Season 16 Episode 5 Transcript



00:00 Hey, everybody, its CS Joseph with CS Joseph dot life doing another episode for season 16 Episode Five. What is the cognitive attitude of the Nemesis function? The Nemesis function is the first function into the shadow also known as the unconscious. The unconscious is one of the more highly debated subjects within union analytical psychology, and has been a subject of great criticism and angst and difficulty for the psychological community. And it also even even Carl Jung actually, and how he presented the shadow etc.

It’s not necessarily what people think of. There’s the famous quote by Carl Jung, where he talks about, hey, you know, the shadow is, you know, that thing that eludes you. It’s very mysterious to people, you know, and you dream about it, you try to chase after it, you know, and you’ll call it your fate, right, that famous quote, I respectfully disagree. Actually, I do not agree with Carl Jung, about his definition of the shadow or the unconscious, or at least I say that not like, agree with it totally right.

I’m more of like a group that in part because I think Carl Jung was a little bit incomplete with his understanding of the shadow, and some of his contemporaries, and those after him have definitely fleshed out the theory more. So he just started the process, but he did not have, in my opinion, a complete understanding of how the shadow with the unconscious side of the mind works, because then again, you’d actually probably have technically talked to Freud about that. But hey, I’m not here to sell you on Freud, either. I mean, the only thing that I maintain about Freud is as part of the four sides of the mind theory and where he’s getting things like, Oh, hey, you know, you have that super ego over there.

And then there’s like, you know, your subconscious and your unconscious, etcetera. Okay, sure. Fair enough. But outside of that, I don’t really care for Freud and not going there.

And again, as far as Carl Jung is concerned, and I guess, you know, like, so many unions and a lot of people who are into MBTI, or Socionics, or whatever, what have you be like, Oh, Mr. CS, Joseph, you can’t be talking about Carl Jung, like that he had an absolute complete understanding of every single facet of this theory no matter what. And it doesn’t matter what you say, there is no way that you have a better understanding of this science and the great Carl Jung, because he was obviously the master and the founder of the science. And it’s like, okay, actually, that’s not how this works.

Like, come on, Newtonian physics, for example, or even Einsteinian physics, any form of science, you know, it starts off with something, you know, that provides a foundation, and then it grows from there. It’s like a tree, you know, and you got Carl Jung at the base, you know, for that foundation, etc, which actually could kind of argue it was kind of like, you know, back to Plato and Socrates and so on. But that’s a whole nother point of view, right? Because then we’re talking about the temperaments there, which then ended up being curiously and then Montgomery, then barons, and so on, and so forth, up to me, right. So, anyway, that’s neither here nor there.

It doesn’t matter. The Nemesis function is the gateway into the unconscious, also known as the shadow right? Well, the name of the Nemesis function is the third gateway to third gateway function. Remember, the first gateway function is the hero that is the gateway to the ego. The second gateway function is the Inferior function, which was the last episode we did season 16, episode four, that is the gateway into the subconscious, but the Nemesis function is the gateway into the unconscious.

And yes, we are often put into our shadow or unconscious side of our mind on willingly. And when sometimes we use it willingly, et cetera, right? I have been able to use it willingly on a regular basis and augment some of its capabilities in with and using my ego in conjunction in order to do things, you know, in an organized manner, because, you know, I’m an intp, and I’m, like, super chaotic, and then like, all over the place, and then all of a sudden, it’s like, Oh, hey, I’m actually organized to the point where, you know, people like Eric Strauss and all his followers maintain that I am an E and TJ when really I’m like not and why would I be an INTJ? If I’m like, constantly like talking like this, and then also going on tangents like this? Because honestly, when we talk about cognitive attitudes, it’s like, Oh, hey, you know, John Beebe, John Beebe. Okay, you guys understand John Beebe. John Beebe is the one who started introducing us to the cognitive attitudes, how each cognitive function has a role or a mode he calls I think it’s cognitive roles.

corringham I say it’s more of an attitude, which is why I haven’t labeled attitudes etc. So, so cognitive attitudes. As each function has a particular role and the Nemesis function, the fifth function has the Nemesis role. So what is the Nemesis role? The Nemesis basically exists to not necessarily oppose the hero.

Because what opposes the hero is actually the Inferior function. The we know this because like, for example, introverted intuition hero is opposed by extroverted sensing inferior, and they are in access with each other, right? They’re in total access with each other, flying around on an axis, right? But when you look at the hero versus the Nemesis function, it’s completely different. They actually complement each other. Why is that? Because think about why is there the need for a hero to exist, unless a villain exists.

And that is the Nemesis, they actually complement each other, they actually exist for one another. So they’re not necessarily, you know, on an axis with each other. They’re more of like in orbit of each other, they orbit each other. It’s a different.

So you think of cognitive access this way, you know, and then all of a sudden, like, you think of orbit like this, right? It’s the same type of concept, or in talking about cognitive functions, right? It’s more of an orbit, or a, you know, an axis is kind of more like, polarity. And it’s very different than they’re polarized. They’re polar opposites. The axis is what polarity is all about.

It’s like a magnetic field. Whereas orbit is different. The Nemesis and the shadows actually somewhat attracted to the ego. And that right there, the statement right there about the Nemesis and thus the unconscious, aka the shadow being attracted to the ego.

That statement, right there is where I differentiate among everybody else. Everyone else’s understanding of the shadow is like out the shadows, kind of like your opposite. And it’s going to cause a lot of conflict. No, yes.

Okay. Sure. The Shadow does and can cause conflict. There’s no question.

But it’s not about polarity. It’s not about opposites. They are not opposites. They are complementary, they are completely complementary.

And the reason why is because what good is they’re having a hero if you’re not going to have an emphasis in this hero’s journey story that is basically our souls our brains, right? Because we have the hero function, you have to have a nemesis function. Why to keep the hero busy to keep the hero at bay? Because the hero itself could potentially have the power to save, save the world and as much as destroy the world. I mean, everyone knows the story about Superman when he like goes evil, right? Injustice Gods Among Us, right? Anyone, like ever played video games or read comic books, etc. You know, injustice as a part of the Justice League story.

It’s pretty scary when you have Superman literally turning upon the world because the Joker murders his wife, Lois Lane, right? Wow. Okay, interesting how the Joker would do that the source of chaotic evil, you know, and EMTP gone wrong, right? And I ESFP super ego. And the ESFP super ego goes right after, you know, Superman in that regard. It’s kind of interesting how that works, then all of a sudden, the world is thrown into chaos, right? It’s because it’s the same archetype that we have in our minds.

This is why the Nemesis function exists. The Nemesis function. Like not even like Luther would even go that far. Right when it comes to Superman, right? Yes, I’m totally using Superman references instead of like, animated references.

DC Comics? Yeah. 08:39 So with that being said, realize that, while the Nemesis is a villain, and yes, it does oppose the hero. It is basically the purpose or a purpose they each other or the purpose for each other’s existence, right? What happens to one affects the other because they are in equilibrium with each other. It’s not being you know, opposites on an axis per se.

It’s more complimentary. They’re more in each other’s orbit. Basically, they have to read each other’s orbit to different forces interacting with each other. But it’s not necessarily like, you know, because there’s, there’s some times like, for example, there’s some stories, you’re talking about the hero.

Sometimes the villain actually helps the hero in certain situations, or the hero helps the villain sometimes the hero saves the villain, right? Sometimes the villain saves the hero. All these different tropes and all these different stories are very important when considering the Nemesis function. Because at first it like for example, there’s so many stories where the villain of the story ends up actually becoming a good guy a great example and I’ve been kind of on a Vampire Diaries slash the originals kick recently, which I just finished. But there’s there’s a villain in the story, Klaus Michelson Klaus Michaelson is an NTP right and He’s actually one of the main villains for like two seasons straight of Vampire Diaries.

And then by the time you get to the spinoff series, the originals, he’s actually the main character and the good guy, even though he’s an antihero, even though he’s like the Nemesis, but he ends up becoming the hero by the end of the originals right? A completely different outlook. So you have to understand that the Nemesis itself, while it is a villain, it can turn into a hero. While the hero function is a hero, it could turn into an emesis. So you have to be aware of this.

And when does that typically happen? Oh, when you do a cognitive transition into your unconscious side, your mind, then all of a sudden your nemesis becomes your hero, and then your hero becomes your nemesis. They kind of switch roles. Oh, no, CS Joseph. That’s no way it works.

No, I didn’t No, no, no, I can’t accept that. That’s not like Carl Jung said. I mean, like, okay, but I mean, he was only one man, it could only live X amount of years. And then all of a sudden, we come to like, you know, nowadays where we have so many more people and so much more research, and such a larger foundation of union analytical psychology than he ever had access to.

So I’m sure I would like to at least say that I think the science has kind of outgrown the foundation of Carl Jung’s initial theory. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s called human growth and development except psychologically, in a scientific manner. So just be aware that we want to be aware of how the Nemesis function works and why it exists.

And there it is. So, remember, John Beebe. Now, what is the Nemesis function? What does it have? Well, it has it carries within it worry. It carries within it concern.

It’s very confrontational. Those are its behaviors. That’s the cognitive behavior of the Nemesis function, right? When when you’re going into when you’re going into your unconscious side of your mind, potentially unwillingly, and eventually, after a while, you are able to get over your worry. And then you can actually use your nemesis function, like a hero.

When I mean, let me rephrase that, like a hero, not necessarily is a hero, like a hero. Okay? Like a hero. And then with the hero, you know, potentially the hero function becoming the Nemesis, it’s like a nemesis does not necessarily mean it is a nemesis. It’s just like it right? When you’re doing a cognitive transition into your unconscious, very important is very important to be aware of.

So please consider it carefully, right? Anyway, those of you in this audience who are listening on the podcast, now’s the point where you want to start paying attention so we can start going over which types of which Nemesis function, and what each of the functions do, etc. So let’s get down to that right now, before we get into the cognitive behaviors. So, we have extroverted thinking also known as rationale and beliefs. We have Introverted Feeling which is morals, we have Introverted Thinking which is logic logos, true false awareness Extraverted Feeling which is ethics, introverted intuition which is willpower, extroverted sensing, which is physics, and then expert intuition which is metaphysics, be mastery of fate or other people’s fates the future and then the collective will the collective unconscious inter intuition is the personal unconscious, we have Introverted Sensing which represents the past to duty, honor, obligation, discipline, etc.

self discipline, those that have Extraverted Thinking nemesis, that is the ISTP and the intp ESF J’s NF J’s have Introverted Feeling nemesis, use TJs and E and TJ has had ti Nemesis ISFPs and INFP sub f e nemesis, en TPS and ENFPs have ni Nemesis is TJs and iossef J’s have ES E nemesis, i NT j’s and INFJs have an E nemesis. Es TPS and ESF peas have si nemesis. So if you’re listening to the podcast, there you go. And what this is, is a story.

This the cognitive transition into your unconscious is literally a story. And it is a story of the heroes versus the villains. And then potentially, after a time, when they spent all their time all their life fighting against each other guess what the hero function and the Nemesis function, they actually get to know each other. Yes, see, that’s the thing.

That’s literally how you actually develop your nemesis function is by using it and you can use it in a worried state or you can use it in an unworried state you can use in a confrontational state, or you can use it in a non confrontational space state like like a peacekeeping state was a little different. So We’re actually going to dive into that and take a look as to how those behaviors change. But first and foremost, the Nemesis function is a function that carries a person’s worry. It carries the person’s concern.

It carries a person’s confrontational attitude. It’s where a put when someone is going to confront somebody, because the Nemesis, the villain is always confronting the hero, right? And then when you fight, for example, when you’re going up against when you’re going up against like, introverted intuition parents or introverted intuition hero, you would, you would confront them with, with like, for example, you know, a similar, like the same in nevus format, right? You would use Introverted intuition, Nemesis, for example. So, it’s all about confronting them. And it’s like, Oh, you think you can will yourself out of this? Well, guess what so can I write, and I’m aware of what you’re willing to do, and I’m aware of your plan doesn’t mean I can’t follow that same plan that you have Introverted intuition here, it doesn’t mean that I can’t fly that way.

Right? Hashtag evil laugh. But it can be done. And it’s what it’s supposed to do. So let’s take a look at how these functions behave, you know, based on worry based on a concern based on being confrontational, and all the 16 types.

So starting with expert and thinking, a nemesis in ISTP is 90 B. So ISTP is an intp is are concerned that other people do not know what they’re doing, do not know what they’re talking about, or do not know. And because of that, they are worried about believing what other people say. That means ISTPs and ITPs have no choice would because of their Nemesis function to automatically take what other people are saying with a grain of salt.

Why is that? Because their te Nemesis has to check in with their ti hero and verify te Nemesis requires verification. And if they themselves cannot verify with their own TI, the TE Nemesis is going to have full rein to do whatever it wants. Now, hold on. Let’s talk about that.

So, trusty red pen. Let’s talk about that. Extraverted Thinking nemesis, when the Nemesis fires off, there’s two things that can happen. There’s the introverted response 17:29 and there’s the extroverted response.

Okay, two different responses. The introverted responses, okay. That is where we have internal conflict between the sides of the mind right, which is really bad for enlightenment. If you’re trying to get into alignment, you probably want to get your internal conflict figured out.

So for example, I have expert intuition hero, right and that means I have Introverted Intuition nemesis. I’m constantly worried about my future on a regular basis. En teepees and ENFPs. Worry and are concerned about our own futures all the time.

A great example of this is, is again, Klaus Michaelson in Vampire Diaries and the originals. Another example is Leonardo DiCaprio is a portrayal of Howard Hughes in the movie, The Aviator, which I also recommend, John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, another EMTP example. But these and teepees are constantly worried about their own future, and they don’t like being left behind. They don’t like being put in circumstances that threatens their own personal future, right? So and they at times recognize that they themselves put their own futures at risk, right.

And this is what forces them to take action, right. This is what forces them to be, you know, more movement more progress oriented, because they are just afraid that their Introverted Sensing inferior, that they’re going to become stagnant, they’re gonna get stuck in their comfort zone. And then the Nemesis is able to figure that out in this introverted situation here, inside an intp, for example, and when that introverted response is going on, you literally have the shadow and the ego at odds with each other. Now, that’s very normal.

And what this does is that the Nemesis function is really going out the hero being like, hey, get a move on, right? Are you going to look and I see my own fate, and I’m really worried about my own fate. Why don’t you start looking at other people’s fates, okay. And then then the hero is like, well, I don’t want to and then the Nemesis is like, Well, if that’s going to be the case, then I’m just going to continue to make you as uncomfortable as possible. And I’m going to hit your SI inferior it’s right next to me.

I’m going to start damaging it until the hero starts doing what it used to do. There’s i Oh, no, don’t touch the Inferior function. I got this I’ll handle it. Okay, because going after, you know, the, the infant son of the hero per se, actually really, like you know, the one thing that the hero really really really cares about.

You know what so villains know, for example, Well, villains know that the best way, right? The best way to attack their nav, aka the hero is to attack their heart, right? And attacking their heart is obviously going after their child or their baby, their baby being the Inferior function, right? So the Nemesis function can do that in within this internal struggle within the mind, right? And then it causes the hero to go into action. So what I do as an intp being that I’m aware of everyone else’s fate, and I’m constantly worried about my own fate that whether or not my own fate will be any good what I do I see other people’s fates, and I start intertwining and twisting everyone’s fate into mine, right so that we’re all our fates are tied together so happens to one of us happens to all of us that way, everyone is forced to make the decision, everyone either fails together, or everyone succeeds together. That is literally how extrovert intuition hero works. That is how expert intuitives survive, and is not just extrovert intuition heroes, but all extrovert intuition users, though, whoever has expert intuition within their top four functions, right.

This is how they survive. They literally intertwine other people’s futures with their own that way, they are secure themselves. That way, their own future is secure. Because from their point of view, if everyone’s future is successful, my future will be successful too, because it’s intertwined with all of them.

And this is literally what Introverted Intuition Nemesis forces, the ego, the intro to expert intuition hero to do, so you can kind of see, it’s still also for the hero’s benefit. So you can kind of see Oh, that’s very complimentary. Ah, even though the hero doesn’t like it that the villain is getting in his way. But the hero at the same time kind of realizes that the villain is actually validating the hero’s existence, right? Because the hero won’t even be a hero without the villain without the Nemesis.

That’s literally how it works people, right? So based on that, realize how important this is. Why is that important? That internal introverted struggle, right? Ah, now let’s talk about the extroverted struggle. Here’s the thing, while we have this internal struggle between the four sides of our mind, and this is, and I’m particularly talking about right now, the because obviously, the subconscious and ego they’re opposed, they’re opposing forces, they’re in polarity, they’re in access with each other, they’re constantly opposed. And then we have the ego and the shadow also being posed.

But reality is, eventually they start doing this, they actually will start working together and as much as the subconscious, and the ego will stop doing this, and then they will go in this direction, and then they will start to work at different angles to get to the same conclusion or completely different conclusion entirely. Reality is, it’s more of a different conclusion from ego plus subconscious, a complete doing something different entirely, to get a different result, where as the shadow and the ego can actually work together to get the same result, right. So that’s what you want to do. You start off with your villain, aka Nemesis function, at odds with your hero function.

And it just exists to make sure that your hero function stays productive, and it will threaten your Inferior function, it will threaten your child function automatically to make sure that the hero is doing its job, right. That’s why the Nemesis function is there. It is there to confront your own self. Right? Now, it uses the rest of your shadow to confront you.

But then eventually, once they start fighting, and the hero starts to see the wisdom behind what the Nemesis actually offers, because the Nemesis is validating its existence on a daily basis. Then the hero ends up starting to make friends with the Nemesis function. Ah, a sign of maturity. Why? Maturity? Wow, okay, maybe we should like be mature now.

And maybe I shouldn’t actually be fighting the Nemesis, villain, maybe the villain actually has a point. Right? How often have we seen that? We’ve seen that consistently in so many stories in so many archetypes, and so many symbols throughout human history, where the villain actually ends up working with the hero against a an even greater threat. What is that greater threat? An external threat? What does that external threat? Well, other human beings, think about it. How many times have you in your relationships with people or your interactions with fellow human beings, that your shadow and your ego team up to take down that other person or team up to solve a problem, right, a problem presented by a fellow human being, it doesn’t matter if it’s another human being or it could just be an arbitrary problem or an obstacle or a mountain in life or maybe it’s been a route that you’ve been fighting for so long since your childhood because you have like saw this like tons of drama, maybe familial drama, maybe career drama, who knows what kind of drama, but there’s definitely drama right? And that kind of drama.

You’re trying to deal with that situation. And guess what? Your shadow, AKA your unconscious will team up with your ego with your hero and your nemesis being like, hey, we like you know, this is our city, right? Think about it, your mind is literally metropolis and you got Lex Luthor versus Superman, right? And it’s like, Hey, this is our city, and then all sudden, this huge alien invasion comes out of nowhere and they’re like, Yeah, we’re gonna stop fighting. And we’re gonna deal with that. Oh, it’s dark side.

He’s invading us right now. There’s weird like Omega symbols and stuff, which, yeah, no. But anyway, we’re gonna stop fighting Superman, and we’re going to take him down, and then afterwards we’ll come it will come out each other’s throats after the fact. Ah, yes, that’s literally what you need to do to develop your nemesis function.

You need to stop fighting, right, and work together to defeat an external obstacle. As soon as a external obstacle or person place thing problem issue is handled well, okay, best to be back at odds with each other again, because again, it’s healthy for the Nemesis function, to continue to confront that hero to keep the hero sharp to keep your mind healthy. That is what it is for. All right.

So let’s take a look at it for FYI, morals for ESF j’s and NF J’s, they are constantly worried about their self worth, they worry that they are not worthy enough that they are not good enough, and that they are potentially not good people. They are worried about this consistently, right? So make sure that you give their Fe hero recognition, the recognition at once. So it takes away their worries, they’re no longer worried about being a bad person, right? That’s an issue. You know, same thing here with Introverted Thinking heroes with extroverted thinking, Nemesis, they’re worried that you might know what they’re talking about.

So then, to make sure that they’re on your side, ask them what they think. Ask them to verify what you’re saying. And when they verify it. And they see that you’re right after they’ve spent time verifying they will defend you to the grave because they know what you’re doing is true.

That’s the key. That’s the key because guess what, you can have their hero and their Nemesis on your side, you 27:24 literally have the ability to engage their ego and their shadow simultaneously where both sides of the mind are actually working for you. Right? Or you might be in combat with them. Yeah, going up against Superman and Lex Luthor at the same time, you’re gonna get owned, bad idea.

Let’s look at this way. And it’s really thinking es TJ is an E and TJ is they are worried that they don’t know what they’re talking about. They are worried that they don’t know enough. They’re worried that they haven’t researched enough, they are worried that they don’t have all the facts, right.

So what you do you present them facts, present them reference material, it helps them think they just need to be given things for them to see here. Here’s this truth. Here’s this truth. Here’s this truth.

Here’s this huge list of truths and facts, figure it out. And then they’ll categorize it all the put them in little boxes within their head. They’ve got this little assembly line of boxes and putting thoughts inside of them organized categorize giant spreadsheet, they literally think it’s spreadsheets, and you’re giving them the facts and the details and the data that goes into all little slots and their little heads with their little spreadsheets and their mental spreadsheets. And they’re good to go.

Right? And it takes their worry away, right? You want to take away their worry, right? Same thing. They themselves don’t want to take care of the worry. Well how do you get over your worry if you’re an if you’re a TI hero and you have ti Nemesis and you’re worried that you don’t know all the facts, do some freakin research you might be more successful. So get off your lazy duff and actually do research for ones that might help.

Or you know, esfjs ENFJ is with FYI, a nemesis. They’re worried that they’re not a good person. Well, guess what? Volunteer? Oh, giving the people maybe you should like you know, give more volunteer and then you won’t be worried that you’re a bad person anymore because you actually volunteered and you have other fellow human beings recognizing you for your volunteer work. Take action now.

Please. That’s why the Nemesis is there to force you to take action. Because you’re so worried about stuff. You know, I’m worried about my future all the time.

It’s why I’m doing this channel because I’m worried I’m going to croak and everything in here goes to waste. I do that because and I Nemesis I NTPs ENFPs we worry about our own future and like I told you about intertwining fates. If we are so worried about our future guests what how do we save our future by helping other people with their future hoping desperately Is that because we’re helping other people get better futures, that they would help us have a better future? Right? How do we do that for ourselves though internally remember, introverted and extroverted. Enter in an introverted sense, within the four sides of the mind of one person, the Nemesis function is confronting the hero function, they are potentially at odds.

So just take action, and then you won’t be worried anymore. Right? Take action. So taking action for NTPC FPS is intertwining other people’s fates, help other people have a better future so that you can have a better future too. Because guess what we know.

All that happens before will happen again, the first log time according to extrovert intuition, right? All that has happened before will happen again. That’s literally how expert intuition works. Okay. Because time is cyclical.

It rhymes, right. And because it’s cyclical, you have past events that get renewed and they happen again. And if we’ve had past experiences before we can predict and prognosticate with prescients, what is going to happen later, right? And we worry about our own future. So we help other people, their futures, and give them a better future, knowing full well that we because we built that bridge, those people will help us later.

And yeah, that sounds like a covert contract. But we’re very overt about that. Because we tell them that that is what the expectation is, if we’re paying attention, and we’re like mature about it, right? Very important to be mature. Oh, and then there’s ISFP and INFP is No, I didn’t skip you actually, kind of did.

But you know, it was like a nice segue. So I kind of had to so like, don’t feel bad. ISFP is nine FPS, they are worried that they are not caring enough, they are worried that they are not doing a good thing by other people. They’re worried that they’re not focused on making other people feel good because they’re so focused on making themselves feel good.

So because of that, they worry that they’re kind of like you know, selfish and they kind of know they are selfish, right? So ISFP is INFJs. If you are worried that you’re selfish, let me tell you, we need to do exactly what I told the FB heroes, volunteer, right? Go volunteer, go be giving to other people go be empathetic to others, right? Be empathetic. Whereas you know ESF J’s NF J’s you need to be empathic, have sympathy towards other people, help your fellow human beings, you will stop worrying that you’re a bad person, or you don’t have enough moral principles, and ISFPs and ENFPs, you will no longer be worrying about whether or not you’re ethical about whether or not you’re caring enough, because you committed to volunteering, right? Are you committed to creating this nice work of art that you’re donating to a charity or a cause? Or that you’re doing it like so ISFPs you create art, songs, paintings, landscaping, who knows and then you sell whatever that thing is, you create it and the money that you get from that you give it to charity or something right? for a good cause, aka philanthropy, do it. That’s literally your nemesis function, telling you to stop being selfish and be more philanthropic.

That’s the introverted approach. But you know, extroverted approach with this is, hey, I need to be caring to other human beings. And because I’m caring to those human beings, that means people are going to pay it forward, and then they’ll be able to care about me someday in the future. Wow, that’s pretty nice.

Or it’ll be able to pay it forward and help other human beings care. Oh, so like a pyramid scheme of care? No, actually, yes. So then we have extroverted sensing. ISTJ is and iossef j’s are very worried that they are going to push someone away.

They look at themselves like well, maybe I’m really weird right now. Maybe I’m like too metaphysical because they’re afraid they’re too metaphysical. And because that they look weird, you know, in the eyes of other people. And that’s not that they’re actually weird, actually very concrete, but they’re afraid of the abstract or sometimes afraid that they make it too abstract or their expert intuition.

Inferior like what we talked about in our last episode for season 16. But for them, they are worried that they’re giving other people a bad experience, because they don’t want to be pressured. Si hero does not like being pressured. So what business do si hero types? ISTJ? Isn’t iossef J’s have pressuring other people.

So they are worried that they’re pressuring other people, they’re worried that they’re not giving other people enough space? Right? Because they value their space, and they’re worried that they’re not giving other people good experience. So what does that worry do? That worry makes them spend time developing their self discipline? It tells that Nemesis has beaten that hero up being like, hey, we didn’t give people good experience. I know you’re so concerned about your experience the whole time, but you better be giving other people good experience. That means you need to dress well.

You need to smell Good, you need to make sure that you sound nice, you got to make sure that you’re proper, they actually have some etiquette, they actually have some manners for once, right? Because they’re worried about giving other people good experience, you know, oh, you spent so much time being loyal to other people and having these obligations, whatnot, you know, maybe it would be okay for you to present yourself in such a way that you could bring people around you to give you a better experience that you could be loyal to. But that’s not going to happen. If you’re constantly pushing people away. Si Heroes is TJs, ISF J’s, don’t do that.

Right. So take action, spend time making sure that you’re giving other people a good experience. And when you have developed the self discipline, and the training of your Introverted Sensing hero at that point in time, right, you will actually see people starting to be loyal to you. Even though you’re the one who’s usually loyal to other people.

It’s because those people have a desire built within them to be with you to be around you to be your friend because they literally want to be because you do not make them uncomfortable. So stop worrying about people being uncomfortable around you start studying and learning and developing the self discipline with your SI hero so that you can make sure that they’re getting a good experience. You no longer have to be worried about that anymore. Right? And then, expert intuition Nemesis INTJ is an INFJ it’s Oh god, I love that paranoia.

Oh, stop jumping 36:42 to conclusions about other people’s intentions. It’s so annoying, guys. And even though technically all ENT J’s do it, but if Jays have really worse, seriously, stop jumping to conclusions about other people’s intentions, and stop making decisions based on your assumptions of other people’s intentions. It is the most annoying thing, especially to me and si inferior because I’m trying to be loyal to you se inferiors on a regular basis.

But when you assume I’m doing something that I’m not actually doing, oh my gosh, it just makes me want to like go Super Saiyan and destroy the world with like, my se demon. Stop doing that. You want to trigger my se demon. Start going Extraverted Intuition Nemesis on me.

And assuming that I’m doing something wrong, right. Okay, cue up all of the INF J’s, oh, you must have really been hurt by an INTJ woman in your life. Oh, you must have been really hurt by an INFJ woman in your life? No, I just recognize that y’all are paranoid, actually. Because you have si demon.

And when you remember things in the past, you really, really, really spend a lot of energy remembering all the bad things people have done for you instead of like, you know, remembering all the good things people have done for you. It’s like, good things that people do for you aren’t real, unless it’s happening right now, or might be happening tomorrow. But past good things don’t matter as much to me, because I’m an INFJ. And as an INFJ, I just prefer to remember all the bad things that has ever happened to me, really, but this is what they do.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I’m just saying it’s what they do. And they need help to live with that. So obviously, what you do, you want to make sure you tell them that they’re giving you a good experience, and have and be thoughtful and have good things for them down the road in the future and be good now in the moment and realize all the good things that you’ve done for them in the past aren’t as real to them anymore, right? However, from their point of view with their Nemesis function.

Seriously, if you are worried about other people’s intentions, other people’s fates, getting in the way of your freedom and what you want to do, because that’s literally what expert intuition, metaphysical Nemesis does. You are worried about what what might happen to you what other people may do to you that and people may betray you, right? If you’re afraid of that, talk about it with them, right? Explain that to them that that is an issue. And this is why people are like, Hey, you should probably the loyalty check. Yeah, to healthy loyalty checks and do not overpressure people through loyalty checks because this whole like, Oh, I’m going to push you away and and hope you come back to me.

Yeah, see, sometimes you push too hard, right? And when you push too hard, never push a loyal post person to the point where they no longer give a damn. Right? Seriously INFJs don’t do that. Because I guarantee you when you do that, people like me sad when it comes out. And we’re going to burn your reality to the ground.

You don’t want us to do that, right. So remember, the expert intuition now Mises needs you to find the path because sometimes the NI hero becomes aimless because it’s like I’m trying to find the best path. I’m trying to find the ideal path and I can’t find it. I don’t know what path to take.

I’m just going to take this path and see what happens. And Extraverted Intuition is like your Extraverted Intuition. Nemesis is like, you dumb. Why do you want to do that? Right? So what do you do? This is what you do, it’s challenging you to find out what other people would want to do if they were in your shoes.

This is what you do. From an introverted standpoint, when you’re at odds within your own mind and your ego and your shadow are at odds with each other because the hero and the Nemesis are at each other’s throats at that particular moment. All you have to do is listen to the Nemesis and what it’s telling you it’s like hey, that might be a bad decision it might be a bad future let’s find out if other people have already done it first. And if they’re safe and if they’re successful for you just willy nilly decide you want to go in that direction kind of like you know that moment when you realize there’s this guy at the bar like wow, I really want to have a relationship maybe we could like maybe you know have sex tonight or something I don’t know if that’s something I want to do probably not but I should probably before I get too interested in this guy you know because I really really want this guy maybe I should just you know find out from my friends if they know anything about him first before I make that decision you know instead of just jumping in with both feet see and I heroes have this problem of jumping into situations with both feet without verify or checking you know there may be a problem there beforehand it’s very unsafe right and expert intuition Nemesis it’s like I would like to be safe because si demon remembers all the unsafe things remembers all the bad things.

I don’t want si demon to come out. I’m here to keep si demon at bay. So in order for me to contain the demon right now, because I will release the demon Don’t worry, I will release the demon. If you know if I’m ignored here, we need to find out what other people would want to do and your shoes and I hear we need to find out.

And then and I hear I was like okay, let me go see what other people are doing with my Inferior function. And let me see if it’s already been done first. Oh, as this as any of my girlfriend’s had a relationship with this guy. Maybe I should find out all they did all was bad.

Oh, yeah. I don’t want to do that. Actually, you’re right, any nemesis, not something I actually want. I’m gonna go in this direction.

Yeah, how very mature and healthy of you instead of just jumping in both with both feet because you’re starved for affection, right? being starved for affection, for example. And this goes for all n J’s is no justification for you to get into a relationship that could damage you and others right, be responsible and be mature. And I’m just using relationships as an example. It could be purchasing a car it could be attending a church.

It could be joining a cult I don’t know. But it still applies because it’s expert intuition nemesis, right? And then we have Introverted Sensing Nemesis worried that ESTPs and ESF is worried that they are not dutiful enough. We’re worried that they lacked discipline worried that they are not honorable enough? Right? Worried that they’re lacking an honor. Right? So what do you do in that situation? How do you stop being worried? Well, guess what? You find out what other people are doing before you do it.

Or you force yourself to do it, you actually add obligations to yourself, right? Add obligations, even if it’s something you don’t want to do, but obligate yourself anyway. And then focus on helping a person or helping a person get smarter or care for a person but you are obligating yourself, right? You are building up memories you are building up experiences. I understand ESTP and ESF peas, you guys get super mega nostalgic. And you’re afraid that tomorrow might not be as good as what it was yesterday, I get that.

But that’s no excuse to have an action. Because it gets you spent so much time Introverted Sensing. Nemesis is like you’re spending so much time as the hero trying to figure out what everyone else is doing before you know what you want to do. And you know what, we can’t wait, we need progress.

Now we need to be getting out of the house. Now we need to not have Failure to Launch syndrome. We need to make a decision right now. So you know what I’m going to force you to have an experience regardless if you want to or not, regardless if your will your ni inferior wants to or not.

And I’m going to force you to have an experience even if you don’t like it so that you are one step closer to not being a failure to launch so that you are one step closer to finding what it is you want to do. Right? That nostalgia just creeps in and just dominates their mind. internally in an introverted situation. You know, but extrovert, it’s a little bit different.

They see what other people are doing. They want to make them stronger. And guess what se hero teams up with SI Uh, with SI Nemesis si Nemesis like I have all these experiences, you could definitely you would want to listen to my wisdom on based on these experiences that I’ve had. And I’m going to give you an experience I’m going to make you stronger because that’s when Lex Luthor and Superman team up to take out weakness, you know, because that’s what ESTP is do, or, or someone who’s lacking in the ability for performance.

That’s what an ESF P would do. They would help other people perform better in that situation using their using their Nemesis and using their ego, et cetera, right. Okay. So remember, introverted situations and extroverted situations change from an introverted situation when it’s a person’s self, the Nemesis function exists to force the ego to take action.

The unconscious shadow exists to force the person to a point mentally to take action. If the ego stagnates. That’s what happens internally. All types do this all 16.

Externally, again, extroverted. Externally, it’s different from an external standpoint, right? The ego and the shadow slash unconscious actually team up and potentially bulldozer or handle an obstacle or situation they can literally team up, right? Good thing they do. Because if they didn’t team up, and the ego failed and subconscious failed in the shadow field, guess what the super ego is going to come out and it? Yeah, not good, right. So just understand, ladies and gentlemen, that this is literally how Nemesis functions work, 46:38 they are actually a very good thing.

And they compliment the hero, especially in external situations. And in non external situations are kind of more at odds with the hero, not completely opposed, but at odds with the hero to make sure that the hero is taking the proper action to get this vessel, this mind, this soul this body moving to take action, otherwise, it will stagnate. And when stagnation happens to lack of growth, and when there is a lack of growth, there is debt because the only proof of life that exists is growth. That’s like a quote from like someone famous or something.

But the point is, without growth, there is no life, there is only death, when the river stops flowing. When there’s a lack of progress. There’s a lack of movement, I don’t care if you’re control or movement oriented, it doesn’t matter. There is death.

You do not want deaths. Your shadow is aware of death, because it’s kind of closer to death. Because it’s a little shadowy and dark and whatnot, it understands death a lot more. I mean, why wouldn’t it literally has the demon function and its stack and its function stack is very, the villain is very close to the demon, right? So it’s like, yeah, I would like to survive, I would like to have, I would like to have experiences for myself, and you’re not going to give me those experiences, I’m going to take them, I would like to know what other people’s intentions are.

If you guys are not going to reveal me, well, I’m going to shine the light and find out. I would like other people to be loyal to me, I would like to not give people a bad experience. So I’m going to force myself through self discipline to develop myself. So I’m always giving others good experience.

I always don’t want to I don’t want to worry about my own future, I want to have a good future, right? So I’m going to help other people’s future. So I have a good future, I’m going to be very caring towards other people. And you know, instead of worrying about being a whether or not I’m caring enough, I’m going to force myself to volunteer and actually be helping and giving to other people, right? I am instead of worrying about whether or not I’m intelligent and smart enough, I’m going to do the research to find out right, or whether or not of worrying that I’m a bad person, I’m going to prove that I’m a good person by gaining recognition from fellow human beings by helping them right, or instead of worrying that you are not intelligent enough, or that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m going to verify what you say.

And then if you do know what you’re talking about, after I verify what you say, wow, we’re definitely on the same side. And if you don’t, I’m going to mentor you and teach you so that you actually do know, right, the power of the Nemesis function, the power of the third gateway function having the gateway into the shadow. Awesome. Now let’s talk about some other things.

Let’s talk about shadow focus. Shadow focus is very important. So this is let’s zoom out we’ve been really zoomed in here with these Nemesis functions is we owe this to the to the shadow we owe this to the unconscious actually talk about it. First world culture is very shadow focused.

The reason is, is that in third world culture, they’re actually statistically happier than those in first world culture. First world culture are not as happy as people who are in third world culture. It’s a fact people that statistics right look it up. So the point is, understand that why is that Well, why? Well, it’s because the first world culture is actually very shadow focused, and most people are very shadow focused, not all of us can be Taylor Swift, who’s very subconscious focus at a very early age and then later developing her shadow her more immature side later in her life, right, which would be kind of like, you know, better to me, it’d be better for you to have subconscious integration sooner in your life than, than later.

Because most people develop their subconscious side, you know, the side of their mind that actually like allows them to unlock happiness. You know, being happy sooner, your life is better than being happy later in your life. And most people don’t really discover what makes them happy till they’re like in their 40s, for example, you know, and that’s very consistent in first world culture. Because first world culture puts people into their shadows, it happens in their families, it happens because their families, it happens because of economics, you know, the fact that the US dollar is losing, its buying power consistently, ergo, as a result of that forcing both adults in the home to work when it used to be previously, like both adults in the home did not have to work, because one person could provide for an entire family.

But apparently, we can’t do that anymore. And everyone’s just like, oh, not aware of that for some reason. And then they say, you know, yeah, I’m not even going to go into it. But the point is, first world society is very shadow focused.

It’s very rare in virtual society to see someone who is subconscious focus, that subconscious focus is where we want to be. So what we need to do to get out of shadow focus is to integrate to integrate our shadow. Do not be at odds with your nemesis, do not treat your nemesis as a villain treat it as an ally, you can turn your nemesis into An Ally just in just as much as the Inferior function can turn into an aspirational function, the Nemesis, the villain, you can turn it into an ally. That’s the point people, that’s why we’re doing this.

That’s why I’m here talking about these functions, their Nemesis functions, but they could become the ally, you need to turn your nemesis function into your ally in order for you to become mature. See, that’s what I did, right? My Introverted Intuition nemesis, I’m very worried about my own future constantly. So I’m here on this YouTube channel, teaching you folks so that you can have a better future and our world can be a better world. And we can put a stop to all the fatherlessness for example, right? Because why human beings actually understand everyone.

Imagine living in a world where you understand your children, or where you understand your parents, right? You understand your lover, right? You literally understand every human being you come into contact with, and they understand you. Imagine that world, not much room for war, right? Because everyone understands each other. Not much room for political conflict, right? Not much for room for a very much family conflict, to a point where everyone’s cognition has a right to exist, because everyone knows it exists. And everyone respects it as such kind of reminds me of rite of passage, right? When a boy undergoes a rite of passage and passes the rite of passage, he becomes a man and He is respected by the entire community, the whole world as a man and treated like one and no longer treated like a boy, because he passed the rite of passage, because everyone had to suffer the rite of passage.

That’s the whole point. Right? You have to turn your nemesis function into An Ally, it is the only way you will reach maturity. That’s what I did here on this channel. I’m saying again, here’s an example that you see all the season numbers, you see all these episode numbers, it’s not just some chaotic mess, because like I’m an intp, you got people like, you know, Eric Strauss, for example, saying that I’m an INTJ.

No, I’ve just really integrated my INTJ shadow and using my te critic to Te and structure this channel in such a way and though I’m still chaotic, so I got my chaotic ego, I still have some structure and organization here. Because I’ve been around Germany, businesses I’ve owned, I failed over and over and over and over and over again, because I kept on not listening to my ni nemesis, because I want to have a good future with this particular company, for example, with the CSJ company and I want to be successful with it. Maybe like, you know, I should intertwine other people’s fates, and see, you know, and force myself to have new experiences. So I can be like, Hey, I had this experience, you would want to do this right? You want to follow me on this journey? Because I had this good experience with what I know about this science.

Oh, yeah, sure. Mr. CS Joseph, we definitely want to, and Mike will partner up with you, or will affiliate with you, or maybe we’ll be your customer. And we will definitely you know, get the word out so that everyone in the entire world actually understands each other for once.

Dope, like the dopest. That’d be nice. So, again, it’s heroes versus villains. It’s what it starts out as, but then eventually it needs to be heroes and allies.

55:15 Turn your shadow into your ally, you do this by letting go of your worry or facing your worries head on forcing yourself to do things that you don’t want to do or things that you are not comfortable with. Because it forces growth. Remember, the Nemesis function exists to make sure that the hero is taking action, taking the proper action. If you do not listen to your nemesis function, your hero is going to get on and you’re going to fail over and over and over and over and over and over, you will not be successful in anything you do in your life, without developing your nemesis function and getting access to your shadow and utilizing your shadow and integrating your shadow with your ego so that you can use them both simultaneously to solve problems, you have to be able to do this.

Now while it is true that we have live in a shadow focused society, and it would kind of be better to develop our subconscious from a happiness standpoint, from a maturity standpoint, because we are developing our shadows before we are developing our subconscious. We may be less happy, but we are definitely in the long run more mature. Now I kind of I know that sounds weird because people like I know a lot of immature people, okay, yes. But in the past, there wasn’t seven and a half billion people on this planet, there was a lot less, right.

There’s like maybe 300 million on this planet. At one point in time, I think it was like maybe in the Roman days, like the Roman Empire, only the population of the planet was like 300 million, for example, right? is different, the scales larger. So of course, there’s a ton of ignorant and immature people out there, I get it. But because we are shadow focused, we have the opportunity more of an opportunity than other people to develop a higher level of maturity, right? And then we can focus on being happy and developing our subconscious after the fact.

Whereas people in the third world develop their happiness first, and then they develop the maturity. It’s a little bit different, right? And that’s how it is, you know, for various cultures, and of course, you know, we got that one guy who’s obviously asking right now, well, what about second world countries? Well, it’s a mixture of the two, obviously. And I’m not saying one is better than the other. I am not saying that I’m not saying one is better than the other.

Obviously, we need to become happy and we need to become mature, right? The path to maturity is developing your shadow in your unconscious developing your happiness is the path through your subconscious. You have to master both before you can begin mastering your super ego. And then once you’ve mastered the super ego, and all four sides of your mind, you are literally reached enlightenment is how it works ladies and gentlemen. So anyway, the Nemesis function remember exists so that you personally are taking action and so that it is keeping you on the right path that you should be going on.

You need to stay on that path, take proper action do not stagnate, do not fall into do not fall into the death knell of stagnation or lack of progress or going nowhere. People have said about my generation, the the the millennial generation, generation Y, you know, or generation, you know, Generation Y why question mark, why are we doing this or, you know, that the next the next generation of the generation going nowhere, right? That’s because our nemesis function is not really developed, the millennials need to wake up and develop our nemesis function even further so that we can have even higher maturity as the hero archetype, the hero archetype generation, and you might want to read that book, the fourth turning to find out what I’m talking about. It’ll be on my book list on the website very soon, I’ll have it posted. So remember, Nemesis function exists to help you take action internally.

It also exists for you to turn into an ally so that you can handle not only internal but also external issues as well. So that’s just kind of you know, in summary, what the Nemesis function is so anyway, with all that being said, if you found this episode useful, helpful, educational enlightening, please subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and on the podcast, leave a like while you’re at it. If you have any questions about the Nemesis function, and its cognitive attitude, please leave it in the comments below. Also, our book list is posted on the website CS Joseph dot life, as it says right here, click on Books, there’s the books if you want to find out what books my entire library is posted there.

I have about 10 More books I still have to add. So I apologize in advance that they’re not there, including the John at BB books. They’re not posted yet, but we’ll definitely get those. Also, join the discord server.

The description is in the description below. Also, join our meetup group. The description of that is awesome So below for the meetup group, we’re going to have a meet up in Vegas soon. And we’re also going to have another one in, I think in the East Coast and maybe even Toronto in the near future as well.

Also, Portland and Seattle. We’re also going to have meetup groups up there. So those will be posted. If you want to get in on those meetup groups.

I’ll be personally I will be personally attending those groups. So we’ll do that. Also very interested in our ambassador program, email me at Chase at CS Joseph dot life so that we can talk about the ambassador program, the ambassador program allows you to become an organizer for the meetup group and create those events, which is also great. So yeah, and our q&a session, our live stream is tomorrow night or actually, you’re technically going to be see it after tomorrow night’s live stream.

So nevermind, because I’m filming this in advance. And then we also have our live stream on Thursday, which is a q&a session. You want to get your questions in now for the q&a session, join the discord server, put your questions in the q&a questions channel on the discord server. Yes.

So anyway, that’s everything nice one hour long lecture for all of us to enjoy. It’s gonna be my first premiere. So we’ll see how it goes. I hope you enjoyed it.

Season 16 seems to be very enjoyable for a lot of people. And there’s more to comment and just wait to see what I got going for season 17 It’s going to be the dopest so I’ll see you guys tomorrow night. Later.

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