind, Introverted Feeling is one of the four decision-making cognitive functions, and just like Extroverted Thinking is known as rationale, Introverted Feeling is known as morals. Introverted Feeling is moral decision making. What that basically means is half the types use moral decision making for their feeling-based judgments, a judgment, basically a decision, right?
Chase: That was awkward.
Chase: Anyway, with that in mind, Introverted Feeling, it’s the personal good or bad judgment. People make decisions based on what is true/false or what is good or bad, and sometimes they do it from a collective standpoint. For example, rationale, Extroverted Thinking is the collective true/false. Someone is getting reference points from an external source for their decisions, and majority rules, for example, majority negative or majority positive. If X-amount of people say this is true, well then it must be true, and that’s basically rationale or statistical decision making.
Chase: Introverted Feeling, however, is when someone is making decisions based on good or bad. “I feel this is a good thing,” or, “I feel this is a bad thing.” Well, it’s all about good or bad; it’s not about true/false. Its funny when you hear FI users, like an ENFP or an INFP, or even an ISFP, and they’re like, “Well, I feel this is true,” but it doesn’t actually mean it’s true, or remotely logical, it’s just what they feel about it. At the same time they’re like, “Well, that’s your truth,” and that’s like, “No, it’s ‘the’ truth. It’s not my truth, it’s literally ‘the’ truth, because it’s a logical judgment in that case.” Introverted Feeling has nothing to do with logic. They’re all about what other people think, because they use rationale, because rationale and Introverted Feeling, Extroverted Thinking, TE, and FI, are linked together.
Chase: For example, if I am a TE hero that means I automatically have FI inferior, the fourth slot, so if I have TE in my first slot that means FI is in the fourth slot. If I have TE in the second slot, FI is automatically in the third slot, and vice versa. If FI is in the first slot that means TE is in the fourth slot. Either way those two are linked together, and they’re opposite opposing forces in an axis of each other, and they stay that way.
Chase: So, with Introverted Feeling, it’s when an individual makes a good or bad judgment. The external version, which there’s a lot of the video dedicated to this, the external version of feeling, the external good or bad judgment, is known as ethics, but Introverted Feeling is morals or moral decision making. Take my type, the ENTP, ENTPs we have what’s called FI Trickster. It’s only 10 frames a second just about, and that means extremely low awareness. Basically I am morally unaware, I’m unaware of things morally. I don’t make moral decision making, and because of that I end up being really, really neutral on things. Other people in my life would appreciate me to have a moral sense, but I actually have no moral sense so oftentimes I have to go to other people and ask them, “Hey, how do you feel about this?” or, “How do you feel?”
Chase: An FI user, however, would consciously go to someone else and just be like, “Hey, well what do you think about this,” because it’s I feel/You think or “You think that, well I feel this way about what you think. I feel you’re a bad person because you’re so judgmental towards illegal immigrants,” et cetera. Although I’m not saying that a Social Justice Warrior is unique to a certain type, or a certain use of cognitive function, it’s there everywhere, but that’s just one direction in which an FI user would arrive to that conclusion.
Chase: Introverted Feeling, the personal value judgment, it is when an individual feels something is a good or a bad thing. Now, let’s look at a dreamer, the INFP. They are very docile. They take their time doing things. They’re all about how they feel and what they are experiencing, and they always want to have a good experience, and they always want to feel comfy at all times. As soon as they are made uncomfortable their FI hero starts screaming, “This is not good. This is not good. This is not good,” which immediately springs them into action. Yes, I just told you how to motivate an INFP, you just make them uncomfortable and then they do what you need them to do, although not in all cases. Sometimes the INFP can just outlast you forever, and they will do everything they can to outlast you, but as long as you’re persistent you will win, persistent in making them uncomfortable, that is. They always want to feel good about their surroundings, their level of comfort. They also really want to feel good about how other people think of them.
Chase: Now, if you remember, in the last video we talked about TE or rationale, rational people are all about wanting others to think highly of them. Well, if you’re an FI user, you’re automatically a TE user, because they’re on that axis, remember. It’s automatic, and they’re linked. They have an emotional response to the thoughts, or data, outside of themselves. An INFP, ISFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, INTJ, ISFP, those types they all have emotional, moral responses when they are watching the news, seeing statistics, articles, people with credentials.
Chase: They feel a lot more comfortable, or safer, when they’re like at a hospital with a credentialed person talking to them, even though the credentialed person could be talking crap and not really true things to them, but they still feel better hearing it, because they trust in the credential more than the material that’s being presented to them, and that can cause a problem. That’s why TI FE users exist, logical, ethical users exist, because those people basically keep the TE FI users away from that. But, by the same token, FI users, with their moral compass, become the moral compass of the TI FE users, so good behavior can actually come out of the TI FE users, because TI FE users use their FE, also known as Extroverted Feeling, to absorb the FI in an FI user, so that they can take those feelings, when they had no feelings from before, and then they have feelings from the FI user, and then it becomes ethics inside, right. That’s how it works. They’re just absorbing that FI energy, basically, that moral decision making power. It usually comes in the form of, “Hey, how do you feel about this? Do you feel good about this?”
Chase: Sometimes people say, “Well, what do you think about this, but they’re really asking, “How do you feel about it,” it just really depends. The English language is so difficult, because they change, words mean the same thing, and it’s very difficult to keep track. If it’s a language like Spanish, or Japanese, even Russian, it would be a little bit more succinct, but English is not succinct, because anything can mean everything, and it’s really frustrating, but more on that later when we start delving into how to change one’s communication and what they say to get a better outcome with somebody of a certain type.
Chase: Introverted Feeling, it’s all about what an individual believes is a good or bad thing. Now, the higher Introverted Feeling someone has the quicker they are to arrive to their judgment. Like, an FI hero they instantly know how they feel about everything, and you wouldn’t even know it but they’re silently judging you, to your face, and they keep it all bottled up inside because it’s an introverted function, but they always are aware of how they feel about you or anything else. They may not share it, because they may believe, “Well, it’s not good if I bring these up right now, because then he’ll start thinking some things, and then I’m going to feel bad, and then it’s just going to turn into conflict, and I don’t want to have this conflict. This is gonna take me out of my comfort zone, or this conflict is not something I want to do right now, so I’m not going to do that, so I’m just gonna feel the way that I feel about him without actually saying anything.” That happens all the time.
Chase: Then, you have individuals who have lower FI where that’s not really like on the menu. So, an INTJ, an ISTJ, ENTJ, ESTJ, they really care more about the rational decision instead of the moral decision. Their moral compass will kick in every now and then, but it’s not going to prevent them from being rational, and that’s why you have people like ENTJs being accused of being like the most greedy of all the types, or you have ESTJs being accused of being overly controlling, because they’re trying to create serenity, and the only way they can create that serenity, because they hate chaos, ESTJs, but they end up coming off as overly controlling, and that causes additional conflicts in human interaction.
Chase: It’s really interesting how the moral compass works and how the source of Introverted Feeling is. Even though I am not an Introverted Feeler, for me, since it’s my trickster, it’s a very mysterious cognitive function, and even though my mind is not tuning in on that frequency, that moral frequency, to use for my own moral decision making, at least I have Extroverted Feeling to be able to find other FI users and use my FE to absorb their feelings and just straight up ask them how they feel about this.
Chase: Because I’m an SI user, I can remember that over time, and we’ll talk more about that later. I can remember their reaction over time and actually plan my interactions based on how this person would typically feel, how an FI user in this situation would typically feel. That actually ends up making me look like I’m better at social interaction than an FI user, when in reality the real true source of social interaction is the FI user. Everyone who thinks that they’re social are just people who are reacting, or planning around, or working around, the FI users and kind of gaming the system, as it were. It’s a form of manipulation, to be honest, but all social interaction, 100% of all social interaction, is manipulation. In the English language typically from a cultural colloquial standpoint the word manipulation has a negative connotation to it, when in reality it’s a very neutral term. I can manipulate the orange as I’m cutting it. You know what I mean? It’s just really depends on the context in which you’re using it.
Chase: That’s Introverted Feeling in a nutshell. Just like rational people, they want to feel good about themselves. They want to be able to be seen by others, have others think highly of them, so they really like taking credit, having limelight. Fame is important to them. They always imagine themselves being famous, like an INFP woman would imagine being the wife of a lead singer in the most popular band of all time, for example, or an ENTJ would imagine being considered the greatest CEO of all time. An ESTJ would like being considered a gold medalist at the Olympics, for example. There’s a ton of different examples, but limelight, fame, status. It’s all very status driven because FI wants to feel the status, it wants to feel like it is a statused individual, a person of high status, basically, because it feels good to them, and they can really feel it, but it’s not necessarily based on truth. It’s all just based on how they feel.
Chase: ENFPs have a very important mantra with how they utilize what I call thought manipulation, and how they feel about things. Because they have introverted thinking trickster, which is logic, which is the truth-based cognitive function, instead of the moral or the good-based cognitive function that FI is; because they lack TI entirely because it’s a trickster, it’s their second lowest cognitive function in their head and they’re not able to tune into that frequency so well, ENFPs have this mantra, and it goes like this, “In the absence of communication, or explanation, perceptions become reality.”
Chase: An FI TE user doesn’t really care what’s true, they just care what you believe is true, and it doesn’t matter to them what really the truth is as long as they can cause other people to believe it. If they cause other people to believe something then they, too, start believing it, as well, or they could literally arrive to a point where they can almost believe anything. That’s mostly typical of TE child, or TE inferior types, not so much TE hero, or TE parent, et cetera. Remember when I say TE hero or parent that means FI is on the opposite side, and child or inferior function is the third and fourth side. Anyway, that’s everything on Introverted Feeling today. If you found this video helpful or informational, please hit like and subscribe, and we’ll be talking about more of the cognitive functions in the days to follow. Have a good day.