Which Types Need to Think Out Loud? | CS Joseph Responds


CS Joseph Responds to the Acolyte question which types need to think out loud?


Hey what’s up ego, hackers? Welcome to the CS Joseph podcast and still enjoying myself in the shade. It’s kind of convenient. Just hold the camera right here because like why not? It’s not like anyone’s never seen me hold up a whiteboard for 45 minutes while I’m talking anyway, so why not? I mean, we could just keep going right? So let’s do that. Anyway, today’s question is, which of the 16 types need to express their thoughts verbally? I think this is a very fantastic question.

Especially because like, in general, you could actually say, like, everybody, you say all the 16 types do but the thing is, is that they’re expressing your thoughts in different ways. So let’s think about that. Are you asking what kind of thoughts you’re talking, you’re talking about, like, feelings or thoughts, you know, because technically thoughts and feelings are still technically thoughts, you know, that’s just kind of how limited our English language is when we’re discussing what we’re discussing, like, you know, the differences etc. But, like expert feelers like they, they’re the people who wear their feelings on their sleeve.

So they have to express their feelings verbally, in order for them to actually Cognis eyes or even get through understanding what their feelings actually are. So actually feelers have to do more when it comes to expressing their thoughts. It’s all about extroverted thinking. Extroverted thinkers, every te user has to do this.

Although it can be easier for some and harder for others, so extroverted thinking optimistic types, which are te heroes, and Te Childs. So ESFPs ENFPs, es TJ is an en ti J’s. They’re the ones who have to express their thoughts the most, and express them aloud. I mean, these are the people that will throw a thought or a belief or an idea out there just to see if it sticks just to see if other people accept it, just to see if other people what other people think.

And if people think well, okay, yeah, then we’ll adopt that. And then we’ll move on. Even though they didn’t actually put any real thought behind the actual statement that they made, they just threw it out there just to see if it would stick. And that can be really, really frustrating.

But that’s like, at the core, or at least at the foundation as to why they need to express their thoughts aloud. And by doing so, you know, it’s, it’s really important. It’s important for you to do this because they can’t exactly internally articulate what it is, they’re actually thinking they can internally articulate what they’re feeling. And that’s kind of like their mood is basically their internal monologue.

But like someone like me, who’s an introverted sensor, and a TI user, at the same time, all crusaders have very loud internal monologues, you know, but Te users, especially a TI optimistic, really struggle with thinking their internal monologue. So they have to have an external monologue, basically, to see if it sticks to see if other people accept it. And then it’s from that monologue, you know, you’re not really monologue, it becomes a dialogue at that point. And from a dialogue, they’re actually able to arrive to their conclusions and actually move on through life.

So they have the highest need. That’s not to say that tea pessimists don’t have a similar need. So the TE inferiors, ISFPs INFP is or the TE parents ISTJ is or INTJ is, those types also have that same need as well. The difference is, is that their internal monologue is a little bit higher, because they’re using their Introverted feeling.

And that becomes ultimately what dominates their thinking. The thing is, in terms of articulating their rational thoughts, even logic to a point, they still have to bring those thoughts aloud, but it’s just a lot harder for them to do so because they’re like, they either assume no one wants to listen, or no one cares, or no one thinks highly enough, or it’s just not worth it. So they often don’t even say anything, they don’t even bother to say anything, or they’re just not paying attention and just don’t care enough to actually say anything, which is another thing that they do, because they’re very pessimistic through extroverted thinking. You’re actually thinking parents trying to go out of the way to be as precise as possible.

And sometimes they just lose interest in with what they’re about to say. And Introverted Thinking inferior or extra thinking inferior, is afraid of people thinking less of them or thinking they’re stupid. So they often just don’t even bother to say anything to begin with. And that too, can be a huge problem, like a major problem for them.

And it could also actually inhibit their growth as people, which I also wouldn’t, wouldn’t recommend, per se so yeah, that that could definitely be like it definitely be an issue. So yeah. So yeah, but here’s the thing, though, like allow these extra thinkers to have these external dialogues with you, because you’re actually helping them think and actually reach higher heights of articulation in their life. That’s why they like being around ti users a lot, because they see how ti users are so very articulate.

They actually want to be as articulate as the TI users, basically. But the problem is, is that, you know, they can be really insecure, especially at the TE inferiors as to like, wow, that guy’s really articulate. I wish I could be articulate like him. So I want to be around him.

So maybe that’ll rub off on me. Right? They often have that point of view. So other reasons why I like spending a lot of time with Te and fears because they love my TI parent, because it’s like, oh, yes, please parent me. So I could become more articulate, like you, you know, makes my Vainglory deadly sin pretty happy, as well as my envy deadly sin, I’ll admit, but, but you know what I mean? I mean, that is one of the things that I get out of being in a relationship with an ISFP, for example, you know, provided they’re not like being major Kryptos.

Because I just can’t deal with that. I realized that, like I dated an ISFP, once and actually didn’t have anything to do with her because she was such a klepto. So I’m like, yeah, no, no, thank you. But yeah, I, it’s just, you really got to give them the space.

And here’s the thing, it’s not the space to talk out loud and think out loud. But here’s the thing, it’s not just good enough to let them think out loud. Because while you may have a monologue and internal monologue, they need to have a dialogue. And if you’re not going to participate in the communication with them, you’re basically setting up these expert thinkers for failure, and you not participating in the dialogue is actually putting them at risk of losing their intelligence or even being stupid.

And that’s especially bad with INTJ is because, you know, communication is a skill. Learning skills is as important as results of communication, they need practice, and articulation needs practice, and they’ll lose their ability to articulate if they don’t have practice, because they’re these huge shut ins, you need to make sure that you’re not enabling that aspect when it comes to INTJ is specifically, and that can be a huge problem as well. You need to let them go to the ISTJ is, it’s a little bit different, because they have Introverted Sensing hero, they can remember anything, they are the walking Library of Alexandria. The problem with an ISTJ, though, when they’re trying to think out loud, you got to watch out because like, remember their virtue advice, according to the season seven playlist here on the YouTube channel and on the podcast, you got to remember that ISTJ is have a hard time differentiating between what is trivial knowledge versus what is actually useful and valuable knowledge.

Right? So if you’re not going to participate in a dialogue with them, how are they going to know that their knowledge is trivial, or actually useful or helpful? Because the ISTJ will just remember everything, they’ll categorize everything, it may even be knowledge that’s entirely not valuable. Like it’s a waste, there’s no, there’s no rhyme or reason for them to even know it at all. There’s no, there’s no point, there’s no point in them doing that. And they’re investing their intention in the wrong place.

Well, how are they going to do that unless you are participating in a dialogue, especially dialogue that offers some challenge, the challenge trivial? That’s gonna be a huge problem. You know, same thing goes with a with an INFP and an ISFP. Why is that because si hero has a problem with being delusional, they are delusional, but they will always stay delusional, unless you’re going willing to participate in dialogue with them to challenge some of their belief systems. Just don’t do it in a critical criticizing way.

Tell them that like, you know, look, hey, I’m going to say this, but it doesn’t mean I think you’re stupid. It just means I think you don’t understand. You got to be graceful with them. And then you can help them dispel their illusion or their delusions.

So they’re not delusional anymore. And then their, their thinking is operating properly. But the thing is, is that they’re never going to feel safe enough to actually talk aloud with you, and have a dialogue with you, if they think that you’re going to treat them that way. So don’t be very graceful with them.

They’re not stupid. And this is one of the reasons why I maintain the INFP is actually the most intelligent and most brilliant of all the 16 types Personally, I really think they are and that’s a personal opinion of mine. But you know, like it’s, it’s, it’s a thing and that’s not to say that ISFPs can’t be insanely brilliant, especially they can with their creativity with the legacy they leave behind once they figure out their life purpose, I’m absolutely but the bottom line is is that you got to be graceful with them be super super graceful with them. However, when it comes to Te child and Te hero, however, you have to challenge them immediately especially the TE child because ti Trickster is present and they’ll just say something for the sake of saying something and you have to provide them immediate challenge almost like taking a rod or a paddled and smack you know in spanking a child with it.

You got to spank their te child with immediate response. Te heroes however, you can be as critical as they want they would never, they would never actually get offended, sometimes T child can get offended. But that’s ultimately what T child needs bo t with T hero with T heroes always let loose, always let loose, always let them have it and just tell them like, No, you’re wrong because this, your beliefs are wrong because of this. And they’ll change pretty quick, they can take the hit, they can have handle it, and honestly, so can te child to a point, but you just make sure that you just you know, you ride them both hard, especially the T child, you got to ride them hard, but then by riding them hard, they end up getting more intelligent and more capable afterwards.

And then, you know, but again, it’s all about dialogue. If you are not willing to engage with the extroverted thinker and have dialogues with them, then they’re going to feel entirely alone. It’s one of the things so like, you know, like, when it comes to like INTJ women, for example, like if I like was going to intend to like ask them out or invite them to something or whatever, I have to have a dialogue with them. First, I have to facilitate a dialogue with them first, and coax them into having a dialogue that way it creates familiarity so that they’re actually even remotely comfortable with even considering an invitation because an invitation without a dialogue would just be complete and utter failure and they’re just automatically gonna say no is a default to their extroverted sensing insecurity and their Extraverted intuition and paranoia.

By default, the dialogue is important. And if you’re not willing to have a dialogue with a TI user, then good luck never actually even having a relationship with ti user. The problem is that, you know, like I said to inferiors and Te parents, they really struggle initiating dialogues really struggle, te parent is so, so precise, and so committed to being precise that they avoid dialogues because they’re afraid they’re not gonna be precise enough. Te inferiors have this problem where they’re just afraid everyone thinks they’re stupid, so you have to be really grateful for them and let them know upfront that No, I don’t think you’re stupid and my high judgment of you, my my good judgments of you are not going to change regardless of you know, what you believe I just want to make sure that you’re believing things correctly.

And you know, and it helps to not be delusional and you just do it obviously without calling them delusional, right I mean, this is how f J’s work by default around fps, you know, you could learn a thing or two from them, at least I know I could. So anyway, that should definitely answer this question. And don’t forget our coaching sales CS joseph.ly forward slash coaching Summer Sale, get it while you can. All of our discounts with all of our memberships also stack with them.

So check that out. So anyway, folks, thanks for watching and listening, and I’ll see you guys tonight.

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