Which Deadly Sin Are You In For, ESFJ? | CS Joseph Responds


Which Deadly Sin Are You In For, ESFJ? CS Joseph Responds to the Acolyte question what does an unconscious developed ESFJ look like?


Are you noting was over yo ackers? Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast. Today’s episode we’re going to be discussing ESFJs and it’s nice to have a ESFJ question from the acolyte members. It’s about time. So it’s always good to have the opportunity.

And today’s question is, what does an ESFJ who is unconscious developed are what we would previously call shadow focus, how do they behave? What do they look like? Where do they come from? Basically, anything I could say relating to what they are and what they’re all about, and how awesome they are and how not awesome they are, who knows? Who knows what will be said today within the context of this episode? So yeah, ESFJ’s reason why ESFJ questions are so rare is because ESFJs out of all the 16 types are actually the ones who are least interested in anything union analytical psychology, or MBTI, or Myers Briggs Type Indicator Socionics. I don’t know that the true colors with so many different Disk System, so many different systems that people can utilize to the psychoanalyze themselves and other people to get an idea of like, what these behaviors are. But ESFJ’s, they’re pretty content to just not care. I mean, oftentimes, you know, ESFJs are way too smart for us, right.

And as a result of them being way too smart. Like they don’t they don’t have time for this. This is the stuff they don’t have time for this crap. You know, this Personality Typing crap, who cares? Right? No one cares, they don’t care.

So and because, you know, it’s just not a regular thing. Everyone is different, right, you know, it oftentimes can actually offend their ego. So when I get an opportunity to, to answer an ESFJ related question, it’s, it’s, it’s like gold. It’s, it’s amazing.

So we’d like to thank the eagle hacker community, especially the eagle hacker acolytes who have definitely, you know, contributed to be able to answer these questions and having an ESFJ question. And this question is old, admittedly, the ESFJ asked me a long time ago and ended up getting lost in the mix, which can happen it does happen, but I always make it right. So thank you for not giving up. I apologize if you felt not listened to.

That was definitely not my intention. So and thank you for giving me the opportunity to make it right. So. And I will definitely answer this question as best of my ability.

So overall, it’s a good question. So what exactly does a shadow developed or unconscious developed ESFJ actually look like. So it’s a little bit they’re pretty difficult to understand in a lot of cases. But there’s so many different ways to like kind of identify the differences in them.

Like for example, if you didn’t take a bunch of ESFJs and align the ones who are obese and the ones who are not obese like that’s that’s that’s a great example, the obese ones are more likely to be subconscious developed because they’re closer to their deadly sin of gluttony. Whereas they’re more likely to be unconscious developed, if they are not obese. Basically, they’re they’re closer to their deadly sin of greed. Now, granted, their ego still has the deadly sin of gluttony.

But the differences is that if they’re pushing towards their subconscious development from a psychological perspective, that means they’re getting a double helping of their deadly sin of gluttony. And you can almost you can almost assume every time is I mean, sure, there’s some Pareto principle and there are at least one standard deviation in there a variance but but the point is, is that, like, in general, it’d be pretty safe to assume that an obese ESFJ is a subconscious developed ESFJ, and one who is not obese and who is actually pretty healthy as a healthy body fat percentage. And I know this sounds shallow, but it’s pretty factual. That ESFJ is likely to be shadow developed or unconscious developed because they’re more about performance with their ISFP shadow For example, also ESFJ’s that are closer to their ISFP shadow in their development.

They’re far more creative, way more creative because they’re drawing on the artist energy of their ISFP unconscious. And this is the ESFJ’s who, who might, you know, engage in physical creative pursuits, which can happen as they especially as they, you know, going out and exploring different things, but don’t forget, there’s still a start or tight. They’re just gonna like let’s say they decide to like do some painting one day and they’re like, Okay, yeah, I’m content with doing painting. I’ve explored painting as a result.

This is great. This is fantastic. So they decided to move on to the next thing and they move on to the next thing and they move on to the next thing. That’s the thing about like, ISFP developed ESFJ’s, they have this wanderlust wanderlust, whereas like intp intp developed ESFJs, not not as much, not as much, they are able to be more content to be in their comfort zone.

It’s like they’re doubling down on their comfort. Now, granted, they still have their cognitive origin of discovery, and which is ultimately the cognitive origin of exploration. And it’s still going to want us to travel and explore etcetera. But the ISFP developed ESFJ’s they want to travel like be in a consistent state of travel a consistent state of vacation as it were.

And just keep keep keep keep on going. also noticed that like when they when they continue to do that. They’re like, I’m trying to like, stay from like a familial perspective. Because the ESF J who is subconscious developed is all about solving problems.

Ultimately, they’re all about solving problems. Whereas ISFP developed ESFJ is more like focusing on the pursuit of happiness. And they also they also can get like really insecure when it comes to money, for example, because from their perspective, gathering up a lot of money makes them feel secure because they have that deadly sin of greed that’s more prevalent in them than say, if they were subconscious developed unconscious developed. ESFJ’s, and from an octagon perspective, there’s a greed factor in there and actually, a good friend of mine who is the INTJ, his mother is an ESFJ.

And she is Shadow developed, and she would pressure his ESTP father to not retire for example, because she was basically afraid she has a lot of fear. Because SFJ’s are very fearful people in general, she is afraid of what would happen if they ran out of money, for example, it’s just anti trickster. And she was used for ISFP shadow to project its isa there ISFP, shadows, greed, deadly sin upon this ESTP says ESTP was like constantly put, pressured into performing and making money and constantly working, even though they had so much already many rental properties, consistent monthly income that was just not necessary to even have a job, it was not necessary to even have the benefits. There, he had enough streams of income already at retirement age, there was no there’s no point, there is no reason to be so focused on having all this additional money.

And the ESFJ especially their ISFP developed just sees additional money from their greed, deadly sin perspective, as like this big giant security blanket. Whereas if they were intp developed, they wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t matter to them, money doesn’t matter as much to them. Because they’re focused, they’re like, hey, you know, I have a high level endurance, I can get through anything.

And because I have a high level endurance, and I can get through anything, I can basically solve any problem that comes at me. So I don’t have to rely on the security provided by by money, per se. So as a result, there’s no reason for me to be greedy, because I’m already capable in my ability to endure because I can look back on my life and see everything that I’ve been through, and know that I’m strong enough to handle whatever life throws at me. So it’s so interesting, especially when you meet for example, ESF J’s, who are cancer survivors, and when they’re intp, focused or developed, actually intp developed and their cancer survivors.

Like from there, they they literally think of themselves like as these like heroes that could just get through anything. There’s nothing in life, there’s no challenge that they can’t get through. There is no problem that they can’t solve, right? And they take that perspective with them everywhere. But if their unconscious developed or shadow developed, the ISFP side, you know, like, especially when it comes to money, it’s like they rely on me money for their personal sense of security more so than they rely on their own endurance basically.

And that can be pretty sad. But you know, I’m not here to like judge these people. That’s just kind of how it is. Furthermore, they also are very, very, very good at saving.

And I’ve noticed that shadow developed ESFJ’s. They’re very financially savvy, whereas the intp developed ESFJ’s are not financially savvy. They’re really not. Not only that, like, you could just actually compare them based on how they dress.

The intp developed ESFJ, they’ve really struggled with a fashion sense, it’s like the poor fashion sense of the intp is just bleeding into their ego, and potentially getting worse over time. And that extroverted sensing critic is just not really it hasn’t developed its maturity. Whereas an ISFP developed ESFJ, they really care about their aesthetics. They go out of their way throughout their life to continually update and keep up with fashion and look good in the mirror.

And they spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. My grandmother is one such ESFJ, who does this win she is she’s all about money, she’s all about saving she’s all about. And that doesn’t mean you know, she’s not going to spend money on people she cares about. She’s very supportive and can definitely cover contract as an ESFJ would.

But like she’s all about her aesthetic, all that how she dresses all about her personal performance. She’s really invested so much in her extroverted sensing critic, which has caused her to be probably one of the most mature and responsible people inside the entire family. And her late husband, my grandfather, who was an ISTP, he was definitely subconscious developed, and he was all about his personal happiness, even to the point of being entirely immature, oftentimes, it didn’t really develop much maturity until like his 50s, let’s be honest, and even then, that’s questionable. But my grandmother was always there to be the voice of maturity in the family and for him.

And he utilized that consistently, they had a pedagogue relationship, a companion relationship. And he was always happy to take her exploring, and she loved it, because, you know, he wouldn’t use utilize his maturity to get in the way of him having any fun in his life. So he would go have fun, and be happy and and then take her along for the ride. And then she would help him with her sense of maturity to get get through it, you know, a shadow developed, ESF j is just more mature than a subconscious developed ESF J, and that’s a fact that’s straight up factual, that doesn’t change.

And it’s always going to be that way. Which, which can be a good thing, you know, there’s good things, there’s bad things all the way around. Also, like, even even sexually, there’s differences like shadow develop ESFJ are more willing to be like, you know, have the sexual kink known as a switch right there. They really like being on bottom but you know, if they if they get drunk in certain situations, they want to be on top, you know, they want to, they want to be the writer of the horse instead of being written basically, you know, that and that does it regardless of what their gender is.

That’s just kind of how it is. However, it’s a conscious developed is such a kind of just doubles down on being, you know, the bottom of the relationship or, or doubles down on being submissive or like hyper submissive basically. So, whereas the shadow developed ESFJ basically trades, trades, those roles, etc. Not only that, like that sort of thinking demon within a shadow developed ESF j also like, has this insane need for respect.

Like, like they like they desire respect, they will force other people to respect them, whereas the intp developed ESFJ not so much. Not so much respect isn’t as much isn’t as that important as being like liked because extroverted feeling hero and the extroverted feeling inferior of both the ESFJ and the intp archetype basically combined. So they have a higher need of being liked, basically, whereas the ISFP developed ESFJ doesn’t really have that problem as much sure they like to be liked. But sometimes they understand that there’s value in being respected as well.

And they want to make sure that both are represented. So I mean, ultimately shattered developed Yusef J’s a little bit more rounded than a subconscious developed. ESFJ. And again, I’m not saying you know, any one is better than the other they both have their hang ups, but you know, it’s it’s just really what they decide to invest their life into I mean, my grandmother, she is Shadow developed for sure.

But she was also the oldest. She grew up as the oldest in her family. She’s also a product of rape. So her, the man who raised her was not actually her biological father.

But the man who raised her, still decided to marry her mother, even though her mother ended up getting pregnant with another man’s child as a result of a rape basically. And that’s, that’s an incredible story, you know, that man, his name is a stainless ward. Good man and his brother Steve was the one who raped my, my grandpa, my great grandmother, and who, who bore a daughter, my my grandmother, which ends up being like a huge issue of family contention to this day. But based basically, based on her origins alone, on top of the fact that she had to take personal responsibility to help raise all the other children, she has many brothers and sisters, we’re talking like maybe five to eight, like like, like, as a huge family, I don’t even I don’t even know how many great aunts and uncles I have.

But it’s a lot. And these people grew up in the, in the Great Depression, basically, where, you know, everyone is basically destitute in those days. And they still made it through. And they had these huge families as a result.

And she had to take responsibility as the firstborn and help her mother raised the other children. And because of that she had to, she was forced to gain and maturity very quickly because she was responsible for the other children. So she wasn’t able to like really develop her subconscious side. Because from an early age she was she was basically forced to be responsible, the responsible, older sister basically that would take care of the other children helping her mother out.

That’s ultimately why she became shadow developed, or, you know, over time, luckily, she’s like a UD SF five. So she started focusing on developing her subconscious over time. But then it she just got to a point in her life where it just it just didn’t really matter to her anymore. She’s like in her 90s Now, she’s, I believe she’s 9192 Think 91 right now.

And this is like, who cares? I’ll just eat some chocolate. Do you have an end to that? Gluttony? Deadly Sin? So I mean, why not? She’s She’s 91. She’s not, it doesn’t matter. You know, from her perspective, she, it’s YOLO time, you know what I’m saying? She’s doing some yellow time, so, and no one dare criticize her, especially when her extra thinking demon will come out and be like, Hey, I put in all this effort for you the least she could let let me do as a 91 year old woman, let me eat some chocolate when I want to eat chocolate.

Yeah, if it kills me, it kills me. Oh, well, but allow me to indulge because I spent all this hard work and energy and time and all of you folks, let it happen. So yeah. Also, like from an ESFJ male perspective, I know another ESFJ.

He is like a director of operations on for a company. He also has shadow developed, you know, very ISFP developed, has that, that greed aspect, all about money all about, you know, going to the corporate ladder. And it’s just so interesting how he would leverage money to basically get what he was looking out, you know, looking out for, you know, in terms of his life, I mean, he’s willing to consume at any moment. But the thing is, though, is that the consumption is always based on whether or not you know, he’s going to be going out of his way to improve other people around him and actually increase the prosperity he really does believe in teaching a man to fish and coming up with creative ways to do it, instead of just being focused entirely on consumption on his own.

But, you know, again, still not without still not without his hangups, and he ends up over valuing being respected instead of being liked, because of his ISFP shadow coming out, you know, consistently and causing problems in the workplace, you know, just from a corporate perspective. This leads to like ISFP shadow entitlement, basically, where he’s like, Hey, because I’m performing with my expert sensing critic, I’m really entitled to some kickbacks and special treatment. Basically, that’s another way that a shadow developed is such a can actually, you know, behave and that’s also something that you happens, you know, from a male perspective. And that’s one of the ways that a covert contract can actually manifest as a result of ISFP shadow development within an ESF js.

So but yeah, I think in general that sums up their their behavior overall. Here’s another way to shadow developer ESFJ is more likely to point out where you’re like where your dress is wrong or you know, they’re they’re going to ask the critic you whereas a subconscious developed one is not really going to care that much about how you’re dressed, they care more about you know, what they’re doing, basically. But the ISFP will definitely come out if it’s developed and be like, Hey, why are you wearing that piece of trash? Maybe you should go change or hey, that’s inappropriate right now. They’re definitely gonna go that far.

So yeah, that’s it for this question. Thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys the next episode.


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